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File: 16 KB, 217x337, Nick_Land.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14498428 No.14498428 [Reply] [Original]

>The great educational value of the war against Christendom lies in the absolute truthlessness of the priest. Such purity is rare enough. The 'man of God' is entirely incapable of honesty, and only arises at the point where truth is defaced beyond all legibility. Lies are his entire metabolism, the air he breathes, his bread and his wine. He cannot comment upon the weather without a secret agenda of deceit. No word, gesture, or perception is slight enough to escape his extravagant reflex of falsification, and of the lies in circulation he will instinctively seize on the grossest, the most obscene and oppressive travesty. Any proposition passing the lips of a priest is necessarily totally false, excepting only insidiouses whose message is momentarily misunderstood. It is impossible to deny him without discovering some buried fragment or reality.

>> No.14498550

Christendom is such bullshit. It is literally proto-zog.

>> No.14498578

This is just Nietzsche fanfiction.

>> No.14498840


>> No.14498845

Nietzsche had a point though.

>> No.14498853

Land is right. Just look at the Second Vatican Council.

>> No.14498864

Not really. He failed to interpret how behavior adjusts with technology and simply insinuated Christianity was a faulty religion rather than examine the underlying meta of what was causing it to fail. Simply put: technology accelerated to the point that culture wasn’t able to properly adapt. Now, as things equalize and the progression of technology grinds to a steady pace, culture will resume its place and integrate technology back into its proper form as a tool of culture instead of dictating culture itself.
Nick Land is a literal druggie hedonist. Any argument he makes against Christianity is immediately invalid.

>> No.14498866

Catholicism is paganism-lite and not Orthodox.

>> No.14498957


>> No.14498989

>An entire paragraph of psued bloviating to say the same thing over and over

Ok great, but wheres the argument?

>> No.14498997

Christanity claims to be truth, and this passage says that Christanity is pure unadulterated lie with the only truth being found in the logic of lying.

>> No.14499003

The Trinity is not polytheistic

>> No.14499004

Thats a statement, not an argument.

>> No.14499013

Statements can be arguments. The statement is that Christianity is false. The argument is geared against the people who believe that Christianity is true.

>> No.14499024

The saints are what makes it polytheistic. Go ahead and pray to the Virgin Mary like it’s nit blasphemy.

>> No.14499028

Where’s the lie, though? Christianity is the truth.

>> No.14499049

God is in each and every one of us. When you pray to a saint, you pray to the piece of God within that saint. A saint merely captures a specific parcel of God’s infinite character in their life and behaviour.

>> No.14499062

Or instead of idolizing images of god, you could just pray to god himself. You’re being a sophist when you need to identify god with a human form. Essentially, Catholicism is polytheism just the lite version, as I stated earlier.

>> No.14499082

I’m not even Catholic man, just having fun

>> No.14499107

what even is God though, what are you imagining when you pray to him?

>> No.14499111

Nick Land is basically the anti-guenon

>> No.14499116

Difference between latria and dulia my fren I guess when you kiss it mommy that means u worship her.

>> No.14499122


>> No.14499229

Double-dub 9/11 trips of truth, does it get anymore based???

>> No.14499290

So a twitter spammer.

We already knew this.

>> No.14499307
File: 90 KB, 640x960, 5aa30c7e1e00008e0b7ae0b6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>catholicism: "paganism-lite", muh saint worship
>protestantism: pic related
>orthodoxy: muh rituals, no attempt to explain the modern world in spiritual terms
where the hell are people supposed to actually go, exactly?

>> No.14499336
File: 92 KB, 907x1360, BF50709F-C07B-47B6-B2C7-9132316349AB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a retarded non-sequitur. >>14499307
Orthodox Protestantism. Read “From Logos to Bios” by Wynand de Beer. The religion will form a continuation of metaphysical creation and evolution so as to satisfy the rift between those who are pro-science and those who are pro-creation.

>> No.14499338

Also, as if the Catholic pope isn’t a complete bastardization of Catholicism. It’s all fucked until a new reformation occurs which rightfully silences the old religions.

>> No.14499346

>muh saint worship
Saints are not worshiped, they are venerated. They are good examples of what life to lead if you want to make it to heaven. When people ask the saints to pray for them, they assume a greater metaphysical reality, whereas protestants, presuming in their own salvation (rooted in arrogance and pride) have no need to consider death, or what life to live, and treat the dead as dead.

>> No.14499347
File: 17 KB, 182x400, 88C447C0-EBD8-402C-8885-BB6D644C4C06.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do Saints make Christianity polytheistic? Only monotheists can be saints, for one. And for two, only devout Christians, or people murdered for being Christian, can be saints. There is no analagous practice to Saint veneration in historical paganism, or even in modern reconstructed larp ‘paganism’. Please explain how an endemic Christian practice is pagan.

>> No.14499355

>How do Saints make Christianity polytheistic
I said paganism-lite you fuckwad. If I meant full on paganism I would’ve said it.

>> No.14499364

We still honor the past “saints”, we just acknowledge they were flawed as humans and praying to them instead of directly to god is subversion of god. The Lord’s prayer directly includes the virgin mary.

>> No.14499373

They intercede to God for us, we don't pray to them as if they had a power apart from Him.
>The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.

>> No.14499385

Praying to god through saints is a step away from polytheism only removes through the implementation of a universal Logos creator. It’s still completely unnecessary and a subversion of the one true god. I lambast protestants for how much they rely on christ worship as much as I do Trad Caths for worshipping saints. It’s all needless interjection which takes away form the main purpose, which is simply honoring the ability to exist and that we do exist in thanks to the transcendent being of god.

>> No.14499428
File: 1.33 MB, 366x200, cringeandyikesbruh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this thread

big ole' cringe & yikes from me

>> No.14499443

>what even is God though
The One who is All-Knowing, All-Just, All-Merciful, All-Powerful, Seer of the Unseen, With No Equivalent, Creator of all that is, etc etc.

>what [thing] are you imagining when you pray to him?
>needing to """"imagine"""" some""""""thing"""""" when you are praying to God
This is your brain on idolatry.

>> No.14499465 [DELETED] 

You’re describing the demon Allah. Tawhid is an idolotrous mutilation of the Godhead.

>> No.14499481
File: 682 KB, 1226x813, 1476641442264.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It is impossible to deny him without discovering some buried fragment or reality.
Lel. This is almost exactly a quote one of my characters says in my shitty writing. Is that b*sed or cr*nge?
>It is clear that in denying the enemy, God, it is natural that one finds himself unearthing veiled truths abound in the world.

>> No.14499493
File: 334 KB, 416x416, C3AD39A4-F235-4171-AFA1-884CF2172A71.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You’re describing the spirit Allah, who is a demon from hell and certainly NOT the god of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Tawhid is an idolotrous mutilation of the godhead of the true god, the Trinue God.

>> No.14499509
File: 1.58 MB, 480x270, 30ff91a77af2d1641044c9c80fea7f15.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the Unique Being possesing the properties above is a """"demon from hell""""
>the Trinity necessarily posseses them, otherwise it is not God
>it follows immediately that the Trinity is a demon from hell
This is your brain on idolatry.

>> No.14499530

You were using words from the Koran so you must have been describing Allah.

>> No.14499558

Religion is just part of the process. None of you are "right" in the sense that your religion is true, but rest easy knowing you are doing the work of Gnon

>> No.14499716

Fuck off, faggot

>> No.14499756

Cringe. Go back twitterfaggot.

>> No.14499818
File: 31 KB, 512x512, 1574956426940.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>It is clear that in denying the enemy, God, it is natural that one finds himself unearthing veiled truths abound in the world.

>> No.14499822


>> No.14499826

Yeah this is epic

>> No.14499868

I don't "tweet"
You haven't seen anything yet

>> No.14500145
File: 51 KB, 455x158, 97C2D2DF-2E86-4172-BB76-CF4EB55A492C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try again, Mahammedan.

>> No.14500205

No one but Christians believe this.

>> No.14500208
File: 1.85 MB, 430x500, 1578544335846.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>moments before this passage was written

>> No.14500215

Why do you cite christcuck fanfiction?

>> No.14500255

Yea fist tell me what that is.

>> No.14500316 [DELETED] 

Does he still believe after he became a tradcuck

>> No.14500323

>>14498428 (OP)
Does he still believe that after he became a tradcuck

>> No.14500326

You will never be a real woman

>> No.14500337

neither will you, faggot

>> No.14500380

He's still shit-talking Christianity daily on his twitter

>> No.14500489

b&r, papists btfo'd once more

>> No.14501553


>> No.14502782

why do you all have to be fucking assholes? Nick Land is based, never been unbased.
It is interesting that the moment /lit/ got flooded with cancer from outside, the Nick Land threads got rarer and exponentially shittier.

>> No.14502809


>> No.14502866

Hello Dr. Land, how is your chink whore of a wife doing?

>> No.14503187


>> No.14503200

>read OP
>read first post
BASED levels are too high already, closing this thread

>> No.14503218

umm, sweaty, Truth is unique.

>> No.14503231

I thought Land was pro trans rights?

>> No.14503754


He is pro-anything that takes our current system to it's logical conclusion already.

>> No.14503775

>>The great educational value of the war against Christendom lies in the absolute truthlessness of the priest. Such purity is rare enough. The 'man of God' is entirely incapable of honesty, and only arises at the point where truth is defaced beyond all legibility. Lies are his entire metabolism, the air he breathes, his bread and his wine. He cannot comment upon the weather without a secret agenda of deceit. No word, gesture, or perception is slight enough to escape his extravagant reflex of falsification, and of the lies in circulation he will instinctively seize on the grossest, the most obscene and oppressive travesty. Any proposition passing the lips of a priest is necessarily totally false, excepting only insidiouses whose message is momentarily misunderstood. It is impossible to deny him without discovering some buried fragment or reality.

this is okay.

>The great educational value of the war against Judaism lies in the absolute truthlessness of the jew. Such purity is rare enough. The 'man of Yahweh' is entirely incapable of honesty, and only arises at the point where truth is defaced beyond all legibility. Lies are his entire metabolism, the air he breathes, his bread and his wine. He cannot comment upon the weather without a secret agenda of deceit. No word, gesture, or perception is slight enough to escape his extravagant reflex of falsification, and of the lies in circulation he will instinctively seize on the grossest, the most obscene and oppressive travesty. Any proposition passing the lips of a priest is necessarily totally false, excepting only insidiouses whose message is momentarily misunderstood. It is impossible to deny him without discovering some buried fragment or reality.

this gets you fined and imprisoned in 23 countries.

knowing the difference could save your life.

>> No.14504686
File: 159 KB, 1077x718, accelochanned.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14505612

is he the one responsible for the resurgence of doge memes?

>> No.14505870

no that's gnon

>> No.14505907

Reminder that Land was on Twitter the other day basically saying that if the Church ever reforms itself it can save the entire world.

>> No.14505952
File: 29 KB, 709x400, 1523931652646.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine reading twitter.

>> No.14505964

>not realizing that Twitter is where the great debates of our time take place

>> No.14505974

post one

>> No.14505980
File: 76 KB, 916x690, AccelrationistTrolley.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Now, as things equalize and the progression of technology grinds to a steady pace

>> No.14505982

absolutely based and truth pilled

>> No.14507059
File: 418 KB, 480x650, 1563470580047.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Now, as things equalize and the progression of technology grinds to a steady pace, culture will resume its place and integrate technology back into its proper form as a tool of culture instead of dictating culture itself.

>> No.14507092
File: 29 KB, 250x291, 1576995497420.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Land was on Twitter
>if the Church ever reforms itself it can save the entire world
Baste and truthpilled.

>> No.14507296

Pretty sure I 've seen him posting anti-trans stuff on twitter. I don't think it was just edgy humour given he is alt-right now.

>> No.14507340

I just want a Christian Sharia brehs.....

ayone else know this feel?

>> No.14507824

I didnt know you were BASED

>> No.14507856

Why not just settle for regular Sharia?

>> No.14507990

The Christian aesthetic.

>> No.14508625

So accfags have something in common with Christians.

>> No.14508685

>unprovable bullshit dressed up with fancy words
The statement
“I think priests are dishonest”
Carries the same weight as this one. In fact, that statement is at least honest and doesn’t try to fool you

>> No.14508687

>thinking a nihilist post-humanist cares about "rights"

>> No.14509680

so. friends. will you just shitpost here or will you vote for Nick Land in the next /lit/ 4cc thraed?

>> No.14511012

u w0t

>> No.14511603

Hey, Land? Ateleology is still teleology. Everyone knows you're full of shit you pseud.

>> No.14511612

you /o9a/ now butterfly?

>> No.14511645

>Ateleology is still teleology
how did you come to that conclusion?

>> No.14511790

You need to
>Why mr moderators you are probably wonder why is this related to your transhumanist subreddit? Well let me please explain. You see this image,this photo is showing a b&w of an edited nick land with a masculine chin. Why the chin you may ask and why the title you may ask? Well let me answer that latter down the line. But first why nick land of all people? Why because he a gourgouis man of intellect who's quotes I have etched into my membrane and he is apart of the reading list on the left side of my (our) computer(s).now let's get to the meat and taters of the picture:what's with the Chin and the title? Well,well,well let's begin... The chin is supposed to represent the aristocrat, the chin of fine taste in music,philosophy and films.now the title,upon seeing such a chin you will now know that man hat great taste when you first glance on him

>And now you know why I posted this meme, this SATEMENT to show everyone that the computer gangster communist of yesteryear is trying to stay relevant though the media and our elders and we must assassinated this cyber beast of the neo east

>> No.14511958
File: 9 KB, 315x319, photo_2019-01-21_17-47-30.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This generation have to start a Golden Age. With capitals.

>> No.14512103
