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14506288 No.14506288[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

/pol/ is a mode of thinking impervious to logical arguments; i could write several paragraphs worth of effort posting on various topics, only to be met by "show flag" or "nice try, rabbi"
showing one's flag is pure ideology, and usually derails any given thread to a discussion of the shortcomings of individual identities ("mutt", "leaf", "eurocuck", "kraut", "slavshit" etc)
also, to debate with someone you need to have some sort of common language; pol's use of "liberal", "marxist", "leftis" is miles away from the actual meanings any of the terms have
even polshits sometimes suspect they are being disingenuous when they make threads like "2020, still falling for the sugar jew" or something along those lines, admitting that they ascribe simplistic and overly sinister motives to issues that have other, more complex causes

>> No.14506300
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most of this website is terrible for discussion just like the rest of the internet

>> No.14506302

trolling is just discourse by other means than the cerebral, dialectic sort that people tend to think of as constituting "good" discourse, like you will find on places with strict moderation like some subreddits or hacker news. but what is often thought of as "good" discourse i've found is really on the exact same level as the laziest and most inane trolling, except with more words and effort behind them. in those places people rarely play by the rules that make dialectic possible (even when they pretend otherwise), but even when they do the result is almost never mutual understanding or being closer to the truth
the people who argue the "best", who follow the rules of argument the most, are actually often the people least capable of understanding anything, because they treat argument like a game they're supposed to "win" by successfully refuting the other person's argument. their position is the fortress, the other's an invading army, and they act accordingly by doing whatever it takes to defend their point, hiding behind whichever logical fallacy they can feasibly pin on their opponent. caring about whether they're right or wrong very rarely enters the picture, and if it does it's only afterwards when pride and ego are no longer at stake that they might wonder if they were wrong
so why bother with all that, when you can just cut straight to the heart of things and argue at the level of people's feelings? trolling is just argument at the emotional level, a more abstract dialectic not constrained by some silly logic that might be completely divorced from the actual reality. what people say with words comes from a much less real and authentic place than what comes from their feelings, and it's that place that decides what words they'll listen to in the first place, not some lofty ideal of "logical correctness" that characterizes the standard logical dialectic

>> No.14506304

OK let's see proof of concept, present evidence that the races have the same cognitive ability on average.

The main evidence I have that they don't are IQ scores, crime rates, brain sizes, gdp per capita. Notez bien, criticizing the evidence I offer does not count as offering your own evidence that they are the same. Without any evidence on either side we would suspend judgment about the issue one way or the other.

>> No.14506308

Welcome to 4chan
Now please put this sharpie in your pooper

>> No.14506309

Thank you for existing OP

>> No.14506321

We all know.

>> No.14506334
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did god create the moon so the dogs have something to bark at during nighttime?
poverty and exploitation create protein malnutrition (i.e. low iq and decreased brain mass), social pathology (i.e. crime rates) and underdevelopment (i.e. low gdp), not the other way around
polshits themselves admit this when they ponder the fact that most ancient civilizations were non-white (inb4 muh aryan atlantians), while their (presumably) white ancestors languished in semi-savagery; race does not preclude high iq and societal achievement, rather material conditions and the level of forces of production within that society will determine its collective "iq" and creative/scientific output

>> No.14506350

virgin logical arguments vs chad non-discursive pre-rational maymays

>> No.14506354
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the right can't reason

>> No.14506367

bit rich coming from a neo-lysenkoist

>> No.14506368

IF... you were smart enough to disregard all low IQ posts, troll posts, schizophrenic posts, derailment posts, JIDF/CIA/MOSSAD/FSK posts etc., then fit the remaining posts (2-5%) into a logical narrative, and this could only be done if you were HIGHLY intelligent, you would discover that /pol/ truly, and unironically, is always right.

>> No.14506369

That is not evidence. Evidence would look like, for example, black children raised in wealthy(or white if you want) households having the same average IQ as white children. There are some studies like this, but they show the opposite. Now if you really believed the races were equal, you would fund a bunch of studies like this because they would provide good evidence of your thesis. This would be a valuable tool to combat racism. But instead those arguing for equality criticize such studies and say they shouldn't be done anymore.

>> No.14506370

kys jidf shareblue glownigger shill rabbi discord tranny

>> No.14506372

see >>14506354

>> No.14506374
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>> No.14506377

and, dare i say, redpilled

>> No.14506388

Their mistake is thinking that living in an advanced civilization is something to be proud of. Culture has to be acquired with effort, civilization is just something you're born into. I doubt many people on /pol/ have read all of Melville, or all of Conrad, or all of Dostoevsky.

>> No.14506394

>most ancient civilizations were non-white

Caucasian people extend from the south eastern Indian sub continent through the Middle East to the outer islands of north western Europe. "muh aryan atlantians" are really just these people and no they aren't all "white". Ancient Egyptians had MORE European admixture than today and modern biologists consider North Africans Caucasian.

>> No.14506410

The worst part of their worldview is that any kind of deceit or lowly act is justified in their head anyway, since the boogeyman surely engages in it already and its only reasonable to fight back this way. Just observing silently and learning is also not an option since the threat is encroaching from every direction and everything is a battlefield. Nothing good may ever come out of such dishonest culture.
As a bonus, shitting up other boards is therefore a moral imperative and the quality of discussion is an acceptable sacrifice.

>> No.14506411
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Is this girl Caucasian? Asking for science.

>> No.14506415

Leftism is a religion. You are willfully anti science at this point... hurr durr everything I can't acknowledge as real is a social construct, hurr durr muh fee fees, hurr durr racist/sexist/ableist therefore I can disregard you, hurr durr if the balance of outcome is not the one I predetermine it should be muh systemic racism, hurr durr WHITE SUPREMACY

>> No.14506430
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>there are some studies like this, but they show the opposite
do you have any scientific critical skills? can you assess good and bad methodology when reading a paper? do you know which journals are good and which are predatory?
>you would fund a bunch of studies like this because they would provide good evidence of your thesis
most grants are allocated for looking into subjects that actually have some bearing on improving life as we know it: curing heart disease, diabetes and cancer, prolonging lifespan and the like. i would be deeply suspicious of the motives of any funding agency that required scientists to conduct lombrosian craniometry or mertonite racial science. regardless, allowing your hypothesis that such studies would serve to dispel racist misconceptions (protip: they won't, pol will just scream (((science))) and go on as before), how would you go about it methodologically? is iq your sole indicator of success? is iq an objective measure of human intelligence, devoid of cultural confounders? how about "impulse control", and a whole other bunch of imputable flaws that non-whites purportedly have? how would you even begin to perform inclusion? how would you get white families that adopted a black child and/or black families that adopted a white child to enroll? how can you incentivize it? can you properly adjust for class? the main problem with this approach is that pol thinks it can go about it like edwardian or victorian england did, just make colonial authorities round up muh savages and have some puritan hack measure their skulls and make hunter gatherers perform calculus. to attempt to sum up some of this tl;dr, you are basing your opinions on epistemologically flawed approaches, and you cannot treat the complexity of human society and economics using a zoologists' toolkit.

>> No.14506440

you can tell by her skullshape that she has germanic admixture
i know this because she makes my peeppee hard, and my peepee only gets hard for aryan waifus

>> No.14506449
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I guessed Ethiopian without knowing. I looked her up and I was right. Ethiopians are a mix of Caucasoid and Negroid.

inb4 if you there in no clear cut line than nothing exists

Does blue exist? Go ahead use the color wheel I provided for you. Where do draw the line between blue and red and yellow? Isn't this arbitrary, hmm... and yet blue exists.

>> No.14506461

if you tilt at windmills any harder, you'd be decapitated

>> No.14506470

If you're going to pretend to be Butterfly you should at least try to write like her. She, being a Gen Xer, doesn't type in the all lowercase Tumblr style.

>> No.14506473

>such dishonest culture
/pol/ for better of worse is one of the very few places you can be completely honest and are encouraged to do so. The fact that it's a shit show is used as a gate to keep out the timid and dishonest and easily upset or confused. It makes you mad that people are allowed to speak truths you don't even allow yourself to think. This upsets you like a religious person forced to deal with science and integrity in the modern world.

>> No.14506475
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>> No.14506495

>pol so brave
sure, because no one uses xenophobia irl to excuse austerity measures or state murder

>> No.14506497

i am revitalizing the butterfly brand after years of unfunny shitposting, exact continuity with previous stylistic or ideological norms is not strictly required for this

>> No.14506504

>/pol/ is a mode of thinking impervious to logical arguments

Gets btfo'd on pol, comes to lit looking for assurance, continues getting btfo'd, kek

>> No.14506508

Universities fund many completely useless things, and when they can sometimes find a result that does combat racism(for example stereotype threat, which of course fails to reproduce) they parade it around forever and get their friends in the press to write articles about it. They would fucking LOVE to have an IQ study that showed race parity.

IQ is not the only measure, I also listed brain sizes, crime rates, and gdp per capita. These all show the same pattern, no matter what you try to control for. IQ does predict for many outcomes in life however, and is the best metric we do have for intelligence. This is solid evidence that the average cognitive potentials of the races are different. You are asking a bunch of questions about 'immutable flaws' that are basically strawmen because I said 'different average abilities', and throwing in random things like 'can you properly adjust for class'(the answer is yes, race correlates with IQ and crime much more than poverty, and the group who does best on IQ tests are East Asians, who certainly did not write them, making the cultural argument rather weak, in fact Black americans do better on IQ tests that are more culturally biased than they do on pure visual pattern recognition tests). Now if you have any evidence whatsoever supporting your belief that the races are equal, which I asked you originally, and you still have not even tried to present, I'd be interested to see it.

You made a handful of very weak criticisms about IQ studies, showing you have not read any of the literature, you attempted to sidetrack me with a bunch of irrelevant other issues and strawmen, and you still have presented zero evidence for your own side of the argument.

>> No.14506511

95% of the people on this website are borderline retarded no matter what board you are on

>> No.14506517

are slavs white?

>> No.14506529

I can't tell if this is a troll or not, the left is poe's law incarnate for the last 4 years so one never knows

>> No.14506544

Is this your only contribution? To ask if so and so is white? Do you do this in rl?

>> No.14506548

white is an arbitrary classification, you can map the genomes of every human on earth, which will show them in clusters based on evolutionary history(time spent evolving apart + populations that have mixed).

>> No.14506552

>arbitrary classification
"social constructs" are more real than physical ones you mong

>> No.14506559
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do you have any other source for your contention other than, presumably, "the bell curve" and victorian-era treatises (which you haven't read, but jared taylor and kevin mcdonald graciously summarized for you)? you realize the world maps you see on pol are based on (racist) estimations stemming from assumptions similar to yours, and not the result of worldwide surveys?
also, as a side note, have you ever taken part in standardized testing?

>> No.14506563
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daily reminder that you are only white if your country had a colonial empire, a nuclear program, and was on the winning side in the cold war

>> No.14506566

GDR gets a pass?

>> No.14506570

Sources for IQ differences? This is a good overview

The most specific studies are the Minnesota transracial adoption, and the twin studies

>> No.14506576

>IQ does predict for many outcomes in life however, and is the best metric we do have for intelligence.
That doesn’t mean it’s a good metric or a useful one.
>This is solid evidence that the average cognitive potentials of the races are different
No it is not. This is not how science works. What you can say is there is a difference between races in a measurement of intelligence. It doesn’t imply anything, unless you can indisputably prove through a series of direct links that people of different races have different “cognitive potential”, which is a meaningless phrase as we don’t understand nearly enough about the brain to define it.

>> No.14506587

It certainly does imply something. It is evidence, and it tells you that if you know a population's average IQ you can make some fairly accurate guesses about them.

It isn't the final word on intelligence or some mathematically precise proof, nobody every claimed it was. It is however much better than the antiracists' evidence for their position, which is again...nothing.

>> No.14506596

This thread is a good example of why Leftists/Liberals are not so keen on free speech anymore. In free discussion they get logically and rationally BTFO'd. They need the authoritarian structure of academia or a consolidated press to push their disturbing and hateful dystopian Globalist world views

>> No.14506599

what does it tell you when a protein-rich diet and proper healthcare in early life increase iq?

>> No.14506601

I could've written better shit for less than 1.1 million dollars.

>> No.14506602

That IQ is only partially heritable and early childhood nutrition is important

>> No.14506607

People are allowed to speak freely all over 4chan, which I enjoy greatly. It only upsets me when they disrupt other discussion, which I also greatly value and which cannot exist if the entire site is engulfed in a very specific kind of political shit flinging. A thread on Holocaust is fine and interesting on /his/, but not when it's repeated several times a day just to push one opinion. There are other things I'm interested in that are overshadowed by /pol/ attemps at expansion. Everyone has already familiarised themselves with your information, contribute something new or stay read-only. It doesn't offend anyone, it's simply not interesting and is way beneath the boards dignity.

>> No.14506609
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sorry, gdp too low

>> No.14506621
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>checkmate, atheists

>> No.14506634

>It isn't the final word on intelligence or some mathematically precise proof, nobody every claimed it was
Great so it is worthless? What does an IQ test measure precisely? And explain why it makes sense to quantify intelligence.

>> No.14506646
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how do you explain the fact that iq distribution worldwide (according to pol, pic related is not the result of any serious study) closely mirrors the distribution of access to proper nutrition and healthcare?

>> No.14506651

>What does an IQ test measure precisely?
your ability and means to adequately prepare for it in advance

>> No.14506659

It is not worthless, it's evidence. Very few measure in any science, let alone psychology, just predict shit perfectly. That's a ridiculous thing to expect. IQ is thought to measure g, which is general intelligence, and is a sort of core feature of various cognitive processes, the basic idea has to do with pattern recognition. It makes sense to quantify intelligence because it is a physical process which takes place in our brains, and many of the activities commonly associated with intelligence can be given quantifiable scores. If you would prefer to not use the word intelligence at all, it changes very little. Racial disparity in pattern recogntion abilities leading to disparate outcomes is the same concept, regardless of what word you use.

If intelligence is truly impossible to study at all, then Ill have you note there is still absolutely no reason to think the races are equal rather than different. We would simply have no reason to believe one or the other, since it literally can't be tested.

>> No.14506671

>logical arguments
Fuck off

>> No.14506675

I would imagine part of the correlation is that poor early nutrition leads to low IQ, and the other part is that low IQ populations fail to develop very well. The two would contribute to each other of course.

The correlation isn't even that close though, in broad strokes you can see patterns, but it's better to look at closely controlled groups

>> No.14506684

do not respond to leftist tinfoil hat conspiracy theory shit like "muh nutrition" or "muh leaded gasoline", they'll just drag you down with them into their insanity

>> No.14506693

>Everyone has already familiarised themselves with your information, contribute something new or stay read-only. It doesn't offend anyone, it's simply not interesting and is way beneath the boards dignity.

What information? I provided no information. I disagreed with the assertion that pol was "such [a] dishonest culture" and then provided a counter argument.

You are not making any sense. There is no valid argument in your post. There is no logic or reason, only a condescending tone. I suggest you take your own advice and switch off your own read-only mode. Also you sound like an edglord. Next time try logic or reason and if you can't do that than stop being a coward and admit you had it wrong

>> No.14506714

Full Credit to this one
>core feature of various cognitive processes
Which ones? How exactly does it affect them? Is a direct relationship or indirect?
>the basic idea has to do with pattern recognition
How does this relate to intelligence? Is pattern recognition intelligence? Does an IQ test solely measure pattern recognition?
>Racial disparity in pattern recogntion abilities leading to disparate outcomes is the same concept, regardless of what word you use
How is it the same concept unless pattern recognition is intelligence?
>intelligence is truly impossible to study at all
That’s not what I’m saying. I’m saying it’s not understood enough to have confidence in making massive definite statements like you are.
>races are equal rather than different
I’d agree with you on this, but I have a feeling your view of race is based on skin tone

>> No.14506719

Imagine being so obsessed with Sub Saharan Africans that your existence has become protecting them from any and all criticism on some bohemian reindeer forum

>> No.14506729

can someone with lower iq, but better "work ethic" outrank you in a test? how would you control against it in an experimental setting?

>> No.14506736
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Huh... She doesn't Look forty-five... :)

>> No.14506739

deceitful shitskin genetics
stay strong, fellow aryan

>> No.14506741

Imagine doing a PhD and getting screamed at when you try to make an entire theory based on observations and then you come here and see people jerking off about saying retarded shit

>> No.14506756

here is a paper trying to answer these questions about what g is and how it relates to the brain. The point though is that g/IQ predicts for outcomes we find relevant, which can explain trends in society, regardless of whether we understand the underlying processes properly yet. It is simply a tool that can be used.

The statement I'm making is that I think the abilities we usually refer to as intelligence differ on average both within and between human populations. I think this is both very plausible a concept, seeing as other traits like height do, and that there is a fair amount of evidence for it as well.

My concept of race is based on genetics and nothing else. Skin colour is just one thing, and if you grouped people just by skin colour you would not come close to the actual objective genetic distances between populations.

>> No.14506768

It would be a separate variable you'd have to account for, but there is a limit. a 90 IQ person will simply never score 150 on a test no matter how motivated they are.

In general I don't trust IQ that much when looking at individuals, it's too fuzzy for that. For populations the results are quite robust though.

>> No.14506779

>a 90 IQ person will simply never score 150 on a test no matter how motivated they are.
citation needed

>> No.14506799

This also accepts IQ scores as a legitimate and reliable measure of intelligence. This measure has been much contested by psychologists—especially for being inherently biased culturally toward the middle and upper classes.

In contrast, there is ample research evidence to show that environment—primarily associated with social class—plays the overriding role in educational development. Well-respected studies show, for example, that when children from poor backgrounds were adopted into culturally-rich middle class families, their IQ scores grew (Scar and Weinberg, 1976, Schiff et al, 1978).

And of course, when one speaks of a household being “culturally rich”, this means, in addition to parental help, private tutors, and strenuous efforts to secure a place in better schools—either by direct purchase of private education or at the very least by having the required post-code to secure access to the best the state-funded system can offer.

The phenomenon of the ruling class either misusing or distorting genuine scientific research to justify its prejudicial actions is hardly new. Neither is the use of pseudo-science to prove the innate superiority of the upper classes. In the 19th century, tracts were written on Craniometry to “prove” that black people had smaller brains and were somehow less human, a theory that was utilised to justify slavery. Social Darwinism—the claim that societies also embodied the principle “survival of the fittest”, in a way never advanced by the great scientific thinker—became widespread. This type of thinking reached its apotheosis in the Nazi theory of the “untermensch” and the “master race.”


>> No.14506817

The Abstract for that paper is great, but it makes no claim that g = IQ, or that IQ tests measure g. I also see nothing about pattern recognition.

Oh I don’t even fucking care. Fuck yourself for ruining an hour of my time. I’m going to read

>> No.14506834

IQ is supposed to track g, that's how g was first developed as a concept, by making IQ tests more abstract and less culturall biased. These tests are all very obviously recognizing patterns, I mean be serious for a second. Anyway have fun reading, I will take this as OP being wrong about who is actually willing to argue.

>> No.14506846

I only like a certain blonde girl... :)
I am leaving now...
Have a good time, kamerad!

>> No.14506847

IQ is not contested as a reliable measure, and twin studies show that environmental upbringing does not account for more than genetic influence.

The IQ of children in poor backgrounds might very well grow when adopted, but it doesn't change the consistently replicated studies showing heritability of IQ.

>> No.14506853

What I'm providing is an example of /pol/ being disruptive to any other board it touches. This entire thread is another good example. IQ and negroes have been discussed thousands of times already and now everyone is just reiterating the same thing over and over, including going back to redefining basic terms, bringing nothing new and taunting everyone who refuses to participate. I sound condescending to you because I attempt to avoid the tone that you seem to be accustomed to, so that you would not take it as an invitation to engage in the usual patterned trash talk. Didn't work, that I admit. You still accused me of being a mad zealot and an edgelord for no apparent reason while also bringing nothing of use with it other than an attempt to discredit the primary point that you refuse to address. "/pol/ considers the reduction of the quality of discussion to be justified if it promotes their way of thinking. It harms the boards that are targets to your expansion."

>> No.14506856

You're welcome to provide a single example of such a change in IQ. There are smaller effects, 5-10 points is common, based on various factors, though this will happen less the older a person is. A 60 point change does not happen except in reverse if someone gets brain damage.

>> No.14506859

welcome to cyberbalkanization, this will continue as long as we are forced to cohabit space and time together

>> No.14506860

This thread is ltierally some guy calling out /pol/ for not being able to argue. Which the thread has severely failed to prove

>> No.14506875

I also notice you just didn't even reply to my other points. And of course you still have not said anything remotely resembling evidence for your position that the races are equal.

>> No.14506888

What you are basically saying is that you think there is no connection with ideology and cultural / racial values. Most cultures have at least some traditions one can draw from, and typically this is reflected at least in some ways among the people. Also, /pol/ has a lot of banter and I'm also hesitant to think of it so monolithic. For example, you would never be able to post the kind of content on reddit that you'd find in /pol/, and yet anyone can freely post on /pol/. It's an aggressive board, but it's actually the only board I can think of where you won't get banned for possessing wrongthink.

>> No.14506900

>What I'm providing is an example of /pol/ being disruptive to any other board it touches. This entire thread is another good example

Holy shit this thread is not another good example, pol is literally the subject of this thread as started by OP

>> No.14506904

I unironically can't wait until the US Balkanizes, shit's going to hit the fan so hard

>> No.14506905

This. It becomes so easy to see butterfly false flags it’s actually annoying how little effort they put into imitating her prose.

>> No.14506907

And why is it likely the US will Balkanize? Racial and cultural differences which people simply identify more with than the elusive, mystical "social class" argument.

>> No.14506912


>> No.14506913

OP is just another retard posting on the wrong board. In a better world, this thread would've been deleted long ago. It has nothing to do with literature.

>> No.14506925

I don't know how likely it is but politically things are move farther away from each other at what looks to be an accelerating rate. The Left, who is winning the culture war, has doubled down on identity politics and is forcing normies to pick sides. This can't end well

>> No.14506929

I agree
Summed it up early on

>> No.14506987

>The data reviewed have been collated from articles in specialist journalsand a number of scholarly monographs on the nature of intelligence, behavioralgenetics, and social policy issues, as well as recent book-length reviews (Devlin,Feinberg, Resnick, & Roeder, 1997; Herrnstein & Murray, 1994; Jencks &Phillips, 1998; Jensen, 1998b; Lynn & Vanhanen, 2002; Rushton, 2000; Stern-berg, 2000).
according to pol, this herrenstein-citing circle-jerking piss-poor review is ground enough to base public policy and, presumably, racial segregation on
>lefties BTFO w SCIENCE!
carry on, retards

>> No.14506997

I assume you both have a specific criticism of its methodology, and you have some much more rigorous evidence that the races are in fact equal?

>> No.14507019

the ideal experimental design would be to end (neo)colonialism, western involvement in the third world, income inequality, famine and imperialist war, and see how presumably low iq "races" function afterwards
it's nothing new, soviet russia made nuclear physicists, chess grand masters and astronauts out of the children of wife-beating, alcoholic, low iq muzhiks

>> No.14507027

That would indeed be ideal, but that is no reason to discount the evidence in that study, much of which is about races living in very similar conditions in first world countries(eg. transracial adoption study).

>> No.14507070

small sample size, two timepoints (7, 17 yo), doesn't take into account any confounders
easy as pie to skew

>> No.14507086


>> No.14507087

Holy shit. Stop arguing about how dumb niggers are! They're dumb and lack character! The would still be sleeping in the dirt if humans didn't show up. I don't hate them. They have been given every opportunity possible, hand outs, special treatment, a relaxing of policing, all of white peoples technology, Affirmative Action, etc., etc., etc. They are the missing link. Stop lying to yourself. It's OK. You don't have do genocide them. Leave them alone. Stop trying to save them from their own retardation. Stop sheltering them from NAZIS. Given them respect and let them have their own sovereignty on a personal level and state level.

Portugal was once a leading European country. Then they mixed with Africans. Now they are the "niggers" of Europe. They have contributed nothing since they mixed with Africans. Unless you are Jewish why do you want this to happen to everyone? And if you do why haven't you already moved to Africa to live in the dirt? The level of dishonest in regards to these "people" is amazing.

It's not that scary to embrace the truth. Once you do you will start to see black people as talking Chimpanzees driving cars and it's fucking hysterical to view reality this way, honestly

>> No.14507101

This is the most racist thing I have ever read

>> No.14507106
File: 31 KB, 525x350, aswb-practice-exam-scantron.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You worship at the church of the standardized test, programmed to desire to be the one to "get the right answers" and to want those who don't destroyed. It's all just an excuse to do what you really want to do: murder people.

>> No.14507122


>> No.14507144

LOL'D at your post but WTF that chick looks black dawg, pass

>> No.14507145

replace niggers with workers, and this is exactly how your bosses talk about you behind your back
portugal and spain lost the 30 year war, the 7 year war, the struggle for spheres of influence in the new world, and industrialized late. portugal still has a higher gdp (an even shittier metric than iq, but hard science! to the polcel) than the czech republic, hungary, luxembourg, the baltics, ukraine, moldova, or the western balkans, where presumably no niggers defiled the local gene pool

>> No.14507148

Of COURSE you've sold your soul to an online hate-cult.

>> No.14507151
File: 101 KB, 499x767, 2dd9car2vt941.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This black man is better than you'll ever be. Stay mad, loser :^)

>> No.14507155

No I think the standardized test correlates with intelligence. Im going to have to call projection on the murder thing, as I've spent the entire thread being a lot more reasonable and less emotional than the other side.

>> No.14507157

butterfly, this was a good post and I agree with everything you said about achieving mutual understanding and that some people argue to win and not to learn. BUT I can say that exact same thing about idiots from any ideology, left, right, yours, or otherwise.

>> No.14507225

I support your cause. Keep posting.

>> No.14507249

>trolling is just discourse by other means than the cerebral, dialectic sort that people tend to think of as constituting "good" discourse

if you honestly believe that that explains why you react like a fucking child anytime you are intellectually stumped which is quite often

>> No.14507253

>thinks he can eat unlimited amounts of sugar forever without debilitating health effects

>> No.14507275

You could but you won't

>> No.14507282

Its called polemics, thats why its so toxic

>A polemic (/ p ə ˈ l ɛ m J k /) is contentious rhetoric that is intended to support a specific position by aggressive claims and undermining of the opposing position. Polemics are mostly seen in arguments about controversial topics.

>> No.14507289

Come back to me butterfly :3

>> No.14507290

we literally have no common language or common ground. it was argued to polrats that the standard of certainty required to make such sweeping
statements as they do is a very high one, and that shoddy research conducted by a handful of people with vested interests is not nearly enough. that the sort of “experiments” required to verify their biases would be nearly impossible to conduct in a civilized society. that their metrics of intelligence and success are subject to severe limitations and controversy. it went through them. they perched atop their confirmation bias and claimed victory, libs btfo, and launched into self-pitying jeremiads about the decline of the american empire, occasionally punctuated by pitiful attempts at ad hominems.

>> No.14507292

>Im going to have to call projection on the murder thing
Besides, blacks murder all the time, on a long term basis, at an elevated level. I am not about to consider some theoretical murder as being a more valid point of argumentation than the real murders that happen daily.

>> No.14507294

I don't even know what they mean by btfo anymore. Often times it will be some mouth breather saying some stupid shit then some person of moderate intelligence lambastes them and somehow the /pol/tard claims victory? It's like some extreme version of confirmation bias that doesn't make sense.

>> No.14507297

>singles out /pol/ when it actually puts minimum effort in memery compared to the vast majority of the internet and even other 4chan boards
>doens't realize longer time users don't want it have the same non-debate for the sixth gorillonth time so it just delves straight into having fun
>doesn't know that /pol/ has performed the ungrateful task of being the entry point for newfags since 2014
Since you started the thread with bizarre assumptions, I'll make some too. Sounds like you went to a specific board, tried to spout a lame reply about societal determinism or other retardation, or made a even lamer comment on the latest political 'hot topic' that replicates verbatim a NYT headline, and received appropriate responses.
Don't use meme flags if you get annoyed by receceiving meme replies.

>> No.14507299

should have changed more of the lyrics tho

>> No.14507301

>he doesn't believe in the sugar jew

>> No.14507303

>i am /pol/ and will second-guess my interlocutor’s nefarious intentions
>nice try, rabbi
this is a follow-up thread for a previous one discussing /pol/ raids and their impact on lowering the quality of discussion on /lit/

>> No.14507306

Based and redpilled.
Excess sugar is much more of a threat than soi (irrelevant) or even plastic poisoning.

>> No.14507307

you are full of shit

That's every board though. If they aren't calling you a rabbit they are calling you something else. That's literally how late millenials and zoomers "argue." Any time tested metric that doesn't favor their inane childish self defense mechanisms is a jewish trick or some such non sense.

>> No.14507309

why is it so important for polrats where a person is from? can’t discuss the merits of a point without attacking your opponent?

>> No.14507317

you leftists are the ones complaining we aren't really a civilized society and beneath the liberal makeup lies the pig of barbarism. you suddenly have it both ways and leap to defend civil society when anyone dares question the state enforced sacred cow of antiracism.

>> No.14507327

I explained very calmly and in depth the situation of the evidence for race differences to a practically hysterical interlocutor who accused me of 5 random unrelated things every post, and in the hour I talked to him he did not give a single credible argument against the evidence I showed him, nor did he present any evidence for his own contrary position. The fact remains very clear- all available evidence points towards race differences. The best you can do is adopt a position of extreme skepticism and withhold judgment. THis reeks of isolated demands for rigor but whatever go ahead. You absolutely cannot accuse me of having argued poorly, irratonally, or emotionally in this thread. I did not insult the guy, I was very clear and responded to every one of his little asides, while he continued to present no argument or evidence for his own position. The number of strawmen and ad hominen you guys have leveled is off the charts, and you have said literally nothing of value, you just keep making wild accusations against your opponents.

I don;t know if you're just fundamentally dishonest or if you're just so brainwashed you can't see what is right in front of your face.

I know damn fucking well the problem isn't me because when the topic isn't something like race differences I am literally never, ever accused of being irrational, or 'we have no common language' or any of this bullshit. The conversation proceeds normally and productively, and without any of this fucking hysteria. You honestly disgust me.

>> No.14507330

There is no /pol/ raids. Overall there are no cross board raids on 4chan expect the ones you expect them on (s4s or bant). They don't appear often and the few that do are shut down by the jannies.
There are people posting on several boards. /pol/ is the biggest board on the site and virtually every tourist has been on there for years.

>> No.14507333

>I explained very calmly and in depth the situation of the evidence for race differences

Not the guy you were responding to and I don't disagree with you but I always catch you people on some stupid shit. Don't pretend your shit doesn't stink. I mean I'm just now entering this and already I've lost basic conversational rights to your childish generalizations by your own admission. Can't wait to hear how this is the fault of academia that I didn't attend.

>> No.14507353

I have no idea what you're even trying to say. I was far, far more reasonable than the other guy in this thread, who clearly had zero interest in actually thinking about this subject rationally, and just tried to pick apart everything I said in any way he could, much of which was attacking me or my motives.

The guy clearly was not thinking 'what is the evidence for race differences, and what is the evience against it'. He never offered any evidence against it at all. He refused to accept the possibility that evidence for it could exist.

>> No.14507362

National banter is an improvement. The rate of shitposting would not decrease without it, you would simply be called a faggot instead.
You also comically over rate this shitposting. You have to pick very specific things to get showered in flag replies with a national flag.
The subject matter is also prone to this. Do you also bitch about flags being present on /int/?

>> No.14507461

Yes I get that but that doesn't give license to assume anyone that you arbitrarily mentally associate with him is guilty of the same behavior.

>> No.14507647

That's exactly what OP is doing with his thread

>> No.14507661

>National banter is an improvement
return to reddit

>> No.14507692
File: 39 KB, 510x448, canada.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when the leaf SEETHES so hard he goes crying to /lit/ about getting btfo

>> No.14507709

that nigger is just too lazy to get a new screen protector.

>> No.14507712

No he isn't. He identified a specific class of poster by marked behaviors. You aren't identifying anything. You are saying people of a vague group of various idelogoies and backgrounds are all the same.

>> No.14507716


>> No.14507719

return to canada faggot, this is an american internet

>> No.14507768

/pol/ dunning-kruger
/lit/ - dunning-kruger
No arguing with idiots.

>> No.14507776

Further proving that you guys can't argue for shit and are projecting it onto people whose ideas you disagree with, in direct contradiction to the OP

This entire thread is a testament to people who cry about /pol/ being whiny faggots with nothing of value to say.

>> No.14507780

>You are saying people of a vague group of various idelogoies and backgrounds are all the same.
quote anybody saying this itt.

>> No.14507790

serious question: why eve come to this website if you can't handle different opinions? why not just stay on r*ddit where the people you complain about and hate so much just get banned?

>> No.14507798

if you can’t tolerate dissent, why come to the crackerbarrel in the first place? where else does free speech get exercised??

>> No.14507811

I bet you thought this was funny, what an obnoxious faggot

>> No.14507813

fake bet

>> No.14507822

People here want to hear different opinions on literature, not on the kike menace. Whenever I want to get updated on the recent developments in the field of kike menace studies, I open /pol/ in a different tab.

>> No.14507830

I wasn't the anon you replied to initially, which by the way never did anything you accuse him of.
What the OP identified is a few characteristics of /pol/ posting which are true, but being impervious to logic is not a behavior that distinguishes that group from other ones on 4chan.
Apparently the OP seems to have made a bit of a mistake considering he's the one being impervious to the reasoning of a "polrat", it's quite typical with people that pretends they could ruin the other side with facts and logic while never actually doing it. It goes both ways of course.
What the retarded OP "identified" is actually 4chan behaviour as a whole but he's so caught up on it he doesn't realize what's going on.

>> No.14507839

Does anyone really need scientific data to understand that niggers are dumber than whites on average? I feel as if you all do not talk to other races of people outside of the ones that hang around your friend group or workplace. Even then, you all should have picked up on this fact. There has never been one moment in my life where a black has appeared even close to my intelligence level. They would study for hours on end and say things that they thought were so intelligent but it all failed them. I could never study and out school every black person in every class that isn't African American studies (I took one class in college and it was the most anti-logic class to ever exist). I think the fault is that people jump to how dumb white people can be even though they will still find an overwhelming majority that is superior intellectually. Anti-racism is so strong that people can't even observe their surroundings and require scientific evidence for this simple fact.

>> No.14507845

Correction. Replace never with always.

>> No.14507851

can any oldfag c/lit/ please upload the image comparison of posting the same zizek quote (the mongolian rape story) on /lit/ vs /pol/? should be edifying enough

>> No.14507852

They're obsessed with identity politics.

>> No.14507859

Nice projection.

>> No.14507870

yeah 'equality of man' definitely wasn't lifted from that religion that dominated the west for 2000 years. absolutely no relation im sure, you guys just have such mountains of evidence that everyone is equal that you became convinced.

>> No.14507894

abolition of slavery and women’s rights only became possibilities with the advent of the industrial revolution (change in material conditions and forces of production)
christianity acknowledged human dignity, but more or less took slavery (and serfdom) for granted

>> No.14508216

Kind of tired getting repeatedly called "anti science" by the same people that cannot accept the absorption spectrum of a non-metal oxide in the infrared range.

>> No.14508238


>> No.14508251

So what you're saying is that black people have more melanin?

>> No.14508257
File: 59 KB, 655x527, 02f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hello, cope department?

>> No.14508263
File: 34 KB, 571x334, polfags btfo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bro you just posted cringe

>> No.14508272

post more WoC lewds

>> No.14508382

The high IQ were capable of creating civilizations with them.

>> No.14508428

Understanding motivations has some value, I guess. And meme flags suggest you want to hide for some reason.
Lots of poltards dislike the board showing flags at all and always have, anyway.

>> No.14508482
File: 770 KB, 127x189, dnacingalien.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit anon, people with strong emotionally charged beliefs are unresponsive to reason and also anonymous badly moderated imageboards are not conducive to quality discussion, these are revolutionary discoveries you have made and I'm glad you shared them with us.