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14450579 No.14450579 [Reply] [Original]

Books about being an unattractive woman?

>> No.14450659

Listen here little baby. You're gonna get a lot of hurtful and degrading comments, but that ain't what I'm about. Let me just say, you are perfect the way you are. You hear me sugar? PERFECT. Don't ever change. You deserve anything and everything you want. Stay safe for me, baby girl.
>mfw thinking of you hurting

>> No.14450661

>things that dont exist
sorry fren. maybe emily dickinson.

>> No.14450665

Vege's diary

>> No.14450674

my diary desu

>> No.14450675

Watch The Homesman

>> No.14450685

beautiful book

>> No.14450693

This, but unironically

>> No.14450704
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Here here

>> No.14450705

In one of Houllebecq's books he describes a girl he knew. It was painful to read what its like to be at the bottom of the other side. I'll look it up and post the quote later.

>> No.14450709


oh wait, you said unattractive. completely ignore the above

>> No.14450713

Post feet.

>> No.14450746


>> No.14450750

>Don't ever change.
Her clothes are gonna smell really rancid if she doesn't

>> No.14450756
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>> No.14450774

That's the point.

>> No.14450790

No Longer Human.

>> No.14450797

kek, based

>> No.14450798

The Ballad of the Sad Cafe

>> No.14450810

She'll still make a fine slampig or breedsow even with a harelip

>> No.14450820

diet and exercise

>> No.14450821
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>> No.14450844


>> No.14450846

Friendly reminder that no matter how ugly or fat a white woman is she can always date a black guy

>> No.14450853

>"hey, cheer up, there's always bestiality!"

>> No.14450865

ugly women realize very quickly what men are about, and so they discover the secret to civilization - which is why we shun you publicly. every ugly girl out there knows any guy will fuck her, but the difference, which is what hurts the most, is he will never pretend to be in love with her, never court her, or do small gestures towards her, never be romantic or kind. this shatters her perception of the world. do all men do this to all women? are men ever really in love or just horny and it's a giant act to get laid? is all sex transactional for men, and when they show true warmth and sacrifice themselves for women was it just to secure another load? over time the ugly girl experiments, she has sex with young guys, old guys, cute guys, hot guys, fat guys, skinny guys, nerdy guys, athletic guys, smart guys, dumb guys. she's conducting a science experiment by now, horrified at the results. all the men treated her the same. over and over again she tried to hold hands or get food in public or take a walk together or cuddle, and every time the same reaction - the coldness, the excuses, the awkward stare, the almost hurt feeling of indignation, the I DID YOU A FAVOR face, never a human connection, a simple eye contact or acknowledgement of mutual existence.

yes to be a ugly woman truly is to know the horror of mankind. on your best day you're equal to a goat, and a lifetime of achievements or great works will still never suffice, because despite any pretense towards civility in polite company, you know the charade is a mask that slips every so gently with a subtle glance, an unguarded comment, the positioning of feet when standing, the body language always closed and distant. and then that final day comes, when you hold your first born, and see their disappointment as they open their eyes. their ugly little soft featureless face scrunching up into a wrinkled ball and shedding tears. the tears you've held inside your entire life.

and this loathing of mankind, this hatred that you have absorbed for all these years, right then and there it breaks you. it shatters your mind completely. this child you love, and carried and fed with your very blood. even this small unconscious tangled mess of arms and legs, it knows, by instinct, what nobody ever had the kind cruelty to tell you. the ugly woman, woe to her, whose worth will never be more worthless than her face.

>> No.14450868

Shut up you racist woman

>> No.14450877

And yet she still reproduced and was a genetic success unlike the heaps of failed men.

>> No.14450880
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I may be ugly but i'll never be nigger fucking ugly.

>> No.14450897


>> No.14450902

i think most men fail because of other men. in the case of women it seems the beautiful ones let the ugly ones slip through in order to establish a secure future for their offspring, by always keeping some ugly around they will never be born into the true bottom.

i think this is also why most men are naturally more attractive than women, imagine if men wore cosmetics or if women did not, the power disparity would be ridiculous, i know at least 6 girls who cannot see daylight without their makeup on. even my ugliest male friends have height or size or a kind smile.

>> No.14450904

just read butterfly's entire postography from the archive

>> No.14450963

Since the age of agriculture and wealth accumulation rna records found that women outbred men 17:1 meaning that the richest men had harems of women while all the other men did not. Women are far more attractive than men on average, as any bisexual. They have inherent value based on simply being female while men are expendable. This isn't only societal it is genetically hard coded. That is why men have wider bell curves than women in every way from height to intelligence. Men have more geniuses and more retards. More danny divitos and more shaqs.

>> No.14450990

and yet the population stabilizes at 50/50 which necessarily must mean that women have a far broader range of features than men, their faces being much more of the same due to their limited male ancestry.

there have never been women as effortlessly beautiful as the best examples of men. i would wager the contrary does not hold, as the witch and crone arrives in fables long enough ago to convince me that ugly women were a common thing across all peoples.

>> No.14451002
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>she tried to hold hands or get food in public or take a walk together or cuddle, and every time the same reaction - the coldness, the excuses, the awkward stare, the almost hurt feeling of indignation, the I DID YOU A FAVOR face, never a human connection, a simple eye contact or acknowledgement of mutual existence.
im so sorry, my ugly gf.

>> No.14451010

You're factually wrong. Women have a much tighter distribution at the mean across the board. Also in fable and mythology you have to take into account the Anima since we both know men are who wrote those anyway lmao

>> No.14451018

Dude. Any woman can get laid.

Fuck yourself whore

>> No.14451032


>> No.14451056

just put a bag on

>> No.14451236

yeah that really sucks

>> No.14451250

if i fixed her cleft lip, would she die?

>> No.14451257

Damn, you’re stupid.

>> No.14451263

top tier anon

>> No.14451266

would coom

>> No.14451268

Would you say the same thing if OP is trans?

>> No.14451273
File: 113 KB, 1006x403, skylark expectations.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking this
possibly my favourite book

>> No.14451272

are you a surgeon shitposting on lit?

>> No.14451274
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>> No.14451279

Till We Have Faces by CS Lewis

>> No.14451280
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Another good last pane

>> No.14451290

The Hour of the Star by the wonderful Clarice Lispector

>> No.14451294

For you

>> No.14451314

You aren't even woman so speak for yourself faggot tranny

>> No.14451335

Shut up fursuit. Yiff in hell.

>> No.14451339


So she's actually a girl or is he a transvestite?

>> No.14451364


i mean, it'd be really cool if you were a surgeon. i want to be a surgeon myself. i read sabiston this year.

>> No.14451388


>> No.14451458

my diary de su

>> No.14451504

Lol a man identifying as an ugly woman isn't anywhere even close to tragic. If anything, it's hilarious.

>> No.14451510



>> No.14451537
File: 487 KB, 799x599, 2019-12-31_2045.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you dafties know that's just a photoshopped picture on the front of the book, right?

>> No.14451549

How do we know that the picture you posted isn't the photoshopped one?

>> No.14451561

do you not know who angelina jolie is anon?

>> No.14451565

I don't watch porn

>> No.14451572


>> No.14451577

Not what she looks like. Well yes i know who she is but i don't watch movies so i don't even know her face. And i'm 100% serious, i don't have a TV and i don't care about cinema.

>> No.14451597

She was cute, but autistic

>> No.14451613

Don't know, don't care.

Looks like a standard 5/10 I would turn down

>> No.14451627

I'd turn her down so hard she'd turn into a pancake.

>> No.14451663

would still coom

>> No.14451702

never change, ya daft noodles

>> No.14451708

Jane eyre

>> No.14451855

trannies aren't women

>> No.14452064

My diary desu

>> No.14452246

Read books about being an ugly man and realize you still have it slightly better

>> No.14452675


>> No.14452718

Garbage laden self-centred crap

>> No.14453291

Very based

>> No.14453318

read osho unironically
too bad im so fucking lazy to link it haha
fuck osho
dumb nigger

>> No.14453655

>This book is dedicated to all those whom it does not mention: to the few men who refuse to be manipulated, to the few women who are not venal, and to all those fortunate enough to have lost their market value because they are either too old, too ugly, or too ill.
Esther Vilar, The Manipulated Man

>> No.14453666

Is that book worth reading? Could you share your thoughts on it?

>> No.14453747

>ugly women
>has multiple relationships
>ugly man
>dies alone
Sorry, but I'm not sorry you're a dumb slut. Any woman would be crushed by the loneliness some men feel

>> No.14453924

Every day. Every fucking day I come home and this faggot ass dog gives me this dog gives me this faggot ass look.

>> No.14453946

seethe incel

>> No.14454010
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but she was pretty

>> No.14454175

>are men ever really in love or just horny and it's a giant act to get laid?
Men fall in love with beautiful things.

>> No.14454359
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>> No.14454371

final exit.

>> No.14454417

Read this like a sassy black woman

>> No.14455154


>> No.14455821


>she has sex with young guys, old guys, cute guys, hot guys, fat guys, skinny guys, nerdy guys, athletic guys, smart guys, dumb guys

Ugly men have not only no affection but also no sex though

retard whore nigger

>> No.14455903

Yeah but the narrator isn't even Clarice, the author's voice is a male one, observing in the third person of the experiencies of the main character, who's actually supposed to be ugly, or at least so poor she has never perceived herself as being of value or an object of desire. Idk I think it's a pretty good example.

>> No.14456200

>Not having sex is somehow worse than the feeling of having sex with someone who barely sees you as a person
It would truly shock me if anyone, male or female over the age of 20 shares this opinion.

>> No.14456231

It's a physiological, psychological, social and sexual need that gets unmet, vs. a scenario where a second set of needs; emotional, ideological, romantic - doesn't get met.
All scenarios of needs being unmet are horrible, I'm not quite sure how to rank them. But I do know that I don't eat people even when I'm starving, so there's that.

>> No.14456710

>"All scenarios of needs being unmet are horrible, I'm not quote sure how to rank them"
>literally having the answer in the sentence you typed (psychiological, psychological, social vs the emotional, ideological, romantic)
Based retard

>> No.14456844

Jane eyre

>> No.14457811


Mean Girls

Andrea Dworkin's books

>> No.14457937

>0 physical intimacy
>Some (non-zero) physical intimacy
yeah, and i guess by that logic having had the luxury to experience what a satisfying meal is, and then subsequently not being able to enjoy another satisfying meal, is worse than never having had a satisfying meal ever
even females occasionally crave the no-strings, im not here to make luv, fuck me like an animal secks.

>> No.14457946 [DELETED] 

>food analogy
highly analogous

>> No.14457955

welcome to what it is like to be a man, where your worth is determined by the active values you bring to the table, and not some innate God given attribute.
>"im so ugly, men will fuck me but not love me :("
>no mention about improving your personality. no mention about all the myriad of other little things that makes you a better partner.
insert patrice o'neal joke about what females would do if they had no vagina
>"ladies, if you didnt have a vagina, what would you do to keep your man?" (ladies, if you ugly as fuck, what would you do to keep your man?)
>lady in the crowd: "suck his dick! use my asshole!"
>"no one said learn how to play xbox, learn how to play pool, tell stories"


>> No.14457963

hello /fit/ this is the wrong board

>> No.14459371


>> No.14459441

No :)

>> No.14460457

sad beta incel attitude. Any man who was in the position of choosing their partner know this is the case. I regularly do this to ugly women and being unable to attract any woman does not mean ugly women do not face situations as illustrated above. Have some breath of thought

>> No.14460474


>> No.14460608

>that feeling when I'm satisfied with how my ass looks and how thin my legs are but ultimately mediocre face and major schizoid disorder has made me have way less sex than my friends

Men think that all women have "a lot of sex" because "it's just so easy", but it's not true.

>> No.14460766

Few things to start off with =)
1. Yes I'm replying to you because you're a female /lit/ard ('tis an awesome thing to see).
2.I'm Brian
3.Dont be intimidated, but I'm not a stereotypical guy. If anything, I'll be the one in the kitchen xD

>> No.14461304

Yeah you're right he's the human and you're the animal.

>> No.14461361

Jane Eyre

>> No.14461379

I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you’re looking for a serious response.

Autobiography of a face.

>> No.14461476

Just how unattractive are we talking?

>> No.14462248

diary of anne frank