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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 258 KB, 923x690, Screenshot_20200106_165040.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14486839 No.14486839 [Reply] [Original]

Go to the Goodreads page for a book you enjoyed and bring back the stupidest review.

pic related is for Norwegian Wood

>> No.14486853

>reading Murakami
You're supposed to start with an unreasonable review, anon.

>> No.14486865

>not liking Murakami
Man alive.

>> No.14486871

>epic fail
yep, i'm thinking she's based

>> No.14486895
File: 128 KB, 930x484, Screenshot_20200106_165851.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

normies can't into Suttree

>> No.14486916

She's has a point though. What the fuck was that last sex scene about?
>and also the main character (not self insert btw!) bang the old lady because he's so cool and all the ladies want to have sex with him.
Why are nips like this?

>> No.14486942

Women's reviews of anything are always cringe

>> No.14486981

There's nothing wrong with criticizing the events of a book's plot but so many people on Goodreads are so stupid and uncouth they can't do so in a meaningful way.

>> No.14486993

>female leaves 1 star on /lit/erature
>review complains about muh soggy knees, sexism, waycism, etc
>check her profile
>Harry Potter rated 5 stars

Every single time.

>> No.14487011
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Some are quite hilarious though

>> No.14487054
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Their film reviews are the worst

>> No.14487085
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Notice she doesn't even try to refute him, she just labels his work as wrongthink.
Deep down she knows Otto was right.

>> No.14487086
File: 183 KB, 820x606, ShutTheFuckUpMichelle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"The Brothers Karamazov” still didn’t impress me as much as I expected it to. The story started out painfully slow. In my opinion, a great novel shouldn't require readers to force themselves to stay awake for more than 1/4 of the book in order to become acquainted with initially uninteresting characters. As with the rest of the book, there were many points where Dostoevsky seemed to descend into meaningless details that, to me, did nothing to advance the plot, atmosphere, or characterization.

>I feel that the author is disconnected from his audience, and he doesn't seem to care. This comes to a point where I think Dostoevsky frequently loses himself in the meshes of his own word spinning. The book goes off too many tangents and is densely verbose.
I found pages of extraordinary depth and poignancy but they are few and far in between. I find it hard to connect with any of the characters since their personalities are diluted by the manic and morbidly intense verbal flow. Half the book was one of the Karamazovs talking on and on, uninterrupted to an audience as silent and passive as the reader. I frequently spaced out and have to backtrack. I eventually found myself reading this book in a grim desire to finish it and be done, rather than out of a sense of enjoyment.
I admired author's insights into human nature, but all too often, he seemed to make grand proclamations arbitrarily that have little evidence behind them. As if by declaring them with confidence he somehow made them true beyond question. And for whatever unaccountable reason, his preoccupations landed like a relic in my own life. My feelings can be aptly described by Rosewater’s words in Kurt Vonnegut’s “Slaughterhouse Five”


>> No.14487095

Oops all of that should be greentext, my bad.

>> No.14487096
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I automatically disregard anyone who writes that much shit

>> No.14487103

I'm so close to deleting my Letterboxd. Only reason I don't is because I enjoy autistically cataloging my life.

>> No.14487109

Letterboxd is a fantastic site as long as you don't scroll down and stumble upon the reviews

>> No.14487115
File: 16 KB, 535x252, reviews owner has blocked the author of this comment.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14487138

Idpol just can't exist without censorship.
Does this happen on Goodreads too?

>> No.14487169
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>> No.14487210
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>> No.14487232
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The Aeneid

>> No.14487242
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>> No.14487244

Now I have to know the title

>> No.14487254

>/lit/ - Literature

>> No.14487264
File: 82 KB, 1303x200, 20200106_180158.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was Ovid's Metamorphoses
The Rape of the Lock

>> No.14487274
File: 245 KB, 725x1139, kek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take your pick /lit/
The book is The Black Witch

>> No.14487280
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yep im thinkin he's based

>> No.14487291

Basically any 1-star review of Nietzsche.

>> No.14487304

Reading reviews on Goodreads is fascinating. You just see person after person pantomiming the language they think sounds "educated" in review. These are all clearly people who think their opinions matter, and that it could go alongside some pretentious fuckwit's views in The New Yorker. In reality, nobody gives a flipping fuck what they thought of the book.

>> No.14487317

Oh leftists and their isms.

>> No.14487323

wich buk

>> No.14487331

Women are incapable of considering an objective stance on something. If there is material they can't relate to they feel personally attacked on an emotional level.

>> No.14487347

Why do you think suffering porn sells so well?

>> No.14487374

Reminds me of when Ursula LeGuin criticized 2001:A Space Odyssey for being about penises and not vaginas.

>> No.14487375
File: 181 KB, 1024x768, 1519988988652.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gibbon's Decline and Fall

she obviously didn't get further than the first volume if that because that book is filled with some pretty funny shit e.g.

>But the Nubians at length executed their threats of returning to the worship of idols; the climate required the indulgence of polygamy, and they have finally preferred the triumph of the Koran to the abasement of the cross. A metaphysical religion may appear too refined for the capacity of the negro race; yet a black or a parrot might be taught to repeat the words of the chalcedonian or monophysite creed

>> No.14487388

Lb is in itself a fantastic site but the userbase is fucking unbearable. The most popular reviews are always written by the same fucking corporate-cock-sucking journalists shilling for their stupid magazines and twitter hoes. It's like you scroll down to see if the movie is worth watching and you get hit with this stupid nonsense.

>> No.14487391

NW is literally Harem Anime: The Book

>> No.14487409
File: 30 KB, 625x190, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Symposium

>> No.14487423
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>> No.14487426
File: 108 KB, 724x531, tortillacurtainreview.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is for the Tortilla Curtain, a book about a white American family and an alien Mexican couple

>> No.14487440

>WARNING: Do not expect an objective analysis on how to formulate a good argument or engage in rational discussion!

>After a brief introduction on deductive and inductive reasoning, false equivalencies and synonyms in discussion, the author will go on a passive aggressive rant on the welfare state, political correctness and the so-called 'left', with little nuance. I made the mistake of picking a book simple because it was a best-seller and I was looking to get a sense of some popular philosophy. In the first chapters, I started to notice a weird undertones of anti-liberal (or whatever you call it) bias. First, an example in which the author makes a 'joke' about how stepping on a California campus as a conservative would be equivalent to getting into an MMA cage. Then, illustrating the government as the anti thesis of an argument because they do not give the choice for a two-sided debate. Next, he goes on a rant from which I can only interpret a longing to the good old days in which men still made the money while women stayed at home to care for the children, since they were better at it ("the most nobel work in the economy because they get to raise the future"). At this point, I begin to wonder why an author who just told me that a fact can only be established from irrefutable premises slowly builds up more and more opinionated pieces disguised as absolute truths, so I look up who this peculiar person is (blame it on me for not doing this before buying a book). Turns out his name is regularly mentioned in a same breath with Alex Jones, the Infowars crusader who must be the anti-thesis of rational debate. OMG! Also, the high rating on the book is simply caused by his only audience being his loyal youtube/podcast followers. Actually, I recommend reading Joshua Stein's review, since he turns out to be much better at reviewing than I am (my first review, had to say something). I listened for another few chapters until I could not stand the blatant alt-right bias anymore. Maybe I am just too European for this stuff.

>> No.14487444
File: 186 KB, 834x775, Screenshot (65).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've never used goodreads before and my god anons... If she is supposedly one of the "best" reviewers on this site, I don't think I'll ever will.
I didn't know it was possible but this is even worse than letterboxd reviews.

>> No.14487478

They always start with some random ass stories since they assume they themselves are writers of a higher caliber than the author of the book they are reviewing. Or so I would interpret this god-awful behavior. I visit goodreads very sparely but the kind of bullshit these people post sometimes in combination with dogshit gifs that throw me back to my early 00s internet experiences is off the charts.
Do others actually read that shit? Has to be this way since these are often voted quite high.

>> No.14487530

If the reviewer is talking an awful lot about themselves rather than the book that's a sign for you to stop reading

>> No.14487584
File: 518 KB, 744x2161, Pilgrim's Progress.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well I found it. Possibly the worst review I've ever read.

>> No.14487598
File: 58 KB, 1016x211, bentham.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jeremy Bentham's Introduction to the Principles of Morals and Legislation

Thing is, I do not entirely disagree. :3

>> No.14487907

>When the boy... ahem... makes sweet love to the pumpkins
Wtf I want to read it now

>> No.14487957

They're watermelons, not pumpkins. Sorry bro.

>> No.14487958
File: 163 KB, 1467x1095, Screenshot_20200107_023813.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

goes on for 9 stanzas

>> No.14487985

How could she write that first paragraph without seeing that he may have a point of some kind. How little self-awareness must she really have?

>> No.14488087

I did finish Norwegian Wood and I agree with everything she said about. One of the most boring books I've ever read.

>> No.14488332
File: 334 KB, 1584x1261, sailor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

apparently mishima is suuuuper dark and twisted, guys. woah, this is waaaaaay scarier than those YA books!!! look what he did to a fictional cat, oh my god.

>> No.14488359

So let's say your tryna suck some dick, and then there's not enough there to suck. That's naturally very disappointing

>> No.14488397


>I feel the author is disconnected from his audience

Bitch his audience was mid 19th century Russians. What would you know about his audience? Holy shit this pisses me off beyond belief.

>> No.14488420

>minion picture
>wrote an introduction to TBK
fuck going into literature i guess. time to take my money and effort in nursing at 30

>> No.14488449
File: 55 KB, 643x185, Screen Shot 2020-01-06 at 10.43.08 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Kreutzer Sonata

>> No.14488490

Japanese people can't do literature

>> No.14488634
File: 112 KB, 294x328, autism.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>more disturbing than Lord of the Flies

>> No.14488658
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I guess it was too much for the onions kid

>> No.14488664

What do you bet none of them read the book, just parroting what some wokester on Twatter claimed.

>> No.14488738

Murakami is fucking trash lmao

>> No.14488742

OP, I could tell by her review that it was Murakami. I hadn't yet read your post.

How does that make you feel?

>> No.14488749

I guess you can't critique the people on Goodreads in a meaningful way, either.

>> No.14488751

That's a good review, though. A bad review for Murakami would be anything two stars or higher.

>> No.14488779

>its also just impossible to read if you're a non believer
Well i guess he proved himself correct

>> No.14488838

Something tells me this guy is an atheist.

>> No.14488842

There are a lot of reviews for it that stated they didn't read it.

>> No.14488899

>it takes over half the book for a protagonist to even see other races as people
Don't you hate it when a book goes downhill in the second half?

>> No.14488915
File: 25 KB, 488x75, Screen Shot 2020-01-06 at 9.39.24 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ironically anti-oedipal and unironically based

>> No.14488948
File: 447 KB, 546x472, fsdgdgsdgf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

people who try to write parody lyrics to songs but don't pay attention to extra syllables piss me off so much

>> No.14488978

Anon, I just wanted to thank you for posting that pic. I needed a good laugh

>> No.14489511
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>> No.14489545
File: 94 KB, 620x425, ThePlague.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

people like this exist

>> No.14489553


>> No.14489558


>> No.14489566
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>> No.14489601
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>> No.14489990

He's being honest with himself, at the very least

>> No.14489998
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From The Darkness That Comes Before

>> No.14490048
File: 105 KB, 1364x374, >Implying.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Normies will never understand Eco.

>> No.14490049

It's the Yelp effect at it's finest

>> No.14490059
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>> No.14490262

The Aeneid is Latin

>> No.14490324
File: 7 KB, 346x115, LOL.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bitch can't appreciate Irvine Welsh

>> No.14490374

Any atheist negative review of the Bible

>> No.14490404

I put the book away bc I had other stuff to do, but damn these reviews make me worship mishima. Might revisit it later on.

>> No.14490414
File: 110 KB, 1024x1024, 1565687308422.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

public literacy was a mistake, imagine the smugness that this <85iq womeme feels after reading countless YA and erotic fiction or modern romantic "poetry", every once in a while (yearly) reading a classic novel, how superior she must imagine her self and her intelect to be, to a mere mortal perhaps even some dumb guy that didn't go to college(for a m.e.m.e. degree) or a republican

>> No.14490427
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AHHHHHHHHHHH Anybody using that word should be shot.

>> No.14490452


>> No.14490459

Tbh to me it seems more like she only reads contemporary books and thus can't get into old writings (>I feel that the author is disconnected from his audience). She seems so genuinely confused about this book, I think she realized that she's just too fucking dumb.

>> No.14490476


>> No.14490573


>> No.14490595
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>I found it deeply unsettling
why is this bad though, are normies really this naive?

>> No.14490607
File: 10 KB, 237x212, 1576413844419.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ill sit quietly until its my turn to bang your wife

>> No.14490613

Google still has a cache of the shutdown subreddit, and it looks weirdaf.

>> No.14490640
File: 564 KB, 800x430, 1561295556661.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14490644

Is this real or just some faggot trolling lmao.

>> No.14490646

I really wish there was a different word to use for describing a flaw in methodology (i.e. "artists often intentionally make their works look archaic, so dating artifacts by style is problematic") as opposed to ideology (i.e. as these cunts are using it) since this word is so fucking tainted now

>> No.14490666

Which book is that about?

>> No.14490671

sounds like Notes from Underground

>> No.14490724

Incredible, I would buy a book written by this guy.

>> No.14490762

>My fear is that young readers will come away with less understanding and critical awareness of class struggle after reading this book in their institutions of higher learning.
You can literally smell the jew from this sentence alone.

>> No.14490769

holy fucking BASED
the future is minion

>> No.14490777

Quintessentially female review

>> No.14490785

>proves him right in the very first paragraph
>proceeds to do exactly what she claimed he did in his book

>> No.14490868


>> No.14490880 [DELETED] 
File: 112 KB, 720x498, 20200107_175133.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's not wrong, but I still believe there is more to Bataille than porn

>> No.14490886
File: 155 KB, 750x468, 09F82033-7CAA-4066-8D6D-7A616BC49E3F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>imagine being filtered this hard

>> No.14490887
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>> No.14490888

Being weirded out by awkward sex in Murakami is the entire point.

>> No.14490894

120 days of sodom?

>> No.14490898

Gravity’s Rainbow

>> No.14490918

Sounds like my diary desu

>> No.14490923
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>he is in charge of nikis pussy

>> No.14490926
File: 293 KB, 464x829, D6715C7F-6E03-441C-BDC3-DD0206D06E11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rachel NO!

>> No.14490938
File: 362 KB, 425x1064, C474F0F5-3BE1-44A4-A900-90FF019E45B7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Classic Walden review, and this isn’t even the whole thing

>> No.14490946

LISA: Dad, you can't take revenge on an animal. That's the whole point of Moby Dick.
HOMER: Oh Lisa, the point of Moby Dick is 'be yourself.'
-- The Simpsons, Season 15, Episode 5, “The Fat and the Furriest”

(Ahoy, Matey! Thar be spoilers ahead).

There, there. Stop your crying. You didn’t like Herman Melville’s Moby Dick? You didn't even finish it? I’m here to tell you, that’s okay. You’re still a good person. You will still be invited to Thanksgiving dinner. You won’t be arrested, incarcerated, or exiled. You will not be

I had to stop reading there but the review is quite lengthy

>> No.14490962
File: 335 KB, 632x1055, 183896D3-7A24-4C1B-A507-5C93F0F41A1D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Consoomer expected a video game from a book

>> No.14490968

Why do mothers think that bearing a child makes them qualified at everything?

>> No.14490976

At least it’s the most dignified office for them. Rearing and educating and bearing good children. I am glad if women think motherhood is good IT IS

>> No.14490985

How he dares to disrespect a HOLY BASED masterpiece like Canticle for Leibowitz. Damn cum-briained Tv-rotten brain furry

>> No.14491017

Now this, child, is podracing!

>> No.14491028

>book contains brown person
>book contains no brown person
gradually, I began to hate them

>> No.14491035

Lol is he talking about Dune?

>> No.14491058
File: 73 KB, 770x500, 13D79AA5-DF54-438B-8B82-B56521196D07.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Canticle was one of the few books that had me /comfy/ at the beginning and running around in a manic frenzy running and yelling FUK FUK FUK FUK FUK in my head towards the end.
Truly Holy Based. I was surprised how authentically Catholic the Catholic characters were, and the entire book really culminating in man’s fragile position of original sin is really quite astounding

>> No.14491062

>>14490671 correct

>> No.14491073
File: 899 KB, 1080x2160, Screenshot_20200107_182833_com.vivaldi.browser.snapshot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like this girl

>> No.14491075

what book

>> No.14491095

I just use that site as cataloging people actually read the reviews? Wtf

>> No.14491121

I know it's a hip meme to call bad things a "pleb filter," but Gravity's Rainbow is legitimately bad. Just sayin'.

>> No.14491142

>'preach, sis!'
>'wow, who hurt you!?!'
I felt my blood pressure spike while reading this

>> No.14491152

>racist and sexist to boot

Do these people seriously never consider how stupid they sound? It's like they've got a checklist of all the No No Thoughts stapled to their foreheads.

>> No.14491165
File: 68 KB, 750x1024, chekt and rekt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek'd and check'd

>> No.14491172

um sweaties maybe you should just try to stop being so problematic???

>> No.14491178
File: 729 KB, 619x3498, Little Mermaid review.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14491182
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I would beat this kid up irl for having such a shallow worldview.

>> No.14491188
File: 325 KB, 663x640, Traveling companion review.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Women really hate H.C Andersen

>> No.14491198

Why are some people incapable of separating a character who does bad things in a fictional story with the author that wrote them? Why do they projectively-insert the author whenever possible? Why don't they realize that if you acutally feel hatred for the fictional actions of a fictional character then that's good writing because it made you feel something?

>> No.14491201

well maybe thats because that book is Roman.

>> No.14491210

Why are women so cringe?

>> No.14491221

I can smell the HAES and cat piss through my fucking monitor.

>> No.14491231

>to me
Is there a gayer pair of words in existence?

>> No.14491247
File: 363 KB, 599x1050, Snow Queen review.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14491267

This book stank though

>> No.14491373

I am irrationally angry at this.

>> No.14491443

"to me" is always used by women. Always. Not even soibois use it.

>> No.14491474
File: 65 KB, 558x506, Lmao.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14491647

Those last few sentences makes me think this has to be a troll. God, I hope so at least.

>> No.14491771

What a faggot

>> No.14491820
File: 61 KB, 783x317, laughing bowie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Top kek, do you have more of this shit?

>> No.14491903
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Fucking normies always expecting happy endings or even happy stories. God forbid what milquetoast garbage "Jonnie" actually enjoys, probably harry potter.

>> No.14491918
File: 660 KB, 1106x1012, AA64BFD5-B9D5-4625-AFE9-1755A9BA2F06.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do Americans really not know what "dumb" means?

>> No.14492017

I checked out the one star reviews of Crime & Punishment, about 70% of them are written by women, total shocker right?

Bitches are so fucking dumb, I'm gonna stop having sex and become a hermit in the fucking desert.

>> No.14492023
File: 234 KB, 460x464, 1435691829964.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based. Sometimes I feel like doing the same.

>> No.14492027

>his erect cock was as big and thick as a baby's thumb
i'll take "things that didn't happen" for 500$, alex

>> No.14492047

Is it possible for them to form a coherent thought without resorting to this cringe "FUCK FUCK FUCK"

>> No.14492302

>watches his mother through a "peephole" getting dressed and having sex with her boyfriend.
>the boy spying on his naked mother's body and later on her having sex.
Based mishima

>> No.14492371

This should be our banner

>> No.14492397

>this book is so bad it has two epilogues

>> No.14492412
File: 279 KB, 827x953, onions.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I feel like...

>> No.14492418

Women lack the capacity for sophisticated discourse. As if you didn't know that already.

>> No.14492421
File: 46 KB, 839x469, 1507419334079.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if you disagree with me, you're a troll

>> No.14492456
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>> No.14492652

boomers make the best lolcows.
>my life as a fat overpaid officecunt who has enough internet access, freedom, and downtime on the job to post an essay on goodreads is more miserable than a literal gulag prisoner
wow. imagine being this much of a narcissist.

>> No.14492660

...the soft machine?

>> No.14492670

/lit/ would see "so much rape" as being worthy of 5 stars tho

>> No.14492695

There's nothing fucking worse when a review starts with some sort of back story.

How do these fucking morons get their ego so inflated to think I want to know about when you? I'm here becaused I'm interested in the book.

>> No.14492716

>review is 10 paragraphs
>7 of which consist of what amounts to the whore's blog

>> No.14492728

Women deserve to be raped.

>> No.14492742

I offer no disagreements friend

>> No.14492784

normies don't like anything that gives them badfeels. that's why they love safe regurgitated material like [YA trilogy of the month]. Nothing new, nothing scary. they can continue their routine as normal.
they're useful when reading material that isn't a household name, but i guess you wouldn't know that.

>> No.14492838

Whinenigger retroactively refuted her review

>> No.14492843

There's some retard on Goodreads called Paul Bryant, his reviews actually make me seethe.
I've never read the book, but most of his review just seems to be qoutes from the BBC about Sweeden.


He also gave American Psycho a 1/5 because it's mindless violence, but gave Clockwork Orange a 5/5

>> No.14493120
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>why, yes, i am a w*man, how did you know?

>> No.14493128

why are they like this and why are we cursed to have to put up with them

>> No.14493184
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Holy kek, I swear that it's not mine.

>> No.14493186


>> No.14493190

Whatever by Houellebecq, btw

>> No.14493204

It’s obviously Notes from the Underground, you worthless fucking pseud.

just kidding, you are alright buddy

>> No.14493288
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ted cuckzynski just got BTFO

>> No.14493292
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I just discovered that womens reviews on lolita is probably the funniest thing on the internet

>> No.14493294
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based if you ask me

>> No.14493327

>british education

>> No.14493396
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First page of Blood Meridian reviews

>> No.14493431
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>> No.14493514
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I guess she couldn't handle Waltari and Sinuhe Egyptiläinen despite her "bloodline"

>> No.14493535
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felt my dick retract into my body

>> No.14493554
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>perty silly

>> No.14493583
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This but ironically.

>> No.14493636
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>the fucking minion picture

>> No.14493665
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Pretty based boomer desu

>> No.14493711
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This encapsulates nearly every negative review of American Psycho on goodreads

>> No.14493796

>weininger committed suicide at the age of 23 by shooting himself in the heart; a loss of life, yes, but no loss of genius.
Okay shes based

>> No.14493912

that's actually based

>> No.14493970

This one is probably the worst.
>h-hey guys I was a sexy teenager once, wanna see pics? it's just like the book!
Fuck off, Stepheny.

>> No.14494032

This looks and sounds great. I will pick this up.
Thanks Efka!>>14490962

>> No.14494069
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I'm surprised this has not been posted yet.

>> No.14494081

books sounds great.

>> No.14494135

it's like christian is his middle name!!

>> No.14494206

I'm reading Suttree right now. A beauty of a book.

Though I could see how, if you haven't read his other work, readers might have an odd time.

>> No.14494372

but this is an accurate review. McCarthy is a hack

>> No.14494431


>> No.14494707

Eco intentionally wrote middlebrow and accissible literature though

>> No.14494744

Even better, what I do is google translate a western seminal work into either Chinese or Japanese and search it on amazon. I then use auto-translate to see what bugmen think of books. It’s actually super interesting since they don’t have a lot of the cultural bagage that spawned many of the modern world. Also, it’s largely true that japs can’t into metaphysics or much of any rigorous philosophy stuff. It’s like looking at ants or a alien population who just don’t quite get it.

>> No.14494832

>Also, it’s largely true that japs can’t into metaphysics or much of any rigorous philosophy stuff. It’s like looking at ants or a alien population who just don’t quite get it

>> No.14494843

This is actually selling the book for me. What is it? I might pick it up.

>> No.14494868

Canticle for Leibowitz

>> No.14494898



>> No.14494914

i would read a book of all these comments. title it something like:

and just make it 2000 pages why the fuck not.

>> No.14495032

it should actually be the reverse of that to be /lit/
>glad I read it. So much rape. Beautifully written, though. Not a fan of that.

>> No.14495049

>when people try to write flowery reviews like they're writing their own novel

get that gay shit out of here

>> No.14495102
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well this infuriated me

>> No.14495138

Honestly block 99% of femoids on goodreads it improves the site tremendously

>> No.14495410

>tfw reading Electra now
you have to not have a soul to not be overwhelmed with feels by this.

>> No.14495433


>> No.14495496

Metamorphoses does have a lot of rape, especially in the first half. Jupiter is banging a different woman at every page, whether they want to or not.

>> No.14495610

I never read reviews, I just keep my shelves in check. Why the fuck would I care what some limp dicked onions boy or women think of a book.

>> No.14495621
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Rita missing the entire point over on Stanley Elkin’s The Franchiser’s page

>> No.14496031
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>> No.14496084

muracummi is a self-indulgent hack

>> No.14496120
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>> No.14496182
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>Any Hamsun review
>I really loved this book but this guy is a nazi!

>> No.14496218

This is Ovid, isn't it?

>> No.14496276
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I went on Goodreads to find a review for the last book I read, which was pic related. A user pointed out that the book reminded them of Tintin comics, which I think is definitely one of the reasons I immediately fell in love with Pynchon so much. All the espionage, colourful characters and slapstick chase scenes tickle me the right way.

>> No.14496985
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>> No.14497022

Otto was right

>> No.14497104

Forget that, here we have the best response to a review:

To the Editor:

On July 14 you asked your readers to ''Bear in Mind,'' as another recent book of particular interest, ''Carpenter's Gothic'' by William Gass. Even while reading it my thought was that this was such a spectacularly original and wonderful book that only I could have written it, and I am flattered that your editors felt the same way.

In my mind, for a moment, I admired my strategy in sending it forth under the unlikely nom de plume of William Gaddis, and thus securing for it Cynthia Ozick's justly favorable review of July 7 (for otherwise, great heavens! What would have happened?). Alas for me, and fortunately for Mr. Gaddis, the book is entirely and completely and uniquely his.

Your description of the book (my third novel in 30 years) must have been drawn from the same ill-fitting hat my name was pulled from, for you say that the novel ''suggests that the world could, just possibly, not really be as bad as it is painted.'' Not only do these words miss the tone of the work entirely, they insult Mr. Gaddis's intelligence as well as mine, since neither of us would ever suggest anything but the opposite.

I have been mistaken for Mr. Gaddis upon a number of occasions. When ''JR'' received the National Book Award, in the flatulent din of ceremonial conversations my name was frequently heard as his, and I was consequently congratulated and admired. I must say I accepted these congratulations and this admiration with a gracious humility that did Mr. Gaddis's character credit.

I would be obliged if you would also recommend John Hawkes's forthcoming novel, ''Adventures in the Alaskan Skin Trade,'' as mine, since I should dearly love to have written it. WILLIAM H. GASS St. Louis
To New york times.

>> No.14497299

I want to _____ Sophia

>> No.14497357

this is fucking perfect

>> No.14497386
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>> No.14497522

needs five stars

>> No.14498108
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Get a load of this brainlet / vegetable fetishist
>Hurr durr it was boring
>No I won't expand on any particular reasons why I just want to post Morpheus. Please throw a carrot at me.

>> No.14498167
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>> No.14498207

One of the only books you've ever read, undergrad.

>> No.14498249


>> No.14498344

I'm not religious, but holy shit what a faggot.

>> No.14498367

Then you'd be blocking out 90% of the reviewers.

>> No.14498386
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Yes we should instead base our morality on the fear of being sent to prison.
Literal retard tier argument.

>> No.14498421

>don't be as dumb as me

>> No.14498611
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>> No.14498616
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>> No.14498707


>> No.14499571

This one actually makes me mad

>> No.14500167


>> No.14500170

This guy sounds like a rapist

>> No.14500780

Can not believe this thread full of gold is about to be archived.

>> No.14500805

I love how that faggot kept trying to act smug and talk down to him even after getting so thoroughly btfo.

>> No.14500837
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>> No.14500840
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Brainlets just can't into Bataille

>> No.14500913

>You're not that important

>> No.14500917
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>> No.14500933
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>> No.14500941

Why rate a book that you didnt even read one star because she didnt know the words.Fucking women

>> No.14500972

Hey I lived near there

>> No.14500975

She wouldn’t have been complaining about the last sex scene because she didn’t finish it

>> No.14500978


>> No.14500990

>I finally got my revenge on Sweden. For most of my life I’ve been bombarded with newspapers and radio telling me how Sweden is so much much very much absolutely completely better than Britain at practically everything. Here’s some random quotes from the BBC news archive
>This is chicken soup for my soul, with swedes! And not only that, but as many persons have pointed out, this is a kind of anti-Twilight, given that the only sexually attractive vampire around is a 200 year old 12 year old girl and the only attracting going on is with an adult paedophile and a miserable lonely 12 year old boy. So stick that up your sacro-iliac, Bella and Edward! I fart in your general direction!
>Anyway, altogether, a maxillo-facial gothtastic read - 3.5 stars

Damn dude
That was only from a single review
Fuck this guy

>> No.14501012


>> No.14501016
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>> No.14501107

Perfect bataille review


>> No.14501115
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>We live in a democracy