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14452766 No.14452766 [Reply] [Original]

books that can cure this mindset?

>> No.14452773

Anything really that’s not scientific materialism written since 1950

>> No.14452781

Bullet in the head

>> No.14452790

unironiclly having sex desu

>> No.14452811
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Also this >>14452790

>> No.14452894
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Nothing because it's true.
Feel free to critique the explanatory power of this statement that is fully grounded in empirical facts, and how the reality of its claim is erroneous. You can't because it's fucking true. At bottom it's all physicochemical neuronal processes.

>> No.14452954

Not being a sperg. Referring to love as "just a chemical reaction" is like referring to a flag as just a piece of cloth. Love has a meaning that is found outside of the material reality the thing in the same way a flag has symbolic significance to (some) people which makes them react to it in a way they wouldn't react to any other piece of cloth.

>> No.14452955

>It was no more possible to refute him than it was to approve of the corrosive influence he had on the instincts.

>> No.14453018

Bullet in the Brain?
That's the best short story they is.

>> No.14453139
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>> No.14453385

It "hitting hard" makes no sense if that realization is not immaterial instead.

>> No.14453679

Fathers and Sons

>> No.14453697
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>> No.14453776

>explanatory power
The statement doesn't explain anything. At best, it's illustrative of an ideological position. But subjectivity can't ever be replaced by objectivity, because subjectivity is the means by which we pose theories of objectivity. It's only from the perception of phenomena that we begin to speculate about chemicals and neurons, and theories of chemicals and neurons can never escape their origins in the intersubjective circus called peer review.

>> No.14453794


>> No.14453797

Santayana and Whitehead
Heidegger's The question concerning technology(bit of off-topic, he didn't concern about science; he has a positive side on science. but the idea of Gestell is worthwhile)

>> No.14453798

The mong who wrote that doesn't even know what the word "hypocrite" means. Opinion discarded.

>> No.14453816

>dude qualia lmao

>> No.14453825

Why would you want to? The more people face up to this truth the more they’ll grow up and the better off everything will be.

>> No.14453875
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>Nothing because it's true.
Nope. Just because a statement includes vague allusion to facts doesn't mean it's using them properly. The statement being made is still retarded on multiple levels. It assumes that just because something can be explained, that thing is now invalidated and robbed of all value and beauty, which is the exact kind of anti-intellectual bullshit that makes actual science repellent to people in the first place (because Dan Harmon is a jaded brainlet using "lmao science!" as a guise for his self-hatred and compulsive negativity). It also mistakes infatuation for the entire concept of romantic love. Infatuation is itself merely the inciting spark in what is ideally an evolving, lifelong relationship. It's not profound to pick apart the idea of love if you're misrepresenting it as what happens in the month after a teenager's first handjob and not what keeps a 50 year marriage going, very often in spite of the sex drive.
Rick and Morty was okay back before they forgot Rick was supposed to be a drunken fuck up and not le science god.

>> No.14453882
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hmmm it seems like the only downside in that statement was the part of getting stuck in a marriage

I guess instead of outlawing marriage we should just because bitter loveless assholes who "focus on science"

>> No.14453883
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>Schopenhauer thinks… that if you truly considered all the costs associated with having kids before having them…no rational being… would ever have kids! No person thinking clearly would ever trade 10-15 minutes of feeling good for a lifetime of costs and responsibilities. He says that the will to life REALIZES this…and it needs some powerful feeling that it can evoke in you… and make you into a completely irrational person for a short period of time so that you will have kids and keep the species going…we call this feeling of irrationality…love. Love feels so good and people want it so badly in their lives…but to Schopenhauer it is the vehicle driving you to commit some crime that you’ll later plead temporary insanity to.

How was he so based?

>> No.14453886

Meditations on the tarot

>> No.14453887


>> No.14453899

It's not irrefutable. It's reductive and nonsensical.
Consider this:
>A car is really just a sum of motor oil, parts, plastic, and metal
Except that hardly defines what a car is at all. A car is a means of transportation. It's a husk rotting in the junkyard. It's part of a lifestyle or a mere utility. The above definition reduces a car to merely a set of it's parts, but arbitrarily reduces the many different means and ends that involve a car, and what a car can mean to different people.
At some point, considering that this thing, the entity and category known as"the car," has such an array of potentials, meanings, and actions, you must logically admit that it's constituent parts can't possibly be what exclusively define it. That is, we define the thing by more than the thing itself, but it's teleological ends and how it exists in reference to the things around it. It reminds of Kant's epistemology. Take a baseball game, for example. To a dog, it's a meaningless set of sounds, sights, and actions. But it comes together to a cohesive whole to the mind with intuition to understand it.
So it is with love, or any other thing governed by the human mind.
By repeating this reductive axiom, you do nothing but recite a meaningless platitude, pretending you hold some knowledge over people who actually value being human. So consider killing yourself, since clearly human attributes do nothing for your small minded person.

>> No.14453941

these posts sincerely made me feel better about some stuff. Thanks

>> No.14454025

You can't cure stupidity.

>> No.14454058

They shouldn't because they are both retarded as hell and only serve to prove the posters know fuck all about materialism or philosophy in general.
Also, even if we are to accept everything that they say as true (it's not) it still fails to meaningfully circumvent a materialist reduction since they are just grasping at the straws of "dude linguistically construct values!" In other words, everything still ultimately succumbs to a physicalist reduction since matter remains (and the behavior of chemicals) prime in their ontological status.

>> No.14454081

these fucking niggers

>> No.14454086

if still present at age 20 ignorant scientism may prove incurable

>> No.14454106
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>> No.14454126

Yea but we are humans and we make things more than they are

>> No.14454192

>everything still ultimately succumbs to a physicalist reduction since matter remains (and the behavior of chemicals) prime in their ontological status
Seems like you're the retard if you think the existence of fucking matter somehow necessitates the kind of reductive perspective that elevates the deliberate shedding of your humanity up some hypocritically arbitrary hierarchy of Pickle Rick euphoria.
>it still fails to meaningfully circumvent a materialist reduction
You don't need to circumvent it, because materialistic explanations don't actually negate/reduce anything the way faggots who emotionally lean on materialism act like they do. "Love is just chemicals and shit, bro!" does not change the actual experience of love if the level of analysis you're operating from is the human experience. Scale matters. The Vietnam War cannot be meaningfully discussed at the subatomic level, and you're not a more intelligent person for pretending it can be. If anything, you're just embarrassing yourself with pedantic bullshit, which you probably care a lot about because of chemicals and shit. Also,
>replying not to the specific posts you're talking about, but instead only getting riled up after another anon apparently took comfort in them and attempting to shoot him down
It's so picturesque that it's funny.

>> No.14454195
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>> No.14454207

? Hypocrite is appropriate

>> No.14454243

Excellent post anon. Happy new year

>> No.14454265

shirtless jackets are so /fa/

>> No.14454275

who is this wanker

>> No.14454283

Literal word soup to sound like you're smart when you are actually retarded

>> No.14454287

Well written
Materialists btfo

>> No.14454291

Everything is a chemical reaction in your brain, which means being a pompous smartass asshole is just as arbitrary and purposeless as being in love.

>> No.14454382

my guess is: the statement is ironic, and donny duck is a hypocrite. that anon got mixed up between the two a bit

>> No.14454404

The most cringe way to refer to the player world phenomena. You Npcs are kind of cute.

>> No.14454829

Ok incel

>> No.14455350

>relativity = eternalism
>doesn't explain how
>eternalism = things matter now
>doesn't explain how

>> No.14455386

>post scarcity primitivism

>> No.14455441

Thank you Anon, good post. Fuck materialists, fuck Jannies, and have a happy and meaningful new year.

>> No.14455521

The conclusion doesn’t follow the premise.

>focus on science
Pure reason makes no distinction between this or the statement “have faith in God”, or “fall in love”. From a purely “logical” point of view there is no imperative for anything at all. Even life. Why should you stay alive? In order to eat or do anything, Nature has endowed us with sentiments such as hunger, fear, want. >>14453883 is closer to the truth, in as long as you replace “irrational” for “illogical”. Reason is never pure anywhere outside of focused scholarly activity (and even the justifucation for it is always existential such as in the OP, in fact), reason always has an end in mind. Love is reasonable, since it gives us a reason to live and most of us have an instinctual desire to live. Life is illogical for sure, but it defines the horizon for all existence. The problem isn’t with life or love, but with our incapacity to accept life as it is. The need for it all to be logically consistent is derived from specific Theologies. Just look at many cultures in where the irrationality of life is accepted such as in Eastern traditions. Love being nothing but chemicals makes it no different, from a logical pov, than it being a metaphysical force given by God. Existence is illogical.

>> No.14455525

>have sex

>> No.14455546

stay glorious

>> No.14455548
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>> No.14455572

>people acting like emotion isn't a subconscious value judgement

>> No.14455663

If your philosophy requires denial of the existence of something that exists, then it becomes obvious you're just an ideologue and your opinions aren't relevant.

>> No.14455672
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>> No.14455707

Industrial society and its future, followed by anti-tech revolution

The most potent writings of our times. TK solved anarchism - which is fundamentally opposed to science, the destruction of Being - TK is about re-ontologization of the subject. It WILL cure this mindset, I guarantee you.

>> No.14455797

Listen, dumbass from that show I'll never watch, I hate to break it to you, but what people call science is just a bunch of propositions of questionable truth-value. It hits hard, dumbass science man, then you are roused from your dogmatic slumbers; leaving you stranded in skepticism. I did it, your scientific colleagues are gonna do it. Break the cycle, science man. Rise above! Focus on philosophy.

>> No.14455810

>just a bunch of propositions of questionable truth-value
>t. posted from my iPhone

>> No.14455837


>> No.14455871

based animeposter

>> No.14455879


>> No.14455891
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Only bronze can cure such faggotry

>> No.14456197

Beep boop,
>if year = 1580, enemy = witch
>if year = 2018, enemy = russian bot
>if year = 2019, enemy = incel
>if year > 0, enemy_2 = nazi
Beep boop.

>> No.14456571

Watch the movie Burning. It was made for this.

>> No.14456579

It's 2020

>> No.14456600


>> No.14456614

>love isn’t real it’s just chemicals!
>but my facts and empirical systems of induction are real even though they’re also just the delusions of chemical automata!

>> No.14456619

What’s wrong with this mindset?

>> No.14456729

i just fell in love with a bad bitch, told me that she love me too, baby im not havin it

>> No.14456731

falling in love

>> No.14457084

holy based

>> No.14457315
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No, he too is a victim of scientism, Heidegger is the answer.

>> No.14458306

anyone who is readable then?

>> No.14458596


>absolute objectivity is unattainable, therefore everything is equally subjective

>> No.14458612

read levinas pleb

>> No.14458624

imagine a Schrodinger's cat scenario except instead of killing a cat, a subatomic particle sets off a machine that does or doesn't inject 1000uq of LSD through an IV straight into your vein
does this disprove determinism?
no but it doesn't really matter

>> No.14458642

the writers of rick and morty know what love is?

>> No.14458816

Others have already destroyed it through and through. But I'd like to mention that it's explicitly ideological proselytising, of a malicious and bitter kind too. Every word is a reference to an object of pop culture used to emotionally manipulate the peons into a state that is unsatisfying and stagnant. It pretends to reject the joys and follies of being human but is in truth in opposition to selfawareness and selfunderstanding, so much so that it aims to reduce you to the level of an instinctual animal with its rejection and petty sentiment. Much like narcissism will disallow you from understanding others or humbly improving yourself. It's just another way by everything is reduced and burnt away to turn you into a shadow of a man so that you may become the optimal wageslave-consumer incredibly easy to dominate and command with marketing or social trends.

>> No.14458850

Aristotles revenge by edward feser

>> No.14458909

Cat Stevens was cool before he went all Islam. Leave Salman Rushide alone!

>> No.14459049

People have really weird ideas about subjectivity. What would it mean for things to be equally or unequally subjective? I guess something is "less subjective" if more people, or better educated people, would agree with it? But this is just scientism in a nutshell, that the way you strip the observer from the observation is by putting it up for a vote.

>> No.14459125

Alfred North Whitehead

>> No.14459150

Damn, btfo again.
How will "dude I fucking love science" cucks ever recover?

>> No.14459159

rene guenon

>> No.14459178

Focus on science is not a mindset, unless you mean spending your whole life working in a scientific discipline. It's literally not an argument, it's incomplete, any defense of it will spend 10x more effort than the writer who wrote that line for that character.

>> No.14459244

Nice way of putting things and shutting up autists with skewed points of view, but it doesn't refute materialism in any way as some anons were eager to affirm.

>> No.14459268

Have some humbleness and self-consciousness before posting this sort of shit and making empiricists sound dumb.

>> No.14459307

I'd rather bask in the pleasure of love than muck about in the indignity of masturbatory intellectualism. Men cannot be truly happy without love; they can at best smother their quiet indignity through alternative success. Find your muse first: achievement in the absence of a complete social experience is, at its core, an incel-minded cope.

>> No.14459321

take psychedelics, develop a routine of meditation for whatever religion you subscribe to, at the very least don't become a literal cuckold like dan harmon

>> No.14459418


Sorry but despite what the masturbatory, hopeful brainlets said in response to you, this is just a poor analogy.

No one has ever questioned what the meaning of a car is. No one has posited "perhaps cars don't even exist, but in my life, I choose to see them everywhere I go." Everything you just typed is retarded.

Although you might say humans invented love like they invented cars, one is an elusive, socially complex phenomenon that concerns emotion, behavior, and even identity, while the other is just a dumb machine.

Please stop using this analogy; it's fucking idiotic.

>> No.14459473
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Good job on not even trying to refute his point and instead crying about the analogy like the miserable spastic you are.

>> No.14459505

I've been following the thread and I don't think anybody actually has a problem with materialism in itself or are even really referring to materialists as people who acknowledge materialism. They instead have a problem with the hypocritical, reductive leaps people make in an effort to belittle others under the guise of materialist thinking. The fact that your brain is made of atoms and chemicals doesn't logically necessitate being a faggot. It's the behavior of people who've been exposed to more words, arguments, and schools of thought than they actually have the intelligence or emotional maturity to utilize properly.

>> No.14459515


>It's the behavior of people who've been exposed to more words, arguments, and schools of thought than they actually have the intelligence or emotional maturity to utilize properly.

Aka 16-year-olds

>> No.14459520


Nice projection.

He has no point because he's using physical rules to explain abstract humanistic experiences, which was *my* point. But okay apparently you are just as retarded.

His "point" speaks to the identification of parts as some kind of refutation of the whole, and how that is somehow flawed.

>Pancakes are just batter, heat, and the syrup you pour on top!
>Oh hey dumbass, of course it is, doesn't mean it doesn't taste good!!! Oh oh my god I'm so smart oh fuck yes I'm cooooooming uhhhhhh oh god i bet my philosophy professor misses me uh uh uh oh god i can't stop cumming!!!!

But the fact of the matter is that the purpose of these physical objects is never routinely questioned, and they hold no humanistic connection.

Let me propose a better analogy for you, and then I'll let you get back to your reactionary ad hominem.

"Fiction is just some lonely guy sitting around making up fake stories to gratify himself and make his friends think he's deep or something because he can't actually decently interact with the real world."

The subjective value of fiction is a much better fit, since its utility and existence can be debated. You can't show me in physical terms that I should enjoy, respect, or believe in fiction, nor can you functionally prove that it works (like operating a car, or showing that pancakes sate hunger).


>> No.14459530

Regardless of why we love, we love. Does it really matter what causes it?

>> No.14459707

Apparently they haven't patched it yet.

>> No.14459841

>How was he so based?
low test

>> No.14459844

>stop liking what i don't like

>> No.14459953

This is what happens when you skip the Greeks, the scholastics, the rationalists and the logicists and go straight for Anglojew 'philosophy'.

>> No.14459955 [DELETED] 

Nothing. It's the sort of ideological position I would infect my enemies with to ensure that they killed their kids and went extinct.

>> No.14459962

Try something by Machado de Assis

>> No.14459966

What's the faggot enemy in 2020?

>> No.14460054

Worth the read?

>> No.14460074

>tfw too smart to reproduce

>> No.14460075

Your enemies are multigenerational? That means you don't truly identify as yourself.

>> No.14460076
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Anything old school Romantic.

Goethe's Faust, Blake, Byron. The Strang and Struss Bros.

The Brontes if you want a more watered down version.

Almost any book that uses artistic license is an argument to
>Focus on Being

>> No.14460143

>costs and responsibilities bad

>> No.14460147

based banana breakf

>> No.14460166

Mario Montano

>> No.14460184

lead is the only cure for science worship

>> No.14460211
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i'm disturbed by your lack of faith in neurochemical determination.

>> No.14460308

That Hideous Strength

>> No.14460327

growing up past 15

>> No.14460392

>because Dan Harmon is a jaded brainlet using "lmao science!"

What? Are you guys actually taking the "Wub wub" memes seriously? Rick is portrayed as a drunk, uncaring, irresponsible prick from the get go and his worldview isn't given any weight as some kind of revelation of the truth. The show is hilarious and it's kind of silly that people are basically relying on image macros and pasta for their impressions of it, and trying to criticize it anyway.

>> No.14460484
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>> No.14460493
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> it´s intentional guys!!!!! plz like my show!!!!

>> No.14460543

It doesn’t need fixing. Everyone’s focusing on the “just chemicals” part but the key concept is “it fades.” Rick is advising Morty not to be celibate or never have a family, but rather to not place too high a value on romantic relationships to the detriment of more reliable sources of value.

>> No.14460571

Who are you quoting?

>> No.14460597

In the show, he is the smartest man in the entire universe. He is never proven wrong and is essentially a science god who never fails.
t. watched the entire show -1 episode

>> No.14460621

A miserably unhappy science god who gets outmaneuvered by his daughter and has to do pretty much as she says because he’s terrified of losing his relationship with her and Morty. He’s also oblivious to the negative effects he has on others, including those who are pretty much his equal (Unity) and when it’s brought to his attention he can’t do anything about it. He also gets suckered by the federation or whatever, resulting in the murder of his best friend.

Not nitpicking, just saying that Rick certainly has blind spots and only really knows material things. If it’s empirical, Rick owns its, but if he has to confront his own emotional blind spots he’s a mess.

>> No.14460653

But nationalism is for morons

>> No.14460667

based coomer

>> No.14460672

>bad bad
u r rarted

>> No.14460714
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Despite you using 10$ words you still come off as tards.

>> No.14460720

Thats merely an interpretation. Do I need to post the donald duck and mickey comic or did someone beat me to it

>> No.14460722

But maybe it's not all brain chemicals...

>> No.14460793

But collectively, nationalists are smarter because they end up preserving their culture.

>> No.14460831

I dunno, Fear and Trembling, maybe.

>> No.14460840

The anon I quoted who implied qualia doesn't exist

>> No.14460907

Where does it implies that?

>> No.14460916

Aristotle's metaphysics and the holy Bible

>> No.14460919 [DELETED] 
File: 313 KB, 600x600, F62331D6-9E38-4310-B44C-A1C7F077EF02.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can we address the real issue here? Why do people who post anime pictures always have the most pseudy, barely educated and passively absorbed (but dressed up in a caricature of what they think a smart person would write like) views? There’s always this adolescent self indulgence and that obvious lack of reading. It’s so cringey

>> No.14460938

3 morons posted it, never explaining what it means because it's just a mess of words.

>> No.14460940

Rick is supposed to be self-absorbed and insufferable to some extent.

>> No.14460941

Easy. They're reddittards that dropped off the map there because everyone made fun of them for being pseud fucks so they took refuge here where this kind of shit is easier to spread because people will take it ironically or meme it to become a thing or you can pretend you never wrote it.

>> No.14461003

I've thought about this before. Comparatively, there is very little emotion on display in anime. If a character cries, their face freezes into the standard crying position, tears fall, and they give some stuttering monologue that provides a massive info-dump of every atomic feeling their character is having. Framerates are usually on the level of a slow slideshow, and even then only the most mundane things change. When was the last time you saw a subtle, but important action or manner of movement conveyed in anime? I really can't think of one.

It's a cheap form of art. I like the comparison that it's similar to ramen noodles. Basically non-substantive but you can feel like you're consuming something. I think it's no coincidence that posters who are anime fans have shallow, self-absorbed views. For God's sake, they argue about characters and shows that are nearly identical. Anime characters aren't even usually recognizable if you remove their hair, accessories, or clothing. I think that one famous anime guy was right when he said anime needs people who are interested in people. Most weebs aren't interested in people from an empathetic standpoint; they're just interested in the appearance of people.

inb4 not all anime

>> No.14461044


>> No.14461058 [DELETED] 

This is true. All the “sentimental” moments come across as overly saccharine and forced, I’ve never seen the medium present human emotion or experience sincerely or with grace. It’s like a robot trying to do something meaningful, missing out on all the profound elements and turning the superficial outward displays up to 11. Its artistically embarrassing.

>> No.14461090

>scientific materialism

>> No.14461103
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Watch more anime.

>> No.14461110

my diary desu

>> No.14461123
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>> No.14461136

Called it.

Also thanks for helping my point by posting an anime face that is essentially just 5 straight lines. Such expression. -_-

>> No.14461159
File: 48 KB, 433x650, smug anime girl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you weren't so narrow-minded I'd actually bother with refuting your point, but by all means it seems very clear you'd rather feel right about your own views and feel comforted in that.

>> No.14461160

Read more books

>> No.14461165

In the process of doing that, thanks.

>> No.14461178

This is such a ridiculous misrepresentation of what was actually being said that you're literally just arguing with yourself. How often do anons reply to you "seethe"?

>> No.14461271


>> No.14461282


Please post something of value next time.

>> No.14461422

I get why you think that, but you're making a big mistake here and putting what the show tells you you're supposed to think over what the show is actually demonstrating about its characters. Despite being a murderous, hateful, drunken, irresponsible shithead Rick is never depicted as being wrong in the universe of the show, merely tragic. He is always correct, there isn't a problem he can't fix, there are zero consequences for his actions, and better adjusted people are never once shown to win out over him, constantly invalidating the utility of not being a drunken psychopath. Never once is he compared to others in a way that isn't flattering to him. Instead, less toxic people are depicted as retarded, impotent victims for the universe to chew up and spit out- a fate he continually rises above by being an omnipotent science god. He outwits the devil, routinely beats death, destroys galactic empires, and gorily murders superheroes all with zero consequences. Characters will often tell you that Rick is unhappy, but this is never actually demonstrated outside of a few endings where he frowns and looks down at his feet before returning to the status quo immediately at the start of the next episode. Eric Cartman fed a kid the flesh of his own parents, but that entire joke is about how horrific an overreaction that is and his show has no pretense about it being part of a big, humanizing arch. Dan Harmon hasn't carried that tone with Rick since the first season. Dan Harmon is a masochistic creep, a soiboi caricature, and a literal, admitted cuck fetishist. His cuck fantasy is Jerry and his power fantasy is Rick. Both of them are different sides to the same persecution complex.

>> No.14462408

based, loved the comet imagery in it. the protagonist reminds me of the average lit poster

>> No.14462481

Keep crying about the fact that your precious "high" art has been exposed as nothing more than pretentious and boring tripe, and will continue to fade away into irrelevance as time goes on.

>> No.14462521


What are you talking about? Anime is trash, but I never said what I prefer. Are you implying anime is going to take over everything?

Are you okay?

>> No.14462533

Yes and? That doesn't make the experience itself any less meaningless, you nihilist brainlet.

>> No.14462564

No, I'm saying that high culture is becoming obsolete. It will soon be replaced entirely by pop culture. Nobody really gives a shit about it apart from autists like you.

>> No.14462572

Naruto manga

>> No.14462574
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>At bottom it's all physicochemical neuronal processes.
Just like the deductive reasoning that led you to this conclusion, am I right you fucking weeb degenerate?

>> No.14462607


That's a depressing attitude to have. So you're going to look at the gradual disassembly of the humanities and say it's inevitable?

>> No.14462621

I predict the left is gonna come up with a word for someone who enjoys a peaceful, vice-free life and somehow relate it to inceldom, being beta and a nazi.

>> No.14462946

Yeah it already exists exactly as you describe it. Straightedge. Those people are the worst faggots that exist

>> No.14462967

The best kind of contrarian: the one that got baited into a false sense of futility, resulting in him rejoining the pack of consumers.

>> No.14463119


Yet it is "scientism" that allows you to write on a device and send your message across the world. We are limite by our own perception, but aiming for objectivity is the only method that produces anything practical.

>> No.14463137

holy mother of BASED

>> No.14463280
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>> No.14463288

>Voiding love, an feeling that aspires a goal, along other emotions not damaging science
>To discover, people need reasons, goals etc to push forward. Discovering something new can feel good sometimes on a emotional level to a point to male you continue to discover something else

>> No.14463302

Reddit fags btfo

>> No.14463324

The Blue Flower by Penelope Fitzgerald

>> No.14463336

Everything is a chemical reaction.

>> No.14463364

>consuming high culture isn't actually consumerism
nice mental gymnastics, fag

>> No.14463397

First of all you should not be taking lessons from a cartoon. Second of all it has to do with levels of description. Clearly love is more than "just" a chemical reaction because while it does supervene on chemical reaction, it has a phenomenological sensation attached to it. This isn't the same kind of chemical reaction as dropping a mentos in a bottle of diet soda. It is an endlessly intricate chemical reaction that is somehow connected to the experience of consciousness.

>> No.14463484

Good stuff mate. The platitude remark and reductive axiom reminds me of children repeating E=mc2 and thinking rote memorization of such an intelligent formula makes them themselves intelligent. It reminds me of the entry level nihilist who stops at "nothing matters" instead of continuing to the point of creating matter and meaning in the absence of any. Then again philosophy is something laypersons (myself included) perpetually pervert.

Almost feels like it has become, not is becoming, obsolete. I have a nascent theory that the problem lies with the capacity for broadcasting popular culture. Perhaps each step in the process, from the printing press to the radio to TV to the internet, has precipitated the process. But the gatekeeping of high culture and its spread has given way to vulgar/popular culture doing so.

It hit me recently how exposition saturated manga is. To an absolutely disgusting degree. There's exceptions clearly, the classic lone wolf and cub for one, but you pick any manga nowadays and it's a good odd you'll open the page to some ambling, tedious exposition and gradeschool philosophical musings.

>> No.14463505

The entire series is a satire on that idea.

>> No.14463568


>> No.14463691

What kind of fucked up headspace do these people inhabit where they seek to minimize the infinite mystery of phenomenal experience? It's a bizarre inclination when you think about it, what's their motive?

>> No.14463747
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That's what happens when you overdose on secular humanism.

>> No.14463786

I want to cook and eat you alive

>> No.14463805

Yeah! It's like, you can't really KNOW anything maaaaaan. What if the universe is just, you know, an alien's asshole or something? Stupid close-minded fedora fags bro. *hits bong*

>> No.14463833

or a physical reaction or a nuclear reaction

>> No.14463963


these niggas arguing about cartoons lmao

>> No.14464045

Not the point I was making and nice assumption on your part.

>> No.14464063


>> No.14464089

>using the chemical reactions of your brain to validate your refutation of the validity of the chemical reactions of your brain

>> No.14464100

200 IQ post at the very least

>> No.14464110

>high culture is becoming obsolete
It might die but 'obsolete' means that it's purpose is gone. However you may want to consider that it is humanity that is obsolete as it ceases to produce and cultivate high culture.

Though this might just be a new dark age spasm caused by the unrestricted advance of industrial scale social control mechanisms.

>> No.14464474

You know there's a certain irony that many redditors take him up for a role model when the whole point of his characters is how insufferable people like him are

>> No.14464488

Oh yeah definitely just a problem Reddit has. There is no overlap between imageboards and Reddit, nope, no siree

>> No.14464495

We tried to get rid of the overlap, but they remained here.

>> No.14464504

I like your black and white way of thinking

>> No.14464538
File: 10 KB, 225x225, butsrslywtf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meaning and importance are fantasies, so get busy making shit up or get busy dying.

>> No.14464542

First chapter of William James Varieties of Religious experience. Rest of the book isn't as good, though

>> No.14464605

Based Satanist

>> No.14464631

Good answer. While I haven't read it, I've heard some good things about that book.

>> No.14464647

>It also mistakes infatuation for the entire concept of romantic love. Infatuation is itself merely the inciting spark in what is ideally an evolving, lifelong relationship

But, perhaps, Rick is not meant to represent the Ideal Man. Rather, he illustrates your point by showing the agony of letting such a lifelong relationship die. It's hard to know what exactly happened to his wife (though there are infinite guesses). He's a depressed, nihilistic, drunk who uses science to justify being unable to be any better. But, nonetheless, somehow he always manages to pull through.

>> No.14464666

Best 'KYS' post I've ever read.

>> No.14464752

You are my nigger anon. Keep it up.

>> No.14464802

Optimistic nihilism video by Kurzgesagt. It's a similar level of argumentation, so it should probably work.

>> No.14464813

Hush, tranny.

>> No.14465439

Well, believing in religion would technically require your brains to be located outside your head

>> No.14465587

>the undedidability of the continuum hypothesis within zfc is a chemical reaction
The absolute state of naturalists.

>> No.14465609
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>relativity = eternalism
>doesn't explain how

>> No.14465610

Pretending to understand things through reducing them to fit their minds. Hatred of anything either fundamentally novel, spontaneous, unexpected or strange happening.

>> No.14465786

>mysteries are fun don’t spoil it!

How childish. Mystery is what you have when you don’t know how something works. The only reason to appeal to it as a value is if you are afraid of the implications of new information.

>> No.14465942

to appear intelligent

>> No.14465957

We absolutely don't know how it works. Claiming we've already figured it out is a baffling and severe manifestation of the sickness I speak of.

>> No.14465985

New information doesn’t necessarily mean a total explanation. Physicists don’t have universally agreed upon ground-up explanations for almost anything but that doesn’t mean they don’t learn anything or improve existing models. We do know meaningfully more about love in empirical terms than we did even 20 years ago. We wouldn’t if we just accepted mystery as a good in itself.

>> No.14466014

i think that assertion is more deep than you think. assuming all mistery will be "resolve" is the notion that i am against, not that mistery is beautiful or necessary in itself.
the fact that you think some day no mistery, no unconscious, no unknowable will exist, talk more about you and your "faith" than a pervasive and open view of life.

>> No.14466029

Science doesn't necessarily have to proceed as rapidly as possible, if some small due respect for the greatest enigma of our existence has a small retarding effect it's still completely worth it compared to flying directly into the abyss with reckless abandon. Also, cognition is not phenomenal consciousness. You don't understand the problem, so of course you can't see its gravity. You have absolutely no idea how fucked we could be from this and what it is you're enabling with your cavalier attitude.

>> No.14466031

Any and all books will cure that mindset, once there is anybody reading them. After all, the books could only reconfigure "your" chemicals.

>> No.14466043

>Physicists don’t have universally agreed upon ground-up explanations for almost anything
There are extremely good reasons for that. Our cosmological theories and our measurements are off, by the small margin of 10 to the power of 20.
Everybody is hoping for a new copernican revolution, except those fearing for their livelihood and reputation.

>> No.14466075

Every single time

>> No.14466080

Bottom-up determinists are almost as annoying as top-down determinists. Listen edge-lord, at least the calvinists have theology on their side. You're just trying to back up rick and morty memes cus you cant argue your way into Becky wanting to fuck you and not Chad

>> No.14466096

>entry level nihilist who stops at "nothing matters" instead of continuing to the point of creating matter and meaning in the absence of any
i aways cringe with this assumption. you are literally glorifying an invented scape. not to say how you view a mature and correct answer (inventing the meaning) to a problematic assumption with no really answer (nothing really matters).
people like you are literally voluntarily believing his lies. i mean, what is the difference between a brainless guy thinking life have meaning, family have meaning, money have meaning. what is the difference between them and someone who voluntarily and consciously believe in all that shitty things because he is creating his meaning?. a complex process to the same stupid and brainless shit. what i mean is that "nothing matters" is a philosophical void. and saying "creating matter and meaning" is the logical conclusion to that is underestimate the problem by a mile. what surprised me is the confort and easiness to say it without even a layer of shame.

>> No.14466119

Do you think all things have the same objective meaning for all people? I think this is evidently not the case. People ascribe meaning to things one way or another, so you may as well participate in that process when it comes to your own values.

>> No.14466136

totally unrelative to the post. i didnt say in any place there is an objective meaning. i say "invent the meaning" is not the solution to the "there is no meaning at all"

>> No.14466150

Perhaps this would be more interesting if you told us what you think the answer is then.

>> No.14466169

it have no solution. what i mean is that you dont look the problem too tightly if you think it have a solution.
not all problems need a solution. like people who give meaning to their death. we simply dont know what it means or if it means something. you create your meaning and all and is good but pretending that create your meaning is a solution to enigmas like this is a little stupid and unnecesary. that is my point.

>> No.14466173
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>> No.14466201

It’s what people do to satisfy their psychological needs on a day-to-day basis. It’s a practical solution which avoids making assertions about the world other than that there isn’t a known objective source of meaning. If you like living without anything you find especially meaningful then you are free to do so, but it would make you an exceptional case if you keep it up for long.

>> No.14466506

>By repeating this reductive axiom, you do nothing but recite a meaningless platitude, pretending you hold some knowledge over people who actually value being human. So consider killing yourself, since clearly human attributes do nothing for your small minded person.
tl;dr: 4channel

>> No.14466660

The premise of the thread assumes that the statement is being taken seriously. Also, read this: >>14461422. Rick and Morty contradicts itself with Rick and treats him like he's the ideal man in spite of what it's saying literally and aloud.

>> No.14466689
File: 161 KB, 720x960, 1560777273472.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like posting funny images with anonymous posters on an image board

>> No.14466694

just learn about the problem of induction

>> No.14466792

i understand it, i simply say is not the solution in an abstract plane. putting yourself only in the practical world so you cant see the abstract void is sad.

>> No.14466854

What makes you think a person can’t do both?

>> No.14466952

my first post was responding to a person who think if you dont go naturally from a pure nihilistic pov to a practical side of the problem where you understand creating your meaning is the final escape and solution to the pure nihilistic pov. and if you dont do that movement, you are stuck in nihilism or you are a chilidish teenager whore so obstinate and sad. i talk only about this mindset.
if you know you are creating little practical lies-truths with nothing substantial behind its ok with me and i wouldnt say nothing in first place.

>> No.14466970

You can explain the how and not the why

>> No.14466972

Read Guenon

>> No.14466991

There is no cure for materialists.

>> No.14467062


>> No.14468238

he deserved that bullet you know?
shame on him for not being familiar enough with ancient greek gods fucking

>> No.14468421 [DELETED] 

Holy shit nobody here reads do they? This nigga just repeats locke and everyone’s thinking it’s incredible. Fuck cringey reddit atheists though

>> No.14468442

by removing any of the stakes through granting rick godlike powers you also take the fun out of that thought

>> No.14468451

nice summary

>> No.14468860

Any book

>> No.14468945

It is comical that many of these reddit "nihilists" hold """science""" as some kind of absolute value

>> No.14469314

Why is it so easy to bait /lit/?

>> No.14469431

Highly underrated post

>> No.14469436

This isn't reddit, we don't rate posts here

>> No.14469458

pretty overrated post

>> No.14470074


>> No.14470079

Any actual textbook on higher mathematics and physics

>> No.14470859


This is a stupid post and everyone who validated it is equally stupid. Everything is concatenations of atoms, not variegated philosophical concepts in their various facets.

t. philosophy minor, not the OP, and didn't bother reading whatever the atheist cartoon thing actually was in the OP (context is sufficient to infer that it approximated some version of physicalist atheism with some ethical "should" (we should "do science", "explore the universe" etc), which is basically correct.

>> No.14470984

fuck off, tryhard

>> No.14471594

>Everything is concatenations of atoms
Your post is so dumb it's not even worth replying to. It's like you haven't read a single post in this thread.
Do you claim to have solved the mind-body problem? No? Then how do you know what experiences are made of? And why would you trust concatenations of atoms (your mind) to tell you the truth about reality?

>> No.14471638

ahh... at last someone with a brain

>> No.14471640


Imagine unironically thinking human beings had intellectual access to objective truth.

>> No.14471789


>> No.14471836

If you refuse to accept the human experience and reduce everything to meaningless materialism, you deserve to be put down like a dog, because you are one.

>> No.14471873

Even dogs are not that low

>> No.14471969
File: 46 KB, 853x480, Lola-Main2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let me summarize all the cope reaction to this post:
>I putty myself for not being interested or bold enough to study science or math and now I must categorically reject the possibility that perception of no material (euphoria, beauty, etc.) is on the ground level just chemistry.

The reaction to this post strawman what he said to no end. Like religious fundamentalist, they must be assured that the young Wittgenstein was entirely mistaken.

PS I agree, this poster and Wittgenstein is mistaken. But the responses are much more pathetic than that

>> No.14472146

All these lowIQ replies lmao

>> No.14472267

No, we do rate them here. The point is that we do it, not the UI. Although reply count still matters, we can detest that and go on.

>> No.14472366

If cope is just chemistry as well, why bother attempting to rank their organization?

>> No.14472550

Organization of what?
I don't agree with that poster, it's better to make oneself believe it's not just chemistry

>> No.14472590

>Organization of what?
Organization of chemicals. Why is cope something you must get rid of, if it's akin to all other states of being?

>I don't agree with that poster
Good, and that's not just chemicals although they play a part. The part where you zoom in on physical being.
>it's better to make oneself believe it's not just chemistry
Yes, but it's even better to know, and then believe about things you can't know.

>> No.14472672

None of the replies are low IQ, dumbass

>> No.14472861

me on the left haha

>> No.14472875

this unfortunately. the only problem is focusing on science and materialism as a result. instead focus on God.

>> No.14472910

If someone intakes doses of oxytocin they'll be more trusting than usual. Nearly every feeling we experience can be altered through taking chemicals and drugs. Knowing "our human experience" can be altered by merely adding chemicals into our body takes all the spiritual meaning away from it, or at least for me. Morever there is this evolutionary psychology part of reproduction and love which makes it much worse

>> No.14472922

You've completely missed the point. There are things you can't meaningfully discuss at the atomic level, and being reductive about it to that degree only makes you look like a retarded child who blurts out irrelevant trivia at every opportunity as a substitute for actual intelligence and an ability to discuss things. I can't even tell if the "trust be bro, I'm a philosophy minor" thing gives you away as a troll or not, because the kind of faggots who get hung up on materialism actually would say shit like that.

>> No.14472929

Read the thread.

>> No.14472943

I did.

>> No.14473075

Then consider killing yourself if you don't see any value in your experience beyond "it's all chemicals bruh".

>> No.14473142

Lol ok. I get it. You just like to think your life has a greater purpose and stuff.

>> No.14473166

You should work on your reading comprehension, no where in this thread does anyone even mention purpose.

>> No.14473196


What is it like to be a bat?


>> No.14473234

Then what did you mean when you said "human experience"? All I'm saying is that all our experience can be broken down to chemicals. There's no such thing as soul or spirit. It's all just the brain. Different parts of our brain are responsible for different things we do. When you make changes to the brain ( like in split brain patients) there is a corresponding change in how they behave. To me, this is evidence that soul or human experience doesn't exist. And as to whether it devalues your experience or not that is entirely subjective

>> No.14473560

Any sufficiently heavy book, if administered with force enough times in a row.

>> No.14473574

>he's a bottom-up materialist and existential nihilist but he's too fearful of death to actualize his philosophy by killing himself
You niggers are a diamond dozen and you are in fact the exact stupid little shape modernity wants you to be in
You are the perfect animal for consuming pleasure-product at cost until death

>> No.14473673


You can't because I can't even tell if anybody outside of my own experience is real, therefore fuck you you little demon for tricking me into this amoral materialist reductionism.

>> No.14473763


This doesn't seem like a revelant example for the top argument.

Saying that love is a chemical reaction, is saying that if you were to understand the interactions and components in your brain that result in the feeling of "love" you could esentially alter the overall process to increase or decrease it's effect without taking into account it's own environment, it's not necesarily reductionist but rather a machine-like conception of the human body and a material assumption about the nature of consciousness, and by itself is not a wrong answer since the only thing left to discuss is how incomplete it is and if there is something moral about our experience being based around emergent natural material behaviours of the elements that compose us.

>> No.14473842

truth can't be cured

>> No.14473902

Love isnt what this image describes it to be. Love is the irrational and unconditional value we place in people or things.

Maps of Meaning would be a good answer

>> No.14474340

haha shut up peterson

>> No.14474742
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>> No.14475502

Alan Watts is basically Heidegger for retards. Or people with social lives idk.

>> No.14476510

Lmao what "philosophy" is he espousing? Are you genuinely retarded?

>> No.14476801

Wow, a biological reductionist Rick and Morty thread that gained this much traction? I didn't realize that I was on fucking Reddit

>> No.14476838

>ITT: gigantic cope
try as you might, nothing outshines eliminative materialism. we are servants to our genes and that's all there is. get some pussy losers.

>> No.14476841

>exactly correct

>> No.14477138

I cant.. the amount of cope in this thread

>> No.14478276

Tell me why I should focus on understanding the World around me if the cartoon man just made the claim that everything is inherently pointless.

>> No.14478289

I can't believe no one has said Nietzsche's Genealogy of Morals

>> No.14479259

I feel like I've benefited from having a 'psychic' predictive experience that rendered the 'mind = brain' assertion to be inadequate.

>> No.14479590

Transcendental Idealism shits all over eliminative materialism, you coping IQlet

>> No.14479862

>we are servants to our genes and that's all there is.
Wait, you have sex as a result of calling other viewpoints and models cope?

>> No.14480054

unironically the secret commonwealth.

>> No.14481292

>How childish
See? Materialism is purely a side effect of brainlets LARPing as intelligent. You're deathly afraid your big boy pants don't fit.

>> No.14481496

>You're deathly afraid your big boy pants don't fit
>literally NO U
done embarrassing yourself yet?

>> No.14481532

This is correct mindset, or maybe a more correct mindset would be to not even explain or get into discussions about love with another male. Love is just chemical reaction, but when talking to a woman one should just not mention that fact.

>> No.14481539

Literally NO U, yes, because as a midwit atheist you are physically incapable of using insults that do not secretly work way better on you than on the other people you ineffectually use them on. You couldn't stop projecting if you tried.

>> No.14481568

>but when talking to a woman one should just not mention that fact.


>> No.14481572

I just want to thank you all for the great read

>> No.14481579

They are mostly irrational, if a man wants something from a woman its better not to completely destroy her worldview with facts

>> No.14481585


>> No.14481589

>its better not to completely destroy her worldview with facts


>> No.14481604

There's a reason why there are episodes of rick expressing depression and failing to suicide and can never hold down a relationship.

Because that's what he believes.

>> No.14481618

OK, Ben Shapiro.

>> No.14481619
File: 2.21 MB, 1105x1456, Axioms_and_postulates_of_integrated_information_theory (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

phi maximization

>> No.14481625

To build trust and be able to take advantage for personal gain

>> No.14481641

Explain this chart in terms that would satisfy a layman.

>> No.14481664


>> No.14481675

>Exactly the same verbiage on the chart is written on the page
Wow, thanks

>> No.14481688

Not that anon, but ignorance has value. Many an admirable trait is born from ignorance. Imagine you had the foreknowledge that the world would end in 7 days and there is nothing that could be done to prevent the destruction. Would there be any benefit to sharing this information with your wife? The information would drastically alter her behavior and your final days would be miserable. There is no point in trading off the veil if that which it conceals is ugliness or emptiness. Which has more value, a wrapped empty box or an empty box? Truth which destroys beauty and personal meaning without offering anything in exchange should be kept to oneself and not shared. Let the determinedly curious discover such horrors as the recompense for their probing. If you impart such a horror unasked you debase its only value: discovery.

>> No.14481709
File: 33 KB, 500x500, 1540181693369.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i really like your answer, allow me to ask another question...

am i fool if if my curiosity gets the best of me and i suffer from it? even tho my pursue in life is the quest/knowledge of truth? what do you think of this?

>> No.14481858

anyone actually read it or just parrot it,because muh jesus

>> No.14481928

>According to Tononi’s (2008) theory, when somebody smells chocolate the effect that it has on their brain is integrated across many aspects of their memory. Let’s consider, for example, a human observer named Amy who has just experienced the smell of chocolate. A neurosurgeon would find it very difficult to operate on Amy’s brain and eliminate this recent memory without affecting anything else. According to the integrated information theory, the changes caused by her olfactory experience are not localised to any one part of her brain, but are instead widely dispersed and inextricably intertwined with all the rest of her memories, making them difficult to reverse. This unique integration of a stimulus with existing memories is what gives experiences their subjective (i.e. observer specific) flavour. This is integrated information.
Tononi starts from thought experiments about his own consciousness attempting to extract the essential features and extrapolates that back to the necessary physical system that would have to be in place to uphold this. He attempts to formalize this in his measure Phi which quantifies integrated (and differentiated) information, which he claims is identical to consciousness. So you'd have lower Phi under anaesthesia, and higher Phi in a psychedelic experience which is known to increase brain connectivity.

>> No.14482250

>aka "I know you are but what am I?"
I'll take that as a no.

>> No.14482257

Thanks for the compliment. Ben Shapiro is more of a man than you'll ever be, soiboy cuck faggot numale bugman.

>> No.14482347

the rest of us soiz will have to settle for reaching the top shelf in the supermarket

>> No.14483503

I agree... But...
Grave of the fireflies

>> No.14484329

real hot take there, bud

>> No.14484728
File: 335 KB, 600x900, MG_2932.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The last thread from 2019

>> No.14484738


>> No.14484776

Nothing wrong with being a fool sometimes.

>> No.14486034

BUTTERFLY, I KNOW you are lurking itt, post your opinion with your tripcode on