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14457054 No.14457054 [Reply] [Original]

Wow lads just finished the manifesto... is he the dumbest math professor of all time?

>> No.14458207

It's incredibly bad, agreed. Sophomoric mergence of Nietzsche and Freud. On the other hand does contain a kernel of truth- more physical activity's needed for the sake of psychic balance, usw.

>> No.14458215

can’t detect an argument

>> No.14458316

>In late 1967, the 25-year-old Kaczynski became the youngest assistant professor of mathematics in the history of University of California, Berkeley, where he taught undergraduate courses in geometry and calculus.[39] His teaching evaluations suggest he was not well-liked by his students: he seemed uncomfortable teaching, taught straight from the textbook and refused to answer questions.[9] Without any explanation, Kaczynski resigned on June 30, 1969.

>> No.14458317

It's been awhile, but his 'power principle' is a very easy mergence of the pleasure principle idea with the will to power idea although in K's case twtp becomes a simple need to exert physical energy for the sake of what is essentially 'sanity'. My only argument is that it might have been written by an 18 yr old literature student which renders it unworthy of the 20 or so minutes it took to read it.

>> No.14458344

The power principle makes sense to me. It’s confirmed by experience and an understanding of biology. A lot of modern activities are much more unrelated to our biology than hunting or fishing or fighting or having sex. It’s hard to argue against his reasoning here

>> No.14458360

It's a plausible theory but a deranged loner living in a cabin is not an ideal environment to test its claims. Being as psychology is a mess of studies that won't replicate and evopsych theories are pretty much always impossible to falsify I have little hope any valuable work will be done exploring these ideas.

>> No.14458403

I did say it contained a kernal of truth, anon. It makes sense to me as well. This doesn't save the essay from being poor *as* an essay, however. Most things I write make sense to me, some are even helpful to me, but that hardly means a single one of them is worthy of publication.

>> No.14458631

Really fucking stupid, he also failed at surviving on his own. He rode a bicycle to town and lived on junk food.

>> No.14458638

Probably aspegers

>> No.14458650

Doesn’t require a genius to know that.

>> No.14458743

Well, that I thought was an implied point.

>> No.14459020

No you didn't. Saged.

>> No.14460045
File: 78 KB, 720x683, nietzsche.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Feeling smart, huh? First, Kaczynski did not claim his ideas to be unique. Second, you focus on Kaczynski instead of his ideas. Whole post is one huge ad hominem which renders OP as a brainlet degenerate unable to argue normally. In other words, opinion discarded.

Even putting aside the fact that OP is degenerate, technological promoters themselves admitted that Ted has a point, and agents who were investigating his case said that his manifesto was rational, logically consistent and very lucid. Shortest analysis of technological society possible, basically what Ellul wrote about but without walls of text, intended to reach masses. This is a great achievement: his ideas were not meant to be complex. And we all know how successful in math he was. So even here OPs """point""" does not stand.

Now, your argument is not even an argument. You just attack his writing pointing at some age you consider to be what? Young? Inferior? What is the basis of your attack? That his ideas are simple? He explains his ideas right in his manifesto, there is no need to flex with your room temperature IQ. The value of manifesto is in analysis itself. He was not intending to show you some hidden knowledge or hidden truth. Is this what you expected to see? If you want to masturbate yourself mentally go read some sci-pop, or even better, kys. Low quality thread, low quality OP.

>> No.14460051

Can we go one day without a Ted thread? Are you not bored of this guy yet?

>> No.14460061

Wether he is or isn't doesn't change the fact all modern societies are heading towards irreplaceable levels of fertility and extinction due to embracing technologies constant novelty, meanwhile those who shun technology keep having large plentiful large reproductive success and tight communities, the kali yuga only applies to the secularized tech embracing city dwellers.

Op you're like a rat in a scientists experiment who gained the ability to talk only to critique the experiment you're the subject of, it's useless, you're still stuck in there, you're not free.

>> No.14460266
File: 2.80 MB, 4032x3024, 20191220_002927.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. He even already packaged a response to these oversocialized vermin.

>> No.14460405

I address the power principle which is the crux of the essay, or perhaps (you) didn't notice? Here's an actual instance of ad hominem: youre a moron.

>> No.14460588

His ideas are idiotic

>> No.14460592

Wew lad

>> No.14460598

Imagine all the great thinkers in history and the one you embrace is the Unabomber. Kek

>> No.14460603

>you're like a rat in a scientists experiment who gained the ability to talk only to critique the experiment you're the subject of, it's useless, you're still stuck in there, you're not free.


>> No.14460607

> agents who were investigating his case said that his manifesto was rational, logically consistent and very lucid.

No they didn’t

>> No.14460620

>That his ideas are simple

They’re naive, ignorant,half-baked. A bit smarter than Elliot Rodger.

>> No.14461593

>They’re naive, ignorant,half-baked
Maybe you can explain why there naive, ignorant,half-baked?

>> No.14461600

Teds Legal Defense:


Can be confirmed because it is linked to from David Skrbina's website: davidskrbina.com


>> No.14461743

Genius IQ, model fucking, TK fanboy checking in. Stil living in my haussmannian appartment, I now have a grand piano in the living room. Just letting the brainlets and limp-dicked academics know that TK is right about everything and that the only reason you dislike his works is because you have no experience with literature or philosophy. Understandable! When the first book you read happened to be Of Mice & Men in sophomore year, I don't expect you to have some sort of opinion, or intellect for that matter. Gatekeeping philosophy, hahahahahaha. 'But Kaczynski is dumb his ideas aren't even original' Kaczynski is the honest conclusion of every intellectual movement of the last four hundred years. Political philosophy? Kaczynski'd. Psychoanalysis? Kaczynski'd. Sociology? Kaczynski'd. Anarchism? Kaczynski'd. Situationism? Kaczynski'd. Structuralism? Kaczynski'd. Ideology? Kaczynski'd. Your local computer repair shop? Kaczynski'd. etc etc... Of course you can't expect someone with a superfial overview, wikipedia skimming tier understanding of modern intellectualism to fill in the blanks. No name-dropping means you can't link stripped down concepts to their genitor, you actually have to engage with the concepts instead of addressing ideas by proxy. When you take off the Foucault and Deleuze footnotes all you have left is the ideas and concepts, untraceable to their originator. You've been pleb-filtered. So if you are of average intellect and haven't read the entirety of the canon don't bother with TK; because that is needed in order ot fully grasp the extent of a 50 page manifesto which doesn't hold your hands like your pedophile professor whose entire career was motivated by the presence of young women in his classroom. In the spirit of authentic mathematical beauty, the equation of society, as formulated by math genius Theodore J. Kaczynski, has been reduced to its minimal expression of truth; A collection of bullet points stripped down of everything (Ideology can and will be used against you - core principle of ISaiF) so that the name dropping bugman gets filtered by the second chapter. Imagine being low iq, imagine having dumb parents who didn't read you bedtime stories and hook you up with the greats before you turned 10. Imagine having not read Hugo and Dumas after puberty. That's how you end up oversocialized, looking for intellectual credibility at age 20, which is in fact just a cope for your own sexual shortcomings.

Happy new year and destroy industrial society.

>> No.14461878

I hope you didn't type this out.

>> No.14462237

but I did

>> No.14462554

you know I'm right

>> No.14462584

holy BASED

>> No.14462739

Fucking based anon

>> No.14462756

Well that's evident by how popular he is with all the teens here

>> No.14463075
File: 634 KB, 1800x2266, 6629ue2h7jo21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine not reading the image in the post. Right click and rotate it after download. I don't admire thinkers, nor waste my time with such things as "admiration". I respect doers in principle, as people who live by their words.

>> No.14463477

>Delusional old man discovers sociology and then gets angry

>> No.14463896

all of this, but unironically

>> No.14464554

>deranged loner living in a cabin
henlo gitdcianigger, i'd argue that cabin life+inna the woods is as perfect a test/embodiment of the power process as any other more social approach. It's higher on the aesthetic hierarchy because it sheds the unnecessary interactions in favor of sheer utilitarian survival living.

>> No.14464918

Blames extreme social autism on society as a whole. Memes.