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/lit/ - Literature

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14476457 No.14476457 [Reply] [Original]

Are you truly free if you are a slave to your desires? Is a life of following your inclinations and urges really a life of freedom? Are westerners in their own cage of lust and worldly wants and needs?

>> No.14476458

Free will doesn't exist. Just like Gott doesn't exist.

>> No.14476464

>Born to Jewish-Ukrainian parents in Chile, Jodorowsky experienced an unhappy and alienated childhood, and so immersed himself in reading and writing poetry.

>> No.14476474

Uhhhhhh we all caged

>> No.14476488

Every time
Every fucking time

>> No.14476496


>> No.14476498

Wasn't his father a stalinist or something like that?

>> No.14476501

>every time
Better a plague than one alienated Jew.

>> No.14476506

Isn't it better to be caged by God then caged by Satan? The world is a prison for the believers and a paradise for the disbelievers.

>> No.14476519
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>> No.14476530

Die poltard

>> No.14476546

What a retarded fucking quote
I will never read Dune on the basis of that quote

>> No.14476554

You haven't seen Dance of Reality have you?
>Young Alejandro (Jeremías Herskovits) lives with his Jewish-Ukrainian parents Jaime (Brontis Jodorowsky) and Sara (Pamela Flores) in Tocopilla, Chile. Jaime is a communist who worships Stalin and raises his son with great severity

>> No.14476569

What are you if not your desires?

>> No.14476575

We are caged by our brains.

>> No.14476606

fucking based

>> No.14476639

what does dune have to do with it?

>> No.14477248

Jodorowsky didn't write Dune. He was going to make a Dune movie, but he didn't. Frank Herbert wrote Dune.

>> No.14477252

Are tou truly free if you are a slave to God's desires?

>> No.14477255

Based film. Had the chance to watch it at the cinema like 7 years ago. Good times.

>> No.14477258

Is God truly free if he is a slave to his desires?

>> No.14477263

no but its impossible to be truly free because the human condition needs to be enslaved to something

>> No.14477267

Beware...Freedom always leads to bending the knee to moloch

How can someone still deny our Lord Jesus Christ after witnessing the vile evil in this world?

>> No.14477266
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Real redpill is to accept that there is no God, but still use religious practices so as to override primal desires that toss us toward no real end other than some inane, insane, insatiable pleasure.

>> No.14477276

Wouldn't the concious pursuit of freedom therefore be enslavement?

Absplute freedom as a virtue is pretty stupid.

>> No.14477279
File: 141 KB, 798x797, B5B10C05-F13A-49F0-B1A5-29B2A6FEDEBF.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>chained up dogs barking viciously at cats to stay away from their chains.
Stupid dogs. Of course you don’t understand freedom.

>> No.14477286
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>freedom is being a slave to desires

>> No.14477291
File: 40 KB, 329x497, C1A1F4DA-665D-49B9-A12D-180AB256BE34.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Foolish frog poster. You have much to learn.

>> No.14477301

the fact the cat needs those dogs to stay on their chains to survive proves that freedom isnt an inherently good th-
oh its you. fuck off, dont reply to me

>> No.14477324
File: 64 KB, 500x500, D18D8C4C-44D6-49F9-B6AF-5C2E83BAB8BB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dogs and cats get along better than some different colored humans. It’s an allegory, fuckwit.

>> No.14477356

and the fact your lame ass needs to be protected from those humans is still proof freedom isnt inherently a good thing
and you need to be protected by driving laws, property laws, tax laws etc from your own colored humans
your allegory is still fuckin stupid

>> No.14477382

Yer running wild across that loony bin yawn now

>> No.14477385

yes exactly, and you're a fucking cat and should be most scared of freedom than anybody

>> No.14477390

Sure, but so are Islamics. They live a conservative life style abiding by their religion, one would say that they are forced to participate in many rituals daily.

>> No.14477408
File: 22 KB, 400x400, C50609E0-F5BB-4E6C-86F8-94E4AB24B348.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But no.
Have you read Stirner, or just shitposted about him?

>> No.14477416

idk who or what that is
you're moving goalposts and you're still wrong
but pretend you're right and I'm wrong because you've read something I haven't. lawlessness/anarchy is 16 year old "weed cures cancer man" tier pseudo nonsense.

>> No.14477428

>moving goalposts
Nnno. It’s more that you don’t understand what we’re talking about.
When I was a fourteen year old Christian conservative girl, I came across the idea of anarchism and thought it over. I came to the same conclusions you have. I did eventually read up on the subject and I think it’s not only possible, important, but best for all of us.
Don’t speak. You are still in your cage. But you hold the keys to the door of it.

>> No.14477437

ok, keep typing smarmy paragraphs that dont even make a single point
I hope they make you feel nice and important, trip faggot.

>> No.14477442

Good luck with that cage, kid.

>> No.14477447

what if we got anarchism, and you and your immediately family were raped and forced into slavery at the exact moment by a group larger and stronger than you
would you suddenly wish for some legal retribution

>> No.14477473

That sounds more like the world we have now, anon.
And lawyers wouldn’t come to my rescue either because I don’t have that kind of money

>> No.14477475

answer the question
what if we had anarchy and a group bigger and stronger than yourself begins to take your property

>> No.14477484

Butterfly, these things will never come to pass. That stance is far too radical to conciliate with any meaningful view. You are living a lie apart from God. I have already shown you things. What is going on with me is proof of God’s existence, bar none. What you are holding on to is a meaningless part of your identity, crafted for you by others. What you are, who you embody, is someone ‘intelligent’ and for whatever reason the powers that be want that someone to not believe in God.

You are the one brainwashed. :3

>> No.14477485

She would offer them sex in exchange for her life.

This is when the whole plan starts making sense.

Ahhhhhhh I see. I SEE. Butterfly is an anarchist because she secretly wants to be raped.

>> No.14477487

you really think a lawyer wouldnt take a fucking gang rape case, you infantile tripfag? you really dont think about the retarded shit you type for longer than 20 seconds do you

>> No.14477488

Being absolutely free form everything may be near impossible, as you cannot transcend your humanly desires. The most you could possibly do is eat only as much as you need, and control your desires, but meet the necessary ones. Desires can also be ambition, freedom itself is a desire. Not all desires enslave you, some of them can push you forward. (The desire to create, to improve, etc.) The only ones that do, are carnal desires.

Resist your carnal desires, feed them only as much as your body requires, and let your ambitious desires guide you to greater heights.

I'd say that is true freedom, and if you disagree, I would love to discuss about it.

>> No.14477490

I did.
That is a description of this world’s system NOW.
You naturally can’t think of a different world system replacing this one BECAUSE YOU ARE IN A CAGE


>> No.14477491

Christfag is that you?!?! we're worried

>> No.14477495


I’m Muslim

>> No.14477497

*hugs* hope you're safe wherever you are

>> No.14477523

Thanks sweetie (if you’re a woman)

>> No.14477529

Literally doesn't matter either way, because it feels like you are making decisions and thats literally all you need.

>> No.14477547

So he's more /lit/ than you lol

>> No.14477554

dude hes a fuckin jew... come on

>> No.14477555

I have a crush on riefenstahl

>> No.14477575

Yes. I unironically believe this ever I since I watched the classic Alex Cox's Sid Vicious biopic starring Gary Oldman. Particularly Sy Richardson's "Healthy Anarchy" scene at the methadone clinic.
I'm still a slave to cooming though I just love filthy big titted jewish sluts so much.

>> No.14477628

the beautiful and nearly lost aesthetic of wabi sabi, zen, and kintsuki all have nothing to do with your philosophy and you need to stop misunderstanding and misusing it for your weird /lit/ preaching

>> No.14478940

Funny that most of them are more degenerate than the likes of Lang and a plethora of other Jewish directors

>> No.14478953

I will not conform to your image of me, anon.

>> No.14479233

horrible list

>> No.14479335

i doubt that pic is what he meant with that quote

>> No.14479365

He’s no Muslim. I think he would find it apt enough

>> No.14479424


>> No.14479563
File: 894 KB, 860x875, 129-1290915_wojak-soy-memes-png-wojak-face-mad-angry.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Y-you're either a shameful addict and slave to hedonism or a chaste ascetic!! Those are the two options!!

Imagine how weak your character has to be if you can't imagine exploring indulgence a little bit and still living a refined life of higher purposes

>> No.14479564

He's not a tribal American Jew like your Jews but an artistic Chilean guy who happens to have Jewish heritage.

>> No.14480343

>Are you truly free if you are a slave to your desires?

>Is a life of following your inclinations and urges really a life of freedom?

>Are westerners in their own cage of lust and worldly wants and needs?

anyone who disagrees would have to use sophistry and start nitpicking about what freedom means. when you think about the actual state of the existence people experience under liberalism, the conformity is so powerful. the only freedom it grants is in trivial things like pic related. you have the freedom to choose your brand of ketchup etc. you have the freedom to choose the slight variation on the liberal politicians you want. you have the freedom to make gestures and signals as long as they have no impact.

these are not important freedoms, unless you are only concerned about the technical meaning of freedom. or if you prefer the illusion of freedom to the spirit of freedom.

>> No.14480477

9%& of them fucking suck, especially godard. the most overrated director in history
fucking hack

>> No.14480712

What a terrible quote about the birds. Its supposition, and not even relatively good supposition. Just empty, baseless, boring, pretentious supposition