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/lit/ - Literature

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14469809 No.14469809 [Reply] [Original]

Any books that will help me cope with the fact that I haven't had sex in almost a month?

>> No.14469820

The fact that most of /lit have not had sex at all.

>> No.14469822

Try a year.

>> No.14470330

Read "Have Sex, Incel" by Blue Check Twitter Marxist #1299834

>> No.14470434
File: 35 KB, 600x600, puhlease.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't had sex since last February.

>> No.14470451

24 years

>> No.14470461

The Bible, you heathen

>> No.14470582
File: 28 KB, 620x330, crying.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw haven't had sex in 2 seconds
life is suffering

>> No.14470593

Try four years.

>> No.14470718

>almost a month
try never

>> No.14470736
File: 8 KB, 200x150, 200px-Guru_Rinpoche_in_mist_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try Buddhism. Buddhist monks are traditionally celibate. Love and passion are meaningless diversions of the Earth anyways. Will that really matter to you when you pass???

>> No.14470755

You need Guenon.

>> No.14470768

Asceticism is the ultimate cope

>> No.14470772

How is it cope? What are you coping for if you admit reality is impermanent? That's the exact opposite of cope.

>> No.14470798
File: 64 KB, 537x527, So+basically+the+stephen+hawking+of+the+music+industry+_7a813e9039f64cd466f0ee3c1dc8f7ce.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Asceticism is coping with the fact that you are unable to fully enjoy an inherently meaningless life. You should be trying to experience everything that life has to offer, not isolating yourself from pleasure

>> No.14470814

Do not dictate how I live my life

>> No.14470847

What if one has judged those things as worthless?

>> No.14470869

I haven't had sex in 29 years.

>> No.14471248

try almost 9 years, or never

>> No.14471911
File: 217 KB, 1103x1074, Screenshot_2019-10-07-22-36-53~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then whatever, I guess

>> No.14471915

Dam i wish i could enjoy meaningless life...

>> No.14471934
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>> No.14471938

Try 24 years

>> No.14471965

moron talking about something he has no actual experience of. an empty vessel makes the loudest noise

>> No.14471981

me too
>tfw a female friend knows and didn't believe me at first

>> No.14471997

god I wish I had one friend. Even online.

>> No.14472005

getting to 23 here, how did she find out?

>> No.14472055

i'll be your friend but im black

>> No.14472070

never had sex
never kissed
never held a hand
never hugged
never talked to a girl (out of necessity: school, work etc)
get to my level pleb

>> No.14472074

This. I recommend Mindfulness in Plain English

>> No.14472083
File: 176 KB, 1242x855, 1576305176272.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>never kissed(only cheek kiss in 5th grade or something)
>never held a hand(except in school out of necessity, or when graduating we had to dance Waltz)
>never hugged
>never talked to a girl casually, only when necessary(school, university)
>never had sex
You are like a baby, honestly.

>> No.14472097


What is it about having sex that seems to make it so important to self worth? I just came out of a 2 and a half year relationship where I had plenty of sex, and I get regular attention from girls. Still still the last 2 months of not getting laid has made me feel bad about myself for some reason.

>> No.14472100


didn't mean to reply to you

>> No.14472102

you don't feel wanted by the inferior gender

>> No.14472120

In the absence of religion it is the only transcendental thing left. Plus, sexual desire being high is convenient to capital because it makes you buy shit.

Women sexually shame men because it gives them power. They are the gatekeepers. They decide who has sex. So by accepting this paradigm they get to decide who is "worthy" of being a real man. Men shame other men for lack of sex because men are raised to be competitive and they know that attacking other men's sexual achievements is one of the best ways to hurt him emotionally.

>> No.14472133

>They decide who has sex
depends who you're asking

>> No.14472135

19 years here

>> No.14472166

that's still normalfag territory, though only just. do something about it while you still can.

>> No.14472185

I can't understand this feeling. I've had two long term relationships (1 and a half year & 2 and a half years) and had plenty of regular sex.

But, when they ended, I couldn't be too bothered about no sex, even for quite a long time. Why don't you masturbate? I mean, sure it sucks a bit to have a dry spell, but it's not the end of the world.

Get a grip on yourself anon.

>> No.14472278

I haven't had sex in 20 years

>> No.14472289

I will be your friend c:

>> No.14472435
File: 33 KB, 600x600, selfie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>had sex once with a hambeast
>she only let me fuck because I drove out to another city and had weed
>also had to beg a little
>couldn't cum no matter what she did because I was in no way attracted to her
>felt disgusting all the way home
>nothing since then
At least I got rid of my virginity, r-right guys?

>> No.14472439

I want you to talk to me like I'm an attractive woman.

>> No.14472443


>> No.14472452
File: 67 KB, 1130x818, 1576261938029.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what do baginas feel like

>> No.14472463

warm, wet tightness

>> No.14472495

like sticking your fingers up your butt, but it's more wet

>> No.14472563

She wanted me to go out with one of her friends and I didn't want to and then had to explain why I didn't want to, so I said some esoteric bs about alchemy and sublimation of libido. And then she just asked me if I was virgin, so I just said yes.

>> No.14472616

A hug bro. Socialising is the only way

>> No.14472659

kys coomer

>> No.14472683

>so I said some esoteric bs about alchemy and sublimation of libido

>> No.14472699

Haven't had sex since I was 9 years old and I'm feeling good. Books for this feel?

>> No.14472710


>> No.14472718

so who did you fuck? a hot ass milf? also checked.

>> No.14472730

but if you wanted to have sex, why didnt you just go out with that woman?

>> No.14472755

Was a gay pedo man, oddly handsome, I got my peepee sucked and more. I have no inner resistance towards sucking dick even though I am not gay (make of that what you will). I touched the cunts of some milfs including my mother (was very exciting and I still remember it and desu I would fuck my mother with the hardest erection if she asked for it) at around the same age but there was no sex. I got addicted to porn around age 10 and later to misogyny because laughing at women is cheap and funny, and I kind of drift out of relationships because they don't seem meaningful to me.

>> No.14472761

Once you pass 35 sex is no longer an option due to extreme perversions. I have begun self flagellation it is enchanting.

>> No.14472764

Try 37 years

>> No.14472770

Really? But I believe you because you used the word "enchanting" to describe it.

>> No.14472818

I'm not sure I want to have sex

>> No.14472888

then I don't see the problem, unless it's human physical warmth that you want.
then you're fucked.

>> No.14472902

Asceticism is like masochism, depending on who you are, the pain of not satiating a desire can make one feel pleasure.

>> No.14472959


>> No.14473158

Why not just kill yourself if you get to this point though. Ideologies that reject life but still cling to it is about as low as you can go.

>> No.14473167

I slept with an older woman in December. I think she must have been in her late 40s at least. She was sweet and I still remember the smell of her perfume.

>> No.14473205

I've had sex with 26 women, at age 25. I'm also ugly. It's not that hard, just get on Tinder and be yourself.

>> No.14473215
File: 167 KB, 1024x971, 5100324728.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It didn't work for me

>> No.14473226

Don't get me wrong, getting a gf is hard and requires a good personality and looks. Having sex is much, much easier, and only requires that you entertain a slut for a single evening or two.

>> No.14473233

All pleasure is fleeting, to be replaced by the pain of its absence.

>> No.14473261

I recently lost my virginity (I'm 22) to a 16 year old girl who was a virgin as well.
Never lose hope guys, it's always possible somehow.

>> No.14473262

Models by Mark Manson unironically turned me from khv to getting laid in a few months. Hit the gym too, for good measure.

>> No.14473310

>only /lit/ post is a sex doll christmas pulp fiction
so... 2020 is starting off with taste limbo

>> No.14473322

Almost a month? How is that even possible? Since becoming sexually active (12 years ago) the longest I've gone without sex is 10 days. Even after 3 days of no sex I start to go crazy.

>> No.14473332
File: 59 KB, 658x662, 14247124601.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Teach me. Tinder doesn't work for me because i'm an ugly fuck, you have to have some base level of attractiveness. I don't know how to meet women in real life either considering i have no social life and it consists of going to work then going home. How do you dig yourself out of this?

>> No.14473337

try 19 years

>> No.14473399
File: 14 KB, 270x374, Zelda_Fitzgerald_portrait.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel you OP. Last year is a long time back...

>> No.14473537


read mode
you have to understand that your life is a set of actions It is a iterable collection of events thoughts ideas feelings Each of them have what I call " potential " which is just a numerical APPROXIMATION of a single action Anyways when you sum all the records in th aforementioned set you get your VALUALL [ value all ] However if you do a arithmetic sum over the set of certain elements at one signle period [ kind of like a derivative but you dont measure change just state ] you get VITALITY
its easier to measure vitality as a whole at different period of time then it is to measure elements of it for all times [ sum WHOLE at ONE -> much easuer than -> sum ONE at WHOLE ] at birth you are an ANGEL and a child of GOD the closest a human being can get to PURITY because the VALUALL is almost PERFECT [ think like entropy ] There is Biblical first sin and local firsrt sin When you locally sin for the first time your VALUALL gets corrupted hence the depression and pessimism There is a biological correlation to this matter
This this is the first sin but local only My personal laboratorium inside I have tested for correlation between VITALITY and excessive MASUTRBATION and infact it exists There is a biological correlation to this matter You gain nothing from MASTURBATIng to shemales but you lose the VALUALL global value It can even go to negative As a consequence this so called " Reward System " [ more like retard system ] begins to wither away and you lose focus
Actually good .... actually good ... I have to say it is quite fine so pray to God you get nocturnal emissions because the more often you get them the more your VITALITY is recovering There is a biological correlation to this matter But not VALUALL because it cannot recover since its like a timeline and not a derivative esque ----> Bottom line is that NOCTURNAL EMISSION is Good For Your Vitality
its not just the orgasm that ruins the vitallity its The act of sinning Sex for pleasure is purest degeneracy on this world of Ours In order to function properly you must'NT succumb to artificial pleasure of SEX and ORGASM there is no PAIR BONDING in SEX what you are likely for is TOUCH and you are clearly TOUCH DEPRIVED There is a biological correlation to this matter you cannot be the " Best Man " without the Virginity or Pure prayer to God
Trust me dude Just sum the base of every number system in which 2020 is a prime number and you will get WHY I SAID that this will all be ----> Clear <----- in a very short Period of time I am I cannot guarantee your existance in the PURE world and you will read it in my books soon
Just be on the lookout for bad people ;)

>> No.14473649

>Love and passion are meaningless diversions of the Earth anyways b-b-but please recognize me as a women please!!!

>> No.14473664

How are those two things related?

>> No.14473825


>>14473205 isn't gonna teach you shit because he's lying. An ugly guy can fuck plenty of average chicks, but he sure as shit isn't gonna get them trough tinder

>> No.14474927

kill yourself baiter

>> No.14474963
File: 68 KB, 1010x897, 1575630954254.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw haven't had sex in 1 second
life's too hard, anon

>> No.14475726

Anything related to philosophy or religion, you are clearly too cum-addled to be considered a responsible consumer of other genres.

>> No.14475766


Just hire prostitutes and be done with it. Every great writer in history has hired prostitutes.

>> No.14475807

my diary desoo
>havent had secks in 3-4 years

>> No.14475857

Would you like to ontologically follow through on this conclusion? Or are you really dismissing thousands of years of buddhist philisophical discourse with 2 sentences, and thinking you're insightful at all?

>> No.14476877

imagine having to validate your existence by unnecessarily counting how many times you have sex, and due to your insecurity on the matter needing to get off to the idea of baiting a whole board of book worm nerds

>> No.14476901

there's no point in having sex unless it's with someone you love

>> No.14476926

Are you upset that you’re not having sex, or are you disappointed that you arrived at adulthood only to find that the only conversations you, a grown-ass man, have are pretty much on par with the script of an episode of F.R.I.E.N.D.S. or Sex and the City? Because it should be the latter.

Every American lives in a sitcom of their own conception, and the concerns they have are only those of sitcom characters. And chief among them is: how healthy is my sex life? A question as sterile as it is perverse. Baudrillard was right, barely even human at this point.

>> No.14476951


>> No.14476970

/lit/ is supposed to have smart posters. Yet you take this bait.

Also, I'm ready to believe this board is frequented by exactly the same people that go on /r9k/

>> No.14476983

at least I've stopped trying to remember the names of girls i've fucked through dating apps

>> No.14476985

Ready to believe? That’s been common knowledge for years.