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14461266 No.14461266 [Reply] [Original]

>parents start lecturing me about what matters and what I should do with my life

>> No.14461285

If your parents are like mine they tell you to be a bugman and accumulate wealth for the rich while pissing your life away. My mothers main goal is to ensure everyone becomes an ideal npc workerdrone for permacorp. She has no hobbies whatsoever but does enjoy buying things. Working 60 hours+ a week at a job you don't like for shit you don't need is ideal to the boomer.

>> No.14461305

What'd they tell you?

>> No.14461310

its a sad world, isn't it

>> No.14461324

My parents are absolute bugoids. Like holy shit I cant talk to my father for two seconds without getting annoyed and sperging out. Two perfect 100 IQ specimen, trained to never question their existence, which makes me very sad about my own potential

>> No.14461325

They told me to become a Stirnerist.

>> No.14461327

>my own potential

>> No.14461329

>hating on your parents because they want whats best for you and dont want to see you slobbering around the house forever

>> No.14461347
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>> No.14461351

you need to be 18 to post here

>> No.14461364

I love my parents, but my mom is a retard. My dad tells me to do whatever I feel is ideal for me, but my mom has been trying to bully me into medical school. She constantly tells me I'll be nothing but a worthless failure if I'm not making $100k+ a year. I hate women.

>> No.14461373
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>I start lecturing my parents about what matters and how they should've raised me

>> No.14461375

Man, I feel the same.
My mom literally believe people live to work. When I even went into an argument. She was dumbfounded when I told her I don't live to work and that living for other people is slavish way of life.
She criticize my lifestyle for being in a computer after work but she isn't doing anything but watch the news then sleep.
I work more at my job than her and yet she pull this shit.
At least at my computer I could read philosophy and learn education videos.
God what are they thinking all day.

>people still believe this
They spout UNCONDITIONAL love and when you don't give them something in return they turn apeshit.
Such as the life of a humble narcissist.

>> No.14461381

I'm actually 32

>> No.14461391
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>bring up pic related on thanksgiving around family in response to some job blabbering
>everyone thinks I'm mentally ill now
don't even try having discussions with normies about anything that insults their sacred little lives

>> No.14461429

My dad is practically smarter than me but is trapped by a concrete ego. I wish I could have given him 6 grams of mushrooms when he needed them 30 years ago.

>> No.14461473

People going to med school only to be rich should be hanged

>> No.14461490
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>parents make fun of me for having no gf and being stuck at a deadend job
>engaging all my stoic beliefs to stop myself from exploding in a rant about the fact that its their genes fault my face is ugly and I couldn't go to a decent uni becaude they're poorfags
Fucking boomers I swear

>> No.14461511

don't listen. if you have to interact with them, play along to avoid confrontation. in so far as you dont have to interact with them, discard everything they say.

>> No.14461513

It’s amazing how literally everything in life nowadays seems to revolve around consume and produce. The highest virtue in life is to produce (even this may be redundant, considering that most people nowadays don’t actually care about what they’re producing, if anything at all, as long as it results in a pay check.) the most amount of shit possible so you can consume even more shit when you’re not producing, that shit generally being drugs, alcohol, The latest technological device that costs 10 times as much as the last generation, while only being 10% better, or some worthless status symbol, like a house that’s way too big for you needs, expensive cars, luxury watches and jewellery, etc.

A few years back I told my parents that I wanted to work minimum wage as a choice because that would be more than enough to feed myself and pay the rent, and that I didn’t need much beyond that. They went mental, called me crazy, naive, etc.

The worst part is that the shit your forced into buying isn’t of any worth. I can remember another time when I asked my parents if I could buy and wear exclusively cheap suits, because they looked far better than what I was currently wearing and actually cost about a quarter of the price. This suggestion was met by hostility, because apparently wearing suits makes you a “weirdo,” but mindlessly wearing what every other prick thinks is fashionable, regardless of how ugly, dull, or cheap it makes you look is cool, because this ripped pair of jeans has x sticker on it, and x company is popular right now.

Why do people have to be this fucking retarded? I wouldn’t mind it so much if I was allowed to do my own thing in peace, but increasingly you’re viewed as insane or an extremist for wanting to become the king of bugmen, the ultimate consumer.

It’s amazing, how many weird looks you can get just by reading a book on something like a bus, instead of obnoxiously blaring rap or hip-hop, with absolutely no regard for anyone else around you.

>> No.14461569

>She has no hobbies whatsoever but does enjoy buying things.
Doesn't like the thing, but likes the experience of buying the thing. I'm not going to say I hate capitalism because it will incense the mutthouse, but I sure hate what capitalism has done to us.

>> No.14461581

Literally me

>> No.14461596


>> No.14461605


>Muh parents force me to conform reeee
>Actually quoting fight club

Are you 13 years old?

>> No.14461613

This. I have brow beaten my parents into submission on virtually every topic. They don't even get to choose what meals they eat.

>> No.14461626
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>tell my dad he's retarded for having me circumsized
>stepmom butts in

>> No.14461628

>defending modern society on any level

>> No.14461633


>Having no historical perspective whatsoever

So you would prefer to go back to working on a farm 80 hours a week? Where if the harvest gets a blight you die of famine? You'd prefer that people lived to the ripe old age of 30?
But no, of course, modern society is evil and irredeemable, that doesn't sound like a one-sided story at all.

>> No.14461640

He didn't said he want to return to the better past. He meant a better future, retard.

>> No.14461645

I have more historical perspective than simply talking about post agriculture feudalism. We are still living in feudalism today anyway. Nothing has changed other than some minor technological advancements and epidemic would be a good thing as people are suffering from inflation of population and the devaluization of the individual

>> No.14461649


Ah ok so I'm supposed to compare modern society vs some hypothetical future utopia instead of past societies, because that's perfectly reasonable.

>> No.14461660


>Minor technological advancements

That's hysterical. If you lived in an actual feudal society you probably wouldn't even be able to read. You have a device at your fingertips right now that gives you access to boundless information, and you use it to call modern society corrupt.
>suffering from inflation of population and the devaluization of the individual
Devaluization isn't a word lmao. People used to suffer from dysentery and polio, but 'minor technological advancements' took care of that. Have some perspectives and count your blessings you seething NEET.

>> No.14461664

Nice strawmaning faggot.

No one wants to go back to 14th century, we just wish that people weren't so fucking indoctrinated by massive corporations and the mainstream media, and that our society could go back to being homogeneous and less nhilistic.

>> No.14461672


Bro he said 'on any level', so how is my argument a strawman? If I shouldn't defend it 'on any level' then surely the 14th century is better.

>> No.14461673

>dude shrooms
Imagine needing drugs to have a paradigm shift, weak.

>> No.14461684

He was being hyperbolic, you're just being autistic.

>> No.14461739

baste? yeah i'm thinkgin baste

>> No.14461764

I do this and my mom just leaves the house and my dad threatens to have me admitted to a mental hospital.

>> No.14461787

>Reeee al that exists is either the modern industrilized hyperconsumer present day or 13th century Europe! And you are ignorant of history if you think otherwise.

>> No.14461818

It's a good quote faggot

>> No.14461880

Disease is a good thing.

>> No.14461934

Based underage

>> No.14461954
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>So you would prefer to go back to working on a farm 80 hours a week?

>> No.14461979

how to deal with this feel

>> No.14462138

I think he would prefer if he could work on something that is meaningful without worrying about making rent or selling his soul to soulless corporate life you fucking dumbfuck

>> No.14462193

>They went mental, called me crazy, naive, etc.
Anon: https://www.perell.com/blog/peter-thiel
They're slaves to a desire whose origin is unknown to them.

>> No.14462396
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>So you would prefer to go back to working on a farm 80 hours a week?
What a fucking meme. Growing/harvesting seasons are really short in Western agriculture. Peasants would have long periods where they didn't work. On average, an European farmer worked 1200 hours per year or 3 HOURS A DAY

>You'd prefer that people lived to the ripe old age of 30?
Memed again. The life expectancy was lower because of infant deaths. But if you made it past childhood you could reliably live to 60+ years

You and >>14461660 are absolute reddit tier.

>You have a device at your fingertips right now that gives you access to boundless information

Typical bug-man. You enjoy watching little documentaries? Maybe reading some Wikipedia pages? Does it feel... meaningful?

Information has no value on it's own. And this mindset of accumulation for the sake of accumulation is so ingrained you don't even notice how unnatural it is

>People used to suffer from dysentery and polio

Every age has it's problems. But so what? Back when we were farmers we had communities, we had big happy families and ties to the land we where thrown into. You would get married at an early age, raise your family and worship God. Marriage was a divine union and your life a gift from the Lord. Even if it was bullshit, you had a clear path and a clear code of honor. The instinctual purpose of survival and blood connections plus the relation to something heavenly, eternal, and bigger then yourself

And what do we have now? If you're lucky, you are born into married parents, a brother, maybe one or two cousins. You go to school and build connections which get chipped away when people move or change schools. When you're 18 you go to college. Everyone you knew from highschool, those flimsy social ties which form the shell of a "community", they all become a collection of pictures on Facebook that you will probably envy when you're older. Same thing happens in college. Except you're probably fucking by now

Everything is transactional and interchangeable. Relationships are no different. Both your desires have been inflated so much that reality pales in comparison. You jerk off to pornstars and insta models; she won't shut the fuck up about Harry Styles. You want beauty, freedom, and to have your kinks satisfied. She wants commitment, fun and adventure. You're both looking for the best you can get, so you leverage your position in the meat market, just like everywhere else.

Maybe you get married. But neither of you are off the market. Much like a cup of yogurt stays on the shelf until it expires.
Your union is at the whims of supply and demand. And its odds of survival are no better than a coin-toss.

Maybe you have a kid. Because people find meaning in their kids right? Pass the torch. Pass the burden.

Don't get hooked on screens, cigarettes, opioids or validation. Then go back and bury your parents. Your hometown is completely different. But you can't remember what it was like to begin with

>> No.14462471
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My solution to this query anon, is to go 80% homestead, I have land already, house is in the works, I want out. The Amish have it right.

>> No.14462491

>People used to suffer from dysentery and polio
>he starts counting from 10,000> and not 300,000>


Anon pls, this is childs play.

>> No.14462515

no one ever worked 80 hours a week on a farm retard. You cant grow crops harder.

>> No.14462536

you need to grow up

>> No.14462580


>> No.14462587

shrooms vro

>> No.14462599


>> No.14462648

then we would have 0 doctors left

>> No.14462658
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>”Anon, get a job!”
>”I don’t care about money mother.”
>”You can only say that because I pay for everything!”
*ding* *ding* *ding*
I’d like to thank my mother for fueling my escape from materialism

>> No.14462712

I treat my parents with respect and try to not lecture them because I am fairly grown up. But from time to time they back me up into a corner expecting me to bow and praise their moral standards under the threat of "you don't love us/ you are not being a good son". I just intelectualy submit them into oblivion and they have to wait a period of time to forget, reset and start the bullshit again.
I don't wish bad things of my father but men he could've used a better father figure when he grew up. He is "successful" but has the emotional intelligence of a two year old and my mother is just used to being his emotional punching bag. It just sucks that I have to "lecture" my father, the last time I put him in his place he looked miserable.

>> No.14462716

work for the past farmer had immediate value, for himself, his family, and perhaps a lord or government, he could see and taste the fruits of his labor and would reap the rewards and suffer the blights of his field

the modern man is totally separated from the product of his labor, does it have any value to his community, family, or Lord God?

>> No.14462766

This, sums up the concerns over modern life perfectly

>> No.14462810
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>parents spawned me to vicarious relive their youth through their child

>> No.14462884
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Always harking on about being a good worker and that nonsense too. I know the type. I would just kill people and steal things if I could get away with it.

>> No.14462915

you belong in the category of his father

>> No.14463006

>tell my dad he's retarded for having me circumsized
>stepmom butts in

Tell the bitch she can only argue for male genital mutilation if she is in favor of female circumcision.

>> No.14463025

Truly patrician behavior

>> No.14463073

>working on a farm 80 hours a week
>people lived to the ripe old age of 30
Why are you making stuff up

>> No.14463177

I'm starting to like you, butterfly

>> No.14463218

More people need to be hanged but I do like your starting suggestion.

>> No.14463246

What's it called when you have a job and even though it's really part time you hate it because you deal with people (good people I will admit) and you do the job to the best of your ability? Am I cucked or spooked or what?

>> No.14463250
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>Tfw my parents refuse the world order and try to find meaning in the things they do and ignore the slave mind set of society tries to put on them. They wear masks when interacting with others so they don't appear broken from the hive tree.
>tfw i'm on a path to destroy the order that establish control of society's new world order and create absolute freedom, even if that brings in chaos

>> No.14463543

I get the feeling that a lot of the overbearing behavior of parents described in this thread stems from a desire for their children to reproduce and have enough money to provide a nice life for the next generation. I also think that there is a generational gap in expectations that such a scenario is feasible.

>> No.14463748

>I also think that there is a generational gap in expectations that such a scenario is feasible.

>> No.14463998

based and tradicionaly pilled

>> No.14464017

excellent post

>> No.14464292
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>They're slaves to a desire whose origin is unknown to them.
>lole we live in a human condition hehe
Thank you Anon, very Cool!

>> No.14464428

>dude, I want a boring job and be confined in a village of mostly retards
The post. Dude lmao feudalism. Dude kike on the stick and muh soil. The only based life is that of a hunter gatherer or conqueror.

>> No.14464505

Don’t demand validation from them. If you fit want to make the trade by all means don’t, but if you’ve decided not to, don’t then cry and complain that you don’t now have the thing you would have traded for, you chose not to have it.

>> No.14464563

it is retards all the way down my friend

>> No.14464590

not me

>> No.14464594

I have never felt limited by my low pay and work hours, to the contrary, I feel free. I've never needed to buy much. I have my cheap apartment, my used Thinkpad, junker car, library card and the occasional used book from the thrift store, and I'm happy with it.

>> No.14464665

No, you’re supposed to have the imagination to seek improvement to what already exists.

>> No.14464681

even medieval peasants worked less hours in a year than many modern americans. also, its obvious that life was more meaningful before the agricultural revolution.

>> No.14464685

I believe that’s called making the best of your situation. Which is fine as long you are making plans to change your situation as well.

>> No.14464791

>tfw you actually want your parents to disown you

>> No.14464819

Aren't you a literal Marxist? I'm not sure you should be commenting on what's retarded or not if so.

>> No.14464831

Based the boomer war was won before it began. We may not even need the pillows.

>> No.14464854

Why do you guys don't just give really dumb stupid answers so they aren't even able to start arguing cause they will think you are unable to understand?
Many interpersonal conflicts can be resolved just playing dumb.

>> No.14464867

Because deceit is extremely evil, and indicative of a person being a shithead.
It's also far more likely you're just coping with the equivalent of "YOU WOULDN'T EVEN UNDERSTAND MOM".

>> No.14464954

Make art

>> No.14465027

Not him, but I assume he's just talking about how the older generations had it easier when it comes to how much work you need to do to get a job, buy a house and support a family in 'current year' now compared to 'current year' then.
They don't know or think anything has changed since their youth and if they had no trouble you shouldn't either. It's just ignorance.

>> No.14465030
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>that doesn't sound like a one-sided story at all.
Please be shitposting.

>> No.14465207


>> No.14465210

I would just murder my family and "friends" if not for the money and the threat of jail.

>> No.14465235

>>defending society on any level
Ftfy. We live in it.

>> No.14465245

please go back

>> No.14465250

NO! you have to climb the dominance hierarchy by taking more responsibility by means of externalizing your time for the production of consumable goods, you need to consume.

>> No.14465254

Screen-capped for my "Retarded thinking" folder, thank you anon.

>> No.14465261

This. They are irritating obstacles to my goals I have to pretend to like.

>> No.14465397

Based thread. Shitty parents are the most underestimated and insidiously destructive problem of modern society.
Because it doesn't improve life for anyone. You're emasculating yourself by proving time and time again to yourelf that your own truth is powerless. You're keeping them indoctrinated in their own little cargo cult slowly marching towards the oblivion of modern civilization. If all you can do is silently weep, you can't do much at all.

>> No.14465464

never fall in love with a tranny man, 90% chance "she" has bpd

>> No.14465478

My Mum’s the same.

>> No.14465484
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>> No.14465492


>> No.14465503

my parents stopped talking to me when i missed my chance at a 150k/yr job they lined up for me right after graduation that i declined in exchange for working with disabled children pro bono. they refuse to cut me off so there's like 1.5mil sitting in my bank account but i dont want material possessions a small shared flat close to work and helping people is all i really ever want to do with my life.

rich people are paranoid and socially weird growing up i promised myself to never become like them. (there are 2 escape rooms in their house and they have a psycho ex-navy seals guy living in their guest house who runs them through TERROR drills every other month)

>> No.14465537

I can't respect you, you were given a path to power and you gave it up for selfish reasons (your idea of yourself as selfless is false and cowardly)

>> No.14465550

Stop roleplaying as a noble samurai on the Internet between binge-watching Youtubers, retard.

>> No.14465559


I'd add to that that the power you have declined would have given you more means to help others effectively. I think you're an idiot or a liar, perhaps both.

>> No.14465564

if I understand you correctly you gave up a unique opportunity which offered innumerably more utility to your supposed aims of helping others than being volunteer worker... your moralfagging does not work here

>> No.14465575

>and you use it to call modern society corrupt.
Yes, you use it to "call" modern society corrupt. To call it out, do nothing about it and move on to the next distraction.

>> No.14465602

>when i missed my chance at a 150k/yr job they lined up for me right after graduation that i declined in exchange for working with disabled children pro bono
You could've taken the job, invested the profits into a children's charity and the net benefit for them would've been far greater.

>> No.14465621


>> No.14465637
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I replied to myself by mistake

>> No.14465639

I'm not really making plans to change just enjoying what I can in the job when I do work. Eventually I'd like to move to one of the more creative positions in the company but I don't see that happening soon. Either way I save a decent amount of my money, have no expenses, and have a few hobbies to keep me sane. Ironically that's how I got my job I just hate dealing with people due to mental issues. It's fine for the eight hours I'm there every so often but I certainly couldn't do it full time.

>> No.14465674

Yup, badically life is not fun, but also enjoy your work. That's a shitty combination, wageslaving is your life and fun. Buy into and trust corrupt and faulty system. They mean well, but they talk out of their ass.

>> No.14465716


>I don't care about wealth because I have the financial stability of having millions anyway

lol you're a massive faggot

>> No.14465752

This. Give me all your fucking money

>> No.14466649

blessed comment

>> No.14466732

That job may take all his energy leaving behind an emptied husk.

>> No.14466735

How would you feel if you ended up with a NEET son?

>> No.14466772

>it's not my fault I'm a loser
>my parents are to blame
What did I expect? A loser would have a loser mentality

>> No.14466924


>> No.14467019

funny you say that but as a barely zoomer my parents have no expectations of me and explicitly tell me I shouldn't have kids. They keep telling me I should find a "craft" and if I wanna drop out of school and work tomorrow they'd be okay with it. Too much freedom is also horrible.