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14497400 No.14497400[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>Look on the bright side, OP. Women hit the wall in their late 20s, and they lose significant value when this happens. All those years of riding the cock carousel will come back to haunt them when they can't find anyone to settle down with. They'll end up bitter spinsters and dread their existence. In a way, they'll finally know what it's like to become an incel. It's bittersweet, almost.

>> No.14497412

The world is one big high school. Everything stays the same Anon.

>> No.14497429
File: 42 KB, 644x440, 13640792_1630908173866714_4139307700933216186_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no? I mean it has to get better right

>> No.14497431

How is that supposed to help? The only solution that I see is for successful men in their late 20s to marry women in their early 20s before the cock carousel.

>> No.14497439

>Early 20s
>Before the cock carousel
Bro i'm in uni right now and its literally impossible to find a girl who isn't a massive slut, even the ones who seem nice and innocent.

>> No.14497450

My dream is to become financially and physically established and marry a cute 16 year old virgin

>> No.14497454

How do you plan on wooing a loli?

>> No.14497466

not being sexually insecure might help

>> No.14497482

Are you saying all women are whores?

>> No.14497484

> 16
> loli
State of this fucking site

>> No.14497487

I’m well known in my town already for being the smart guy. I just need to make some money and make sure I’m fit enough when the time comes. I’m thinking of becoming a high school teacher, or if not that, a tutor, so that I’ll be in contact with them

>> No.14497488

You incels are incels mostly because of how you approach people. You come up with these ridiculously simplistic models to understand human behavior and then suffer because nothing ever works out the way your models predict. There may be a small degree of truth in some of what you say but you guys actually believe you've got something figured out, which you don't. You people act like women are these machines who go through pre-determined stages. It's nonsense and you'll be miserable as long as you adhere to this view.

It's amazing to me to see so much of this on a literature board of all places. One of the most wonderful things about novels is getting to see the complexity of human beings and how they interact with one another. It's astonishing to me that so many of you read that stuff and appreciate it but then turn around to gloat about how the femoid in her 20s is fast approaching the wall stage of her life-cycle like she's some kind of insect.

>> No.14497528

sounds like a cope to me

>> No.14497540

How is enjoying someone's demise noble? Except for transhumanists, and seeing life-extending gurus die off, of course.

>> No.14497541

when did you guys last read a book

>> No.14497549

Most people here don’t read

>> No.14497553

Did my post upset you, roastie?

>> No.14497558


>> No.14497574

Call it justice, call it karma.

>> No.14497579

No they have children you fucking idiots

>> No.14497582


>> No.14497583

In the past, yes. These days they wait until their 30s.

>> No.14497584

This is the first post I see after coming to /lit/ for the first time in months why is every board here like this.

>> No.14497591

>why is every board here like this.
just look at western society

>> No.14497603

my mom had me her early 40's after marrying in her late 30's and i ended up as an autistic tranny NEET manlet who incessantly shitposts on whatever boards you frequent about how much i fucking hate women and niggers
if you want to defend this be my guest but i don't think you're going to like the flag you'll be marching under

>> No.14497604

It's not about being sexually insecure. It's a lot different if by your 30s you had a one digit number of boyfriends with relationships that lasted some years and if you had a two or three digit of casual one night hook ups with strangers. First, that kind of person sees sex as something completely casual such as watching TV instead of being intimate, sharing feelings, making love etc. Second, there's the problem with sex diseases if you had a lot of partners. Next, if you could not find a stable relationship after such a high number of partners, then maybe the problem was not the other guys, it was probably your personality.

>> No.14497609

The times they are a-changin'.

>> No.14497614

And people give shit to DiCaprio for preferring women in their 20s lmao why would he settle for some used-up cumrag?

>> No.14497617

Only if you keep her locked in cage for sixteen years anon.

>> No.14497621

Well in the end everyone gets what they deserve more or less

>> No.14497648

ok pedo

>> No.14497649
File: 83 KB, 851x519, 2014-03-10-19_28_37-maternal_age-specific_live_birth_prevalence_of_downs_syndrome_in_the_united_sta.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw late child

>> No.14497655

>implying western women give a shit

If they find out the kid is going to have down syndrome, they'll simply just abort it. Women are so fucking selfish and don't deserve rights.

>> No.14497666

jesus christ i'm just glad i'm not a downie, i guess i really did dodge a bullet

>> No.14497670

Shit like this would be fixed if our society wasn’t full blown materialistic and instead valued traditional gender roles and the importance of family. Nowadays women are expected to behave like men, settling down years beyond prime fertility after having sex hundreds of times with multiple men. Disgusting

>> No.14497679

Just tired of seeing this mgtow bullshit again and again (even if it true 100%)

>> No.14497684

My aunt had her last child at age 45 and he came out just fine. Lucky bastard.

>> No.14497685
File: 37 KB, 353x561, pierre.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how does it feel to disgust women by your appearance?

>> No.14497696
File: 564 KB, 800x430, 1578411424173.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post your face when you were born a SUPERIOR MAN and not a WORTHLESS, INFERIOR W*MAN

>> No.14497707
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women are insects

>> No.14497715


>> No.14497740


Just like there's more to human behaviour than sucking cock, cope more dead egger.

>> No.14497748
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>> No.14499047

I'll be sure to mock women in their lonely old age.

>> No.14499056

>mad he can't get laid

>> No.14499061
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>> No.14499078

What the hell is the point of this thread? It's not/lit/ related. This is not your personal diary, idiot.

>> No.14499320

Okay, now this is based.

>> No.14499325

We all age anon.
Unless you can accept the finality that lies at the end of a gun barrel.
You must realize that there are others that will suffer you as do, both male and female.
They need help just like you did.
Like you will.

>> No.14499400

Based, I always think this

>> No.14499508

gotta agree with your overall sentiment of "averages and statistics (simplistic models) are difficult to apply to individual circumstances"
gotta disagree with your objection to the idea that there isnt a certain segment of the female population that does fall within the parameters described by OP
>kek, this fag thinks the wall isnt real

>> No.14499557
File: 45 KB, 499x499, 1481161629826.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they are still going to have at least godd 15 to 20 years of fun, while an incel like yourself likely will never even hug a girl

>> No.14499570

tfw dating a qt 16 year old and 12 years older than her

>> No.14499575


>> No.14499579

it just happened

>> No.14499585
File: 107 KB, 703x1041, 34665346534564.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's only like that for Chad and Stacey. And it's not a positive thing. They remember it as the 'best time of their life', so they desperately try to emulate it at work, at festivals, parties, traveling, etc. Their whole life becomes a pathetic retrospect of high school. This is inevitable when your only value in life is appearance.

>> No.14499591

It's easy, find a girl that age with major daddy issues.

>> No.14499592

That doesn't really make me happy. The reason I resent women who have a lot of sexual experience is because 1. It seems unfair how sex is something that comes so easy for them while I have to struggle tremendously to get anything 2. They have experienced better than me and would probably lose attraction when they realize I'm not good at sex

>> No.14499601

I will try, thanks

>> No.14499606

my girl has none tho

>> No.14499608

>>Look on the bright side, OP. Women hit the wall in their late 20s, and they lose significant value when this happens. All those years of riding the cock carousel will come back to haunt them when they can't find anyone to settle down with. They'll end up bitter spinsters and dread their existence. In a way, they'll finally know what it's like to become an incel. It's bittersweet, almost.

Except they get free gubberment handouts when this happens. If they are loser moms (single moms for the cucked soi bois out there), then they can say they are sacrificing everything for the kid. Every though they are really losers that aren't sacrificing anything since they have nothing better to do.

>> No.14499610

I have twink boypussy lined up whenever I need to cum, women ARE insects and you sir, are a nigger

>> No.14499620

>you sir, are a nigger

Nice dropping of the n bomb. They are petty small and hate filled people. That is why a word makes them chimp out and why they try to control people using it.

>> No.14499622

right before I left high school 20 years ago

>> No.14499637

finished a book a couple hours ago

>> No.14499661

Based Humbert Humbert anon

>> No.14499706

It's the easiest way though

>> No.14499779

Infinitely worse.
Your childhood is basically just feeding data. Adulthood is the algorithms kicking in and building the walls of your bespoke hell.

>> No.14499819

Hate to break it to you OP but the "vanity obsessed" chads and stacies will hit the wall long after you do because the reason they're attractive in the first place is because they take care of themselves. They'll also have gotten into careers or relationships that will carry them through the rest of their lives.

Magical late 20s turnaround is just another PUA scam