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14496783 No.14496783 [Reply] [Original]

>Fully agree with everything Ted says about technology, civilisation and society
>Can't face up to living alone in the wilderness the rest of my life
>Can't be part of society either, I'd kill myself if I had to have a job again
So what now?

>> No.14496786

>So what now?
Stop reading meme philosophy and return to reality

>> No.14496795

Go to a supermax prison

>> No.14496798

If you don’t want to be part of society but you also don’t want to live by yourself, the solution is to live in prison.

>> No.14496804

Become a farmer

>> No.14496805

Wait for it all to collapse. Shouldn't be too much longer now.

>> No.14496807
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or join/create a commune

>> No.14496815

>create peaceful anti-tech commune
>get murdered by chinese autonomuos drones who want to convert your land into basedbean farms

at least try to strategically suicide yourself to agitate some shitty country into starting a nuclear war

>> No.14496823


>> No.14496834

Begome a monk/hermit/mendicant

>> No.14497138
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>Fully agree with everything Ted says about technology, civilisation and society

>> No.14497153

Seethe harder techlet

>> No.14497182

>So what now?
Nothing. The future can take care of itself

>> No.14497208

Oh my, just go get a different job. It isn't that bad. Worst comes to worst you quit or get fired and move on to the next one.

>> No.14497273
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>It isn't that bad.

>> No.14497529

too many niggers

>> No.14497555

If you read anti-tech revolution you know what's next

>> No.14497564
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get a life

>> No.14497622
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There is only one way

>> No.14497681

Technology will save us all from suffering

The natural world is a hell hole, there is nothing good about it. It's our duty to develop technology to the point where we can stop all suffering

>> No.14497713
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>The natural world is a hell hole, there is nothing good about it

>> No.14497720

That includes saving us from the problems that technology created. We have to synthesize natural lifestyle with the advantages of advanced technology.

>> No.14497721

the natural world doesn't have industrial farms. kys

>> No.14497804

Start lifting weights again
And eat/grow your own food

>> No.14498112

Join the Amish.

>> No.14498144

The natural world is a free-for-all torture chamber of suffering

fuck the natural world.

>> No.14498158

Industrial farms today, lab grown meat tomorrow.

Stop thinking short term you neanderthal. In the long run industrial society is WELL worth it

>> No.14498182

your bugman fantasy =/= the outcome of industrial society

>> No.14498202

Can I? 8()

>> No.14498263

how can material things solve suffering when suffering isn't inherently material in nature? human suffering doesn't end once we feed all the poor people

>> No.14498275
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It would end starvation based suffering though. Probably free people up to work on helping out with other varieties of suffering too

>> No.14498286

>>Fully agree with everything Ted says about technology, civilisation and society

retard detected

>> No.14498291

Makes some likeminded friends and work on making a community. There are plenty of women who want to be wives in the true sense, so even they don't share your fervour they can bring life to your community.

>> No.14498297

Starvation doesn't exist in huntergatherer societies because they're not based on mass-producing slaves.

>> No.14498308

wut? you think there aren't food shortages in primitive societies?

>> No.14498311

Wtf I love glowniggers now.

>> No.14498319

Based nature. Btfoing itself

>> No.14498368

No but nothing compared to mass death of already malnourished insects if a harvest fails.

>> No.14498385

>malnourished insects
your ideology clearly has people's best interests at heart

>> No.14498553

Stop being a hypocrite. Go live off the land in the way of Saint Ted.

>> No.14498556

then you don’t agree with everything he says

>> No.14498561

so let's mechanize it and put it on an assembly line to feed our bloated appetites - a retard

>> No.14498607

Retards. Ted never advised living alone in the middle of nowhere. You only assume that because we know he did. It wasn’t in the manifesto, or he would have gotten caught a lot of quicker, surely. What he was advocating for was a political change.

>> No.14498632
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>> No.14498645

>wahooo i cant wait for all my food to be synthesized in a test tube in a CIA laboratory

what's wrong with bugman brains?

>> No.14498995

go here faggot, anti-tech.boards.net

good guys there

>> No.14498998

Unironically kill yourself, naive idiot.

>> No.14499016

I have never seen a more sketchy board. Looks like some fed or CIA stuff or something.
Guys, we're just trying to have conversation. The way you're monitoring it all is so weird and creepy. If you could chill out and raise your threshold for panic just a little bit we might actually produce some interesting creative solutions that, like, stimulate the economy or improve the country or something.

>> No.14499025

I doubt with no small level of sincerity that very many people align themselves with the philosophy detailed in Industrial Society and its Future. While I would agree that the vast majority of his thesis is sound in concept I hold very little regard to his idea that we can in any way shape the outcome of such a society. Perhaps when it was written or some time before, but not now. That ship has sailed.

>> No.14499026
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Technology is a temporal manifestation of mans yearning for Gnosis, but it can also ensnare hylics in its midst.

>> No.14499030

Wise to be cautious, but at some point if you are serious about anti-tech activism you have to get into contact with people.

>> No.14499039

Sure, but I can meet people by going outside. Posting doesn't count as politics anyway.

>> No.14499053

>Posting doesn't count as politics anyway.
If that was true there would not be massive misinformation and shilling campaigns all over the internet.

>> No.14499077

I dont see how it was ever possible as soon as agricultural civilizations developed. They just btfo hunter gatherers with ease

>> No.14499125

>Posting doesn't count as politics
>People waste a lot of money doing not-politics in the belief that it is-politics

Never attribute to malice what you can to stupidity bro

>> No.14499477

There are most definitely shill campaigns and forum sliding constantly going on throughout the web by different groups trying to control the narrative.

>> No.14499495

>Can't face living alone in the wilderness the rest of my life.
>Can't be a part of society either, I'd kill myself if I had to have a job again.

A)Learn to live without a job
B)Kill yourself.

>> No.14499938


>> No.14499940

Read something like "The Way of Man" by Jack Donovan. I think for most people the best thing you can do now is create a parallel / alternative to the system as much as you can. This means networking with people to form a parallel community exterior to the current one. The greatest way to implement change is to lead it yourself after all, and the best way to do that is to form foundational networks. Unironically "The Golden One", as much of a meme as the guy is, has done this for himself.

>> No.14499981

>lab grown meat
imagine supporting this lmao, as if the quality of industrially farmed meat wasn't low enough

>> No.14500062
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network toward a revolutionary movement.

>> No.14501084

Create a time machine and get out of here.