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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 199 KB, 1920x1360, 1576380321295.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14479851 No.14479851 [Reply] [Original]

>haven't touched my backlog in months

>> No.14479896

please stop posting images of me

>> No.14479898

awesome post

>> No.14479902

Take this psyop up your arse glownigger

>> No.14479913

i touched my backlog earlier today
put my finger inside a little way too

i think we might be thinking about different things

>> No.14479936
File: 288 KB, 1600x1500, 09E3DBAF-AF08-4CEC-80E1-ABA1E4D137BF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

contrast this with the ACOOMULATOR

>tfw these are somehow both me

>> No.14479968

Glow more CIAnigger I hope you get raped for this faggot

>> No.14479969


>> No.14479973

ok.. ME lol

>> No.14479986

I see you’re like me, and both stab you with their accuracy. We can get through it anon!

>> No.14480006

are you guys really this boring? literally anyone with a cent of curiosity/creativity is like this

>> No.14480011
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>> No.14480051

not everyone has it to the point of it being detrimental to their life in a crippling way, tard.

thanks for the (You) at least

>> No.14480130

Haha literally me lmao!

>> No.14480132

I am this, what's wrong with me

>> No.14480146

Is this just the result of constant novelty seeking behavior provided by tech?

>> No.14480187

The Acoomulator yes, OP’s pic no.
t. life ruined by getting a PC when I was six + very relaxed boomer parents

>> No.14480192

>hedgehog dilemma
wew, zoomer just discovered eva

>> No.14480223

>t. life ruined by getting a PC when I was six + very relaxed boomer parents

I only got mine by 13 but same, I'm recovering now as I enter adulthood.

>> No.14480249

>can't listen to music without pretending he's the artist


>> No.14480256

Seriously though how is there any condition that fits that description? Retardation, faggotry and autism aside

>> No.14480261

For me, it being that early really fucked up my brain chemistry. Have trouble focusing on shit that isn’t BRIGHT and STIMULATING, can’t make positive habits or stick with things. I manage sometimes over 25 threads across multiple boards and consoom and shitpost. On the bright side, I don’t have the typical delinquent pitfalls of drugs, alcohol, partying, or girls, I guess.

How are you recovering? I’m only a zoomer so I think I could break out.
t. >>14479156

>> No.14480289

You can really get lost in it. It’s much easier for classical music since there’s an instrument you can imagine actually playing. It happens when I listen to something like The Devil’s Trill.
I’m a failed musician, so that might be a part of it.

>> No.14480304

>How are you recovering? I’m only a zoomer so I think I could break out.
As much social contact as possible, high intesity exercise, great diet and lots of sunlight, dopamine fasting and no tech

>> No.14480318

obligatory "i'm in le pic too haha"

>> No.14480319

wtf all me anyone else like this? haha

>> No.14480340

I'm 54, and I still feel kinda like that.
Maybe a better title rather would be INTERNET ADDICT OF ANY AGE

>> No.14480372

>internet addict
How? You probably have only been on it for a decade. Indulge me, anon

>> No.14480378

>dopamine fasting
>no tech
>tfw my brother has been right for the last three fucking years
Can you elaborate on those two?

>> No.14480383

So how exactly is this shitpost thread a glow thread?

>> No.14480389

>alcohol, partying, or girls
Is better than neetdom.

>> No.14480583

Avoid it, look dopaminergic health

>> No.14480651

Maladaptive daydreaming and possibly schizoid personality disorder (although the latter has many other traits not mentioned in OP's pic).

>> No.14480890
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Any books that relate to either of these, /lit/erate anons?

>> No.14480926

Ok boomer

>> No.14480937

another oldfag here
i started using what is now the internet in 1988

>> No.14480940

Nice that calmed my paranoia about my mental health

>> No.14480953
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Me. The worst thing is reading things in a book that took you months to think through finding out it has been consensus for decades.

>> No.14481133
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been there too. For me, it's a lot of fun to use my THINKER mind on the Bible. I've noted a few prophecies in the OT fulfilled in NT that are very rarely ever talked about, though, so you can put your talents to good use if you're creative enough.

>> No.14481172

"yeah i'm such a thinker"

in reality ur just a low-iq piece of trash who has to loop the same thoughts in his head over and over in order to process it fully whilst other people can just live their life while processing vastly more expansive amounts of information at the same time.

>> No.14481176

I do all this except the music thing. I also actually write down my anthologies too, but mainly just so I can remember it all. Started my main document 6 months ago and currently have about 100 pages.

>> No.14481194

stop ruining the last sliver of an identity i have to grab onto.

>> No.14481215

:( That's probably true, but it also sounds like you're speaking from experience. What do we do with ourselves anon?

>> No.14481253

i'm a developmentally challenged dude who studied classics in high school. people around me were mostly smarter than me in almost all subjects, but somehow i made it through due to some savant skills compensating for my brain damage.
Those people were just better at what they did than i was most of the time, there are no excuses to be made. I was the dumb kid fucking up whenever shit got slightly more complex than arithmetic and basic algebra. I'm just stupid, that's all I can say and it fucking sucks because sometimes I'm really good at particular things. So I know what it's like to feel in control and on top of a situation, I just rarely experience that feeling in my daily life. Everything would be easier and I'm sure i wouldn't be nearly as depressed if I wasn't such a dumb fuck

>> No.14481260

>he's been reading a postmodern tome for half a year
>still only halfway through the book

>> No.14481298

fuck man, i wish i had a higher processing speed. this shit just bottlenecks your whole life. all your other mental processes rely on it to function effectively. basically my fluid IQ is sub 100 and my practical problem solving abilities and decision making are significantly impaired.
I can think, I can know, I just can't execute.

>> No.14481314

What happened with your brain?

>> No.14481322

i just called it brain damage cause the symptoms are basically the same. my parents are autists, that's what happened i guess

>> No.14481324

I wish I was born like 10 years earlier, growing up on technology starting my preteen years was such a mistake in retrospect. At least I'm a late stage millenial and not a zoomer I guess. Being born in 1996 makes it hard to fit in with either generation though.

>> No.14481340

:( You're probably smarter than avg if that helps. Maybe you're not good at math but that's mostly just working memory, if I whack anyone in the forehead hard enough their maths skills will diminish. It's nothing to be prideful about.

>> No.14481355

ye iq was 117 when they tested it but it doesn't mean anything cause the gap between my abilities is so large it's not an accurate representation of my actual skills.

>> No.14481385

Have you been diagnosed with any disease that might impair executive function? For example most people with a disease like Adhd often times jump to the top of the class when they start medication. 3 months of Ritalin is enough to correct all working memory deficits between Adhd and neurotypical teenagers. You might want to get checked for Adhd. Meds might change your life.

>> No.14481407
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>> No.14481411

nah i don't believe it's a thing desu. i'm not gonna fuck with my neurochemistry anyway, unless shit gets worse than the way it is now.
my visual-motor processing speed was 83, that's a serious deficit they're not gonna crank up with some pills.
They say that's why I feel so overwhelmed all the time trying to process information with such an underdeveloped system in my brain. It goes away when I take away excess stimuli by just lying in bed with a laptop like I'm doing now. It's the only way I can cope with this reality and feel somewhat in control

>> No.14481427

3 months and then you have to stay on the meds forever?

>> No.14481437

Hm that's pretty weird, better talk with a psych if you can

>> No.14481518

I usually react the opposite way. Its comforting and validating to know that I've come to some of the same conclusions as great thinkers like Kant, Heidegger, Kierkegaard, etc.

>> No.14481543

This leaves me pretty ecstatic honestly

>> No.14481864

It's funny, I made it through college well enough, but being sexually abused by my ex girlfriend, having a horrible spiritual revelation under LSD, and having a few close friends come down with cancer has got me right in this boat.

I moved home because I couldn't take the stress of trying to make rent, and I've just been wasting away these last few months reading and thinking and stewing. I doubt anything will ever come out of it, either, even though I try to write up my theories every few months.

Trying to do more than think, consume media, and eat seems like a greater effort than I can bear.

>> No.14481989

>tfw you're a living, walking, breathing meme

>> No.14481999

Lmao you're "low iq" description describes most great thinkers in history. Highly obsessive, neglectful of real life duties, and repeated analysis of the same information over and over again in order to find something that hasn't yet been seen. You don't know what tf you're talking about

>> No.14482037

memes have become too advanced

>> No.14482038
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Yeah it is definitely a cool feeling. But on the other hand it’s like damn I could’ve just read it. It feels like wasted time. But THEN AGAIN I can be sure I’m not just parroting something for no reason (other than maybe an implicit post hoc rationalization of feeling turned argument from authority) like I feel so many people do but actually tried to think something through.

>> No.14482247

you believe what you want to champ. you must know what ur talking about since ur on 4chan.

>> No.14482348

Bud you just admitted to you're low iq. You have the behavior of high iq but without the raw power behind it to offset the lifestyle downsides. You're a Honda fit proclaiming Ferrari's aren't racecars because you push hard on the track but are slow af while they also push hard and are much faster. They just don't have to work as hard to match your speed, but the natural inclination of the machine is to hit the redline so they do, and continuously lap you
You have the racers spirit but a shit engine. I'm sorry

>> No.14482359

Memes are going to hit peak intelligence and they'll kill themselves, and us along with them.

>> No.14482568

yeah and its fuckin garbage sometimes i wonder why i even bother to watch other anime than nichijou

>> No.14482641

I used to have a fucking huge anthology multiverse with aliens, the end of the world and all that jazz.
Wrote down about 300 pages, and that wasn't even 10% of it all.
Finally realized that it's all retarded coping and burned it all to ash.
>having a horrible spiritual revelation under LSD
Tell us more anon.

>> No.14482675

True. Its a bit of a deflating feel when its been around for centuries in a much more coherent form than you ever could put to paper, but it makes me happy that some sort of parrelel thought occurred. Though desu, can we be sure that the ideas were so important that we implicitly came to them since they have been established in our culture? Matrix for obvious example.

>> No.14482677
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Tell us more about your fuckin anthology first, holy shit.

>> No.14482977

It started as retelling of basically anything interesting that happened to me since I've started high school, with hyperbolized drama and added fantasy elements. One high school party got turned into a three-act drama with tons of themes stolen from obligatory reading. With thirty-five people in class, it was quite easy to find someone fitting for every role.
After high school lots of drama with crazy chicks, then all dreams turn out to be alternate realities. Finally one short novel about college with college drama intertwined with characterd trying to save worlds from reality-jumping aliens who wanna destroy all other life. While our Earth is protected, with all other Earths wiped out we would stop dreaming and die too.
Tons of ideas in my head for "what could have been" realities with one little change usually making my life better, at least until I've gotta fight aliens.
All leading to one last big story with the last chance to win, featuring all the redemptions and revenges that would be possible to do, but all ultimately failing and resulting in the end in 2012, just like Mayans predicted.

>> No.14483599

I literally can't drive properly because I don't have the executive functioning to pay attention to my surroundings and not drift off into daydreaming as well as the impulse to speed past everyone and do powerslides. I'm pretty good at driving besides that but I tend to avoid it except when the roads are clear because it's a big challenge to pay attention and drive safely, really draining and stressful. Not that half the people driving actually drive properly but unlike them I have standards.

>> No.14483619

I do a music thing. I pretend I'm showing imaginary people music of my world and perform it for them. Been in the woods singing to ancient mythical creatures every time I listen to music for about a week now.

>> No.14483659

This shit is your average nihilist NEET spending all his day in front of the computer, really sad stuff

>> No.14483664

>uses a computer
Made me laugh

>> No.14483683

think > read

>> No.14483709

reading and thinking >>> mindlessly daydreaming

>> No.14483791

Schizo alert

>> No.14484175

went to a party and didn;t have fun lollll

>> No.14484220


>> No.14484358
File: 11 KB, 400x400, ENTP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ne is the superior function.

Prove me wrong.

>> No.14484361

Only when Te is tertiary, you ENTPs are constantly tethering Ne to language, you aren't open enough.

>> No.14484387

these get so tiresome

>> No.14484399
File: 260 KB, 702x883, Chaucer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys! guys! My Ne has literally found the answer to reality.

It draws Plato, Hegel, Jung, Heidegger/Schelling and what I think Delueze will be, together into a coherent and new system. I don't think anyone else has anything similar to this, in scientific terms, religious philio-psychism. "On the Essences".

I'm even preparing an interpretation of Chaucer. If I cannot be German, I will bring back the spirit into the Anglo world once again, afar from the analytic to its heart.

>> No.14484400

>you aren't open enough
only an ENFP could say something like that

>> No.14484408


Its true though, Openness to Experience is the best of the big 5 traits doe...

>> No.14484412

>you ENTPs are constantly tethering Ne to language
How so?

>> No.14484420

>Its true though, Openness to Experience is the best of the big 5 traits doe...
Sorry, I don't like things shoved up my ass.

>> No.14484439

You're just centered more in thought and language, obsessively dealing with variations of the question of the big Other, which to an ENFP looks like: is there an agency which guarantees the consistency of our speech? Can we reach certainty about the rules of our speech?

Also you don't 'get' reverence or the sacred.

In Zizeks terms you're morons, dwelling in language in a stupid way, and we're imbeciles, distrusting and not relying on language.

>> No.14484466

or beautiful if you consider the hundreds and thousands of karl marxes who never got a chance, cooming in their bedrooms and never writing any real politik. we've saved billions of lives by sacrificing a tiny fraction. and we don't even kill them, just let them wander aimlessly through the maze.

>> No.14484552

Openness is fantastic around other people who have high openness. But those people are really hard to find. Mostly it's just a good way to end up intellectually or creatively isolated.

I think this says more about ENFPs than ENTPs.

>> No.14484668

post nose

>> No.14484994

>Also you don't 'get' reverence or the sacred.
This statement has made me utterly disgusted, I have always felt it tragically and always will. I mock and devalue the limited of life. My sentimentality may not be as slow(introverted) as yours, something that barred me from appreciating poetry fully in my early youth, but it is there, and it is defined by movement. Who would say the sacred does not exist in different pacing's? The must be understood as both something impersonal(mocked) as well as something ultimate to the subject thereby transcending logos(the subject/object) in becoming it. Though for me at least feeling better understands these things(not in Jungian/mbti sense).

>You're just centered more in thought and language, obsessively dealing with variations of the question of the big Other
Maybe did this once when I w like twelve anon.

Sorry for taking so long, had to kill the biggest spider I've ever seen. It was maybe a foot or two from my face when I saw it in my peripheral.

T. Australian in summer.

>> No.14485072

holy shit
you’re me but a lot more productive, my daydreams are never so exotic.
I do have the thing where I have >Tons of ideas in my head for "what could have been" realities with one little change usually making my life better
but that’s it. Kinda based anon, ngl. You should post some on here sometime.

>> No.14485085

>and burned it all to ash
>You should post some on here sometime

>> No.14485129

yeah didn’t see that rip
you that guy I replied to?

>> No.14485236

Didn’t you already make a thread about this? B-based schizo?
What the fuck is a Ne?

>> No.14485245

Could have been reported. I wouldn't have reported this because it mentions a backlog, but if a thread is nothing to do with /lit/ in any way (no mention of writers or thinkers or asking for a book rec) I report it for off topic.

>> No.14485284
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What's Schizzo?

Ne is a fun and new pop culture idol /i;e, character, which means Extroverted Intuition.

>> No.14485670
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>> No.14485708


>> No.14485809

>i think i have schizoid personality disorder :(
ok but this IS literally me though

>> No.14486110
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Read the Bible and pray.

>> No.14486160

i'm a sociopath, i'm sure of it now

>> No.14486189

i just don't give a singular fuck about anyone else. i only need people to make me feel good or help with things i can't do myself. Otherwise i'd rather be alone all the time. I see interactions with people as a way to get a dopamine hit, as in a drug. I'm not interested in people at all, unless they have similar problems to mine i can learn the solution to. i feel like such a horrible cold fuck i've had suicidal thoughts for years. i've felt this way since i was 12-13, and i've hurt and manipulated so many people

>> No.14486372

>anon what kind of music is that it's like elevator music, also who's Radiohead

>> No.14486401
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>anon what kind of music is that it's like elevator music

>> No.14486408

>how dare people try to understand themselves better through relatable descriptions

>> No.14486412
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>> No.14486415

you're both low iq illiterates

>> No.14486432

i'm a lot of these things, not in a good way, and i don't know what to do with myself

>> No.14486456

these wojacks are all psyops, guys

>> No.14486469

what's a psyop

>> No.14486479

see this thread, >>14477943

based. glad you're here.

>> No.14486508

psychological warfare
google it

>> No.14487319

Imagine blaming MS Paint images for your inadequacies. Doesn't get any more pathetic than this.

>> No.14487401

Book of Disquiet

>> No.14487408


>> No.14487431
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>tfw just consumed the Wikipedia page for Douglas MacArthur
>have only hours to save my grades in 2 glasses for the semester
A-At least now I can make myself look smart at parties now, right?

>> No.14487561

I see myself becoming you anon. I hope you do well in your classes!

>> No.14488292
File: 26 KB, 364x432, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fucking shit. I've had like 50 plus imaginary girlfriends both real and fictional. I write success stories about myself nearly every day. I didn't know my autismo tendencies were common. I even pretend to be the reciter of the melodious Qur'an I listen too.

>> No.14488444

Tell us about some of them.

>> No.14488460

This is sorta what I was thinking when I looked at them.

>> No.14488471

I have mental breakdowns in the most literal sense over people shipping my anime waifu. You are nothing.

>> No.14488678

Who is your waifu? Why do you think you’re like this?

>> No.14488733

Holy fuck
“Has no interest in any career, just wants to think”

>> No.14488781

>born after 1999
Hang yourself.
You too.

>> No.14489154

>Who is your waifu
I'm not telling, people will start posting the ship just to piss me off
>Why do you think you’re like this?
literally autism

>> No.14489580
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This hurts

>> No.14489584

Ne is just guessing out loud
Ti is best

>> No.14489632

I saved this for future reference

>> No.14489662

doomergloomerstinkerthinker posters are just garden variety narcissists

>> No.14489680

this is pretty much all unhealthy INTJ and INTP, including me

>> No.14490155

Does anyone know of literature that is basically someone’s schizo imaginary world and individuals autistically detailed to a height of description never before seen? Basically what happens if >>14479851 , >>14482641 , >>14488292 and not least of all >>14488471 got published?

>> No.14490157

last anon here, I don't know, but I'm thinking of writing or making art, maybe even gamedev.
I have big worlds in my head that I keep exploring, and I keep bipolarly bouncing between an intense desire to materialize them and nihilistic sulking where I think the world wouldn't deserve my world and people would faggot it up with their faggotry
so far I haven't found my answer

>> No.14490229

nah, don’t think people faggoting it up can be that common or damaging as long as you retain total control over the IP. Tolkien’s world was never homofied. Lucas’s world was when he sold out to the Mouse.

>> No.14490503

haha that's another thing -
if I were to publish things I would have to do it anonymously, without connection to my real name
that way the art would speak for me and I wouldn't put any emotional brakes on myself, even subconsciously
I also have this fear of big data companies like google having a nice big file on me and every (or most) internet post I've made and using it as blackmail. I don't care if the fear is irrational or not
but basically, if I had to do it anonymously, I wouldn't be able to have control over IP rights, unless I had a very trusted person. and I don't and likely won't because I already have difficulties with people way beyond what's normal

>> No.14490728 [DELETED] 

Go outside and have sex, holy shit

>> No.14490729

Fuck you

>> No.14490921

everyone in this thread should move back to tumblr

>> No.14491001

and you should move back to youtube to watch your epic sjw cringe compilation #450

>> No.14491713

I'm very similar, but not exactly the same to that wojak meme.
Being a NEET for most of my adult life, I have most of the day to drift into these fantasies.
I pretend I'm the Prime minister of the U.K.. I can roughly sketch out how I'll rise to popularity in my party and eventually become the PM. My interactions with various heads of state, visiting Navy ships and visiting soldiers in the front lines are continuous images that I see. I tend to agree with what others have written here, I can see what I want but I have no real creativity and thus, no real way of achieving what I want. Maybe my fantasy is doable (I'd like to think so) but not a minute goes by where I'm not stroking my dumb ego about this or other spur of the moment fantasizes. I guess it's a drug that makes me feel so good, but when I'm thinking about it seriously, I feel like human waste. When I do something cool or interesting, I imagine myself telling other people about it etc.

Basically, if I'm not actually schizo (I understand it develops when you are in your early twenties), then I guess we are all this >>14486412. In which case, that's still mentally ill?

>> No.14492147

Ne is creativity postured to the exterior you pleb.

The second one is more xntp area.

>> No.14492164

>In which case, that's still mentally ill?
Not particularly
It appears we're creating our own realities because we're coping with something
However I remember doing this since I was as young as 5 so who knows, maybe it is bordering on mental illness

>> No.14492197

>However I remember doing this since I was as young as 5
So have I, but I'd imagine that is just 'standard' childhood imagination. Though, even as a kid I didn't read, and I still don't now.
Maybe I'm coping because I've historically been shy and I'm very insecure. I'm not shy now, but idk.
I see anons are posting about "Ne" and "Ti" and so on. IS this a personality disorder at best and as I suggested a full blown mental illness at worst?

>> No.14492204

>I'd imagine that is just 'standard' childhood imagination
I'm positive in my case it was not. I won't go into details though

>> No.14492240

Ne and Ti refers to MBTI but I don't know anything about it in detail

>> No.14492329

Hmm I don't really remember what I was thinking when I was younger exactly, so we couldn't compare imagination anyway. However, I am certain that I've always had the same invasive and almost crippling imagination.

I still need to look into psychology at some point.
...Maybe sooner rather than later.

>> No.14492417

read Kierkegaard, Either/Or. chapter: The Unhappiest one. its like ten pages and will describe this behavior well. the following chapter, crop rotation, is also pretty good.

>> No.14492675

>Talking to people makes me feel like sleeping. Only my ghostly and imaginary friends, only the conversations I have in my dreams, are genuinely real and substantial, and in them intelligence gleams like an image in a mirror.

>All I've ever done is dream. That, and only that, has been the meaning of my existence. The only thing I've ever really cared about is my inner life. My greatest griefs faded to nothing the moment I opened the window onto my inner self and lost myself in watching. I never tried to be anything other than a dreamer. I never paid any attention to people who told me to go out and live. I belonged always to whatever was far from me and to whatever I could never be.

>The truly wise man is the one who can keep external events from changing him in any way. To do this, he covers himself with an armour of realities closer to him than the world’s facts and through which the facts, modified accordingly, reach him.

>Live your life. Don’t be lived by it. Right or wrong, happy or sad, be your own self. You can do this only by dreaming, because your real life, your human life, is the one that doesn’t belong to you but to others. You must replace your life with your dreaming, concentrating only on dreaming perfectly. In all the acts of your real life, from that of being born to that of dying, you don’t act – you’re acted; you don’t live – you’re merely lived.

>> No.14493374
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this just tells >>14479851 to keep in his head and continue being a loon. He clearly wanted help so he can stop being this way. I would argue that he gains more agency by indulging the dreamworld less rather than more, as he can then be disciplined and conscious enough to exercise his will in the real world. He can't grow as a person in the dreamworld. How is God to grow, and what is he in the dreamworld but God?

tl;dr, how does this help people who keep dreaming to their detriment, all you're saying is to indulge fantasy.

>> No.14493541

lol, yeah, OP should do the opposite of what those quotes describe. this was just to answer the question of what literary works explore the themes expressed here. also, those are the thoughts of a fictional character, not necessarily of the author himself. of course you could step back and interpret his philosophy as an escapist reaction of rejecting what one is not able to deal with properly and an attempt to retread into the comforting illusion that the world of dreams and fantasy is superior to the actual existence etc.

>> No.14493999

Guarantee you haven’t read as many books as you think you should.

>> No.14494030

oh, huh. Got anything for t r a n s c e n d i n g the Thinker prism specifically? All I can think of is Mishima’s Sun and Steel if you really stretch it.

>> No.14494062

That's my feel!

>> No.14494076
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Well, one of them is pretty much about marrying the main female cast of Friends. I've wrote many episodes of our sex-fueled, comedic day to day lives. I'm the head pitcher for the New York Yankees and I recently wrote a chapter of me beating up Ross in a back alley after he got mad at me for slapping Monica for being bitchy. He accepted my superiority.

>> No.14494499

Can't tell if schizo or based beyond belief. Either way keep up writing anon, even if you give up that project. I know I'd kill to have the gusto to write 300 pages of anything.

>> No.14494569

this one is just depression

>> No.14494667

>Knows exactly what he needs to do to fix this situation
> Does nothing about it

I laughed out loud when I read this because this is exactly me lol

>> No.14494810

You’re lonely, huh?

>> No.14494982

I knew the girl with glasses was chunky, but when had the Bimbo got the brapmachine?

>> No.14494985

wow so relatable haha!

>> No.14495811

So what if he fucking relates to a Wojak?

>> No.14495816

is this zoomer containment general?

>> No.14495832

mainly zen buddhism, which then would probably mean practicing meditation.

>Not thinking about anything is Zen. Once you know this, walking, sitting, or lying down, everything you do is Zen. To know that the mind is empty is to see the Buddha. Using the mind to look for reality is delusion. Not using the mind to look for reality is awareness. Freeing yourself from words is liberation.

>Those who seek the truth by means of intellect only get further away from it. Not till your thoughts cease all their branching here and there, not till you abandon all thoughts of seeking for something, not till your mind is motionless as wood or stone, will you be on the right road to the Gate.

>To a mind that is still, the entire universe surrenders.

Bodhidharma, Huangbo Xiyun, Zhuangzi

>> No.14495852

You think you do, but you don't. Otherwise you woudn't have been depressed to begin with.

>> No.14495878

How is this supposed to let a Thinker do well in his life from a conventional perspective? If you’re not thinking of anything and being Zen, isn’t that just NEET mode?

>> No.14495982

Not that guy but psyops aint no joke

>> No.14496302 [DELETED] 

holy fucking seethe

>> No.14496310

not an argument tranny

>> No.14497714


>> No.14497718

how do you know he’s a tranny, nigger? could just as easily be a retard. trans rights human rights :333333

>> No.14498810

Explain to me what the fuck is wrong with realizing you have something specific in common with an archetype of a person. It’s literally just an abstraction of what you do when you identify with a character in a piece of literature you smugposting reddit niggers.

>> No.14499207

These kinds of self-identification leads to a condition that Jung calls Psychic Inflation:
>Jung defined inflation – an unconscious psychic condition – as expansion of the personality beyond its proper limits by identification with the persona or with an archetype, or in pathological cases with a historical or religious figure. It produces an exaggerated sense of one’s self-importance and is usually compensated by feelings of inferiority (Jung1934–1939,1963)

These innocent self-identifications with memes obviously isn't that dangerous. But for example those people who strongly identify with their MBTI type, or those who, as you say, identify with specific characters or an archetype of characters in books; they would be facing a problem. I didn't read about it in depth, but basically to me it seems Jung means this self-identification suffocates the ego and hinders its development.

>> No.14499510

Is it possible for this to somehow be a good thing? For instance, Napoleon idolized Caesar and no doubt had something of an inflation with him, but it served him well in life, clearly.

>> No.14499561

I'm guilty of it as well. Jung himself, despite warning so much against it, seems to have been so as well. Also, Nietzsche identified with Zarathustra (the person), Alexander did so with Achilles. Nevertheless Jung warns heavily against it though I forgot his exact reasons.

>> No.14499647

Why would I take some literal who's advice instead of someone who's actually done shit in the real world history
You guys are fuckin pathetic

>> No.14499689

If by literal who you mean Jung, he accomplished things that are nothing short of miracles. He even cured patients with severe Schizophrenia, something that nobody today could do.

Ignorance is pathetic, my friend. You'd better not discard Jung's advice.

>> No.14499902

I’m the anon from earlier.
What would Jung think of OP and >>14479936 ?

>> No.14499910
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books for this?

>> No.14499941

I was probably just as narcissistic at that age to think I could create an archetype out of myself. You make me want to travel back in time and beat myself up. And of course, torture you to death

>> No.14499945
File: 144 KB, 660x574, 1577392558938.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is zero difference between verbally articulating your identification with a wojak archetype and vain sorority sisters responding to subtweets. You hate each other but are all fundamentally the same. It's sickening.

>> No.14499946

>Cant listen to music without pretending he's the artist
I absolutely understand this feel. I sometimes will day dream mid song about me as the front man of the band I am listening to.

>> No.14499973

>>haven't touched my backlog in months

Ah but I did, I added to it today.

>> No.14500669

Fuck this is me. Im twenty, though

>> No.14500678

Narcissists would favor the notion that they are too unique to be archetyped; they desire superiority, not relatability.

>> No.14500685

This is preposterous. Without a fucking photographic memory that information would be worthless and lost to the winds of time within a month or two. Plus nobody knows more than doctors about health, even if MDs are ill informed.

>> No.14500694

>sees wojak image
>calls others "reddit"

>> No.14501459

>without a photographic memory...
You’re wrong. I’m >>14487431 , you can recall a pretty decent amount of information even from one readthrough. The trick is thinking about it consciously as you read it so you have 2 stimuli to recall, the information and your thoughts on it. If a page really interests you, you read it multiple times over the course of your life and can basically recall it from memory. For instance, I’ve read Ted Kaczynski’s wikipedia page 3 times, and now can recall basically any significant detail.