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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 119 KB, 960x720, Legend.of.the.Galactic.Heroes.076.[x264.720p.10bit.AAC].mkv_snapshot_20.40_[2020.01.05_07.32.05].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14477245 No.14477245[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Books like this?

>> No.14477261

I and most people here hate anime, never watched any, and do not and cannot help you. Please try asking on the anime board or where you belong, reddit.

>> No.14477262

o meu diario, desu

>> No.14477264

LotGH feels so insipid to me. It feels Hegelian in a very dumb and knuckle-headed kind of way. I even see more depth in Galaxy Express 999, which wasn't that great either.
I can just imagine the kind of people into LotGH being pathetic humanists deep down inside.

>> No.14477270

>and do not and cannot help you.
Please learn English, ESLfag.

>> No.14477282

>most people here hate anime

That's a lie. Weebs dominate this entire website. Claiming that this doesn't apply to this board like it does elsewhere is a brazen lie

>> No.14477292

Do "weebs" "dominate" /lit/, though?

>> No.14477296

History of the Peloponnesian War

>> No.14477299

I can only smirk at your petit-bourgeois existance, little untertan.

You are not recognizing the romanticist core of the narration. It is much, much closer to Schiller than to Hegel but seeing the flatness of your interpretation i speculate you have never engaged with Schiller.

>> No.14477304

It doesn't apply to /lit/, most people are here for the anonymity and ease of posting, which brings some very high IQ individuals out of the woodwork. This board and /out/ have the least amount of anime. Look at any other board, (even sci), and you're bound to be inundated with anime shit all the time. At best, we have that autistic Evagalon Genesis meme retard that spams his shit every now and them but that aside, the proportion of anime posters is exceeding low on /lit/, which is indicative that a majority of the users do not care for the garbage.

>> No.14477312
File: 608 KB, 1017x669, Kircheis and Reinhard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Op, this>>14477261

But Legend of the Galactic Heroes is actually a really good anime even if it's only a kids cartoon. The rise of a young, tactical genius among the ranks of future Germany in the image of Prussia. Set in a space opera against the future American democracy. Both old and corrupt states. Fighting for a state he despises, who will die on his pursuit to become Kaiser and form his own neu state, perhaps he?

>> No.14477313

The Anabasis of Alexander

>> No.14477316

Yes, yes, I was thinking of the romanticist undertones when writing that, and I had significant doubts when mentioning Hegel. I definitely hate the romanticist core of LotGH. I despise it, in fact.

>> No.14477328

>which is indicative that a majority of the users do not care for the garbage.
Incorrect, I like a lot of anime but I'm not going to build an identity around nor pretend as if a cartoon can ever be a higher artform.

99% of anime is garbage japa-ape girl cartoons with perverted themes however we shouldn't pretend that 1% is necessarily bad rather than just mild entertainment an adult or child might enjoy.

>> No.14477330

With Hegel being the core of your critic, you maybe shouldnt have posted at all then? As a matter of fact, it may be wise to stop posting in general.

The Reich does not represent Prussia. It is much more akin to Austria. And i can not see the link between the Alliance and America as well. It is closer to France and Great Britain. The questioning and contemplation of democracy, autocracy etc. from Wenli is also much more european or even japanese in nature.

Normally lotgh threads attract good posters, but this one does disappoint.

>> No.14477337

> I like a lot of anime
I don't.

>> No.14477341

You must be retarded anon. Of course it's not one for one, in a general sense it is anglo vs germanic hwever if had to be a country it would be Germany an America.

It's just a cartoon anon.

>> No.14477351
File: 14 KB, 225x225, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are equally as stupid as the person you respond to. I suppose you are aware of european animation tradition as well then? You're horizon can evidently not move beyond the notion of animation as a "cartoon", your imagination and receptivity apparently ends at Bugs Bunny, for the higher works of the animated artform.

The unthinkable equivalent would be the person who calls painting outdated due to the historical emergence of photography. Though in honesty, i can imagine a few people on the internet will say just that, when asked.

Preference is of course something different. Yet it should not falsely elevate itself towards insight.

No, it would not be Germany and America. I think you just dont know anything about history.

>> No.14477384

I made one minor error, big deal. It didn't appear in any literary essay or book. I still hate the aesthetics and themes of LotGH.

>> No.14477388

lol kys retard, you're putting an inherently limited form of expression up against the likes of Wagner, Thorvaldsen, Goethe, Scott, etc.

Both film and cartoons but films evidently vast levels higher in potential. The dopamine from anime has obviously rotted your brain. Now I'm not saying it can't create an aesthetic image nor am I saying that it does not have a unique aesthetic textuality. But lets be realistic.

>hurr durr this fiction is entirely based off of, and entirely mirrors past events

>> No.14477391

>Both film and cartoons are a lower artform*

>> No.14477400

If you have any pretensions on being knowledgeable about art, or maybe consider yourself a thinker, one with insight on aesthetical - you better take a real good look into the mirror, anon. You operate on a very low conceptual level and make the appearance of a shrieking little monkey, barely managining to imitate words he has read elsewhere.

>an inherently limited form of expression

You are aware that animation is simply an expanded form of painting? And that a vast amount of the greatest works of western civilization have emerged in painting? That painting had been seen for the longest time as the most relevant and skillful art form in the west?

I am not making a statement on the "inherent value" of animation. But just this ridiculous statement on the limitation of animation and thus painting, makes me emphasize with you, for your rampant idiocy.

>> No.14477404

I mean, I don't agree with you.

>> No.14477418

I don't agree with you either.

>> No.14477683
File: 95 KB, 800x614, 046-018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You are aware that animation is simply an expanded form of painting?
You're officially a dumb dumb anon. It is you, the monkey, that makes such simple yet obviously wrong statements. You grasp one simple and visible point which you had not held before and you think you know all of art. How you talk is the equivalent of the developmental stage of a 13 yr old. Only latching onto it because of its simplicity. Something which against all laws of reason and intuition. Just because of how stupid your statement is, I will ask a simple thing, show me a single scene or image of anime that is equal to any high plastic art, not even painting necessarily.

>And that a vast amount of the greatest works of western civilization have emerged in painting?
You blew my mind anon. It's rely quite sad how you think some basic lines and colours can even be considered remotely similar to the Sistine Madonna. You insult art, and by that, true religion with childish fantasies of anime. IT'S A FUCKING CARTOON YOU NUMBSKULL! Not a painting, there's a reason why cartoons originated for children.

>But just this ridiculous statement on the limitation of animation and thus painting
AHAHAHAA Anon I'm laughing at you.

Lets just mash painting and drawing together interchangeably for this gay example.

You're saying a form of "painting" which is precisely defined by an extremely simple and plain use of shape and colour, which does not make an attempt (and can not) to present an ideal, and is in constant motion, and is almost universally done by ugly technology now, which all of these principles(being of course the definitions of animation) only result in producing a limiting(entertaining) effect which further has a unique aesthetic form(true, and so of some unique value) only by way of the negative outweighing the positive nigh infinitely so for as long as you persist it is a high art and so held to the same standards, when it could be content in its own unique aesthetic as entertainment(what it is) and an aesthetic image at best. Not Art.

And you would degrade most importantly not only true art, but also your own cartoon entertainment, by saying it is in anyway similar to not even the greats of Western painting but Western painting in general? Claiming it(anime) to be something it is not.

>> No.14477689

>And i can not see the link between the Alliance and America as well. It is closer to France and Great Britain.
Why must the blind be so vocal?

>> No.14477696
File: 83 KB, 902x657, Simulations adventure paraphrased.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Books like this?
I recommend LotGH.

>> No.14477762

Not really weebs but people who watch anime (not necessarily like it). I make anti-japan posts a lot and they get praised. Really only posters from outside of the site (that is, spend more time elsewhere) are full-on cringy weebs. You'll see more weeb shit in youtube comments than on here.

>> No.14477968

For real who gives a fuck if it is great art or not?

>> No.14478006

This site was at its best when it was anime centric thh. You normalfags (now known as normies to you buckos) ruined this place

>> No.14478010

History of Rome by livy

>> No.14478172 [SPOILER] 
File: 189 KB, 1756x874, 1578227921801.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The novels

To illustrate my point.

>left: 4chan under the reign of weebs.
>Vibrant, creative, unpretentious, and funny. >Memes were born here and died elsewhere. >Mythical golden age now long gone.
>moot, a weeb that believed in virtue of anonymity, as admin.

>right: 4chan under the reign of Generation Zero. >Stagnant, anti-weeb, cynical, overly political, unbased and cringe.
>Memes now come from other parts of the web (such as reddit and twatter) in order to die here.
>Hiroshiwbatever, an ardent anime hater, moneygrubbing scoundrel as admin.
>Injects malware into site, sells user to information to big corporations, hates 4chan users

>> No.14478184

>110 episodes for a radical centrist conclusion of "constitutional monarchy"
Is this really the best your medium has to offer?

>> No.14478192

>confusing the quality of art with the definition of art

>> No.14478195

>Is this really the best your medium has to offer?

yes, that and 0080.

>> No.14478219

>Is this really the best your medium has to offer?
No, that would be Hunter x Hunter.

>> No.14478226


>> No.14478234

>>Vibrant, creative, unpretentious, and funny.
Maybe if you're a low IQ stoner faggot.

>> No.14478271

Actually... with the centralization of the internet, the culture of 4chan and the culture of the normie world have merged insidiously over time. This implies we have regressed toward the mean, as the culture of these domains must now accomodate the influx of normal people. Normal people have IQs within the ~100-110 range. The more you know.

Also, a good portion of content spread around this place are regurgitations from other social media platforms (e.g screencaps from twitter, reddit, and shit). Social media hardly attracts genuis.

>> No.14478337
File: 31 KB, 720x544, oniisama-e-episode-2-english-subbed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That and pic related.

>> No.14478398
File: 72 KB, 391x596, How-to-Read-a-Book-by-Mortimer-J-Adler-and-Charles-Van-Doren.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He kinda reminds me of this

>> No.14478498

You are confusing the quality of the animation works that have been done with the potential that this artistic discipline has.

Firsly, I will analyse schematically what has been done. It is true that most animation works follow an insipid entertainment philosophy, mainly because it was born at the expense of cinematography in a fervently capitalist era. Keeping this in mind, I can identify two market perspective reasons why animation has been developed towards children and simplicity: Drawing hundreds of frames needs insane efforts distributed by lots of artists working in an industry that have to be paid (it is not a single creative genius working at home anymore), therefore, it is normal to pursue a decent effort/profit ratio, and this balance tends to reward simple cartoons without reaching unpopular abstraction; Moreover, the "profound" art market had already been occupied by real life cinematograpy, so animation had to appeal to another target audience and, oddly enough, the above-mentioned effort/profit ratio makes children an ideal target, as they enjoy watching simple and colorful figures fighting or dancing rather than reading tales or contemplating adult figures. This historical reasons do not wreck animation as an artistic discipline, that is like saying in the first century that music itself is utter trash because no sophisticated symphonies have been done.

Having said that, it is irresponsible not to aknowledge the inconceivable amount of aesthetic possibilities that animation offers. Animation combines absolute pictorial freedom (not like cinematography, which is limited by our world's conditions and appearence) in motion, music and directing; Completely artificial beauty in harmony between space and time. Just think about it, a godlike sequence of romantic paintings illustrating a celestial valkyrie ride with The Ring of the Nibelung as soundtrack is only possible in this discipline. I know that the example I have provided may sound pretentious or exaggerated, but you get the point.

Finally, there are a bunch of animation works that trascend mediocrity and immaturity. Ghost in the Shell (1995) an End of Evangelion are my favourites, although I cannot dare to consider them as masterpieces

>> No.14478557

I forgot to mention that animation is the closest discipline to Wagner's Gesamtkunstwerk

>> No.14478809

That's not really the conclusion at all though.
>being so brain dead you can't understand anime

>> No.14478843

Literally the book the show is based on. The Space Opera genre is filled with this sort of thing, you can pick and choose and swim in an ocean of books, literally just google it.