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/lit/ - Literature

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14470823 No.14470823 [Reply] [Original]

Any good graphic novels?

>> No.14470832

This isn't literature. It belongs in /co/.

>> No.14470939
File: 55 KB, 295x400, A Small Killing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here are some graphic novels I think would appeal to /lit/:
A Small Killing by Alan Moore. Out of print. No fantasy or sci-fi elements. It's about a neurotic ad man who finds himself pursued by a young boy. It feels very literary in tone to me. It's not a thriller, it's much more soft-spoken than that.

>> No.14470954
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Melancholic and heart-breaking story.

>> No.14470988

Maus. (I'm sure you've heard of it)
Fun Home. Also based on a true story. Bechdel's dad killed himself. It turns out he was statutorily statutoring minors. In other words, a homosexual hebephile. The graphic novel tells the history of her relationship with her dad. It's quite literature-esque. And they talk about literature in it, too.

>> No.14470995

80% of the threads on /lit/ aren't literature

>> No.14471013

Logicomix is all about Bertrand Russel and mathematics and philosophy. It's certainly much closer to a novel than it is to a movie.
My Friend Dahmer is the story of a man who went to high school with Dahmer, and what that was like. It was pretty tastefully done, if you ask me. It's a worthy graphic novel.

>> No.14471453
File: 1.93 MB, 1600x1032, Habibi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did people not like Habibi? Thompson was big and then that came out and I almost never hear it come up.

>> No.14471949
File: 192 KB, 660x732, 83F012F5-B4A4-4AFF-80D9-955CD17D63A0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The works of Harvey Pekar. He was a pretty /lit/ figure. An autodidact who worked a a shitty VA clerk job his entire life and read literature in his free time. He actually started in chronological order and worked his way up to contemporary literature. Probably one of the most well read comic writers. None of his comics really sold well though and despite getting a movie made about his life he died in relative poverty and obscurity. His appearances on Letterman (before getting banned) are also worth checking out.

>> No.14471954

I liked it quite a bit. Thompson spent over a decade fine tuning the thing and it really shows. Unfortunately the critical response was all over the place though.

>> No.14473376

Seconding mause.

>> No.14473441
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Daniel Clowes does some pretty neat stuff.

>> No.14473610
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I look at this book with my own eyes and I still can't believe it exists. One man creating a work like that, I'm amazed it only took him a decade.

t. neanderthal who shits on all art he doesn't understand

>> No.14473618

I might be the only one, but I liked it way more than the navel-gazing nothing-fest that was Blankets

>> No.14473644

>no Bodyworld
for shame; easily the most literary comic of all time without copping out and being more words than imagery
also Dash Shaw (the writer/artist) made another, less fantastical book that was fuckig amazing but I can't recall the title for the life of me

>> No.14473836

Found this in the catalog at my college library, I’ll check it out.

>> No.14474339
File: 355 KB, 642x929, MMOvice1a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

megg mogg and owl

>> No.14474399

from hell, its it's about jack the reaper by Alan Moore
not only he documented A LOT for this but also 1/5 of the novel are notes per page explaining the source of everything, I learnt a lot about how stories based on true stories are written

>> No.14475581
File: 1.03 MB, 1280x1667, Habibi2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I really liked it, too.