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14495597 No.14495597[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Literature to cope with this feel?

>> No.14495604
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>> No.14495709

The selection pressures placed on men are also the source of their greatness, and explains why the vast majority of geniuses and wielders of power have been, and continue to be, male.

>> No.14496336

>Obscure interests
>He'll pretend to be interested
Is this supposed to be a good thing? Do you know how fucking hollow it feels when someone glibly raises their ebrows and says "wow that's cool!" and not listening to a word you're saying because all they're thinking about is screwing you?
Surely you've at least had those banal conversations with relatives where they ask what you're up to and say "great, that's great, to everything. imagine that but they also expect you to suck them off at the end of the dinner. Being a woman is not the paradise you think it is.

>> No.14496352

>when I get my foot in the door, it’s boring.
as contrasted to if a guy started sperging out about his Gundam collection, where he’ll never even knock.

>> No.14496368

Just be good looking and none of that matters.

>> No.14496370

Poorly worded. It should have said men will earnestly listen to your weird interest and enjoy learning about it. While femoids won't care unless your gigachad.

>> No.14496433

and what if u can't?

>> No.14496639

Thats the point, Women will most of the time get a pass since men are more interested in screwing them and discussing their autistic hobbies and interests with their mates.

>> No.14496653

give me a tl;dr

>> No.14496654
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>> No.14496666

All you need to do is delete the pic. It’s trash

>> No.14496673

What if you don't care about sex and just want to be emotionally intimate with a girl?

>> No.14496677

Lift and looksmax

>> No.14496693

Shell get tired of your emotional ass eventually.

>> No.14496707

>Do you know how [...] it feels when someone glibly raises their ebrows and says "wow that's cool!" and not listening to a word you're saying because all they're thinking about is screwing you?
cant say I do

>> No.14496718

Look on the bright side, OP. Women hit the wall in their late 20s, and they lose significant value when this happens. All those years of riding the cock carousel will come back to haunt them when they can't find anyone to settle down with. They'll end up bitter spinsters and dread their existence. In a way, they'll finally know what it's like to become an incel. It's bittersweet, almost.

>> No.14496725
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>> No.14496766

Not an argument.

>> No.14496917

>it's like women and men are attracted to different things!

>> No.14496951

>the vast majority of geniuses and welders

>> No.14496967

No argument was sought
OP wants to cope, I recommend rejecting the lie

>> No.14496970

This again? She’s holding up nicely. Still hot.

>> No.14496973

Fuck right off to /r9k/ you fucking retard.
Just because you think /lit/ is less pathetic and more intellectual doesnt mean you should spam this boring trash here

>> No.14496978

I'm a guy who fits four of those criteria and lives at home with his parents at age 22 and I've fucked 21 women because I'm conventionally attractive and tall.
I also regret almost all of them because it made me numb to human affection and I sincerely hope this number never goes up and I can stay with my current gf for the rest of my life. It really, truly is not worth it, I look back on the way I lived in college with disgust. I'd take back all of them but the girl I'm seeing now if I could.

>> No.14497001

>lives at home with his parents at age 22 and I've fucked 21 women because I'm conventionally attractive and tall.
Which of the criteria do you fit?

>> No.14497010

The worst part is that you're only figuratively fucked, not literally.

>> No.14497036

>No money
Can't even afford a shit apartment for myself
>No friends
Only people I hang out with are my older brother and sister and their spouses
>Obscure interests
Given for where we are
Just how I am
I would argue for boring as well but that's more debatable

>> No.14497049

Just not compare yourself to women maybe? Are you gay?

>> No.14497054

Literally me

>> No.14497058

The Illiad.

>> No.14497065

Have sex but unironically.

Kill yourself.

>> No.14497071

Its not that long, read it

>> No.14497072

>Have sex but unironically

>> No.14497086


>> No.14497093

How do you get a women to have sex with you? I meant.

>> No.14497099 [DELETED] 

Only losers read. And losers don't get laid.

>> No.14497111


>> No.14497115

/sp/ here i literally come to this board just to bully nerds HAHAHAAHA

>> No.14497117

This is historically and factually not the norm.

>> No.14497122
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>> No.14497135
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link to full text?
or just author and name so I can find it myself

>> No.14497143

Thats still sexual desire.
Otherwise go cuddle with your homies or your doggo if you are so sure those intentions arent the similar.

>> No.14497155

It's Evola, but I'm not sure which one of his works that excerpt is from.

>> No.14497164

The difference is that even if someone is unfamiliar with an interest of yours, they can display enthusiasm and a willingness to hear you explain a bit of it to them, or go into a fine point you'd like to talk about, and maybe they'll learn something themselves. The point is that enthusiasm from both sides can turn the situation into a positive one
If you're talking to someone about a niche interest of yours, and their reaction is immediate, visible disinterest and to completely stonewall the topic, that's a bad situation for all involved and makes you feel like an asshole, yet when it comes to women, it's suddenly your fault for failing to know your audience and be an adequate entertainer, as though you're a comedian bombing at a stand up comedy show and not two people having a personal conversation

>> No.14497165

I know. Only kidding.
You have to love yourself, grow confidence, make lots of friends, have confidence in the direction you’ve chosen for your life, and in volume volume volume, you ask them out.
This stuff should be taught, and some parents do a good job of it, but too many slack off. Like mine.

>> No.14497166

Having sex regularly can easily shift sexually frustrated anger to simple superiority and a feeling of blasé regarding them.

>> No.14497169

This desu

>> No.14497171

that actually makes sense, but seems too stupid to be true

>> No.14497186

>This stuff should be taught, and some parents do a good job of it, but too many slack off. Like mine.
Same here. Thanks for the kind advice, though.

>> No.14497211

For me steppenwolf helped a lot to stop bein boring.

>but too many slack off. Like mine.
can relate

>> No.14497223

>Thats still sexual desire.
Even if you want to sob into their fully clothed body while they hold you and feel sorry for you 24/7?

>> No.14497238

Would you do the same if it was a man you are not attracted to?
Just be honest that you have those things are also sexual desires like wanting to screw someone. People manifest them in different ways.

>> No.14497266

>Would you do the same if it was a man you are not attracted to?
No its just there is something validating about a decently attractive girl being like this with me. Crying into a guys body would just seem lacking whereas telling how much a girl meant to me and pouring out all of my problems to her is magnetic
Would a girl alternating between slapping your face and then gently stroking your face telling you not to cry while you have tears in your eyes be sexual desire? How do you know if you aren't just overcompensating for your lack of interest in vaginal sex?

>> No.14497302

>Would a girl alternating between slapping your face and then gently stroking your face telling you not to cry while you have tears in your eyes be sexual desire?
Probably depends if you like it or not lmao
Im not trying to say that its philosophically impossible to not want to cuddle with a girl with non sexual desires playing along. My guess its that most of the time when guys want that its still a feeling that is stemmed by sexual interest.

>> No.14497328

Why? It how evolution works.

No genes become prevalent if they are actively harmful in most situations, unless the times they are beneficial outweighs the times they are harmful.

>> No.14497334

prove it wrong

>> No.14497337

All women are nation wrecking whores.

>> No.14497350

>waaah man wants to have sex with me

>> No.14497403

most women can't comprehend most men have it extremely difficult to get laid, it's so far outside their experience they can't see how it can be so.

>> No.14497426

What I find interesting is how they seem oblivious to the attractiveness factor. It's always "he's funny", "he's confident", "he likes to cook".
Either they fall too hard for the halo effect or they are lying

>> No.14498560

absolutely seething

>> No.14498565
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There's no hope