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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 60 KB, 500x616, laughner..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1448773 No.1448773 [Reply] [Original]

I did some research into the shooting in Virginia and noticed that the lone gunman (Jared Lee Loughner) was a voracious reader.

Here is his 'favorites' list:
> I had favorite books: Animal Farm, Brave New World, The Wizard Of OZ, Aesop Fables, The Odyssey, Alice Adventures Into Wonderland, Fahrenheit 451, Peter Pan, To Kill A Mockingbird, We The Living, Phantom Toll Booth, One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest, Pulp,Through The Looking Glass, The Communist Manifesto, Siddhartha, The Old Man And The Sea, Gulliver's Travels, Mein Kampf, The Republic, and Meno.

How much do you think this collection of reading material contributed to his loony state of mind? I know that after reading some books, I feel as though I am going mad for a short time before returning to the Earth.

>> No.1448790
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This, definitely this.

>> No.1448793

It was Arizona, man.

>> No.1448796
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> No dostoevsky
> No Rand

Well, at least he wasn't a pretentious hipster /lit/fag.

>> No.1448797

That's a pretty /lit/ approved list.

>> No.1448809

I think it's pretty apparent that his favorite of all is Blood Meridian, seeing as he is Judge Holden.

>> No.1448811

apart from "we the living"

>> No.1448817
File: 74 KB, 426x500, shaw_jared.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heroes aren't created through education or study; they are born heroes!

>> No.1448822

He probably read those in highschool, put them on his myspace as books he loved and then never looked back on them.

Those books probably weren't a contributing factor much in the shootings.

>> No.1448828


she's not seriously going to be next right-wing presidential candidate for real is she? or is that so they don't get blamed when shit hits the fan?

>> No.1448834

I'm surprised Koroviev hasn't posted that as a picture in the desktop thread

>> No.1448835
File: 45 KB, 1050x600, freezefbi..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They weren't his favourites, read closely:

> I had favorite books:
> had

...the plot thickens.

>> No.1448836

>I did some research into the shooting in Virginia
Not good enough to find the state, I see.
Btw, "Atlas Shrugged" is listed on his book lists:

>> No.1448842

We the living.

>> No.1448847

Didn't notice he had no eyebrows till you mentioned that.

>> No.1448850


She's getting a lot of really bad press over the shootings. I doubt that she'll be able to recover from it.

Also today she posted her speech on Facebook which she blames the media for "manufacturing a blood libel" against her. Look up blood libel. She's just pretty much fucked herself. I'm from Kansas and even here (retard red state capital) people are embarrassed by her.

>> No.1448851
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OP here, I have no idea why I said Virginia.


>> No.1448854

I doubt he read half of them. Heck, make it 4/5s.

>> No.1448858

Entry level stuff. You may as well blame songs he heard on the radio.

>> No.1448867

Have you seen his youtube account? He's either an idiot, or the videos are a coded message.

>> No.1448869

>look at list

>high school tier at best

Whoa he sure was voracious when it came to literature.

OP is an idiot.

>> No.1448892

>implying lit has ever talked about a book that isn't on bundles of high school reading lists

>> No.1448893
File: 349 KB, 375x500, 3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm glad I don't identify with either political party, seeing both of them scurry like the scum that they are to identify with the shooter is ridiculous.

>> No.1448897


>implying infinite jest is on high school reading lists

>> No.1448905
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> Entry level stuff
> high school level

Typical /lit/. His list is actually more complete than 90% those (truthful) of the pretentious morons that comprise this board.

>> No.1448909

Wow, when I saw the thumbnail I was sure the pink lampshade and nightstand were a guy slumped over with a drawing pad.

>> No.1448912 [DELETED] 

>uses the word 'voracious'.
>calls OP an idiot.

>hs reading list

>> No.1448914

correlation and causation. wouldn't it be more sensible to say that he read those books because he was a fucking psycho?

or hey, maybe he claimed to like these books to impress a cute and shy literate bitch with glasses, and when she turned him down he went nuts? man that's gotta be it

>> No.1448917

>uses the word 'voracious'.
>calls OP an idiot.

>GRR Martin
>hs reading list

>> No.1448922

>impress a cute and shy literate bitch
i don't think that word means what you think it does

>> No.1448927
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A role model to us all.

>> No.1448933
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Actually, this is the reason:

> Tierney, described as "an old and close friend with whom he had gone to high school and college" in the Mother Jones report, said that Loughner had repeatedly called Giffords a "fake," and that his hatred of Giffords intensified after he attended a campaign event where he posed a question to the congresswoman. According to Tierny, Loughner's question was, "What is government if words have no meaning?"

> "He said, 'Can you believe it, they wouldn't answer my question,' and I told him, 'Dude, no one's going to answer that,'" Tierney recalls. "Ever since that, he thought she was fake, he had something against her."

>> No.1448936

i have to be honest, i'm like what, 5 years younger than him? and my favourites list is far superior.

i'm sure it was a shame, etc

>> No.1448944
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That article makes no mention of where they got his 'reading list' from. OP's is from his youtube account.


>> No.1448945
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>I did some research into the shooting in Virginia
>Lists what he says on his Youtube account


>> No.1448950
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> my favourites list is far superior.
> implying you would favour someone else's 'favourites list' over your own

>> No.1448960

i mean objectively, duh.

>> No.1448971
File: 12 KB, 350x241, men_women_laugh_out_loud_01_af_450x311_xlarge..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> implying you could be 'objective' when comparing your own preferences to another's

>> No.1448975

That's why everyone should own weapons in the Unites States, right? Have weapons to defend themselves from those who have weapons to defend themselves from those who weapons...

>> No.1448982

you want me to post for you all to objectively decide, is that what you're getting at?

>> No.1448986



Fuck i feel like I'm on /g/.

>> No.1449004

>feels like i'm on /g/, /mu/, /v/, /any board that's not as pretentious as /lit/ or filled with too many 25+ yr olds

>> No.1449014


>> No.1449026


OP used voracious first you fucking dumbass.

>> No.1449029


This, except I don't think he ever read them. I'd like to see his book shelf.

>> No.1449038

instead of +1 how about you attack the people shitting on the post you're agreeing with


>> No.1449049


>no Rand
>We the Living

You know, between you and the list, I think he was a pretentious hipster fag. Looks like a list of famous books. And Rand.

Probably got all this off somebody else's list of famous books and never actually did any reading himself. If it were a real list, it'd have more unusual unique entries.

>> No.1449057 [DELETED] 


his head is so awesome.

>> No.1449059
File: 55 KB, 690x863, DSCN0288_690w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love how everyone in here either thinks his list is childish or fabricated because it is too mature for him.

Anywho, he probably did read him. Guys like him generally have nothing better to do. All of his supposed theories come straight out of other texts too, complete with the strange titles.

>> No.1449066

> thread instantly turns into a favorites list bashing and comparison thread

Don't ever change /lit/.

>> No.1449074

Not to be a stickler, but if he was a voracious reader, wouldn't he have read something that everyone else in the whole goddamn world didn't?

>> No.1449086

Hipster logic: obscurity somehow adds to the worth of a text.

>> No.1449093

I believe that actual title to Baum's book is The Wonderful Wizard of OZ.

I only know this because I just recently read Bradbury's introduction to the book, mainly concerning how L.C.'s works have been favored over Baum's.

>> No.1449097
File: 40 KB, 603x306, Untitled-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Alice Adventures Into Wonderland

>> No.1449098

As if anyone said anything about the "worth of a text" you wonky reading comprehension laden child.

>> No.1449113
File: 75 KB, 640x480, byrokratia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Allow me to revise my statement:

> Hipster logic: obscure titles somehow add to the worth of a list of one's favorite texts.

>> No.1449121

Obscurity is only a correlated, not causal. If you are a voracious reader, you will have read many more books than the average reader. From the wider sample, your favorites will include works outside of the canon. This is a statistical inevitability and also speaks to idiosyncratic preferences.

Your dismissal of anyone's preference for works outside canon comes from a natural fear of the unknown. You like to categorize these people as "hipsters" because you are lazy intellectually, and compartmentalizing people makes you feel better about your own choices.

Enjoy your delusional, reactionary attitude.

>> No.1449152
File: 93 KB, 496x747, 20836-496-747.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Your dismissal of anyone's preference for works outside canon
I made no such dismissal, and you would be unable to cite a single instance of me doing so.

> your favorites will include works outside of the canon
'Voracity' only refers to the amount of consumption, not any selection criteria. If by your standards his original list only includes texts within the canon, than the 'canon' is multitudinous enough to service the appetite of a voracious reader without the reader having to look elsewhere.

> reactionary
Yeah... I though that was a good insult too when I was a 15-year-old hipster. In b4 you define the term thinking I missed your original intention.

>> No.1449154

He could just like popular titles, or maybe didn't want to seem pretentious by listing books no one knows.

>> No.1449164

>The Communist Manifesto
>We The Living

Ummm..... alright.

>> No.1449191

i can't believe ppl are even debating this. communist manifesto is a piece of shit. only an idiot would put it down as a favourite book.

>> No.1449196

Why is it shit?

>> No.1449212

it's basically reading a cocky politician's speech. short as hell too. das kapital is the actual one with all his economic insights + other stuff apparently. poorly written too

>> No.1449221

tybrax why haven't you killed yourself yet?

>> No.1449222

Das Kapital is better. But both are highly influential.

>> No.1449223

It’s subject to far too much variation to comment.

Although I’d say that he likely read those to seem “edgy”, he was probably loony prior to reading them – assuming he genuinely did.

>> No.1449226

Nobody's laughing. Are you happy?

>> No.1449227

do you think communist pamphlet is good?

>> No.1449236

Who is that a portrait of?

>> No.1449254

I think Marx was arrogant. But I like his writing. I haven't read the manifesto or Das Kapital in years, but they were fine (I was reading this alongside books on General Relativity and Quantum Mech mind you). Now I only have a book of essays from Marx and Engels on globalization, but those essays are pretty good.

>> No.1449259

do you drop trip when you are afraid?

>> No.1449264

Bayezid II

>> No.1449266

Perhaps you made no such dismissal, but you would dismiss a hipster's choices.

I accept your other arguments.

>> No.1449270

I have always been and shall remain anonymous here, unlike faggots like you.

>> No.1449271
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I wouldn't be surprised

>> No.1449273

what the fuck?

>> No.1449280

D&E is trying to whore in on the posts of people who actually read stuff.

>> No.1449282
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I don't know; Jared seems pretty to think this entire situation is pretty funny.

>> No.1449303

As disgustingly repugnant as D&E is, he's probably one of the most literate tripfags on this board

that is saying very little of course

>> No.1449313

There is no one else who spews as much misinformed bullshit as him. And spewing isn't literacy.

>> No.1449315

I thought you and he were the same person for a long time.

>> No.1449316

I thought the A-Team movie was pretty funny. Murdock was good.

>> No.1449323


>> No.1449326
File: 8 KB, 246x205, RFHY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you aren't saying we're anything like one another i hope?

>> No.1449343

this guy's face is freaking me out holy shit.

>> No.1449352

The idea, I think, isn't that you can't be a voracious reader of the canon. It's that there's nothing exceptional about having read scholastically prescribed books. Everyone reads them.

>> No.1449363

This is a good point.

>> No.1449364
File: 74 KB, 852x480, paul8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fagulout not incredibly overjoyed to be mistaken as me
it is a crazy crazy fuckin world we live in huh guys

>> No.1449369

Insecure enough to trip? Check.
All posts are cocky and/or arrogant without the requisite talent to back it up? Check.
Glib, almost idiotic posts almost all the time? Check.
Gets into fights with Anons all the cocksucking time then backs out with stupid, flip negations? Check.

Yeah, I thought you two were one and the same, only D+E didn't want to appear like he was here all the damn time, so made another trip. Is what I thought.

>> No.1449374

Too much "classic literature" faggotry, not nearly enough GOOD FUCKING STORIES.

>> No.1449377

They appear at the same time too...

>> No.1449386

It's funny, cuz you're not trying hard not to trip to pretend you're not here all the time, but you just can't do it.

>> No.1449397
File: 70 KB, 852x480, paul9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Insecure enough to trip? Check.
>All posts are cocky and/or arrogant without the requisite talent to back it up? Check.
>Glib, almost idiotic posts almost all the time? Check.
>Gets into fights with Anons all the cocksucking time then backs out with stupid, flip negations? Check.

Neue Fag? Check.

>A not unblack dog was chasing a not unsmall rabbit across a not ungreen field.

>> No.1449401

That was /b/ quality.

>> No.1449408
File: 39 KB, 852x480, paul5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are /b/ quality

>> No.1449409

palin's a murderer, but she's an american white trash and murdering comes natural to them. thus, there is no surprise.

>> No.1449411

There is a very good chance she will run.
I doubt she will even get the republican nomination, though. Republicans by and large are a closed minded bunch, but your average Mitt Romney is still a million times more articulate and well read then Palin, who is dumber then a kid with down syndrome on acid.

>> No.1449418

>A not unblack dog was chasing a not unsmall rabbit across a not ungreen field
oh i see what i'm meant to do after reading these essays now.

>only D+E didn't want to appear like he was here all the damn time, so made another trip. Is what I thought
making fabulous as an outlet for his repressed homosexuality is more probable.

alot of people have told me/asked me if we're the same person. also people have called me a better troll than you quite a few times.

>> No.1449431

if you thought palin is a farce of american politics, wait until you see some of the guys on the supreme court.

>> No.1449434

Oh wow, I was so wrong, you totally know way more than your readinglists.

>> No.1449438

yet it seems you have described the great majority of /lit/'s tripfags
what good would it do me to be anything like you? narcissism is already one of my many virtues

>> No.1449439
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> Goodbye friends. Please don't be mad at me. The literacy rate is below 5%. I haven't talked to one person who is literate.
/lit/ status: CONFIRMED

>> No.1449440

So some cunt representative got popped. Big deal. I'd be as equally indifferent if he'd shot Sarah Palin. Seems to me that the only good politician is one in mortal fear for his/her life.

>> No.1449447
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>> No.1449454

That's not a tired yawn, that your reaction to the surprise you yourself experience after considering your own butthurt as a result of being discovered for the fraud you are.

>> No.1449461

I didn't know cartoons had politicians.

>> No.1449468

wow, you're a fucking wild child! look out for this rebel!

>> No.1449471
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>> No.1449472


>> No.1449474

>Gets into fights with Anons all the cocksucking time then backs out with stupid, flip negations? Check.

Haha! Did this guy fucking call it, or what?

>> No.1449486

...and now you're trying to bite your hand so that you will have to focus on your physical pain rather than the emotional distress resulting from being outed as a liar.

>> No.1449490
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>> No.1449494
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>> No.1449496

Go listen to some more David Bowie, David Bowie listener.

>> No.1449501


>> No.1449512

You've now come to terms with the reality of the situation you face. Your butthurt, which is the result of your same-fagging actions being discovered, has caused you to throw your hands up in frustration and cry out in emotional anguish.

You also seem to be in a work setting in all of these photos. Might I suggest focusing a little more on your work; it might prove therapeutic.

>> No.1449516

He doesn't work. It's why he's here all the time and has no sense of personal accountability.

>> No.1449522

I sure as hell wouldn't complain. It seems these days that whenever someone mentions Alaska it turns straight to Sarah Palin. She should have stayed where she belonged in local politics, don't try to be the front for Alaskan politics if you're going to be completely stupid about it. She's become a stain to the name of Alaska. < . < I swear, I'll be glad when I get out of this ice-trap.

>> No.1449523
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>> No.1449527

So I don't understand. Are people thinking this kid was a right-winger?

>> No.1449531

>implying the Supreme Court has autonomy

>> No.1449532

I like D&E more when he posted pornographic sculptures.

>> No.1449533


i think most people understand him to be a general nut case

>> No.1449534


>> No.1449535
File: 7 KB, 259x194, BWU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this thread
the two of us are completely unlike each other, the only one of the great conspiracies (i have deemed them so) that makes even a lick of sense was tybrax bitching earlier about d&e being a repressed homo

which is interesting in its own right, and makes me wonder if perhaps d&e is my repressed heterosexuality (i shudder at the thought)

and yet, there is no chance in a frozen hell that perhaps the two of us might be one
I enjoy the company of koroviev

>> No.1449536

There is no need to cause yourself any bodily harm DE/Fab. While your reputation on this board is forever tarnished, you still have a wealth of opportunity in your future.

You also seem to have removed your tie in a moment of pain and frustration. While I understand that you are going through a difficult period, I must insist that you stick to the company dress code before your boss shows up and sees you in this pathetic state of affairs.

Pull yourself together man!

>> No.1449539

Yet conservatives will get all the "waaaah you shot someone" even though the kid was a crazy moonbat nutjob.

>> No.1449545

>ugly nutcase thread
>draws attention with tenuous link to literature
>tripfag circlejerk ensues

>> No.1449549
File: 21 KB, 336x357, depression.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I enjoy the company of koroviev

>The incredibly spoiled and overprivileged posters of 4chan /lit/ are a backdrop for an unusual love triangle between a drug dealer, a witty faggot and an ubermenschen philosopher

>> No.1449550

I am the best.

>> No.1449551

>completely shit thread turns into slightly shitier thread
you can not be as mad as you sound

>> No.1449554




>> No.1449555
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>> No.1449557
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I'm quite pleased with how this thread turned out.

>> No.1449560

>Complete nut with no real political affiliation shoots a politician.

Oh, Liberals.

>> No.1449569
File: 48 KB, 384x576, dangle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh... you!!!

>> No.1449572


>> No.1449575

oh i thought your post said "face" not "farce"

you are actually implying the same thing that i was implying in the post you quoted

carry on

>> No.1449581


Glenn Beck, after saying he would gladly stand side by side with his politcal opponents to counter such madness, was quick to point out things like Loughner lack of religion and his favorite book being The Communist Manifesto. You Republicans are such hypocrites.

Sounds pretty fucking stupid when you're hearing it and not saying it, right?

>> No.1449583

Stop bumping your faggot thread.

>> No.1449594
File: 93 KB, 620x452, e2eb0f94-2fb9-11df-8820-001cc4c002e0.image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Loughner attempts to increase the literacy rates in his district during the Tuscon Festival of Books.

>> No.1449596

I think people should stop talking about Palin like she was the cause. What we should be talking about is how people should watch what they say because it can bite them in the ass. This is the equivalent of telling someone "I hope you die!" before they get into a lethal car crash. Your fault? No. Very poor judgment? Maybe.

>> No.1449611

It's actually more like telling a large group of people, "I hope Sean Connery dies!"

And then later someone from that crowd runs over and kills Sean Connery. Only instead of a car it was a gun, and instead of Sean Connery it was a bunch of people in a political rally, including a young child. And Sean Connery doesn't die but lives a life of suffering, and it isn't Sean Connery, it's Gabrielle Giffords.

>> No.1449616

You have such a limited world view man, didn't you ever read the secret? our desires can shape reality. If you tell someone to go die and they do, its totally your fault.

>> No.1449619

To what extent can you be held responsible for the actions of others?

Is Loughner even a Palin follower? Didn't he have a history of hating Giffords?

>> No.1449624

I'm not blaming Sarah Palin, I'm criticizing your horrid analogy as this is a literature board and not a political one.

>> No.1450025

Palin ain't the cause, but it is hard to deny her current media relations are opportunistic and premeditated. The crazies tend to latch/focus on language, especially when it is coming from political actors and institutions. You can watch any of Jared's youtube videos or posts on abovetopsecret.com to understand rhetoric was one of his obsessions. Charles Manson and his ilk reinterpreted "Helter Skelter" as a schematic for race war.

Especially when people are desperate, let's err on the side of responsibility than recklessness in rhetoric. "Don't retreat, reload" is aimed at a certain demographic. Those sound bites come without context.

>> No.1450037

This post is very on point.

Loughner did what he did because he was a crazy person. In no sense was Palin or the right responsible. At the same time and unrelatedly, the rhetoric of the right (and at times of the left) is irresponsible and inflammatory, and inasmuch as they are responsible and as they claim to be serious about wanting a better country, they should think seriously about what they say.

That, I think, is what the response should be to this tragedy - a sober evaluation of American political discourse, of the way in which partisan pointscoring and demonizing drives us apart, of how dangerous this kind of language is. Both on the right and the left. Unfortunately, at this point, the event itself seems to have been subsumed into that same partisan discourse, and any kind of reflective thought drowned out.

Al Giordano (a commentator who is as liberal as they come) wrote a very nice piece which I recommend reading: http://narcosphere.narconews.com/thefield/4269/tucson-eye-eye-blinds-all

>> No.1450071

If those books influenced a man to shoot and kill a respectable politician then they should clearly either be banned or at the very least withheld from our highschool students.

>> No.1450073

Right, because one person responded a certain way, it's wholly indicative of the material.

>> No.1450077

We shouldn't be taking any more risks, if we can prevent just one more person to be inspired to kill, it's worth it.

>> No.1450079

Alright people, nothing to see here. No need to respond to this poster anymore. You all know why.

>> No.1450082

Doesn't every student in America read those books?

I doubt he understood any of what he read anyway, if he started to randomly shoot into a crowd.

>> No.1450089

>don't agree with argument
>ridicule and marginalize

You're the Sarah Palin of this board.

>> No.1450093
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>> No.1450097

On the other hand you're the Really Obvious Troll of this board (as evinced by your "you're just calling me a troll because you disagree with my blatant trolling" - classic troll tactics)

>> No.1450106

>hold a controversial opinion
>No, I'm no a troll
>classic proof you're a troll


>> No.1450116

You expressed an opinion which was inflammatory without really arguing for it, using only one line & only using reasons which are themselves inflammatory. When people accused you of being a troll, you continually green-texted your way through and accused them of dismissing your beliefs simply because they disagreed, and not because you were trolling (as you are). This behavior does not make sense for someone arguing seriously; it is entirely typical, however, for a troll.

>> No.1450118

Please see:

>> No.1450173

And that's how come GOTO commands can be both really useful and really shitty.

>> No.1450175

Except humans, unlike computer programs, are capable of thought, reason, and extrapolation.

Please stop bumping this thread with posts not regarding the topic.

>> No.1450178

Woops, my mistake, accidentally forgot my sage when retyping the captcha. Sorry bout that.

>> No.1450189

No, we are only capable of the illusion of thought, reason and extrapolation. It puts me in mind of Montaigne's sentiment; preferring the company of peasants because they had not been educated sufficiently to reason incorrectly. You on the other hand are likely well educated in such matters.

>> No.1450203

Tolstoy also thought the peasants had more wisdom than the nobility/learned.

The more I talk to college-educated people, the more I'm starting to think they were right.

>> No.1450211

Okay, well regardless of whether our ability to reason and extrapolate are illusions, as you say, the way I used them in my argument depends only on their practicality, their application, and in that sense these "illusions" are more than capable.

You seem to have your head so far up your ass you are fighting against the deflation of your own ego. So thought is an illusion, alright, but you are the only person that seems concerned.

>> No.1450218

At least he tried to contribute to the state of literacy in his area, unlike the rest of you il/lit/erates.

>> No.1450228

It doesn't rely on their practicability at all. Your statement relies on being so obtuse as to be mostly meaningless, the only truth to it being a platitude ("Humans aren't machines!", O RLY? I had no idea!).

>> No.1450230

I think it's a kind of cynicism that stems from having your own worth tied to being more right/astute/intelligent than others. I wonder if the same sentiment fuels the science vs arts thing

>> No.1450233

Sorry, I don't think you followed the conversational path all the way back to the post I was originally quoting. Please do so, then reconsider your comment.

>> No.1450279

Why do I care about the conversational path, aside from its form (since that's what I was commenting on)? You retarded son? If so, sorry to hear about that, hope you're living a fulfilling life.

>> No.1450293

I'm wondering what it was about the Meno that contributed to his distraught state.

>> No.1450296

>mein kampf

One of these things is not like the others....

>> No.1450297

D&E is here!!!
he will for sure tell us why his b.s. pretentious shit is better than a dude with no eyebrows favorites list

he might even mention how he is better than someone in his post
or just try to be a total pedantic asswipe

>> No.1450391

Sorry, was playing some l4d.

The conversation is important because you need context in order to understand what I was saying and why.
Anyways, the post I was referring to was talking about the goto command common in a lot of programming languages. The poster said
>And that's how come GOTO commands can be both really useful and really shitty.
Not sure if it was you or not, can't be arsed to check. Anyways, the reason why the goto command is shitty and lazy coding is due to limitations in computing, which is a problem that doesn't exist with humans due to our ability to reason and extrapolate. Whether that ability is an illusion or not, for all practical reasons, it doesn't matter as long as it gets us results, such as being able to work around the limitations of a goto command.

Okay, back to zombie killings

>> No.1450506
File: 45 KB, 307x440, cone7-31-4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am the best.

>> No.1451561
File: 159 KB, 1033x911, sarah-palin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm glad I made this thread.