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14498046 No.14498046 [Reply] [Original]

After nearly a year. What should I read to celebrate my newfound freedom.

>> No.14498051

What were you in there?

>> No.14498055

What was the psych ward like?

Also, go around and do shit like hike, read, drink and shit.

>> No.14498068
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don't really though

>> No.14498075

Assuming you mean why?

Psychotic depression that was treatment resistant. I had managed to avoid being hospitalized for a long time and didn’t go to therapy culminating in a pretty dramatic suicide attempt (jumping, public place). The stay was very long by American standards, I suspect my parents lobbied to keep me in there. Insurance was paying so the ward had no incentive to discharge me

>> No.14498093

>Insurance was paying so the ward had no incentive to discharge me
I would think the well being of the patient and the treatment prospects should decide that, not the insurance company.

America truly is a weird place.

>> No.14498105

the key word

>> No.14498111

>didn’t go to therapy culminating in a pretty dramatic suicide attempt (jumping, public place)
This style reminded me of Lolita when Humbert says "My very photogenic mother died in a freak accident (picnic, lightning) when I was three." Were you echoing this?

>> No.14498113

congrats on getting out dude, the first thing i did when i left the mental home was go and get mcdonalds hopefully youre doing something small like that to celebrate

>> No.14498127

Read Thomas Szasz and get real angry, you'll be able to defeat any more psychs that stand in your way in the future.

t. kicked out of every psychiatric care provider in the country

>> No.14498151

Well you shouldn't have come back here or you'll end up straight back in there.

>> No.14498155

You are wrong to blame the insurance company. The reverse is the case, insurance would have preferred to shorten the stay to save money, but the hospital, that is being paid by insurance, is incentivized to increase the stay length.

>> No.14498176

Peace brother, getting out of the psych ward is the best feeling in the world.
Read something life-affirming and beautiful, some poetry.

>> No.14498180

>i wonder if any of these stacies are secretly pious?
kek, i wish

>> No.14498203

I wasn’t conscious during intake but they had me fill out some of the questionnaires later and one of the questions was:
“Do you read conspiracy websites (eg: Infowars, 4Chan)”

I laughed a bit and asked a staff member and they said that 4chan is a big deal among schizos and seen as highly dangerous.

>> No.14498206

i just rewatched a sopranos episode "Remember When" that takes place in a psych ward. I gotta be honest. It looks fun as fuck. Did you have fun, schizo bro?

>> No.14498217

It did not blame the insurance company, I simply stated that the insurance company decides how long the patient will be treated for. They know very well the hospital will treat for as long as they will pay, this is neither parties fault. It's the fault of the system in place and it's why America has by far the worst hospitals system per dollar spent.

>> No.14498228
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VALIS by Philip K. Dick.

>> No.14498233

> I gotta be honest. It looks fun as fuck.
Read Chekhov’s “Ward number 6”

>> No.14498236

Not that guy, but psych wards suck. I ended up in jail for stuff related to what got me in the psych ward earlier and jail was a much better experience. I actually got my shit sorted out in jail because I wasn't being medicated everyday. Started exercising with a guy my age who was a total bro and found meaning in helping out a wretch like myself improve. Plenty of time to read, but the selection sucked. Not a bad experience overall.

>> No.14498238

Not him, but it's not fun at all. I was in for 6 months and there is literally nothing to do. You can barely talk to people because most of the people you meet just drool on themselves or spout gibberish. You literally wake up, waste time, eat, waste time, eat and go to sleep.
I used to stare at the wall for hours because I became so bored, but on the other hand it got me to start meditating so I guess it was good in the long run.

>> No.14498363

Prison was a similar experience for me, honestly wasn't as bad as you'd think

>> No.14498405

Wait so is your depression all gone?? Did all the therapy or whatever they do actually work?? If so what did they do to make it work??
Well you probabaly already read "One Flew over The Cuckoos" so how about Reichs "character analysis" for his thoughts on a loony like you

>> No.14498447

Im really, really heavily medicated. Like almost sedated. Still melancholy but not existentially depressed like I was I guess

>> No.14498482

Could you read freely in there? Did you?

>> No.14498493

So what was your average day like in this place? Anybody eat shit? Was there any cute girls?

>> No.14498532

I am a psychiatry resident in Texas. Ask me anything

>> No.14498545

Whats the most significant thing that has happened to you there (dark/weird/cute/etc)?

>> No.14498557

There isn't much schizo stuff on 4chan at all, there's some conspiracy theories, but you can find such things even in mainstream newspapers if you're consistent about the definition.

The youtube gangstalking video culture is way, way more schizo than even anything on /x/

>> No.14498563
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we're not schizos, are we?

>> No.14498579

I was in a psych ward for a month because I attacked my ex gf and her mom. Shit sucked but I brought plenty of books and met a couple cool people. Finished Life and Fate among others.

>> No.14498585

We could read, yes, but not freely. There was no approved book list but there was an unnaproved book list and books be could be banned by discretion. The goal was to keep out sex and violence. Most modern novels other than literary novels were right out, due to that. Interestingly old literature, even violent stuff like Crime & Punishment was okay. Funny I saw somebody get a copy of Wuthering Heights taken away because it had a somewhat sexy cover while my hardback copy was unmolested.

As for what I read in there.
Wuthering, as mentioned above, plus Emily Bronte's collected poems (Everyman)
Anna Karenina (they didn't know there was a suicide in it, I think, or they would have taken a dim view)
An Introduction to Naval Boilers
Stick and Rudder
The Brothers Karamazov
Empires, Nations, and Families
12 Rules for Life
Halo: Ghosts of Onyx

This is what I can remember, I'm sure I read when I wasn't lucid, but god knows what.

Average day was wakeup, some token exercise, group therapy, lunch, one-on-one therapy, reading/movies, dinner bed.

Had a couple of suicide attempts and one escape attempt, nothing crazier than that. Yes there were some cute girls, the prettiest one was like an 8.5/10 redhead who had taken herself to a 0/10 in most eyes by cutting on her cheeks with an x-acto.

>> No.14498592

I saw a patient have their first psychotic break. First instance he was reported to suffer from extreme paranoia. He was seen ripping apart his apartment and car on a daily basis. He was convinced his roommate was drugging him with a chemical inducing auditory hallucinations. He came in after he punched his roommate in the face and was picked up by police running through the streets screaming. I started him on antipsychotics and he got better. I discharged him after 8 days.

Two months later he came in after he received symbolic messages on the television demanding he kill himself. He then downed an entire bottle of adderall in a suicide attempt and ended up in the ICU for stimulant induced seizures. He said he stopped taking his antipsychotics. He was terrified of his symptoms. He did not know who to believe or what was real. He was living a nightmare. I started him on a long acting injectable antipsychotic and discharged him. He is now in remission

>> No.14498599

It makes me think of Barry Lyndon when the lady takes pills and does a dramatic suicide attempt flailing her arms around.

>> No.14498654

Have you read Thomas Szasz's works, and if so, what do you think of his points/have any counters?

>> No.14498763

When I went to the psych ward they took all of my possessions except the John Pilger book "Hidden Agendas" which I thought was funny that they let me keep

>> No.14498782

No I just heard brief summaries of his ideas. He is on my reading list though. A lot of his points are valid, however psychiatry has come a very long way since his time. The field is very turtle for new discoveries and refining old ideas.

>> No.14498868

>very turtle
What does this mean? Never heard that phrase

>> No.14498885


>> No.14498895

I'm sure this would be an uplifting read for op

>> No.14498896

>psychiatry has come a very long way
That's interesting to hear. I'm a psychology student and admitedly most of my opinions on psychiatry are based on events and suggestions from the 20th century anti-psychiatry movement, as well as my own experiences with inept psychiatrists and their refusal to accomadate deviations from the pattern (both in treatment plans and diagnosis). Although that could just be down to the general rigidness and beuraucracy of the Dutch healthcare system. Any reading recomendations on the development of psychiatry in modern times?

>> No.14498908

Dear seething Eurofag, why are people so thrilled to come to our country for medical services then? ;)

>> No.14498911

think he means very fertile

>> No.14498947

Any thoughts on psychedelic therapy for treatment resistant depression?

>> No.14499087

I'd give it a shot but it wasn't an option presented to me.

>> No.14499127
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How did reading 12 Rules go for you? Did you see people who resembled some of what Peterson talked about with mental illness or archetypally sunken individuals?
Are psych authorities wary of religion or are they like prison authorities where it's seen as a sign of positive change?
What do you think of your suicide attempt, looking back?
Do you think you're actually better and totally free of your psychotic depression now?

>> No.14499130

Either that or a strange way of saying slow

>> No.14499138


/x/ is basically larping as schizos

>> No.14499261


>You are psychotic
> I prescribe you anti-psychotic

how does anyone respect the work you do

>> No.14499265

Kaplan and Saddock. Also check out Jama psychiatry articles for current research and discussion

>> No.14499275

Rich people with money only but okay.

>> No.14499287

The medication management is the easy part. The real work is performed in psychotherapy

>> No.14499299

i don't get why people attribute depression to this book: if anything, shouldn't it serve more as a motivator to take action instead of idly waiting on an empty promise?

>> No.14499311

what are you on?

>> No.14499359

It only works that way if you think that you have the possibility of changing your current state.

>> No.14499371

read Anti-Oedipus and write us the great antipsychiatric novel

>> No.14499425

Seroquel, gaba

>> No.14499634
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>> No.14499649

>After nearly a year. What should I read to celebrate my newfound freedom.
The Meek One.

>> No.14500004
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>> No.14500044
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>> No.14500082
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