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File: 103 KB, 500x500, jason_reza_jorjani.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14504033 No.14504033 [Reply] [Original]

the greatest living philosopher. have you read his work?

>> No.14504047

No, but I have listened to his streams. I'm very entertained by him, the guy is a human encyclopedia

>> No.14504494


>> No.14504619

I just checked out his Twitter-- he's against our President, so he can't be that smart.

>> No.14504719
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>> No.14504817
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this is you

>> No.14504820

I’m on my third Jorjani book. As another anon put it, the best description of Jorjani is “a daring synthesis of based and cringe”.

>> No.14504828

Which book of his is really worth reading?

>> No.14504849

Yo Jorj please stop posting here

>> No.14504870
File: 974 KB, 3926x964, F8F3EFE7-B051-4B63-9D65-041B2EBB6E88.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Prometheus and Atlas if you want something really fringe and out there
Iranian Leviathan if you want something really cringe that still manages to be based somehow
Currently reading Lovers of Sophia which is a collection of essays. So it might be a good place to start. Prometheus and Atlas is fascinating but pretty dense and inaccessible, so I’ll probably have to reread it. Iranian Leviathan was very accessible. Lovers of Sophia is somewhere in between in terms of accessibility. Pic related is from the intro

>> No.14505975

Have sex incel

>> No.14506000
File: 2.49 MB, 480x480, F83C6104-CF3D-49B9-83FD-1F6C758F8FF0.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pffft, bet he hasn’t even figured out antinatalism yet

>> No.14506109

That's not Slavoj

>> No.14506116

not mcrumps

>> No.14506123

Le 56% amerimutt retconning world history so he can find his place.

>> No.14506155

antinatalism is puritanical nonsense

>> No.14506221

No I have seen numerous interviews on red ice with him though seems p based

>> No.14506243

Its not puritanical at all. How is it puritanical nonsense to not steal and murder? Birth is just another of many things you have no right to impose on another being, not having their consent. And the fact that people cannot consent to being born isn’t just an absurdity, its a paradox.

>> No.14506256

Jorjani is a crypto-Iranian nationalist, afterall, and you have to be that smart to realize that Trump is a puppet for Israel.
P&A isn't that dense, but then again I do have a little understanding of Heidegger but the parts where he talked about Kant and Schelling went over my head. I'm still only halfway through the book though.

>> No.14506261

*don't have to be that smart

>> No.14506262

the gazelle doesn’t consent to being hunted and killed by the lion. stop being a pussy

>> No.14506512

lmfao what the fuck is that

>> No.14506557

my exact reaction when i read it, which is why i screencapped it. this guy completely baffles me, but something keeps drawing me back to read his books. he’s a real anamoly

>> No.14506584
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No, which is incidentally why it shouldn’t have to come into being either.

>> No.14506592

nietzsche already refuted the very foundation of antinatalism in twilight of the idols. it’s built on faulty premises and a pretension to knowledge one does not possess. just stop

>> No.14506635

is that really from his book? he has some interesting ideas based on his interviews. that just seems absurd though

>> No.14506640

yeah, it’s really from his book, and i agree with you. that’s why i said the best summation of him is “a synthesis of based and cringe”. don’t let the cringe detract from the based, there’s still plenty of based

>> No.14506724
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Sounds like a cool guy

>> No.14506738

Nietzsche refuted himself by being a whoremonger who died from whoremongering and fruit consumption. Ubermensch my ass.

>> No.14506740

That’s not really chivalry, that’s more of a Middle Eastern / Iranian thing, with regard for insisting on being the one to pay
t. Middle Easterner

>> No.14506785
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>> No.14506810

The way he makes tangential connections in Iranian Leviathan is headache inducing. He goes from arguing Buddha was a Scythian to Lao Tzu being the same as Buddha. It's littered with a bunch of similar nonsense.

>> No.14506828

Jorjani explicitly accepts and argues for a very late dating of the Gathas, not an early one

>> No.14506830

Where do I start with Jorjani?

>> No.14506832

lel there is nothing crypto about his Iranian nationalism

>> No.14506833

Prometheus and Atlas is considered his “magnum opus” (by him lmao)

>> No.14506835

In Iranian Leviathan he argued more for 600 BC for the Zoroastrian Gathas.
He also tends to change his views a lot, which can be hard to keep track of.

>> No.14506837

Why is this hack suddenly getting traction here? If you want to engage with Iran's literary or philosophical tradition at least read a serious author.

>> No.14506843

It's not really nationalism. It's more like a kind of inferiority complex. The way he misinterpreted the complex archeaogenetics indicates a strong degree of inferiority complex. He may be involved in political technologies like Frederick Starr.

>> No.14506844

serious authors are gay and boring, no thanks

>> No.14506850


>> No.14506895
File: 22 KB, 333x499, 41rkUo3K4zL._SX331_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>His lectures are littered with offhand repetitions of scraps from fictionalized ancient biographies (e.g. "Plato was a member of the Pythagorean order,"
But he was member of the order.

>> No.14506977

He didn't stay in Syracuse long enough to get even close to a Pythagorean initiation, also to do it he would have had to renounce to a good chunk of his philosophy (first and foremost, his Theory of Forms). Later Accademics (according to Aristotle, at least) tried to mix Plato with Pythagoras (through either the identity or the strict correlation between numbers and Ideas), with terrible results, before ending up with skepticism in the 2nd century BC

>> No.14507943

>Algis Uždavinys
Never trust a person with such name and surname.