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/lit/ - Literature

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14492220 No.14492220[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Which video game has the best writing?

>> No.14492231


>> No.14492239
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Only /v/ would know

>> No.14492250
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Idk, not many have good writing at all, if anyone says some gay shit like ‘the last of us’ they should be castrated
Morrowind in terms of setting is pretty good, speaking of which I found it strange that there are only 2 elder scrolls novels, which are directly linked in story, I read them when I was like 13 and remember them carrying the weirdness through pretty well
Post more pictures of Samus Aran pls

>> No.14492256


>> No.14492275

Disco Elysium made me think and brought me to tears, so I'd say that

>> No.14492317
File: 212 KB, 400x441, thatsrightimamoralist.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. The Talos Principle is also great, both its audio logs and text segments

>> No.14492332

No kidding man, Disco Elysium single handedly restored my faith in the video game industry, and in video games as a medium overall.

>> No.14492333

Planescape Torment is the obvious answer.

>> No.14492352
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>> No.14492365

Based and redpilled. Disco Elysium is unironically the only video game worth playing for its writing.

>> No.14492453

Pathologic 2

>> No.14492483
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>one of the best written video games is a star wars game
What went so wrong?

>> No.14492503

shill thread

>> No.14492507

Kentucky Route Zero

>> No.14492509

It's all trash. People bringing up meme shit like Planescape Torment when talking about the pinnacle of video game writing is all the confirmation you need.
The gaming industry should drop writing all together. Games that actually possess (or at least approach) a sense of artistic merit usually have paper thin stories and unremarkable dialogue (if any dialogue at all) and instead focus on different things. 'Video game writing' is a meme that's holding the medium back.

>> No.14492578

ITT: Lowbrow genre trash that /v/ tells you is good/artistic.

>> No.14492602

Chris Avellone is not a good writer.

>> No.14492655

MGS V is incredibly cheesy but it takes itself so seriously that I ended up liking it in a melodramatic soap opera type way.

>> No.14492662


>> No.14492673

Which are these games that have or are close to artistical merit?

>> No.14492687

Unironically this
Why try to force one system of conceptual transmission inherent to certain artform onto another completely different?
Games should be games because being a game is just fine- it doesn’t need to be a book/movie/etc

But just for the sake of not being a petulant faggot, I literally think Bethesda games have the best writing if only because it’s fear of some technical capability to write that much and have it all exist for the consumption

>> No.14492704

I was with you until
>I literally think Bethesda games have the best writing

>> No.14492722
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Plays, films, and narrative driven video games are all subsets of literature

>> No.14492731

This isn't your stomping grounds /v/ fag, fuck off.

>> No.14492732


>> No.14492741


>> No.14492780

I'm sorry but in against interpretation Susan Sontag clearly says that plays and film are subset of literature because they are narrative based, and that means such a classification easily extends to narrative driven videogames.

>> No.14492842

planescape torment

>> No.14492861

None of them, better off playing games without a distinct story or loose lore like DS or rougelites. Playing for muh story is cringe

>> No.14492872

>He didn't read all the books in the game

>> No.14492906

Mass Effect 1,2
Deus Ex Sequels
GTAV (the comedic bit writing)

Deus Ex 1
Red Dead 2 (played it just after reading Warlock so that might color perception)

>> No.14492919

Rockstar are kickass writers desu.

>> No.14492948

Drakengard series (except for 2)

>> No.14492952
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>> No.14493034
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You reject writing in games but embrace the union of sound and moving pictures. Cretinous

>> No.14493059

The best way to do it is minimal story in game, rich world building and expansion of in-game ideas through some encyclopedia or codex menu that fills up as you explore.

People into that kind of stuff can eat it up. People who don't want it can just forget it's there.

The WORST possible choice is to go doom 3 and put mandatory content inside of audio logs and world building lore material, don't fucking mix the two because then no one has a good time.

>> No.14493089

The Halo series.

>> No.14493240

Rockstar makes garbage open world games and repeat the same exact plot and character archetypes in every single game they ever made (that isn't Max Payne).

>> No.14493247


>> No.14493253
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>> No.14493257

Why do you think you have any right to judge when your hobby is exactly just that?

>> No.14493263

Read the sticky dumbass.

>> No.14493305
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>Animal Crossing Gamecube
Achieves cuteness and humor in the characters. Newer games are modernized and leave out somewhat distasteful jokes of the gritty villagers.
>The Witcher (1st)
Great setting can lead to a great story. I guess the writing itself isn't standing out, but it's the union of environment and purpose that makes the writing memorable, admirable, good.
The base of this game is reading, then puzzle solving. So it needed a good story to sell. It's like the Saw movies where the main characters are trapped by a malevolent leader and need to solve a problem to survive and escape.
Here it can be seen as meme bait but if cults and the occult are of interest to you, Oblivion does something memorable with that. TES also has books you can read within the game which is fun imo. The writing isn't the most sophisticated but there is a depth to it.
>I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream
Point and click *game* made to be a visual walkthrough of a short story of the same name. This is the only /lit/ game really I know of. If radicalism and dystopia interests you, this fits the bill.

>> No.14493310

I was actually about to respond with an excuse about how I don’t play that many games with writing and typically I play Dominions 5 but then I thought about it and dom5 has fucking great writing so I’m changing my answer

Why can’t I just have the things I want you FAGGOT???

>> No.14493314

Doom (1993)

>> No.14493323
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>specifically books
the sticky is irrelevant to whether or not they constitute literature, even though the thread is admittedly off topic (p.s. I'm not the one who made this non book related thread)

>> No.14493329
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The Elder Scrolls

>> No.14493353

Just played I have no mouth, would recommed as well.

>> No.14493373

Xenogears if you enjoy philosophy

>> No.14493387

>replying to buttercunt

>> No.14493395

You're playing a mindless game of semantics.

>> No.14493400

Deus Ex
Planescape Torment

>> No.14493402

Morrowind's lore is unique, not well-written. All the other games are generic genre trash.

>> No.14493419
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>speeches, menus, fortune cookie slips and instruction manuals, are a subset of literature

>> No.14493425
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>ingredient labels, receipts and tattoos are a subset of literature

>> No.14493491
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Oh oh I'm sorry I didn't realize those were 'narrative driven' aspects

>> No.14493525
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/lit/ is for the discussion of literature

>> No.14493528

Fallout New Vegas

>> No.14493565

New Vegas has the best world building in terms of past (both recent and "ancient", ie pre war), present and future. It also has the best presentation of this world because it uses dialogue, written notes and books found throughout the world, and visual story telling discerned by being perceptive and piecing together hints of what happened at any given place.

>> No.14493578

This reads like a Reddit thesis.

>> No.14493631

And the writing is funny. Funny writing is some of the hardest to achieve.
>That one kid who keeps calling you a faggot
>Eventually you have dialogue option where you snap at him and say "damn right I'm a faggot!"
>The two kids chortle maliciously and then just the sound of a seagull fills the air

>> No.14493633

this reads like a faggot thesis

>> No.14493638

Vidya is literature

>> No.14493646
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Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II

>> No.14493656

Suda51 games :3
Drakengard/NieR has some merit too but I see Yoko Taro as the Lars Von Trier of videogames as in he sometimes gets overly pretentious/edgy just to make people see his games as deeper

>> No.14493663
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>> No.14493680
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The best of videogame stories are ones that are indirect and rely heavily on symbolism.
A game that tells you everything is not a game but a movie. A game that tells you nothing is just a blank screen.
I've dumped thousands into videogames over my years of addiction and among all the games I played the ones I felt the deepest connection with the characters, setting, and progression were the ones that seemed to have a sort of calculated randomness to them.
All that said, Yume Nikki is my favorite story game. Though, I do not think story is what vidya should be focused on.

>> No.14493686

>People bringing up meme shit like Planescape Torment when talking about the pinnacle of video game writing is all the confirmation you need.
This. Also why I totally disregard anime faggots because they'll bring up shit like Aria, or worse, Madoka.

>> No.14493703

>Star Wars
lol fucking /v/irgins

>> No.14493735

>expecting me to take a game seriously where a character blatantly misinterprets hegelian dialectics yet not once anyone calls him out on it

>> No.14493740

He's probably the only person he's ever met that's read even a page of Hegel. His simplistic understanding of Hegel is not even more asinine than the average interpretation you find on the internet or in low level university courses (I was given a similar explanation in a 100 level poli sci course)

>> No.14493745

The fact that most video games just try to emulate movies with some button mashing in between cutscenes has always been indicative to me of the complete lack of artistic potential of the medium. You can design a game to /literally do anything/ and 90% of games choose to be bad clones of movies. Games I would put on my top 10 of all time list are stuff like Crusader Kings 2, Kerbal Space Program, Rimworld, Mount & Blade, etc where the sky is the limit to what you can do in the confines of the game. The only story that exists in these games is the one that is created dynamically as you play. In my opinion this is how all games should be. If you want to make/watch a movie then go do that.

>> No.14493753

Either way New Vegas suffers from the problems of all RPGs, that being your character can only be as smart as the writer thinks he is.

>> No.14493758
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Xenogears is a fucking mess. Feels like an unpolished pastiche.
>le dropping truthbomb
Cringe. Is your pic supposed to be an example of its alleged quality writing?

>> No.14493759

Based as fuck. I think this game is the best way to get younger people interested in philosophy.

>> No.14493763

I think 99.999% of all players do not imagine their character spent years in Arroyo studying Hegel in the university before becoming a courier.

>> No.14493766

>not playing as a 1-int 10-str caveman who responds to every encounter with a plank of wood

>> No.14493774

New Vegas is too pulpy, and the writing is all over the place. People act like Caesar's Legion and House is what the whole game is, but in reality you're dealing with garbage like trying to help launch Ghouls into outer space. It's straight up embarrassing at times. Plus the gameplay is utter shit.

>> No.14493779

It's just the dialectic without any of the Absolute self realization nonsense isn't it?

>> No.14493791

this is actually a complaint about how capitalism forces art to be formulaic in order to sell.

>> No.14493795

They don't have to read Hegel to understand Caesar's concept of thesis-antithesis-synthesis is completely asinine.
It's hard for me to consider New Vegas art when at its core it really is just a silly lawless sandbox RPG at heart.
The problem is Caesar is an actual retard for taking a very literal interpretation of the dialectic, by merely designing his Legion as an antagonistic force, with no greater vision beyond "Something good will come out of it"

>> No.14493803

Taken as a whole you spend a lot more time in military bases speaking to dejected soldiers than you do indulging in Fallout's more pulpy aspects. I have no real counter argument though.

>> No.14493807

Great game but not really /lit/. The only thing it has going for it is the piecing together of the story throughout the game and an excellent OST. The story itself is nothing terribly exceptional.

>> No.14493825

In the end, Fallout is stuck in its roots as a power fantasy RPG where the main character is inevitably always right and kicks everyone's asses.

>> No.14493834
File: 469 KB, 1500x1061, Darksouls11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dark souls
I'm disappointed in all of you. DS1 clearly has the best writing of any video game hands down.
>but muh no cutscenes
>but muh no dialogue trees
Fuck off. DS1 has a coherent internal mythos that is just open enough to be interpreted a variety of ways. Additionally, it forces you to read and actually pay attention if you want to piece together the story.

>> No.14493837

That's true about every game, and the games where the twist is you're the real bad guy equally juvenile shit like Nier. At least in New Vegas you have the option of being an asshole or hypocrite and getting called out on it. Name an RPG besides Disco Elysium that isn't a "power fantasy".

>> No.14493843

It's called "interactive fiction" newfag, and the answer is The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind, followed by Oblivion.

>> No.14493857

Anyone saying they had a firm grasp of what the fuck was going on in DS without looking at Youtube is a liar. The item descriptions are mostly incomprehensible without further context and the world is so surreal that most players just stop trying to piece it together and dismiss item descriptions as flavor. Hearing an item was made by a smith is bumfuck "NotLordranTM" is not useful or even worth paying attention to for most people. And the answers Youtubers come up with (while interesting) involve massive leaps in logic to tie together coherent narratives.

>> No.14493860

Get some fucking taste.

>> No.14493866

it's supposed to be pulpy, big retard. the italian mobster gang is named the omerta for goodness sake. that said it has some of the best writing in the industry. the story of bill ronte always makes me fucking cry.


>> No.14493875

>it's supposed to be pulpy, big retard.
This is exactly why I'm saying it's shit.

>> No.14493907

Holy shit unironic /v/ retards here. This place is overrun with midwits now, it’s fucking dead

>> No.14493913

Dark Souls 1 isn't hard to understand besides the Primordial Serpents. Dark Souls 2 is the incoherent mess.

>> No.14493917

> Not using /v/tards
Anon I...

>> No.14493918

get a job Rasheed

>> No.14494013

>The problem is Caesar is an actual retard for taking a very literal interpretation of the dialectic, by merely designing his Legion as an antagonistic force, with no greater vision beyond "Something good will come out of it"

>> No.14494022

Deus Ex (2000)

>> No.14494031

Alpha Centauri. That game is worthy of inclusion on a Voyager Golden Disc.


Aristotle would have at least kept abreast of video games.