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14475150 No.14475150 [Reply] [Original]

>/lit/ kept memeing the Bible
>actually read it
>realize it is all true

>> No.14475164

It was ok until I read that passage concerning circumcision.

>> No.14475166

It’s all true? Alright, anon.

>> No.14475168

reported for anti semitism

>> No.14475371

How does it feel to have the brain of a child

>> No.14475391

>all true
>zero compelling evidence to support stories in the Bible

>> No.14475413



There are “infinite” religions, but the unthinking atheist assumes that they’re all equally probable. As if extinct religions, unknown religions, unprophesied religions, can be as probable as Christianity. Good Christians are good Buddhists, good Hindus, etc. Even the Quran says that there are Christians in heaven (2:62). But Jesus says “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one may come to the Father except through me.” The practical conclusion is to be a Christian. Why is Jesus the way? Because no one is good. Everyone sins. What arbitrary distinction is there between good and bad people in those religions that emphasize good works? The only threshold that makes sense is that only perfect people are good. So works alone is not sufficient, as we are all sinners.

Deuteronomy 4:29
>But from there you will seek the Lord your God and you will find him, if you search after him with all your heart and with all your soul.
Proverbs 8:17
>I love those who love me, and those who seek me diligently find me.
Jeremiah 29:13
>You will seek me and find me, when you seek me with all your heart.
Matthew 7:7-8
>Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives, and the one who seeks finds, and to the one who knocks it will be opened.
Isaiah 55:6-7
>Seek the Lord while he may be found; call upon him while he is near; let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts; let him return to the Lord, that he may have compassion on him, and to our God, for he will abundantly pardon.
Lamentations 3:25
>The Lord is good to those who wait for him, to the soul who seeks him.
James 4:8
>Draw near to God, and he will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands, you sinners, and purify your hearts, you double-minded

>> No.14475415 [DELETED] 

when were we invaded by reddit? it’s actually laughable that you can’t detect a hint of humour and immediately whip out your “all my philosophy education comes from youtube and wikipedia” r/atheism pseud counters. fucking cringe!

>> No.14475419


>> No.14475447

I can't make it through the Old Testament guys, it's so dry. Plz help!

>> No.14475453

This. Anons who jerk their knees at biblical threads and memes don't understand value alone as an archive of historical documents or it's effect on the world and what the world would be had it never existed. Zero respect for unread, historically ignorant atheists. It just comes off as bedroom door slamming "You're not my dad anymore" mouthpiss.
Rest assured there will be 20 seething atheist threads that follow this now, and they will all be from 3 zoomers.

>> No.14475454

Skip back and forth between NT and OT.

>> No.14475456 [DELETED] 

Get a good commentary. Also space out your reading, it’s not a race. Read a chapter, and then rest for a few weeks.

>> No.14475466

I'll try that.

>rest for a few weeks
Fuck anon, I'm a memorylet, I'll forget everything I read previously at that rate.

>> No.14475475

Which part of OT are you on?

>> No.14475476

Where are you stuck? Plebs always find the Pentateuch boring but it's the best part of the Old Testament.

>> No.14475483

There are important verses and ideas all over the OT. For example, when Abraham had faith that God would provide him a son, and God counted his faith as righteous. This is referenced in the NT, but I forget where. Maybe look some of them up to motivate you to read the chapters and know the context of those verses. As others said, you can read the NT and alternate, as the NT has numerous references also

>> No.14475487

At this point I'm starting over. I've tried three times over the last two years and I keep burning myself out. Would an annotated Bible be recommended? That way maybe the context would keep me interested?

>> No.14475488

>I'll try that.
It does make it easier. I read the last 3 chapters of Romans last night and read 4 chapters of Genesis this morning. I like it this way because the NT books are shorter and while you work your way through and OT book you can finish several NT books.

>> No.14475500

I’ve been listening to an audiobook recently by Heath (KJV). It helps me keep a good pace and stay focused and not skip anything

>> No.14475509 [DELETED] 

Make notes and then summarise the notes, and refresh. If you haven’t “how to read a book” is great for people with memory issues for taking in and interpreting a text.

>> No.14475544

I can't do audiobooks if I'm actually trying to retain info, it's my weakest learning style. Like I always record doctors' instructions on my phone because by the time I'm out of the office I forget a good chunk of whatever they told me.

That book is in my backlog. But yeah I try to keep notes unless I'm reading for pleasure. I read Robinson Crusoe like four years ago and I just finished it again last week, it was as if I was reading it for the first time.

>> No.14475576

Try listening and reading along. Oh, and try out this YouTube channel https://youtu.be/tp5MIrMZFqo for summaries of all the books

>> No.14475577

God doesn't real you simpletons!

>> No.14475591 [DELETED] 

Good luck bro. Don’t know if you’re in this situation but a few years ago I could barely motivate myself to read 2 hours a day, now I read all day and it’s improved my mind and work a lot. Good luck

>> No.14475596

Imagine being mad at someone for not laughing at your low energy joke

>> No.14475645

Thanks I'll give it a look.

I read all day between chorin' nowadays. I used to have a bad video game addiction but across a decade I've worked on breaking away and now I solely play two games, as well as chess, and whatever my son is into. Gave up most anime and TV too, but that was more because both mediums are creatively starved.

>> No.14475655

The Bible is an explary example of the kind of literature which you are meant to return to and read (even out-of-order) many times. My copy of the KJV recommended I start with the Book of Mark in the NT before actually starting at the beginning. That's because Mark is written to be a pretty well-paced, cut-the-bullshit account on the life of Jesus, so it's a great introduction to the core and basis of Christianity.
From there you can just try reading from the start of the OT, and if a book becomes too dry for you to keep up with, just skip it and return to it later, or just read it in small bites irregularly while you focus on the rest of the bible.
However you approach it is fine, God can wait.

>> No.14475709


>> No.14475741


>> No.14475768

What if.. GASP... OP actually believed the Bible? :3

>> No.14475783

Good stuff. Pair it with the links here >>14475413
and it all makes sense as divine intervention.

>> No.14475826

Atheists are dumb faggots but this link is cringe

>> No.14475850

the bible doesn't tell you that it's bad to kill yourself

>> No.14475864

most devout Christians are far from suicide

>> No.14475916

That has nothing to do with the theological ramifications of suicide, most people in general are far from suicide.

>> No.14475919

What's wrong with the article?

>> No.14475923
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>/lit/ kept memeing the Bible
>it's the die for israel edition

>> No.14475925

if you’re suicidal then are you really Christian though?

>> No.14475930

I don't even know what you're trying to say.

>> No.14475953

God is real you simpleton!

>> No.14475959

>As if extinct religions, unknown religions, unprophesied religions, can be as probable as Christianity.

>> No.14475979
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>Open Bible
>Chapter 1
>Talking snake
>Realize its all fake
>Burn it

>> No.14476001

God appears before you and says that either Christianity or true or the shit-eating religion is true. That is, you have to eat shit once a month to get into heaven. What do you do?

>> No.14476015

Some random cave scribblings are not more probable than a religion that has been checked, debated and rechecked by the greatest minds for 2,000+ years.

>> No.14476049

It's just cringey bullshit meant for other Christians to read to validate their preconcieved beliefs rather than argue against the actual people who are going to dispute the resurrection. Most of his arguments come down to
>the apostles would never lie about the resurrection because they were moral people and that would be immoral
No shit Christians think the apostles were moral, but the people disputing the resurrection obviously don't care about an appeal to Christian morality. A lot of his arguments come down to appealing to things Christians believe in order to tell them that they should believe in the resurrection. What Christians don't believe in the resurrection?

In some places it even seems flat out contradictory
>the apostles couldn't have conspired to create the resurrection because they were simple peasants who were incapable of creating such an intricate myth
>the resurrection couldn't have been a hallucination because it's so much simpler than all of the complicated supernatural events in the OT
So which is it? Is the resurrection too complicated for peasants to think up or too simple to have been a hallucination? The whole thing reads like what some cringey boomer evangelical priest would write up to convince teens in his church to keep showing up after their parents don't force them to anymore.

>> No.14476126


>> No.14476311

You’re right, they’re equally probable

>> No.14476355

>reading religious texts literally
>not unveiling it through allegories and symbols

kys brainlet

>> No.14476367

>low iq: the bible is literal
>midwit: the bible is allegorical
>high iq: the bible is simultaneously literal and allegorical

>> No.14476392

>>high iq: the bible is simultaneously literal and allegorical
This. Augustine believed Genesis to be a historical record but also recognized the symbols.

>> No.14476406

what has happened to this place... catholicism is aight for some, but Chan folks are way too mentally ill to make anything good of religion. It'll just become a new source of shame, guilt, inferiority, and psychosis.

>> No.14476484 [DELETED] 

Mentally ill people probably get the most out of religion. And I mean that in a complimentary way

>> No.14476589

No, the average person gets the most from it. The truly mentally ill can't stay within it's bounds so they seek even harder for religious answers. But in the absence of a leader to interpret His word, as in protestantism, this just leads to an unhealthy obsession with understanding the bible and self-flagellation towards becoming ever more pure. Which makes illness worse. The neurotically sick need laughter and sex and freedom to think and speak. Not more rules on behavior and hygiene/purity
Leviticus is a study in obsessive compulsive disorder..

>> No.14476623

I had been depressed since high school but since becoming Catholic I have woken up filled with joy basically every day for the past two years

>> No.14476633
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my face reading most of these posts

>> No.14476635

>The truly mentally ill can't stay within it's bounds
Actually, it isn't that they can't stay within bounds, it's that they pull those bounds in tightly around themselves. The sick can't see themselves as worthy, so they will constantly pick the hardest part of their faith to live up to and proceed to hate themselves for not being better, and even threatening themselves with hell...
It's a terrible cycle i have experienced and seen quite often.

>> No.14476654

I specifically said catholicism is a decent religious structure since there's always a surrogate father figure to confess to and interpret god's word for you. The social nature of church is curative as well, for those who can begin to fit in. In other words, you were mentally ill enough for this to apply to you and/or you picked the right church to get the father figure you needed and the love of a group to replace the hole left by ur mum.

>> No.14476662

>In other words, you were mentally ill enough

>> No.14476745

Shit son now we're talking.
I wasn't expecting to see something this wholesome today but, Deo Gloria, you're it.

Since this is /lit, I'll shill G K Chesterton's The Man Who Was Thursday. If you understand the book, it's one of the best novels of the 20th century.

>> No.14476865 [DELETED] 

Nice conjectures bro

>> No.14476911

Good for you Anon. One of my favorite fictional works.

>> No.14477029

Show me the practical difference between someone following the rules laid out in Leviticus and someone suffering with OCD and we'll compare conjectures

>> No.14477054

Here's some actual conjecture to illustrate the psychoanalytic critique i was attempting to provide you with:
Last month in a christian drug rehab i listened to a 19 yr old christian boy tell me about how shamed he is by his homosexual feelings and crying asked why god wouldn't deliver him from it.

All i could say was "don't beat yourself up. You're way too focused on what you're doing wrong. We all commit a hundred sins a day, and yet you're focused on the one god won't deliver you from."
I said this, as an atheist. For some, religion is just a new way to whip themselves.

>> No.14477069

The passage that said it isn't necessary?

>> No.14477172

it's the holy roman catholic bible get it right guy.

>> No.14478516

He's american ignore him.

>> No.14478522

I agree; such stories are of a time when reality, it it's own being, already was »allegorical».

>> No.14478526

*in it's own being.

>> No.14478544

And next you're gonna say
"Can you see the wind? How do you know it exists? xD"

>> No.14478771


>> No.14478797 [DELETED] 

>bro just give in a be shit nothing is my fault!
classic atheist

>> No.14479452
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>Good for you Anon. One of my favorite fictional works.

>> No.14479649

>All true
Come on mate this is too obvious a troll.

>> No.14479654

You got to read it all cause the New requires it to work, even if it misquotes it at time, cause the main Jew of the New says the Old still matters just as much as the New.

>> No.14479677

Well Christianity's shit eating is more metaphorical yet is multiple times a week so the shit eating one.

>> No.14479692

The bible is like the monty hall problem. Say there are a thousand doors and you—naive early man—choose the first door and call that christianity. Then science opens 998 doors and says "you have the choice to switch between your first, uneducated guess or the final door after I've eliminated the other possibilities." Why do you stay with the first naive choice?

>> No.14479697

Well the one checked, debated and rechecked for 2000+ years by the greatest minds show its full of historical factual errors, including the Romans acting very unlike Romans during key scenes, things that contradict known science, such as its description of the universe, has massive miracles mentioned that were never recorded elsewhere when they would have and other numerous points that show it to be very unreliable, the cave scribblings don't have that so...

>> No.14479706

That is basically every Christian site, they certainly aren't meant to convince just validate and the biggest at least admit this.

>> No.14479714

To be fair either reading makes it look shit since some stuff if literal is factually inaccurate and if metaphorical has no good lessons, like Genesis 1 is first clearly and Genesis 2 onwards just teaches shitty lessons about being a cuck to God.

>> No.14479728


>> No.14479731

Someone post the chart for babies first existential crisis.

>> No.14479944
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More than you know anon-kun.


>> No.14479970

How does science in any way disprove or prove the possibility of a God? It never made sense to me.

>> No.14479971
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>> No.14479988

It more disproves certain religions assertions about God, since many make claims science debunks. So it disproves the Abrahmic texts God since it contradicts reality.

>> No.14480001

We don't have any info for most of the 12 men that wasn't latter made by Christians for extra persecutions points and most of the info of the time was also from Christians. So we don't actually know if they endured all that and if they did or did not say it wasn't true.

>> No.14480008

Christianity wasn't the first door by any stretch, in fact with was the latest and last door opened.

>> No.14480012

It doesn't, pseuds just like to pretend not believing in God is a sign of intellectual superiority.

>> No.14480015


>> No.14480065

Read individual books ("chapters") from the bible in any order you like.

>> No.14481150

>>I love those who love me, and those who seek me diligently find me.
This isn't true. When I searched for God, I haven't found him.

>> No.14481166
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Do you guys think Mary loves us like her own children?

>> No.14481167

Now go read The Confessions and City of God.

>> No.14481196

it doesn't which is why the "Christianity" door is still closed in the metaphor. It's not about proof, it's about method and how one approaches a hypothesis, regardless of the evidence for or against it.

>> No.14481214

You are a meatbag that will expire some day, why do you even bring religion and god up? Is it a cope mechanism, you probably spend a lot of time and energy thinking about religion, god and probably trying to convince others but for what reason?

>> No.14481265

He's not between your computer chair and the fridge anon. Though the eternal Tao may be.

>> No.14481389

source: trust me bro

>> No.14482395
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Yeah. It sucks. We’re all going to hell. Internet= image of the beast. We never had a chance.

>> No.14482400

Pretty good. Would I rather have a brain dangerously loaded up with the doctrines of men and of devils with even occult knowledge crammed in there so I am ripe for destruction? Having the mind of a child is essential to one’s own salvation.

>> No.14482525

The problem with it being literal and allegorical is that a lot of the tall tales are treated as strict fact *by most* and others not, so you never know which was which and accidentally revealing your skepticism mislabeling which are allegories can get you shunned.

>> No.14482801

> a meatbag
>cope mechanism, you