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14499192 No.14499192 [Reply] [Original]

What should I read if I want to be an informed voter?

I want recs from all sides of the political spectrum to make up my mind which suits me best. Economic theory, political theory, contemporary issues we're facing, how the electoral systems in the west are manipulated, the ramifications of accelerationism and the burgeoning tech industry, and the wealth divide these things will create, the impact of globalization on cultural cohesion, and the impact of memetic campaigns due to corporate interest and foreign powers.

Don't tell me to got /pol/, they'll just recommend I watch ideologues on yt.

>> No.14499204

I'm reading the completed works of Plato currently, so I'd also welcome some philosophy on the ethics of a governing body beyond that.

>> No.14499210

You don't read political books. That's the opposite of being informed. You read history, philosophy, and economics and then come to your own conclusion. if you have time throw in systems theory and geography. Avoid ideology trash

>> No.14499217

Wash your mind of politics
Start with the Greeks

>> No.14499224

That's literally what I asked for, I asked for books on political theory, i.e. political philosophy. I'd also welcome some good history books so long as they're not written by Yuval.

>> No.14499234

That's what I'm doing, I can't ask for things I'll eventually read? I also don't see the issue with reading Locke, Keynes, and Marx alongside Plato. There are also problems that arise from technology that the Greeks aren't suited to pontificate on.

>> No.14499245

Read carl schmitt before anyone else.

>> No.14499305

Read Marx.

>> No.14499323


>> No.14499383

The goal of being "politically informed" is to independently form your own opinions, so naturally you won't be limiting yourself to one set of works, however outmoded. The Greeks, being the founders of Western Civ and philosophical thinking as we know it, are arguably the most important, and should be the foundation for your exploration. There are certain unchanging aspects of human nature that they cover quite well. You know this I'm sure, I'm merely stressing that you will be synthesizing several different literary canons rather than adopting a singular "ideology."
>>14499210 is correct that political theory does not exist in a vacuum, and is usually tripe. However, there are practical benefits to reading theory: you can better understand the thinking of ideologues, and there are some valid historical, economic, or political criticisms. Effective solutions are far more elusive however.
As history companion pieces to the Greeks, look into Herodotus, Thucydides, Tacitus's Annals, and Plutarch's Lives. I also am very much a fan of Caesar's Commentaries. You can really fall down the rabbit hole of the classics if you're not careful though ;)

>> No.14499404

I'd read Ted Kaczynski, Siege, Germania by Tacitus, and any articles about Anglo-Saxon common law.

>> No.14499413

Read Rousseau, then Wealth of Nations, then watch the first half of the first season of Invader Zim, then read Shelby Foote's complete narrative history of the civil war. then you are in good shape.

>> No.14499663
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Voting is a waste of time. No election will be decided by your vote (public choice theory), and no outcome will produce considerable change (elite theory, "iron law of oligarchy"). No amount of reading you do will make a difference in any of the matters you bring up; at best you will only grow your list of things to be unhappy about. You can only change your own life, and on this matter a page of Augustine trumps every word Marx ever wrote.

>> No.14499708
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>> No.14499732

this is the worst political compass i've ever seen

>> No.14499738

If you read onky Plato and try to apply it to voting you will be very confused.

>> No.14499743

What's wrong with it?

>> No.14499751

Obviously, did that really need to be said?

>> No.14500673
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>> No.14500684

I don't either, an informed voter is just a known term that gets my point across. Someone that has an integral economic and political view.

>> No.14500689

There is no reason to read anything but actual academic works and your beliefs should align with the academic consensus in economics/politics.

>> No.14500695

Federalist Papers and Basic U.S Documents.
Mein Kampth and The Communist Manifesto.

>> No.14500698

I don't think Empire of the Illuminati is a real thing.

>> No.14500707

Moldbug - Open Letter to Open Minded Progressives

Thank me later.

>> No.14500711

I don't think it's meant to be taken seriously as political science

>> No.14500725
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Marx's Capital Volumes 1-3

>> No.14501215

Radical lesbian dictatorship or bust

>> No.14501926

>What should I read if I want to be an informed voter?

>> No.14501953

>political spectrum [...] which suits me best
you are disgusting just as any voter. Instead of searching for truth and wisdom you dimwit decided you not only want to choose a political ideology in the first place, you also want to just choose something that sounds comforting.
Democracy was a mistake.

>> No.14501960

Read this article, great look at the shortcomings of how we manage our demoracy. Not like the Athenians AT ALL...
https://dailystormer dot name/democracy-its-when-people-fat-people-decide-your-life/

>> No.14502402

Read history, read philosophy. Putting a moniker like "political" in front of it does not make it better, it makes it bias, and it limits the scope of that particular subject.
Hayek (Road to Serfdom)
Nietzsche (Beyond Good and Evil)
Goeth (Faust)
Plato (The Republic)
Marx (Das Kapital)
Socrates (Any)
Thomas Sowell (Intellectuals and Society)

>> No.14502438

Culture of critique

>> No.14502515

uncle karl marx

>> No.14503310
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>informed voter

>> No.14503819

You got to play the game, democracy's not going away and no one else is looking for truth, or your best interests.

>> No.14503856

>democracy's not going away

Just you fucking wait, we have spent the last 100 years or saying "but it's the best worst system!" and doing almost nothing to change it, this dissonance is going to blow up any day now since China is actually competing with an alternative.

>> No.14503926
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>> No.14504433

Not in our lifetimes, barring nuclear devastation.

>> No.14504472
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I know this is bait but why watch the first half of the first season of Invader Zim? Is the punchline that it accurately depicts the average burger in all their banality?

>> No.14504796


>Fascism bridging the y axis

Get a load of this guy

>> No.14505000

informed voters are fiction.
read enough to realize that democracy, and specially representative democracy, is at best a failed dream and at worst a rethorical device

>> No.14505051

The US is currently straddling the border between Federal Republic and Corporate Aristocracy.

>> No.14505233
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>What should I read if I want to be an informed voter?

Emma Goldman... or Curtis Yarvin

>> No.14506102

dont read anything at all please use your intuition, reading kills this

>> No.14506113

because its actually a good season you dork

>> No.14506317

I can't be an intuitive reader? Shouldn't intuition apply to all the information you take in? It seems rather unintuitive to swear off reading to maintain your intuition.

>> No.14506331

Are you retarded?

>> No.14506373

he probably meant the apology of socrates by Plato. No need to contribute to the petty nitpicking that predominates this board.

>> No.14506396

>fascism/theocracy right in the middle
That's why I'm a Fascist, it's nice and moderate.

>> No.14507394
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>> No.14507414


>> No.14507415
