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14497542 No.14497542 [Reply] [Original]

what are some books that will help me overcome porn addiction?

>> No.14497557

if you can't out of hatred for sin then im afraid no book might help. only prayer and fasting

>> No.14497687
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>> No.14497699

No book is gonna help with that. See
Fasting will kill your addiction. Grow a backbone, you can do it bro

>> No.14498784

Masturbating is a natural human function. It only becomes a problem once it makes you dysfunctional and you make it a priority in your life at the exclusion of all else like going outside and getting a gf.

You can get a girlfriend or find a passion or go to school.

I recommend The Ego and its Own by Max Stirner, Nietzsche's corpus, King Solomon's Ecclesiastes.

>> No.14498804

Get rid of the internet, go back to a flip phone. If you need to use the internet go to a library or something. You have probably been exposed to pornographic imagery for such an extended period that your willpower is gone. You need at least 6 months without the constant exposure.

>> No.14498991

Literally just fap without porn once, it’s way better and you’ll likely never go back

>> No.14498999

"Stop!" by Varg Vikernes

>> No.14499000

Good post.

>> No.14499236
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The Bible.

>> No.14499241


>> No.14499263

Not OP, and pretty retarded to fasting. How do I do it? Like the muslims? Eat at night? Water or no water during the day? Specific foods and when to eat said foods?
Tell me all, anons

>> No.14499284

You posted it

>> No.14499352

Your battle has to be a conscious effort. Your addiction is symptomatic, not causal; you have deeper lying issues than porn and your addiction is just one of the many signs of that. Stop consuming easy entertainment, don't be so easily pleased. Learn to hate evil and to love good. Most of all, pray to God and study his Son. Ask for the Holy Spirit to open the eyes of your heart that you might have discernment enough to see what porn really is. You will not be the person you are now at the end of the journey, but you will have more energy and a love of life. Godspeed.

>> No.14499387

Fasting is terrible advice in the pornography era. If you lust while you fast, you serve to make it grow even stronger, and the craving is easily provoked with a simple search, an image. Fasting is only for people who are already abstaining successfully; if done prematurely and while still struggling, the increased neuroplasticity serves to strengthen, rather than diminish the sensations and experiences while on it.

You need to get sufficient calories for your brain to make proper decisions. If you want to abate lust through dietary means, the best course of action is to lower protein consumption, and eat only vegetables for dinner.

>> No.14500210

Any one.

Unplug your wifi and live on stacks.

Also, fast till 1300 every day. It will take lot of the edge off.

>> No.14500269

Pranic Breathing

or Transformation Mastery

>> No.14500271

Take the Buddhism-pill.

>> No.14500304

Not OP, but I needed to hear this. Thanks anon.

>> No.14500544

it's as simple as don't eat calories. do Americans seriously not have even a basic understanding of metabolic science?