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14482796 No.14482796 [Reply] [Original]

Literature that captures the spirit of Miyazaki?

>> No.14482829
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Why’s the nazi there? Miyazaki is an an-prim sympathizer

>> No.14482849

so was Heidegger you ugly moth

>> No.14483001

Are you the real Butterfly or an imposter? If you are Butterfly, why haven't you posted a pic of yourself to verify yourself?

>> No.14483064

He’s too good for there to be any books which really capture the feeling of his movies, the best authors can’t be translated well into film either, in both cases they’re good partly because they take full advantage of their mediums

>> No.14483086

Look at his list of top children's literature. It's easy to Yandex. Note, always avoid (((Google))).
Most of the style is ripped off from European children's book. In fact, I can recommend more than just his selected favorites, which have the same spirit. Otfried Preussler is one.

European classic children's literature is a FORMATIVE influence on both Takahata and Miyazaki. It is no longer respected as a genre either thanks to the recent publishing industry becoming shit thanks to Jews and dumb white women.

>> No.14483090

The Lord of the Rings. Compare Tolkien's nostalgic representations of rural life (The Shire) to Miyazaki's. Both were also firmly against industrial expansion.
The latest cuck philosophy video on youtube compared the two.

>> No.14483101

Here you go:


I would also add Carbonel by Barbara Sleigh, which is like a better Kiki's Delivery Service. Also, The Little Witch by Otfried Preussler. Can't forget the Dog of Flanders, Heidi, The Secret Forest, and so forth.

You cannot understand Miyazaki's vision without watching some World Masterpiece Theatre also. Check out that series.

>> No.14483139
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Miyazaki is a demon with an evil spirit. A pious demon.

>> No.14483142

Oh? Do those “eco-fascist” memers know about this guy?

Because I’m not a camwhore and it doesn’t matter to me.

Ah, I see.

Please turn off the Jewminati stuff, poltard

>> No.14483144

Go away, you stupid bitch. No one likes you, and if I had the misfortune of meeting you in person, I would slap right in front of the face. Kill yourself, you dumb whore lesbian cunt. GO AWAY.

>> No.14483147

Earthsea. Kinda.

>> No.14483151


Its not the real Butterfly, he admitted

>> No.14483168
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You don’t understand Japanese culture.
Or manic depressives.

On a related note. I just found one of my earliest posts from nine freakin years ago. I posted anonymously for a little while you know.

>> No.14483182

As if you're capable of understanding anything yourself.
Still a dumb tripfag.

>> No.14483183

Wow, your posts have been consistently vacuous for over a decade.

>> No.14483245

You're on 4chan, you snowflake.

>> No.14483267

>Do those “eco-fascist” memers know about this guy?
I can't tell if your trying to make a joke or you haven't read Heidegger and are a huge fucking retard but I'm leaning towards the latter

>> No.14483284


>> No.14483285

I haven’t read Heidigger. Any posts/threads on him I’ve skimmed with disinterest. Not everybody’s big on that sort of thing. You wanna tell me about him?

>> No.14483316

wowow we've got a tough cookie over here. I mean you BROWSE 4chan, you must be SO BAD.

You try so hard it's honestly cute.

>> No.14483361

I try hard? Jeeze, read your posts back to yourself. The point was that all conversation is vacuous here.

>> No.14483370

He’s 15 and probably having a bad day

>> No.14483379

quit samefagging

>> No.14483384

no, I would perfer to communicate with the mentally infirmed as little as possible, but if you want to read for once, try The Question Concerning Technology

>> No.14483397

On the Marble Cliffs- Ernst Junger

>> No.14483476

What's wrong with what he's saying? I see it posted sometimes but no explanation. Anyone upset by this has got to be some facebook-tier mudbrain reactionary who flips out at the mere mention that death is what comes after growing old.

>> No.14483612
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>> No.14483634

I hate lefty neo-insults. “Mudbrain.”
Just call him a retard, the panopticon isn’t watching. Your boss won’t give you a spanking.
Nothing farther from reactionary pigheadedness, by the way, than refusing to use naughty words on the internet, because it’s 2014.

>> No.14483660

>Please rephrase every thought you have into unoriginal memetic language for the sake of my political views.

>> No.14483661

You should check out the anime Happy Birthday: Inochi Kagayaku Toki for an alternative and more positive perspective on invalids to contrast Miyazaki's own views. Something tells me you would enjoy it.
Hana-bi is also a very deep movie, starring Takashi Kitano, which gives a more positive portrayal of invalids. It reminded me of Schopenhauer's views on aesthetic experience as giving temporary respite from the will.

>> No.14483666

So the m one is a fake?

>> No.14483694

Has nothing to do with my political views, shitlord.

>> No.14483708

Also, all language is unoriginal and memetic.
Where’s all this use of “memetic” coming from lately, anyway? It’s spreading, almost like a meme.

>> No.14483727

mxvabIoSIE? As of late, yes.

>...lefty neo-insults...

Whatever mudbrain

>> No.14483732


>> No.14483735

Junichiro Tanizaki
Banana Yoshimoto

>> No.14483767

trans rights

>> No.14484397

don't know but his all time favorite book is Wind, Sand and Stars

>> No.14484538

Do you agree with him? Are you not a progressist? Christian Europe was filled with Myiazaki/Takahata-tier culture for children.

>> No.14484564
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>> No.14484956

I agree with his anger at the world. This lifestyle is trash. And I’m afraid it is going to come crashing down pretty hard for a lot of people. He’s just a cranky old artist though and I want to see us use that chaos to change for the better

>> No.14485041

I completely agree. This is a hellworld, and I need to take an active role in making things better, not like this cranky old complaining fag who hasn’t influenced anything. And that’s why I spend every day posting on 4channel.org/lit/, because I’m a revolutionary.

>> No.14485082
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For me, it's Anno.

>> No.14485095

yes, the world has always been hell-like, but modernity is intolerable, as he said, a ''fake world'' with the mask with which prog-revolutionaries cladded.
The change for the better is the change to what the world was before changing (that is revolution). The only answer is counter-revolutionary réaction.

>> No.14485098

I’m reading and thinking my way through this life. Not in a position to make films like I wanted. One of my oldest childhood dreams was to do that. Maybe I would have ended up like Miyazaki, frustrated and angry with a few films that gave vague satisfaction to some but could hardly be seen as strong propaganda for effective change

Very Japanese

>> No.14485101

>that’s why I spend every day posting on 4channel.org/lit/, because I’m a revolutionary
based revolutionary

>> No.14485109

>I’m reading and thinking
why lie like this?

>> No.14485113
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Wrong. There is no going back. There was too much hell back then too. Don’t sugarcoat it. Salvage what you can, certainly not church and religion or kings and kingdoms. I mean salvage the best to combine with the future.

>> No.14485116
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>currently reading

>> No.14485138

>There is no going back.
Agreed. Cosmic cycles do not work as we please. But we can assuage the havoc of the Kali Yuga for the future Yugas and their people and save some souls.

>There was too much hell back then too. Don’t sugarcoat it.
I have said that this world has always been hell-like.

>Do not salvage church, religion or kings and kingdoms.
I don't think tradition will endure the destruction, maybe only within a few scattered esoteric groups (while the exoteric christianity will be completely subversed and apart from its essence despite carrying the same name).
Religion will be always a thing. Yours will be the new Christianity.

>> No.14485197

>but could hardly be seen as strong propaganda for effective change
I disagree. Miyazaki provides a wonderful ideal to drive toward and a strong counterfactual to, say, the aesthetic of an abandoned K-Mart. Might not catch on as much as Thunberg did, but he’s one of the few that has presented such a strong opposing image.

>> No.14486371
