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14491873 No.14491873[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Which branch of the US military is the most /lit/?

>> No.14491877


>> No.14491879

The navy obviously, how is this even a question.

>> No.14491885
File: 53 KB, 400x400, Seal_of_the_United_States_Space_Force.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As of the 20th of last month, it's real.

>> No.14491886

Space Force

>> No.14491890

Ass fucking is pretty /lit/ but the modern US military is the least /lit/ thing I could imagine

>> No.14491891


>> No.14491914


>> No.14491966

None of them. Fighting for another man is a sign if weakness.

>> No.14492212

>says the eurotard as his women are raped en masse by "refugees"

>> No.14492501

It's obviously between the Chairforce and the Gayvy, but who has the more /lit/ required reading list?

>> No.14492514

the navy because you get to be a on a big boat

>> No.14492569

Either marine or navy. Marine manuals are usually the best reading, but the Navy book on Basic Machines is something special

>> No.14492609

Most definitely the Marine Corps, it combines all the branches and gives you an experience unlike anything at all. Enhancing your writing.

>> No.14493040


>> No.14493054

>Catch 22
>Nuclear war novels
>Memoir of Robin Olds
USAF wins hands down

>> No.14493065

Surprisingly, the Marine Corps.

>> No.14493091

I was in the Air Force. Nobody fucking reads except for promotion study guides. It's all people with a high school mentality who expect you to enjoy participating in sports and doing bake sales. Wish I was making that up.

>> No.14493331

do you honestly think anyone who joins the military reads.

They're there in the first place because they probably can't fuckin read.

>> No.14493446

Lie, the smartest person I've known started her first day of boot camp today

>> No.14493460

Write her letters once she sends out her address to her family. They're better than gold.

>> No.14493461

I’m about to join the US military after I graduate from Princeton with an applied math degree this year if we go to war with Iran, which it looks like we might after tonight.

My friends are calling me retarded, am I? What branch should I do? Should I do intelligence?

>> No.14493469

Air Force I'm considering going just so that I don't have to die with my face in the soon to be glass dunes of iran

>> No.14493474

says the amerimutt who is about to die for israel while his wife gets fucked by black bull

>> No.14493475

Care to extrapolate?

>> No.14493478

Join the space force its the wave of the future

>> No.14493492

Can you unironically join the Space Force now? What would I even do lol?

>> No.14493540

I'm pretty sure that at this point the space force is just 2 mean looking dudes hanging out in the iss ready to beat the shit out of any astronaut from the country America is at war with

>> No.14493545

NOAA Commissioned Officers, unironically

>> No.14493549

Based. Is there literally anything more /lit/?

I’m kinda buisy and was thinking about maybe joining the national guard or something. Though I might go marines.

>> No.14493551


>> No.14493555

hope you step on an IED and get turned into a quadriplegic vegetable you simpering zogbot cuck

>> No.14493560

National Guard for Army or Air Force? I feel like being part of chairforce is cucked, but being a pilot is the only way you can probably actually do something. This was my plan before all of the Iran stuff either way

>> No.14493570

What is the present day equivalent of what the RAND corporation was in the 50s? were are the real dr strangelove psychos working nowadays?

>> No.14493572

I don't understand why people find this shit absurd. A private citizen launched his own car into space. It's such a dumb, short-sighted notion to think military action is never going to bleed into space.

>> No.14493662


>> No.14493667

Probably national guard. I just assume there may be some sort of half time thing I could do that probably wouldn’t fly with a full on branch like Air Force. I’ve enjoyed the simplicity of monastic/communal living before, and I want to experience something martial while I’m still relatively young. History major so I can usually get a job in pretty much any city/town museum or local gov.

>> No.14493701

It's just the words "space force" coming specifically out of Trump's mouth. It sounds like a nine year old fantasy played out with Power Rangers action figures.

Nevermind that the Air Force has functionally been the Space Force for quite some time.

>> No.14493709

None. Fuck imperialism and corporations.

>> No.14493765

I didn't know Robin Olds wrote a memoir.

>> No.14493783

Wasn't Vonnegut in the army?

>> No.14493786

I'll give it to the navy for the sole fact that Darryl Cooper exists

>> No.14493790
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Army of course.

>> No.14494231

RAND still exists so probably there, or at the NSA.

>> No.14494244

CIA. NSA is just alright.

t. NSAfag

>> No.14494255

I was one till a year and a half ago, there’s only about three hundred in the whole branch and almost all are in the good STEM fields which are for smart people who aren’t I Fucking Love Science! atheist bugmen, so it’s a pretty intelligent and disciplined group and therefore quite well read on average.

>> No.14494279

What about fighting with? What about collective defense? I don't think that is what the amerian military is about, but I think militaries can be like that.

>> No.14494282

Coast Guard. Safest one to do, and a branch that is actually moral. You usually do water rescue, which makes you feel good about helping people, and wont have to kill innocent children or most of the time even have the opportunity to. People that say "oh you're weak for doing the Coast Guard", they are dumb. Also, you will be stationed in the nicer coastal areas of the United States. Finally, people associated with the Coast Guard are typically more affluent, so networking after going into the service may be beneficial.

>> No.14494317
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We need a modern day Ernst Junger to write about his Black Op experiences

>> No.14494325

Coast Guard is very based. I am >>14493790 and worked Army intelligence.

I went through Army basic ten years ago. It was fun. You could easily do Army intel, and your degree sets you up perfectly for my old job [1]. Honestly if you are very disciplined and fit, you should do your best: Coast Guard is much more selective than the other branches and they have much more interesting missions (imo). I met a few of their people working in a joint environment; they were ALL highly motivated, articulate people who got things done. There's not a lot of dead weight in their ranks, unlike Army (which I loved serving in but come on you know its true). And yeah go officer if you think it's for you. You'll get the leadership training you need on the way in. I won't speak against enlistment though, a 2LT is pretty much the same as a Private. They both teach you how to serve, and eventually both routes will teach you how to lead. Or just say fuck it and apply to enter service as a flight warrant officer and fly helicopters.

[1] https://www.goarmy.com/careers-and-jobs/browse-career-and-job-categories/computers-and-technology/signals-collector-analyst.html

>> No.14494348

none because all the /lit/ guys is in the merchant marine

>> No.14494380

Coast Guard is the only branch worthy of respect.

>> No.14494396

What about the things they carried?

>> No.14494411

Yeah, Russia already has a space force and China is developing their own.

>> No.14494417

Based 15 year old tardposter.

>> No.14494421

What books did you use to learn signals intelligence and analysis?

>> No.14494422

That's literally classified. I can tell you a math degree from Princeton will definitely help.

>> No.14494426

Lame. Thanks for the thorough response though. Are there any books that would give me a taste at least? Should I look at some entry level signals processing books?

>> No.14494442

Uhh, I'm trying to think. Math textbooks, Dover would probably suffice. If you show an aptitude for the work you may be recommended for advanced training while you're in the schoolhouse (I was not, but a good friend of mine was). This will put you in the more technical billets of the job. Any textbooks you need will be provided.

You don't need a degree, but it would help. What's most important is being able to think abstractly and running math operations out of order and successfully anticipating how those changes affect the result. You'll be a codebreaker, after all. Read some crypto books.

>> No.14494448

Marine Corps


>> No.14494452

I agree.

>> No.14494502

yes but his books are more about air force actions

>> No.14494504

Air Force

>> No.14494509
File: 155 KB, 960x960, 1572719803893.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

USA is a literal colony of Israel.

>> No.14494513

Start with Culture of Critique.
Afterwards, use Yandex search engine to learn more. Jews are only 2% of US population, yet they make up 49% of billionaires, and this is ignoring crypto-Jews. They dominate publishing, porn, media, Hollywood, and etc. industries.

In a leaked audio tape, Billy Graham and Nixon were talking about how baffling it was Jews were able to gain so much power in such a short amount of time. They were at a loss of words, and you can seek that audio. I recommend different search engines like Yandex if Google gives issues.

We know without a benefit of a doubt, Jews dominate these sectors of society now:
>porn industry
>publishing, many are pushing for inclusive diversity and LGBTQ+ themes in picture books which I have direct experience with
>Wall Street to a large extent
>ilicit organ trade

In fact, a lot of conspiracies surround Jews, many of which do seem to have a lot of truth. Here are a couple:

1. They assassinated JFK. Source: This one Jew, who had a heart of gold (which is very rare), leaked Israel had 200 illegal nukes, and he was later tortured by Mossad because he had converted to Christianity:


He also validated Jews had a role in killing JFK:

"In July 2004, Vanunu claimed in the London-based Al-Hayat newspaper that the State of Israel was complicit in the assassination of John F. Kennedy. He claimed there were "near-certain indications" that Kennedy was assassinated in response to "pressure he exerted on Israel's then head of government, David Ben-Gurion, to shed light on Dimona's nuclear reactor".[162]"

2. Mossad contracted Saudis to do 9/11. Sources: Dancing Israelis, that one leaked email correspondence on Wikileaks I need to find, some strange circumstantial evidence that I need to look up again... etc.

It appears to me Bobby Fisher and Stanley Kubrick were right.

>> No.14494517

>This one Jew, who had a heart of gold (which is very rare), leaked Israel had 200 illegal nukes, and he was later tortured by Mossad because he had converted to Christianity:
>He also validated Jews had a role in killing JFK:
Even Iranians treat their Christians better than kikes:

Iran has plenty of Armenian churches:


Iran has always been a friend of the Armenian people unlike Turkey.

>> No.14494519

Navy. Pynchon and Robert A. Heinlein.
Army only has Norm Mailer.

>> No.14494524

From the Talmud or other Jewish scriptures:

1. Sanhedrin 59a: "Murdering Goyim (non Jews) is like killing of a wild animal"

2. Aboda Zera 26b: " Even the Best of the Gentiles should be killed."

3. Sanhedrin 59a: "A Goy (gentile) who pries into the law (Talmud) is guilty of death."

4. Libbre David 37: "To communicate anything to a Goy about our religious relations would be equal to the killing of all Jews, for if the Goyim knew what we teach about them, they would kill us openly."

5. Libbre David 37: "If a Jew be called upon to explain any part of the rabbinic books, he ought to give only a false explanation. Whoever will violate this order shall be put to death.

6. Yabhamoth 11b: "Sexual intercourse is permitted with a little girl if she is 3 years of age."

7. Schabouth Hag. 6d: "Jews may swear falsely by using subterfuge wording."

8. Hilkkoth Akkum XI: "Do not save Goyim in danger of death."

9. Hilkkoth Akkum XI: "Show no mercy to Goyim."

10. Choschen Hamm 388,5: "If it can be proven that someone has given the money of Israelite to Goyim, a way must be found after prudent consideration, to wipe them off the face of the earth."

11. Choschen Hamm 266,1: "A Jew may keep anything he finds that belongs to the Akum (Gentile). He who returns lost property to the Gentile sins against the law by increasing the power of the transgressors of the law. It is praise worthy to return the lost property if it is done to honor the name of God, namely if by doing so, Christians will praise the Jews, and look upon them as honorable people."

12. Szaaloth-Utzsabot, The Book of Jore Dia 17: "A Jew should and must make a false oath when the Goyim asks if our books contain anything about them."

13. Baba Necia 114,6: "The Jews are human beings, but the nations of the world are not human beings but beasts."

>> No.14494525

I don't care I'm just trying to hang out at luke air force base, my vision is too shit to be pilot anyway so it's not like I'll be doing anything of consequence

>> No.14494528

Anyone who joins the military at this point deserves to die. You are fighting for the Synagogue of Satan, and you have to be a complete idiot not to see it anymore.

>> No.14494529

I’m in it for the adventure anon. Beats shitposting at a shitty office job

>> No.14494534
File: 499 KB, 750x502, vnkgyjezze941.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just kys and have fun in hell if you want such evil "adventure". Hell is a real place. Go and grab a gun and blow out your brains, ZOGbot.

>> No.14494659

Never got what exactly imperialism meant. Is it just the extenuation of a power group becoming more powerful? What’s the difference between it and empire? It seems like a name for a vague concept rather than a concrete thing.

>> No.14494665

Basically this.

>> No.14494682

You are depraved ZOGbots and should kys. Find more noble hobbies instead of being disgusting edgelords who celebrate destruction.

>> No.14494705

Yeah man! The world is chill AF, it's only the ZoGbots who vie for power. If they just chilled out, we'd finally live in harmony. Nobody would even want to fill that vacuum, nobody would be that lame. Only America and Israel are that lame!

>> No.14494719

Whatever. Don’t you have a video essay to film on how Star Wars shows the evils of imperialism to cry about? I’ll do my duty and you can feel smug about critiquing it.

>> No.14494720

Bruh it doesn't matter who is fucking you, you are still being fucked and there is nothing to do about it at this point. The majority of the world is happy to be fucked as long as they don't have to think about it. Under those conditions you may as well take their free rollercoaster ride and maybe let out your rage on some poor shmuck who's master chose to attack America and its allies

>> No.14494728
File: 407 KB, 599x801, jews_control_USA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never said that, but right now Jews are causing tremendous damage. Also, Jews are the most dangerous people. Check here:

>> No.14494733

You clearly don't know any marines, they're borderline illiterate chimps

>> No.14494738
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You mean duty to die for Israel?
>I don't care about Truth and just want to be a dumb goy for Shlomo like Sheldon Adelson

>> No.14494759

>You mean duty to die for Israel?
That is irrelevant. I’m an idealist at heart so it is the survice that counts sand the ideal behind it.

>> No.14494776
File: 54 KB, 625x415, 1566426473535.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can just anything with such retarded rhetoric.
>tortured and kills a sentient being
"That is irrelevant. I’m an idealist at heart so it is the survice that counts sand the ideal behind it."

Go kys, dumb burger.

>> No.14494780

>can just
can justify*

>> No.14494796

Well that gets into the whole idealist vs materialist debate, which is a whole big topic. Anyways, service does not go against any of my direct moral imparitives so I do not think that your statement is apt. If it was explicit to exterminate a small conclave of Sufi’s and children outside of Kabul bereft of any other context I would not do that, but that is not what I am explicitly and solely signing up for.