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14498164 No.14498164 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.14498200


>> No.14498432

Progressives are going to get BTFO and review bomb it day one I am sure. When is the release?

>> No.14499020
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Charles Murray is a BS vendor and IQ is pseudoscientific nonsense. Taleb already BTFO the quack Charles Murray.
>No measure that fails 80–95% of the time should be part of “science” (nor should psychology — owing to its sinister track record — be part of science (rather scientism), but that’s another discussion).
The quote above isn't even the worst part. Taleb literally rips apart the bell curve in a single graph; he shows that the correlation between socio-economic status and IQ is effectively zero — and with this Murray's thesis goes down the drain. This also makes Murray's thesis highly immoral because it's not right to trap people in imaginary boxes, such as IQ.
>b-but muh studies show the correlation between IQ and wealth
Incorrect. Firstly, Taleb has access to the raw data used by those studies, and he has confirmed that there is no correlation. Secondly, IYI psychologists do not know anything about statistics — they seem to think it's about interpreting noise. With an r2 of zero, IQ correlates with socioeconomic status by exactly 0%.
>b-but muh blacks score lower
While true, it's entirely meaningless and unscientific; it is meaningless because IQ is meaningless and unscientific — it tells us exactly nothing.
>b-but muh country IQs
Those are completely BS. The fraudsters getting the data — ie Lynn — don't even go to the countries to get the data, they fabricate numbers, use unscientific measurements such as IQ, and make assumptions to get their numbers. I'd like to also point out that they always give Middle Eastern and Near Eastern countries an IQ in the 80s, but Lebanese, and a few other, diaspora have higher incomes in the US than diaspora with supposedly higher IQs, like the Chinese and Europeans; this doesn't sound right when IQ is supposed to correlate with wealth — but both you and I know the reason now.

>> No.14499036

I work at a small bookstore with a progressive patronage. I've already ordered 10 copies and will display them prominently.

>> No.14499038

This all may be true but Taleb is a sand nigger so his opinion doesn’t matter

>> No.14499089
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>the dominating element of psychometrics for nearly 100 years now and one of the most studied of all psychometrics in history is bunk because of an ideologue's Medium article

please off yourself and stop worshipping Taleb. This is as absurd as Gould's argument against IQ.

>> No.14499131
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What is it about Taleb that makes the alt right and IQ worshippers seethe? He debunked your nonsense; get over it.

>> No.14499144

Taleb is Osama?

>> No.14499147

No, Lebanese and Arabs are phenotypically distinct.

>> No.14499151

idk wha you're talking about he looks like his brother

>> No.14499155

I thought people like Murray were silenced? Censored? Cast to the ether? Humm, could Charles be... an agent? Methinks it possible...

>> No.14499167

Now show a pick of a Puerto Rican man with a similar balding head and goatee like Nassim.

>> No.14499177
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>alt right
>IQ worshiper
wrong on both fronts, I think IQ is a valid indicator of pure "grey matter" but don't know my own score or those of anyone I ever knew. I prefer the company of amicable blacks and hispanics as to whites precisely because they tend to have lower IQs and are not annoying midwits.
Also not white and not alt-right, just a catholic conservative.

>> No.14499179

I thought /lit/ was smart

>> No.14499199
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You have to realize that IQ and the concept of biological race are both bunk. Races are arbitrarily defined, as more genetic variance exists within races than between. IQ has no correlation to socioeconomic status and does not predict a single thing.
>just a catholic conservative
I am Catholic too!

>> No.14499631

>biological race is bs
>all sorts of medical procedures and medecine that cannot be used cross race

>> No.14499666



>> No.14499698
File: 92 KB, 907x1360, 5FA02C14-BBD9-4240-96F8-A7A1D37D6CAD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he shows that the correlation between socio-economic status and IQ is effectively zero
Post hoc ergo propter hoc.
>his also makes Murray's thesis highly immoral because it's not right to trap people in imaginary boxes, such as IQ
Nature is immune to the rules of morality.
>b-but muh studies show the correlation between IQ and wealth
Only retards claim makes IQ immediately makes you wealthy.
>Secondly, IYI psychologists do not know anything about statistics — they seem to think it's about interpreting noise. With an r2 of zero, IQ correlates with socioeconomic status by exactly 0%
Again, irrelevant to whether or not IQ exists.
>b-but muh blacks score lower
>While true, it's entirely meaningless and unscientific; it is meaningless because IQ is meaningless and unscientific — it tells us exactly nothing.
It tells us Blacks are poor at inheriting more complex traits of behavior you fucking twat.
>Those are completely BS. The fraudsters getting the data — ie Lynn — don't even go to the countries to get the data, they fabricate numbers, use unscientific measurements such as IQ, and make assumptions to get their numbers. I'd like to also point out that they always give Middle Eastern and Near Eastern countries an IQ in the 80s, but Lebanese, and a few other, diaspora have higher incomes in the US than diaspora with supposedly higher IQs, like the Chinese and Europeans; this doesn't sound right when IQ is supposed to correlate with wealth — but both you and I know the reason now.
Is this is suppose to invalidate the validity of IQ tests, then why should I believe climate predictions?

>> No.14500384

>race isnt real
Racism aside I thought this was common knowledge BS.

>> No.14500398

Like what

>> No.14500424

>Races are arbitrarily defined
So can I turn into a black dude on a whim if it's all "arbitrary"?

>> No.14500426

Bone marrow transplants.

>> No.14500430

>hurr durr there's no nigger gene ergo race don't real
fucking kill yourself

>> No.14500443

anything blood and hormone/steroid treatment related as well as specific diseases like sickle cell frequency and genetic skin disorders.

>> No.14500446

Like all transplants but specifically bone marrow.

>> No.14500474

You will never be a real woman

>> No.14500478

Are there skin disorders that are race specific or they are just more likely to be found in this or that race

>> No.14500483

Sickle cell and Tay-Sachs disease

>> No.14500487

I can't trust anything taleb said after seeing him get btfo so hard on this topic.
By the way, replication rates in psychology are actually not much worse than any "hard science" you might compare it to.

>> No.14500491


>> No.14500517

However, the chance of inheriting the disease is higher in certain groups because of a higher rate of carriers. >About 1 in every 27 Jewish people in the United States is a carrier. Non-Jewish French Canadians living near the St. Lawrence River in Canada and in the Cajun community of Louisiana also have a higher incidence of Tay-Sachs.
Doesn't seem to be specific to certain groups only.