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/lit/ - Literature

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14468142 No.14468142 [Reply] [Original]

book "culture" is the most cringe shit in the history of cringe, it's basically just a bunch of kids falling all over themselves to show everyone else that they read. "booktubers" are always cringe, even that one guy who pretends like he's joking (the book club).

Basically it's either a pseud who wants to make along video giving you a life lesson around some book or it's some cryptopseud who thinks if he makes the video ironic enough it won't be gay as hell.

idk why anyone supports these fucking children. Read a goddamn book instead of putting in all this effort to talk about it.


>> No.14468185

I agree with the examples you've given, but the fact that booktubers is what you bring up shows that you don't go outside much. I know tons of people who read, and are able to talk about it without being pretentious. If you go to a university and join a book club there, you're bound to find at least a couple of intelligent people who genuinely love literature.

>> No.14468187
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All fucking tripfags must fucking hang.

>> No.14468190

stfu faggot nobody gives a shit lol

>> No.14468278

I work at an engineering firm and nobody reads except to flex and it's super fucking obvious.

>> No.14468299

engineers are usually not that literary people, or good people for that matter

>> No.14468329

Yeah, fuck making things.

>> No.14468345

Did I say that? No. It is possible to recognize that there are groups of people that contribute to society in valuable ways, but that the individuals who make up said group have sub-par personalities.

>> No.14468426

I have no idea how you could interpret someone who likes to make things or enjoy science could be seen as a "sub par personality"

I've met plenty of cringey artsy types.

>> No.14469484
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>> No.14469489

nvm I actually read your post and I agree with you, sorry.

>> No.14469966

>autistic personality with no social skills or interests outside of their engineering skills
>horrible to talk to but make things

How is this hard to understand. Typical stemtard

>> No.14470092

>heh i may not be able to do math b-b-but those stinky math nerds dont know good art or fiction!!!!
go outside

>> No.14470240

that about sums it up- low IQ cope.

>> No.14470838

what on earth are you STEMtards babbling about

take communication lessons it will help your aspergers