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14489505 No.14489505[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Someone make a cogent refutation of this mans ideas on actuality in the 21st century

Pro tip you cant

>> No.14489591

I just don't really give a shit about him. No man who spends that much time grooming his public image is worth taking seriously, unless said man is a hardcore aesthetician like Mishima. At least be a based LARPer instead of a cultivating the image of a phone-on-his-belt rationalesque redditor who fancies himself a bad motherfucker. Like I agree with Peterson about a decent amount of things, but Jesus. It's like if you had to grab a beer or three with a red, would you rather go with the old school Marxist-Leninist who doesn't mince words or fear having to explain his position on katorga, or would you rather go with the New Left priss who fancies himself about it all but really only gets his opinions from coffee shop indie folk rock ballads and poorly-bearded podcasters? All I'm saying is I wouldn't spend an evening in a dive with the dude if you paid me minimum wage plus free drinks. Weinstein and company, too; weenies, all of them.

>> No.14489765

JP's ideas on collectivism and individuality are flawed at best, but most likely unabashedly deceitful. Holding individuality as the highest value causes the atomisation of society makes other collective organisations more powerful as they can more directly act with one will. The notion that you need to have all your shit squared away before you can weigh in on society can cause us fall into paralysis. I feel that these two ideas are the core of his message and they serve only to weaken those he claims to empower.

>> No.14489779

since he started making bank the quality of his suits have shot up exponentially.

>> No.14489784

Jungian psychology is meme worthy and has neither scientific basis or therapeutic effect. Everything else follows from that.

>> No.14489796

Midwit idol

>> No.14489800

Why you poppin so much pills buckos?

>> No.14489815

Mediocre. Fakes realism with easy platitudes.

>> No.14489877

but is he wrong?

>> No.14489892

His reasoning is predicated on a view, the arguments are congruent with the view, but the view is wrong.
He's stuck in a kind of boomer traditionalist, “I manifest myself through artful calculation." mindset of absolutes.

He can't imagine the future.

>> No.14489896
File: 54 KB, 500x333, 37564.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>refutes everything Jordan Peterson says about anything
>is an actual Neurologist not some pseudo-psychologist
>brings forth way more concrete facts and arguments that highlights how humans ACTUALLY work and what genetics are and determine in individuals
>is not addicted to pills like Jordan Peterson

>> No.14489956



>> No.14489958

*wallows in abject squalor*

>> No.14489979

This fucker's been popping pills for how long
but tells everyone else not to change the world
unless they clean their room? Atheist Christian?
The caduceus is DNA? He's the deepest true
believer, and now his house of cards has fallen. But he hasn't hit rock bottom. Expect
more profound weirdness, as he probably hits
the pills again in a few years.

>> No.14490001

Is this a poem?

>> No.14490012

How dare you tell me to clean my room? You are clearly a nazi.

>> No.14490013

some great lyrics man, you should find a beat

>> No.14490020

>just another dirty positivist with nothing new to say
Peterson is significantly more interesting and relevant.

>> No.14490023

>pro tip
Must I say more?

>> No.14490040

"Ever heard of the book 200 years by Solzhenitsyn Dr Peterson? You love Solzhenitsyn don't you?"

>> No.14490054

Yes, you must present an argument.

>> No.14490356

Based, but:
He takes meds for depression.

>> No.14490380
File: 106 KB, 560x330, how309-handbook-snake-oil-560[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he's a self-help guru for the lost manchildren of the internet.

>> No.14490412

That's kind of the problem isn't it? No one can refute anything he says... because everything he says is just common fucking sense and people are acting like he's the next great philosopher for saying it.

You aren't going to praise me and consider me your peak masculine intellectual role model for saying "hey man, eating too much junk food is bad for ya" and then proceed to see if anyone can fight me on that.

>> No.14490474

this one of those morons who think genetics is everything? and/or that psychotherapy is "wrong"

>> No.14490479

and yet leftists hate him

>> No.14490483

so is he dead or what ?

>> No.14490487

"Would you tell a North Korean to get his house in order?"

Zizek destroyed him with that one.

>> No.14490488

fad that died down. he made his money and can now retreat.

>> No.14490499

Leftists hate him for the same reason people here hate Rupi Kaur. They're both people whose success is built on saying shit that has no value.

>> No.14490529

No, he didn't destroy anything. A North Korean should still, considering his contraints, put simple things in his life in order before trying to change the world.

>> No.14490649

whats the deal with that book
t. brainlet

>> No.14490669

Even if it's true, "fix yourself, then move outward to the world" is basically what Confucius said 2500 years ago. The guy is not a revelatory thinker.

>> No.14490688

I like Zizek's take on Peterson post-debate: That leftists should try to decouple Peterson's self-help advice from his firmly self-centered psychoanalytic framework.

Saying that you should compare yourself to how good you were yesterday, rather than how good you are compared to others isn't in itself a reactionary or even a bad idea.

>> No.14490694
File: 303 KB, 1386x570, self improvement virgin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14490725

That's the dumbest argument ever, no offense.

Someone said that before? So what?

Originality is overrated. Valuing it above of meaning and quality is why modern art sucks.

If you can provide something constructive to a relevant problem, you are already being smart. And Peterson is clearly doing that.

>> No.14490756
File: 23 KB, 739x415, 124512353241675427.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is the dumbed down version for brainlets. The actual 12 Rules for Live is an extensive book with philosophical ideas about Order and Chaos and the wisdom from ancient texts and religions like The Bible. It's about the Taoist Way of Life by standing with one foot in the Order that provides security, familiarity and routine, and the other foot in Chaos that provides novelty and opportunities. It's about using your word in the same way that God used his Word to cast Order from Chaos in the begging of time. I'm an atheist btw, but I'm not stupid to disregard the wisdom and influence from religious symbolism. It's also about the Logotherapy created by the great Viktor Frankl - about the Meaning of Life and the Meaning of Suffering - because life is suffering.

Jordan B Peterson isn't so shallow, he goes beyond self-help and (legitimate) good advice.

>> No.14490779

>Thinking depression is real in 2020
Oh buddy

>> No.14491184

While it may be hard to believe, there are lots of adolescent and adult children who really have not internalized ideas like "repressing your aggressive masculine urges makes you into a resentful faggot"

Peterson is a self-help guru, but he's one who's educated enough to ground the things he says in scientific research (the wash your penis shit is well-supported in the literature.)
More importantly though, he's a self-help guru for men in a time when many men are raised either by their teachers or the internet. His popularity is the direct result of just how little practical instruction these people have received- many of them on this very site.

>> No.14491227

And really, you have to ask what's wrong with self-help gurus? People have depended on spiritual leaders since before the invention of the plow, and in times as complex, dark, and directionless as the modern world, when even the church is gaslighting its own citizens into NATO-compliant mindsets, when you have people leaving the catholic church over pedophilia while supporting the ordination of gay priests, when all the world is this bizarre farce, I'd say a self-help guru who goes into the spiritual, existential sides of things, is a good person to have around.

Of course, Peterson's politics and philosophy surrounding "individualism" is awful. I believe he is knowingly lying to his audience about the necessity of tribalism. Given that he wrote some UN papers on the necessity of 'respecting immigrants' human rights" for the economic benefits, it's hard to believe he's not aware of the tension between hardline individualism and self-actualisation.