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/lit/ - Literature

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14454191 No.14454191 [Reply] [Original]

Can /lit/ recommend any good books about dating/game?

>> No.14454199
File: 256 KB, 2047x788, chad rationalist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14454201

why do they make it this obvious?

>> No.14454202

Reminds me of when they were passing out pamphlets to the newly arrived refugees in Europe teaching them how to have sex with European women.

>> No.14454394


>> No.14454461

His defence lol.


>> No.14454475

Yeah, my idea was to take Finland’s most sacred piece of national history and turn its main character from a God into a Somalian. That would have a sold TONS of books!!
classic Schwarzmann
does anyone have an appropriate image of a certain gentleman of prodigious nasal proportions?

>> No.14454482
File: 58 KB, 453x678, cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After several drafts back and forth (like I said, Laura is VERY patient) we all agreed on the cover you’ve seen. I absolutely love it. A modern Finnish couple in love! Or maybe it’s a foreigner groping a white girl. You decide!!

>> No.14454514

Bait thread but the Mystery method and PNL by Richardson.

>> No.14454516
File: 193 KB, 450x418, Cancerous Pepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Do you know that famous Väinämöinen/Aino painting of the man chasing the woman in the lake? The cover would be a depiction of that painting, but the man is a foreigner, of maybe African or Middle Eastern descent. The idea is to take that classic painting, update it to 2011, and show what modern Finnish couples look like.
>The idea is to take that classic painting, update it to 2011, and show what modern Finnish couples look like.

>> No.14454517

There is literally nothing wrong with dating outside your race. Don't fall for spooks

>> No.14454530
File: 62 KB, 940x1024, Thinking retard pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A modern Finnish couple in love! Or maybe it’s a foreigner groping a white girl. You decide!!
I mean, at least he gave us a choice.

>> No.14454537

Is caring about literally anything for another a spook to you?

>> No.14454540

>implying it isn't necessarily both

>> No.14454543

Is Phillip Schwarzmann trying to wake people up, is he dare I say based?

>> No.14454545


>> No.14454546

>implying love can be lust

>> No.14454552

Check out his tweets from 20 November backwards, especially the one about Brady.


>> No.14454554

this >>14454546

Is everything a spook and aren't spooks spooks themselves?

>> No.14454556

Spooks are social constructs that you let control you

>> No.14454563

I don't know how to use twitter, help.

>> No.14454569

where does the ought come from?

>> No.14454571

haha i get it. because schwarzmann, you know...

>> No.14454575

>implying it isn't necessarily both

>> No.14454585


>> No.14454589

Fall in love and have sex.

>> No.14454595

>have sex.

>> No.14454596

Oh dear.

>> No.14454606

just tell me.

>> No.14454610

>reading LessWrong for relationship advice
You realise that community is 90% autists who think they've got everything figured out because they read one of Yudkowsky's articles on Bayes theorem? Literally zero achievements have come from the rationalist community. All they do is jerk off over IQ and come up with technical sounding names to simple ideas that have already been thought of millions of times.

At least Rational Wiki is good for exposing frauds.

>> No.14454622

That's actually pretty sad. The guy wanted to write a tongue in cheek book about Finland, but because of his poor decision to include some provocative racial theme on the cover, most people won't enjoy the book.

>> No.14454648

Just b yourself and scroll.

>> No.14454651

Check his tweets, he doesn't sound smart at all, it was probably for the better.

>> No.14454654

link it up bro.

>> No.14454669


>> No.14454680

Wrong link.

>> No.14454682
File: 6 KB, 208x250, 1575010729412.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>American football and basketball
>Celebrity gossip
>iPhone and other consoomer tweets

Is there a name for this? I feel like bugman doesn't fit, since there's no star wars or video game shit

>> No.14454780

>Rational Wiki
/lit/ has officially gone back to being the shittiest board on the site. Fuck that retarded gremlin for dumbing his garbage here

>> No.14454786
File: 89 KB, 225x221, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>recognizes that Islam is terrible


>> No.14454790

I'm torn between wanting to burn this book and put it in a museum for future generations to understand why we had to go authoritarian.

>> No.14454794

(actually we should probably make an exhibit of degenerate artifacts now to make the case)

>> No.14454802

this is some midsommar death cult trick isnt it

>> No.14454805
File: 2.68 MB, 3968x2976, spook posters.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that these are the type of embarrassing faggots who cry spook

>> No.14454806

The fuck you talking about? I'm not saying RW is a great, impartial resource, but it's better than LW.

>> No.14454810

>Patch glued to laptop
Bold move

>> No.14454832

I know exactly what you are saying there was no misunderstanding. I identified your line of thinking as consistent with the recent infestation of 8ch faggots flooded this board again, I don't care about your gay RW vs LW debate but how you framed it.

>> No.14454843

Platinum club members will never belong anywhere. Failed normalfags who create an identity based on products they consume, they only think they are being ironic and insincere because they fail to see that as the product.

>> No.14454856

it’s really not

>> No.14454870

RW prose, tone and history is enough to make it an anathema to anyone who isn't a total sissyfag. Ever having some desire to "expose frauds" and using RW for it is really embarrassing midwit shit. LW is irrelevant.

>> No.14454878

>post a LW virgin vs RW chad meme
>somebody responds
>i dOnT cArE aBoUt yOuR dEbAtE

>> No.14454890

Yes, not all responses take you seriously or give a fuck about the gay shit you are arguing about, sometimes people will just respond to call you a faggot for something outside of your midwit >DEBATE ME garbage. You tried to cope by thinking it MUST be some misunderstanding. I didn't even read your fucking post, I just skimmed and saw the "i use RW to "expose frauds" faggotry and pointed it out as another symptom of 8ch refugees recently shitting up /lit/

>> No.14454907

Holy shit the AUTISM. You literally live in some bubble world where the name "rational wiki" triggers you. All that shit about 8ch and related memes is all in your head dumbass, nobody cares or knows about the existence of your little internet club.

>> No.14454920

It's an example of burgerpunk

>> No.14455039

your prose exposes you.

>> No.14455152

LW sucks at social shit, but RW doesn't remotely hold a candle to LW in terms of usefulness and accuracy. Not even remotely.

>> No.14455314

i'm pretty sure giving a shit about basically anything is a spook, forgive me for not wanting to live in such a depressing world

>> No.14455717

There literally is tho