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/lit/ - Literature

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14491441 No.14491441 [Reply] [Original]

why are no modern epics being written?

>> No.14491446

Game of Thrones.

>> No.14491450

A song of ice and fire

>> No.14491455
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You're in one

>> No.14491461

same reason all forms of art are dying

>> No.14491480

Malazan book of the Fallen.

>> No.14491500

The Jews?

>> No.14491506

Because literature is for women and they don't care for epics. Men make cinema.

>> No.14491514

>>14491441 (OP)
because modernity has destroyed the sense of continuity and coherence in the manner people used to perceive their lifes, thereby obliterating the basic condition for epic narratives

>> No.14491519

romance d'a pedra do reino e o príncipe do sangue do vai-e-volta
brazilian sertanejo meta-epic (i'm serious)

>> No.14491523

art is reflection of world
bad world mean bad art
good art only come from good world
if want good art then make good world first

>> No.14491524

not being written though, but recent enough I guess. dude who wrote it died in 2015 iirc

>> No.14491565

yes its the jews or capitalism if your IQ is 100 and you want any easy answer to life

>> No.14491580

So whats the real answer, Mr. Genius?

>> No.14491583

I agree. And how was humanity in the past? Do we know or is this before recorded history

>> No.14491595


>> No.14491609

I think it's also got to do with the broadened audience. It's not that we aren't capable of writing an epic these days, it's that publishers will push to make it widely accessible so the highest number of people possible will buy it, so it's gotta be something that can eventually be franchised, made into a movie or a series and then it can sell t shirts and coffee mugs until the end of time.

>> No.14491621
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Is no one going to mention Gaskun’s 4000 page autistic space opera?

>> No.14491625

When they’re written people take them for thin genre fiction. Epics are like The NeverEnding Story or Star Wars.
Your question is more “why are epics not respected as ancient mythological people’s history”, no?

>> No.14491628

>be epic writer
>write generic fiction
>begome famous
>at peak fame publish the definitive story of the century

>> No.14491637

Is this picture meant to say something

>> No.14491639

not its meant to illustrate something

>> No.14491653

They'll just have to resist the urge to cave to a shit fanbase and ride a wave of security into retirement.

>> No.14491668

>tfw I am actively writing a great epic narrative as we speak

It's not ONLY going to be poetry, but there will be long narrative poems as part of the bigger overall story.

>> No.14491687

There are. They're just undiscovered, or yet to be published

>> No.14491693

Those are the manuscripts for his Star Wars/anime/whatever crossover. He was on here yesterday explaining in GREAT FUCKING DETAIL about why the sequel trilogy failed. Cliffs notes: after Luke’s heroes journey ended, the western world doesn’t know how to process an adventure in the same universe. He’s not wrong but for fucks sake. Somebody on here said they’ve read the whole thing

>> No.14491697 [DELETED] 

Does Infinite Jest count as an epic ?

>> No.14491715

Even tho we have mass CGI like Marvel Movies, it’s hard for people to suspend their beliefs to be even remotely interested in something that’s found in writing. Plus, what are the chances of people actually picking it up and reading it?

>> No.14491788

>see this thread
>pseuds once again gyrating with stretches and leaps of non-thought explanations attempting to sound deep instead of just answering the damn question
Art is primarily concerned with novelty - consumes of art are even more concerned. The epic is as old as human history, so it was bound to lose popularity at some point. Combine this with the Modern and Post-modern rejection of prior artistic sentiments for various reasons and the supposition that the true human condition is, for whatever reason, a vague existential discomfort, generalized disquiet and pessimism, and inexplicable and often needless drama, and of course epics would fall out of style. That's why the majority of what has been popular for the last century has been stories about how much it sucks to be alive, because that's apparently the only true human experience.

>> No.14491808

Epics have been almost completely replaced with maximalist literature as far as lit is concerned. Genre fic doesn't count

>> No.14491809

its called harry potter

>> No.14492156

Harry Potter is for children and adults with soft heads

>> No.14492169

It’s cheap epic. Star War (4, 5 and 6) was a very good epic and meant for the whole family, so people have been cranking out the simplest kiddy epics. Same thing with the Hobbit.

>> No.14492187

Modernity has destroyed a lot of things, but I think a modern Epic is still possible.

>> No.14492210


They simply have become commonplace therefore they have become way too cheap to be taken seriously

Take this for example


This is perfect, not because it has any quality to it but rather because it checks all the required marks to be called an "epic" and put in such a clear, plain and almost minimalistic way that I bet you could use it to teach others easily how to write an epic.

But if you are thinking in modern or general terms, well morality is relative, you can't have evil commies but people born in their circumstances doing what they think best and they aren't even shown how wrong they are but rather how wrong everyone else is if they think they are anything but unwilling agents of universal forces.

>> No.14492244

show don't tell

>> No.14492258

You are NOT butterfly

>> No.14492289

Because nothing epic is happening.

>> No.14492367

Epics always look backward.
Literature is the thing that makes life 'epic'.

>> No.14492372

what the fuck is wrong with zoomers

>> No.14492379
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What do you want now?

>> No.14492381


They’re just manifesting differently. Berserk can very easily be seen as an epic, or even video games like Dragon Quest. Sure the aesthetic value changes but the concept remains. Lit just can’t process art evolving.

>> No.14492389
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>Berserk can very easily be seen as an epic, or even video games like Dragon Quest

>> No.14492415

because genre changes with time, modernism killed off works with heros being the be all and end all of lit

>> No.14492426

That's a photograph.

>> No.14492451
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>> No.14492454

on it king

>> No.14492475

has she been blacked?

>> No.14492862

because modernism and post-modernism kill virtue and anything that is seen as too perfect. modern man can't handle perfection it reminds them their pointless life.

>> No.14492953

>>14491514 is correct, but also because the scope of life is now so vast that it is impossible to write anything that ‘sums up’ a given moment for a culture. There are no unifying beliefs, values, experiences, or anything that connect all the people in any country in the west anymore. There is just too much stuff now. You can only have ‘small’ epics which represent the totality of life for a sub population, which id argued by definition are not ‘epic’ anymore.

>> No.14492964
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>LITERALLY claiming that anime and video games are epic

>> No.14492965

Women don't write anything worth reading.

>> No.14492988

sorry, I didn't read your whole sentence, don;t have the time.

>> No.14492999

tide pods, man. tide pods

>> No.14493010

epics? what about myths and legends? based on the order of things we're behind schedule according to Joseph Campbell. He says our future writings are in the stars. But we're too attached to fossil fuels to adventure into space :(

>> No.14493030

>some zoomers snort stims and act like retards
>some doomers didn't snort stims and act like retards in their teans
>therefore zoomers are wrong compared to boomers

On another note.. to answer what's wrong with zoomers, I'd say we are bad at connecting with people, we value 'performance' too much and realize too late that developing social bonds is more fulfilling to a human than anything else.
It may be just what one sees from my perspective of an almost virgin porn addict, but stats say that western teenagers have much less sex than their ancestors did. And birth rates are low. People just seem to be less together.

>> No.14493044

How to read?

>> No.14493165

>He says our future writings are in the stars.
Wtf does that mean.

>> No.14493516

because epics require a poet who has been selected by the gods to have a soul immense enough to create . Why else do you think the greatest of epics are stretched out by hundreds of years? Surely our generation is incapable of producing such genius.

>> No.14494172
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I’m trying to find the second half of it. I’ve got books 1-5. The main character is 15 in the first book because it’s an origins story but then it jumps 20 years for the 2nd book so it’s not YA but it’s definitely written for teens. It’s got a bunch of action. It would probably be better as a comic book or graphic novel or cartoon or something.

>> No.14494307

I see direct continuity from the Iliad to my life. This is a cope and ultimately kind of schizo, but I see it nonetheless.

>> No.14495777

Probably brain damage

>> No.14495802

yeah the world used to be real swell with all them wars and famines and epidemics every other week

>> No.14496056

Is there somewhere I could find it?

>> No.14496334

Got a throwaway email?

>> No.14496349

Based hylic

>> No.14496493


>> No.14496621

Reading isn't popular right now.

>> No.14496646

Because the moral impulse is the one that predominates modern mankind - it refuses to acknowledge any other distinction than the moral - and epics always deal with persons and acts distinguished from the rest of humanity
>Why else do you think the greatest of epics are stretched out by hundreds of years?
Ariosto, Camoens, Tasso and Spenser all lived within 1 century, and Milton came soon after them

>> No.14496701

Read Against the Day, bud.

>> No.14496737

only Milton falls into that category of the greatest of epics. The rest are second rate.

>> No.14496885

Your taste is the issue here, not the gods - if we are very strict then every good thing must appear as a prodigy

>> No.14497005

Mto foda

>> No.14497890

I’m writing one.

>> No.14497933

Hundreds of years ago....

>> No.14497971


>> No.14498436

Looking for Alaska by John Green

>> No.14499342

Go onnnn....

>> No.14499386

What do you mean by modern? After WW1? 21st century? This year?

If you literally mean “currently being written,” how could you know since they are works in progress?

>> No.14500261

That’s it. Just saying that one is being written. Nothing really to say about it until it’s finished.

>> No.14500283

Why are “Aryan” b*tches so ugly?

>> No.14500285


I wrote one but none want to publish it
Goddess at the gates @ royalroad

>> No.14500541

Lowkey based

>> No.14500580

>t. nigger subhuman

>> No.14500587
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shes cute anon cmon

>> No.14501377


>> No.14501380

wanna hit me with that pls, brother? phillbert@nigge.rs

>> No.14501728

Yeah, consider how we have reach a point where we even have to split generations in half now. younger/elder millennial is a term I see used in the media now because the pop culture (which is the only culture left) milieu of someone in their mid-late 20's who is vastly different from someone pushing 40, yet both can fall under the millennial label. When people talk about Zoomers they mean teens and early 20's, despite the fact that the label includes 7 year olds, but can you imagine in 10 years, when that 7 year old is 17 that their way of speaking, their sense of humour, their particular resentments and fads would be shared in a meaningful way with some 31 year old Zoomer who just happened to be born in the same arbitrary bracket of time?

A decade happens in 7 years now.

The intergenerational divide is now an intragenerational one, yet there was a time not too long ago where you and your ancestors would all have livid in a mutually intelligible manner. This is why, although disgusting, I can understand these Gen-X dads trying to push starwars on their kids from an early age because what else will they ever have in common? They can either consume together or consume apart.

>> No.14501732
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the caged penis forgets her tumescence

>> No.14502037


>> No.14502269

humans are cultureless slaves with no sincere and real experiences

>> No.14502288

You sound like you fart in the bathtub and then try to bite the bubbles

>> No.14502332

I only bathe in a nearby river after it rains.

>> No.14502911

Things people secure in their intelligence say.
This is racial, genius. The entire point of epics were that they were essentially racial origin stories—and Europeans at large prized them and drew from them even if they weren’t a part of its target race (i.e. the Iliad for the Greeks, the Aeneid for the Romans). And this was possible because it was known that Europeans were different branches of the same racial tree. Now that people are deracinated and even antipathetic to race they don’t identify with the European canon and actively try to write as an “individual”.

>> No.14502930

I thought I was the only one who noticed. The vast assortment of options in media has essentially barred artists from making anything that could define us as a collective; our lack of cohesion in beliefs, values, ideals, or aesthetic ideals makes our zeitgeist an undefined, amorphous blob of shit. Depressing.

>> No.14502964

If only there were something that could “define us as collective” like in the past. But yeah, it’s probably just “the vast assortment of options in media” lmao

>> No.14502977


>> No.14502982

If it went over your head then it’s not worth explaining.

>> No.14503014


I think it is a valid point. Because we have become so fragmented in the art we consume, the values we hold, our manner of speech, and our aesthetic preferences, it has become inordinately difficult for a single piece to capture or define us as a whole.

>> No.14503230

There are next to no important epics since the start of the 18th century. The novel started taking over, and the successful epics of the 19th century were usually totally different from what is classically understood as epic. The worldview of the epic was aristocratic, the worldview of the novel is middle-class. As the former fell, the latter rose. The novel belongs to a time where you cannot boil the society down to a homogenous narrative or universal values. In that regard, Dostoyevsky was probably the greatest novelist.

>> No.14503262

I find the films of Abbas Kiarostami evoke the feeling of an epic, Taste of Cherry in particular. Slow cinema in general has the same vibe. Also picaresque novels. I'm not really sure what you mean otherwise.

>> No.14503323

My unpublished diary

>> No.14503353

Superhero films are modern epics. This is not to say that superhero films are good, it's the old epics that are trash.

>> No.14503372


>> No.14504150


>> No.14504178

all kikes deserve painful death

>> No.14505059


>> No.14505243

>who is David Mitchell

>> No.14505253
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>> No.14505748

because polcels are closet cases

>> No.14507175

Tbh if there were any lit would just shit all over it and call it overated

>> No.14508227

Because our predecessors were more intelligent and creative than ourselves.

>> No.14508782

In the west, individualism, endemic nihilism and the death of the hero as a concept.

>> No.14508934

they are, theyre just called fantasy

>> No.14508976

the same reason nothing epic is made
transfaggotry, muslims and communists have destroyed our culture
we don't have time to sit down and make beautiful things, we're gearing up for war

>> No.14509017
