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14484419 No.14484419 [Reply] [Original]

Books about getting my shit together?
Im a NEET but I want to finally change after discovering 10 months later that the NEET lifestyle turned me into a degenerate fogbrained coomer brain fried retard who cant stick to one project

>> No.14484421
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>> No.14484423

Join the military.

>> No.14484425

that might only work while he's in

>> No.14484430

Then just stay in. If he’s American then this is simple.

>> No.14484443

'Getting your shit together' is a bug meme designed to empower you back into the system.

Go further.

>> No.14484470

no anon, keep digging. you're almost there. have you heard about

>> No.14484541

Oblomov, assuming you're capable enough to draw you own conclusions

or >my diary desu to be published sometime in 2021

>> No.14484616

Useless NPC - > useful NPC
IF not: self generated guilt ,loneliness ,depression, anxiety ...
The key is break free from this paradigm-maze entirely and have your life easily swayed by collective thoughtforms like a coombrain npc.
No need to thank me for changing your life,i simply to it from will to bestow .

>> No.14484814


12 Rules For Like - Jordan Peterson, helped me out a lot.

>> No.14484818


Not this

>> No.14484835

Just get a part time, its like the best of both worlds. It slowly gets you back into the swing of socializing and you still have enough free time to do what you like but your life will be a bit more structured which is a major problem for most neets. Routine makes or breaks you. Also start lifting or swimming if you know somewhere with a pool, its great ways to take your mind off things and just focus on form

>> No.14484843

being a NEET is great if you have self-motivation already within you, however it seems you've fallen into the NEET trap of assuming that it'll fix your life. Unfortunately exiting your comfort zone will probably help you. NEET lifetstyle sucks for the majority of people, as they have to live off their parents/it just isn't sustainable. I can't help you, that can only come from within. Good luck :)

>> No.14485419

The reason why I want to end my neetdom is because I want to enroll in a stem university degree programme and not because i want to be a productive corporate working drone
Universities in my western european country barely cost anything

I have about 2 months and I feel that I a need fundamental change, get rid of said brainfrog and finally get back into a routine

>> No.14485439
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I got a job and was content in the day to day and keeping to myself, I was foolish and decided to move to a new city after my previous job offered a promotion (I was let go before my probation period ended) and have been unemployed for almost 5 months now, in a city where I know hardly anyone and send tons of CVs but never any response other than "thank you for the application but were going with someone else even though we didn't even speak to you".

I might kill myself.

>> No.14485461

Why do you want to do the STEM program? Most people study STEM because they want to be corporate bugs.

>> No.14485470

STEM is like a corporate bug pipeline unless you get good at freelance work or something.

>> No.14485474

The neet life style allowed me to become a youtuber and make a shit ton of money without even getting outside.

>> No.14485503

pls dont; eat a salad an read a poem instead

>> No.14485518

there's no one book that's going to change things once and for all

it's going to be day and day and days for years and years of little changes and work

good luck!

>> No.14485519
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Only NEETs will be exempt from Nuremburger.

>> No.14485532


>> No.14485534

Is /lit/ full of crabs in the bucket? Why are they discouraging OP from becoming successful and independent?

>> No.14485550

join the military

>> No.14485564
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>becoming successful and independent

>> No.14485603

Don't wanna die in Iran my dude

>> No.14485649

This >>14484814

Read 12 Rules for Life by Jordan Peterson.

>> No.14485710

Computer science because its one of the few fields which I acutally find interesting
One other option was Finance but this is a road straight to the 50h a week Corporate Lifestyle and unless you have pretty big connections its very unlikely to get a decent position here

My motivation is that im doing it for myself and not to in order to please some future employer
As I mentioned universities are free and I would probably waste my years as a neet doing jack shit so at least I should give it a try

I just think that I need this whole at least somewhat organised university environment with deadlines/essays/pressure in order to not end up like some depressed suicidal r9k neet

>> No.14485745
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I came dangerously close to becoming a neet myself, and know a few who escaped it. From that, it seems to me that the best way out is to find some reason to live that isn't tied into the comfort and familiarity that being a neet generally provides, even when you aren't happy with being one. For some that involves finding a job or hobby that invokes passion; for some it is finding friends to fill the void. Many don't realize what they were missing until they attain it and then guard it jealously.
I haven't read any books on this, although Confederacy of Dunces gives a great charichature of a neet and his eventual transformation, which was great food for thought.

>> No.14485761
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>can't even stick to being a NEET
not going to make it. enjoy your life of wage-cuckery

>> No.14485812
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What is this faggotry?

>> No.14485824


Which city and how old are you?

>> No.14485837

you have to remember the character of people is quite predictable on 4chan. it’s simply a combination of two things; people jealous that OP is trying to improve his life, and people justifying to themselves that there is nothing wrong with being a NEET by convincing OP not to change

>> No.14485898


>> No.14485901

crime and punishment

>> No.14485904

hi reddddddddit

>> No.14485915

>self improvement aka go be a good wageslave to make rich other lazy neets at the top of society

>> No.14485947

i was a neet for 4 years and read a couple books, been working for a year and i did fuckall, like literally i dont do anything, i sleep like 11 hours aday

atleast im saving up money i guess but i think i hit rock bottom of depression but i dont feel bad at all

>> No.14486068

Toxic Parents by Susan Forward
Do NOT read anything by Peterson or any life coach after 2005.

Pro tip #2:
You need to change your environment in a way that you cut yourself off from your current way of life. That is the only way to effectively create new habits without falling back into old habits. You can literally reconstruct yourself by doing this.

t. lost 102 pounds and finished university after being addicted to porn and video games to the point of exclusively masturbating and jacking off for ~7 years

>> No.14486093

I did the neet thing for ten years now I'm a wage slave feels good man

>> No.14486100

i mean when i was a neet i didnt have income, if you would give me 1000 euros a month i would deff go back to the neetlife, working is okay ya know but like, i rather just play games and shit, but i ultimately know that im a worthless human being with no discipline so i might as well wageslave for mr shekelstein

>> No.14486113
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Literally Welcome to the NHK

>> No.14486116

What transformation? Wasn't he the same guy to the end? And the author an hero'd some time after writing the book.

>> No.14486123

None of the interventions or appeals to free will do anything for Satou. He just reacts to hunger. Not even hypothetical hunger but actual hunger after eating 0 calories for multiple days.

>> No.14486155

The thing which I struggle the most is that I get lost for hours while browsing the web
And now I cant go past 10 pages without my mind wandering off and have a pretty difficult time focusing on something
So in relation to this any advice how you kicked your gaming addiction?

>> No.14486521

29, Toronto

>> No.14486573
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work halftime. If things where you are are like my country (austria), you find a 4 hours / day job easily in food retailing or as telephone operator, maybe even night doorman.
with your spare time learn
programming languages
and use them to do whatever you want, assembling knowledge and storing in on hard drives.

>> No.14486576
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>> No.14486596

get the biggest book you can, pick it up, put it down, repeat

>> No.14486601

he'll get kicked out at some point and end up shitting san francisco, not a good long term plan

>> No.14486610

lmao just 'Getting your shit together' out the grid if you are a contrarian cuck
>being a slob to own the libs

>> No.14486676

but stem is the antecedent of being a corporate drone.

>> No.14486804


But you're still quite young and live in a nice city, not in a Third World hellhole/America.

>> No.14486821

Do not study Finance. Anything you suspect might be interesting or complex about that industry, I promise you isn’t.

>> No.14486864

Why not? You'd rather kill yourself? Bet you won't and are just a recreant.

>> No.14486900

I tend to feel really shameful when meeting new people "what do you do?" Sit in my apartment and hope something goes right.

I just don't know how to connect with people and it's hurting me

>> No.14486961
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Unironically Richard Nixon's In The Arena.
“The greatness comes not when things go always good for you. But the greatness comes when you're really tested, when you take some knocks, some disappointments, when sadness comes. Because only if you've been in the deepest valley can you ever know how magnificent it is to be on the highest mountain.”

>> No.14487078

>ITT desperate NEETS shill for their own degenerate lifestyle by creating false dichotomies and posting unrealistic memes

>> No.14487094

Thats what most normoids do retard, just flip it into a joke or something. Talk about your old city a little

>> No.14487299

Still missing the issue I don't have a way of meeting people

>> No.14488146
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for fellas still lurking, some threads about this kind of stuff: >>14479851

>> No.14488159

Realize you never had an option, and that the COOM is an imperative. Forget all of this improve yourself nonsense and go masturbate.

>> No.14488176

Become putrid

>> No.14488215

What is terrible about the neet lifestyle is the isolation. You become disconnected from the world and it becomes meaningless to you.

I haven't spoken to anyone in about 5 months and it really isn't good because you miss talking to people.

Even though you will say "anon get a job" it will be small talk and not the kind of deep conversations you could have at anytime o clock where you could just bring up anything or talk theoreticals.

(Also when trying out online dating, girls do not reply or want to talk about anything deep, how do you break through the small talk with them to the deeper stuff.?)

How to deal with this problem?

>> No.14488302

Nobody ever talks about 'deep stuff'. I've worked like 4 different jobs over the last 6 years in different industries, it just doesn't happen. The only people you talk to deep stuff about are your girlfriend/wife, family if you're close enough, and close friends VERY rarely.

You aren't going to talk about super deep stuff with girls on the first few dates. You find out their views and principles, flirt and have a fun time, see if you're compatible. Then they open up slowly and naturally over months, and before you know it you're pouring your hearts out at 3am. It can't just be rushed though.

>> No.14488472

The key is talking to 7 people a day. Even if its a hello to a neighbour or talking to someone at the cash register. I certainly notice the difference between talking to no one throughout the day, compared to at least 7-8. Its a motivation to get moving. And thats in person not via text or whatnot

>> No.14488548
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>> No.14488627

Wait, is this based? Books for chasing annihilation?

>> No.14488669


>> No.14489146

Yeah OP, just read The Philosophy of Redemption by Mainländer. Become inspired. Write your Magnum Opus and then either hang yourself or drink a cup of coffee.

>> No.14489177

Honestly how do you answer that question. I just say nothing and they awkwardly change the subject.

>> No.14489484
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Why get your life together when you could coom?

>> No.14489571


>> No.14489587

My life is exactly the same. Getting a job solves nothing. I was NEET for 3.5 years and now have been working for that amount and my life is the same other than having to do brain dead work most days. Doesn't even fix the isolation as colleagues just mostly stick to themselves or don't go much beyond exchanging pleasantries and perhaps a few minutes of casual conversation.

>> No.14490564

didn't nixon literally tell his wife to fuck other guys?

>> No.14490579

>self help books
At this point you might as well kys yourself, what a fucking embarassment.

>> No.14490585

are there any discipline books in the western tradition that are not written by literal cucks (stoics)?

>> No.14490590

>im doing this for myself
Thats what every bugman thinks, lmao. You dont want to break free, or better yourself, you just want to be a better bug.

>> No.14491237


>> No.14491356

I just heard Moneylux encouraging some 30y mommas boy to get a job, so he can stop wasting his life and start living up to his """full potential""". Basically become wage slave, waste your life on menial work instead enjoying all the indulgences that modern world can offer.

>> No.14491460

At least I will have the pressure to get something done in a specific time
as a neet i simply live day to day

>> No.14491503

post egg count

>> No.14491543

I have do idea what that means

>> No.14491649

>I don't have a way of meeting people

I hate to say what has has been said so earnestly by normies so many times before to others but go join a club or social group. A sports club like running instantly allows you to bond with others and makes easy small talk after sessions or before, or better yet a martial arts club which forces physical interaction. Just go out and find something that you can participate in and who knows who you'll meet.

>> No.14491666

number of eggs left in your ovaries

>> No.14491670


And the moral of the story is those who do not have a way to secure basic comforts i.e. food will be forced to do something - anything to escape that. Those that don't will simply die in their homes trapped more by their mental state than anything. When the safety net goes that provides the greatest impetus for something to change - not pep talks but the cold hard reality that money is essential for comforts.

>> No.14491705

Shakespeare’s Henry IV/V cycle of plays. Follow Prince Hal as he grows from a spoiled rich kid with daddy issues into the ultimate warrior king. Find some good film adaptations if you’re too lazy to read them, or do both, or even better, see them performed live.

>> No.14491706

if Kerouac doesn't open you up no writer will

>> No.14491714

I don't have deep conversations with anyone except for my brother, not even with my closest friends because they are normies. I used to have really deep conversations with my ex too.

>> No.14491730

What do you guys mean by "deeper stuff"? Are you guys retarded?

>> No.14491818

Can anyone offer a reverse of what the OP wants? Anything that outlies the benefits and life plans for a freeman.

I have spent a couple years in a soul crushing slavery making mobile games and have acquired terminal aversion to any wageslavery since. I have managed to afford a room and several hundred spare bucks a month to spend by giving private lessons, but now that I have free time I spend in on useless frivolties like 4chan. Buying some property to go Ted myself innawoods won't be possible for several years more, so what do? Halp. I have at least 8 hours of time 5 days a week I spend browsing 4chan and some other equally useless surrogate-activities, feeling myself being wasted just as back in the wageslavery soulgrinder. Please recommend some good books before I become some urban savage.

>> No.14492063

Start lifting

>> No.14492141

Learn about solitude, all the answers are within you already. Philosophers will just nudge you towards clarity.