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14473562 No.14473562[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What are some signs that someone is smart or dumb

>> No.14473584

All people are a mixture of both. I suppose thinking in dichotomous terms is a sign one has a greater proportion of stupidity. So, yeah, you're dumb, to make it easy for you.

>> No.14473589

they post on 4chan

>> No.14473593

They wear a MAGA hat

>> No.14473599

Phony people are notoriously stupid

>> No.14473603
File: 48 KB, 1136x638, 20783DBB-5943-40C5-B5EB-5C46C5E436FE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Smart people can detect intelligence in others. Sometimes it’s instantly recognizable, sometimes it’s easier to observe their behavior and way of talking first. You just don’t have it so I won’t bother to automatically list a bunch of general traits

>> No.14473611

Fixed vs growth mindset is the most accurate depiction of dumb vs smart.

>> No.14473620

yeah anon I am sure you know intelligence haha

>> No.14473631

that doesnt change the fact that smarter people have different traits than dumber

>> No.14473643


>> No.14473650

reads Guenon
reads Whitehead

>> No.14473684
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>all anime is bad
We can tell that you’re not smart. But I can kinda prove that I am, relatively speaking

>> No.14473717
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From my n=1 all the smart people I know are incredibly curious and have many interests.

>> No.14473720

Score on the Raven's Progessive Matrices test.

Very tried and tested, often used for economic/development academic studies (since it's not culture-biased).

>> No.14473722

Being OP

>> No.14473823
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very cool anon enjoy your uhh chinese cartoon

>> No.14473872


>> No.14473889

meant to say austically

>> No.14473896

You're not only dumb, you are also annoying.

>> No.14473903
File: 80 KB, 700x452, whyyes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why yes I am a highly intelligent taiwanese movie watcher

>> No.14473918

Couldn’t hack it on the SAT, I take it? So what college did you get into?

>> No.14473923

he’s not me btw

>> No.14473936

yeah, me too

>> No.14473938

We don’t take the SAT. Only the ACT is free and mandatory at our school. I was rejected by Ivy’s and ended up going somewhere with a full ride instead.

>> No.14473944
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>> No.14473952

People who are obsessed with ”intelligence” and ”IQ” to make up for their lack of achievement in life.

>> No.14473968
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very well in that case

>> No.14473969

is this like people who are obsessed with their appearance or their athletic ability?

>> No.14473979

>claims to be intelligent
>cant answer a simple question


>> No.14473986


>> No.14473992

Give somebody a piece of information and look how long it takes them to process it, that's a good indicator. Don't be mistaken though, intelligence is just another form of cope.

>> No.14473999

achievements are a sign of stupidity and mental weakness. When one is spiritually bankrupt, he expands into the material, for a lack of intellectual success.

The US and the roman empire were entirely materially-oriented and they are the dumbest societies in history. Pick up a roman philosopher and laugh. Have you read Aurelius? Painful. Then you have the nomadic aryans who solved physics with no billion dollar equipment, or houses for that matter, and established the one of the greatest civilization ever.

>> No.14474021

>simple question

>> No.14474061
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Smart: black skin, big dick, lost virginity at 14
Dumb: thinks their smart, believes IQ nonsense, puts down others despite being unintelligent

>> No.14474066

>mental weakness

noun: achievement; plural noun: achievements

a thing done successfully with effort, skill, or courage.

>> No.14474080

I wanted to say it, but I didn't think it was important

>> No.14474096

smart=repeating digits

>> No.14474130

>too dumb to name a couple of traits
low iq pretending to be high desu

>> No.14474166

you still didn't get his message kek

people may be smarter in some fields but dumber in another. If person speaks ooga-booga it doesn't mean it's dumb, probably just lacks self-reflection and socializing. Such person can be ass smart as car mechanic or in battle field.

There's no measure of smartness and most people for some reason think that education equals smartness, although they are not the same. Math for example is just a matter of habit, some people may say there are gifted people in math and it may be true, but mostly they just started learning from the youngest age and never stopped. Even IQ tests only may measure your adaptation to the education, how fast you can manipulate abstract data, which still is not the same as smartness.

The best example of this difference are criminals. Just look at some cases how smart people can get to plan the robbery or evade the jail but how stupid they are in everyday life. They behave as if they have low IQ but if their life turned out differently most of them could be just normal people.

>> No.14474187

It’s not very interesting as most of it is obvious. For example, talking too much or believing your opinions to be right is a sign of low intelligence. In general, behavior that’s likely to be seen as annoying indicates low intelligence. It’s not so easy for me to go into detail about how to assess the way people talk, how they gesture, or what their faces look like. But generally I see intelligence in people with humble, yet sharp, eyes, who talk softly and rarely.

>> No.14474236
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yes I am aware of all of that even if none would believe at this point I just wanted people to give a simple list of traits that make them think a person is intelligent whatever I guess keep doing your typical thing of trying to put other down in every thread and then call others annoying

>> No.14474301
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here anon, take the chocolate milk coz you're epic.

>> No.14474361
File: 29 KB, 347x328, IMG_0369.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you anon, I shall accept your drink

>> No.14474509

sounds more like wisdom than intelligence

>> No.14474529

that’s the only thing that matters. If you want to know raw brain power then give them a riddle or a math problem or an IQ test. Not very interesting