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14487208 No.14487208[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I need books that redpill me about the Jews

>> No.14487220
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They’re like anybody else. Their religion is like any other (stupid) their ability to use capital to their advantage is like anybody else’s.
Their poor working class is like all other poor working class. Some of them hate capitalism just as much as some of them love it.
They’re no demons, they’re no angels.

>> No.14487225

The bible desu

>> No.14487235

i mean the jewish bourgeoisie not the working class that has no political control.

>> No.14487257

Read the five books of Moses.

>> No.14487258

redpilled, based

>> No.14487276

You will find no salvation chasing semitic mind-ghosts, friend.

>> No.14487290

>why yes I'm from /pol/ please post propaganda for me that will reinforce my viewpoints

>> No.14487296

The Victory of Jewry over Germany by Wilhelm Marr

>> No.14487309
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This is all you need. Written over 100 years ago and everything it talks about has since turned true. Don't believe the bullshit about it being a "forgery" anyone who reads it quickly realises that it's basically a handbook outlining exactly what will happen to bring Jews to the top of a globalised world civilisation.

If it's fake, then whoever wrote it was a fucking next-level prophet. Perhaps God himself? (who is probably a Jew anyway)

>> No.14487311
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Start with Culture of Critique.
Afterwards, use Yandex search engine to learn more. Jews are only 2% of US population, yet they make up 49% of billionaires, and this is ignoring crypto-Jews. They dominate publishing, porn, media, Hollywood, and etc. industries.

In a leaked audio tape, Billy Graham and Nixon were talking about how baffling it was Jews were able to gain so much power in such a short amount of time. They were at a loss of words, and you can seek that audio. I recommend different search engines like Yandex if Google gives issues.

We know without a benefit of a doubt, Jews dominate these sectors of society now:
>porn industry
>publishing, many are pushing for inclusive diversity and LGBTQ+ themes in picture books which I have direct experience with
>Wall Street to a large extent
>ilicit organ trade

In fact, a lot of conspiracies surround Jews, many of which do seem to have a lot of truth. Here are a couple:

1. They assassinated JFK. Source: This one Jew, who had a heart of gold (which is very rare), leaked Israel had 200 illegal nukes, and he was later tortured by Mossad because he had converted to Christianity:


He also validated Jews had a role in killing JFK:

"In July 2004, Vanunu claimed in the London-based Al-Hayat newspaper that the State of Israel was complicit in the assassination of John F. Kennedy. He claimed there were "near-certain indications" that Kennedy was assassinated in response to "pressure he exerted on Israel's then head of government, David Ben-Gurion, to shed light on Dimona's nuclear reactor".[162]"

2. Mossad contracted Saudis to do 9/11. Sources: Dancing Israelis, that one leaked email correspondence on Wikileaks I need to find, some strange circumstantial evidence that I need to look up again... etc.

It appears to me Bobby Fisher and Stanley Kubrick were right.

>> No.14487324

The Israel Lobby
A History of Central Banking and the Enslavement of Mankind
On the Jews and Their Lies
Judaism Unmasked
The Merchant of Venice

>> No.14487327

Schopenhauer on Jews. Pretty much on target:

"many great and illustrious nations with which this pettifogging little nation cannot possibly be compared, such as the Assyrians, Medes, Persians, Phoenicians, Egyptians, Etruscans and others have passed to eternal rest and entirely disappeared. And even so today, this gens extorris [refugee race], this John Lackland among the nations, is to be found all over the globe, nowhere at home and nowhere strangers. Moreover it asserts its nationality with unprecedented obstinacy and, mindful of Abraham who dwelt in Canaan as a stranger but who gradually became master of the whole land, as his God had promised him (Genesis 17:8), it would like to set foot somewhere and take root in order to arrive once more at a country, without which, of course, a people is like a ball floating in air. Till then, it lives parasitically on other nations and their soil; but yet it is inspired with the liveliest patriotism for its own nation. This is seen in the very firm way in which Jews stick together on the principle of each for all and all for each, so that this patriotism sine patria inspires greater enthusiasm than does any other. The rest of the Jews are the fatherland of the Jew; and so he fights for them as he would pro ara et focis [for hearth and home], and no community on earth sticks so firmly together as does this."

Summary: "As a formidably cohesive group whose loyalty to their ethnic kindred vastly outstrips their loyalty to the non-Jewish nations within which they dwell, Jews should absolutely never, Schopenhauer affirmed, be allowed to play any role whatsoever in the governance of these nations."

>> No.14487332

I don't know, every housing country hating their asses throughout history seems suspect.

>> No.14487343

>Their religion is like any other
I must've somehow overlooked the part of Buddhism that defines a Buddhist as "someone born to a Buddhist Mother" and the stated end goal of enslaving and destroying all non-Buddhists in the entire world.
>Some of them hate capitalism
Is that why the Bolshevik mass-murderers were supported and financed by super rich Jewish capitalists like Goldman Sachs, Olof Aschborn, Jacob Schiff, Israel Gelfand et al, because they disliked capitalism? You sure about that?

>> No.14487354

fucking dolt

>> No.14487355

Anti-Semite and the Jew by Sartre.
This. Jews I know tend to be good people including the Israeli's. I've met a few nasty ones as well but /pol/ are disproportionately obsessed with them for what they actually are and what they represent.

>> No.14487362

Jews play both sides for the sole intent of undermining the goy and sowing chaos for all but themselves. Bolshevism was, indeed, their invention, but much of modern neoliberal capitalism was also constructed by them too.

>> No.14487365

best response. don't bother with these other fags who are afraid of the truth

>> No.14487367
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>thinks Buddhism is a "religion"

>> No.14487383

new testament

>> No.14487384
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Nope, it's they who are obsessed with undermining the goy.

>> No.14487390

Nixon was an Anti-Semite? I'm fucking shocked

>> No.14487392
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They are pretty ridiculous, yeah. Kind of obvious at this point Jews pretty much control much of the USA.

>> No.14487395

All healthy, sane men have been antisemitic throughout history. Antisemitism didn't just pop out from a vacuum. It was called a conspiracy that Ashkenazi poisoned European wells in the past, but now they do the same thing to the Palestinians. Jews are a vicious and irredeemable people. They should denounce their identities and pick up a new one. The issue is with the Jewish identity itself.

>> No.14487405

are jews the reason the book industry is in shambles? why do they control so much

>> No.14487407

Read up on 'Lo Sichaneim', i.e. the way in which Jews are supposed to treat non-Jews according to their religion.
Check out this short PDF with some handy guidelines, published by a mainstream Kosher Certification institute whose logo you'll no doubt find on many kosher-certified products in your local supermarket:

>> No.14487417

Yes. The vast majority of them are Jewish, and I was able to tell with the 2018 edition of Guide to Literary Agents.
>why do they control so much
Insane proportions of ethnic nepotism. For example, in order to inflate the price of real estate sometimes Jews buy property and sell back and forth with others while raising prices. They do such practices.
Furthermore, One of the best men I ever met was my white doctor. The first thing he ever mentioned to me was Jewish nepotism in medical schools. He said they give preferential treatment to Jewish doctors. I was young and thought he was crazy at first. However, now I see he was most likely right. He recently passed away and was a very good man. There is a lot of favoritism going on in the medical schools. The Jews are graded less harshly and passed relative to the goy.

It is simply extreme favoritism and certain devil'ish actions.

>> No.14487422

>Antisemitism didn't just pop out from a vacuum
>racism didn't just pop out from a vacuum
>sexism didn't just pop out from a vacuum
>homophobia didn't just pop out from a vacuum
My guy, read literally anything about oppressive power structures instead of old issues of Der Sturmer

>> No.14487424

Okay I'll bite, Jew here. If this thread is not obviousbait and if you're actually sincere in wanting to learn about Jewish heritage, culture, religion etc then most reform/liberal synagogues are open to the public and you can go and ask the Rabbi there. I doubt you're going to get a very well-rounded opinion on here since anyone defending Jews is automatically >JIDF or trying to undermine democracy or and destroy America etc etc.

>> No.14487438
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>> No.14487445

Why would anybody want to learn about your retarded religion, and you're optimistic that they would be open to those who aren't god's chosen.

If you're really Jewish then go out and take advantage of it instead of whining on 4chan.

>> No.14487448

Jews are an exception in that they view their blood as special and holy relative to others, and their religion does not preach promoting virtue with non-Jews. Much of the Talmud and their literature promotes using the goy as disposable fodder for their own ends. It is not a religion of true compassion, and it should have died out a long time ago. It simply should not be allowed to exist anymore.

Jews promoted rap culture in order to lead black men astray and promote vices among them. "The Tall Israeli" for example. You are not promoting good values with people because you don't care about a transcendent morality apart from your own group preservation.

In Christianity, you convert and become a "child of Christ".
This pattern applies to pre-Parsi Zoroastrianism, non-Wahhabist Islam, Buddhism, and pretty much every other religion. Anyone could convert and be considered a brother. Interreligious dialogue also can be beneficial

However, in Judaism, you will always be lesser for not having a Jewish mother. Your religion does not deserve to exist, and your ethnic identities need to vanish. You were always a meddlesome and irrelevant group of people until recent times.