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/lit/ - Literature

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14449780 No.14449780 [Reply] [Original]

What's the first book you're reading this 2020?

>> No.14449785

Who cares. Is this reddit?

>> No.14449794

literally Infinite Jest

>> No.14449804

I'm going to finish this one before 2020 begins, then reread it again as my first book for 2020

>> No.14450203

The Brothers Karamazov

>> No.14450204

Capital volume 1

>> No.14450260

Is Emily Dickinson the new Guenon?
I would be fine with this, because she's hot

>> No.14450355


The first book I start in 2020 will probably be short and simple to give my brain a break. I was thinking either the Hobbit or Beowulf.

>> No.14450404
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I dont read book, I read papers

>> No.14451172

Is better than that horse-faced frenchie

>> No.14451265

gormenghast my nigga

>> No.14451300

shut the fuck up

>> No.14451366

Not sure yet
My reading in 2019 has been dogshit
Can someone recommend a good short book to start my 2020 reading with?

>> No.14451378
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>> No.14451410


>> No.14451441

Lanark by Alasdair Gray, who died a couple of days ago. F

>> No.14451658

currently im reading the idiot. after that im going to read the brothers karamazov so that one will be the first book i begin reading in the new decade.

>> No.14451707

La Prisonnière by Proust

>> No.14451726
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Have this lying on the coffee table rn. Gonna be nice to get back to Middle Earth after all this time.

>> No.14451737

Beowulf is a lovely wintertide read. Read it in parallel in Saxon, preferrably aloud to yourself, to truly appretiate the prose. It's a wonderful story.

>> No.14451746

>the prose

>> No.14452211

Love in the Time of Cholera. Absolutely loved One Hundred Years of Solitude, perfect novel worthy of the praise it gets.

>> No.14452498

but anon, didn't you know "prose" means "sonority"?

I wouldn't do it justice because I don't know how to pronounce it.

>> No.14453029

Gonna try to read the Bible. Should take me around a month.

>> No.14453107
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>> No.14453199

and Chuck

>> No.14453558
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I want to fix my body by losing this lard and I want to improve my brain and read things other than just dystopian fiction. Pic related I picked up for a dollar.

>> No.14453568
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>> No.14453581
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Then stoner then The Sailor Who Fell from Grace with the Sea.

>> No.14453586

Suck my dick nigga

>> No.14453591

Being and Time

>> No.14453595
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Got some books in the mail today. I've started reading All Creatures Great and Small.

>> No.14453671

Haven't read any Tolkien since the late 90s. I think I'm about ready to go back

>> No.14453740

I always re-read the Bible every January. It helps me get through the rest of the year.

>> No.14453748


>> No.14453788

The Sound and The Fury. Never read Faulkner before what should I expect?

>> No.14453811

Confusion, then depression, then a headache in literary form, and then quiet sadness

>> No.14453813

To do quite a bit of re-reading. Don’t be too proud to look up a plot summary either when you’re confused. The first two chapters are nuts (but also stunning), and the third and fourth chapters will make things a lot clearer. Just power through and try to enjoy it. It’s my all-time favorite book.

>> No.14453940

Brann's book on the Imagination
Girard's book Violence and Religion

>> No.14453963

i dont have my glasses ,is this The Crisis of the Modern World or A Thousand Plateaus?

>> No.14454024
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One day in and one book read.
The pace won't be maintained though. A combination of the right subject matter and available time.
I'd recommend this book for any one interested in a broader picture of pre-colonial aboriginal Australia. Worth a read.

>> No.14454035

What a coincidence, I started reading What is Property? a few days ago, and it will be the first book I finish in 2020. Next I'm reading The Conquest of Bread and The Ego and Its Own.

>> No.14454084
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I was doing some long overdue file management and found this lad roaming loose, so I'll give it a shot when I sober up tomorrow. Also curious if
/lit/ is aware of that record label Mille Plateaux (and its several sublabels)? I mean minimal glitch techno isn't very rhizomatic but at least it gave teenage me a slight nudge toward philosophy. Mentioned because it's sold/hosted on what's left of the label's website

>> No.14454087

Finishing "Franklin D. Roosevelt: A Rendezvous With Destiny". Will start "Franklin and Winston: An Intimate Portrait of an Epic Friendship" after the former is completed.

>> No.14454200
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Are you me?

>> No.14454271
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Gonna finish pic related and My Struggle book 1 first. Also gotta finish the book of Genesis so I'm feeling like the first book I'll read from front to back just in this year will probably be either the Exodus of the Israelites or the Gospel of St. Matthew. I'm feeling hopeful after only reading two books in 2019.

>> No.14454493
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Just finished

>> No.14454542

Will check this one actually, will find you if book isn't worth it, and act as if im not native english speaker

>> No.14454871
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>> No.14455089
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Almost, except that I read God and the State last month instead of State and Anarchism (how was it, btw?) and that I will read Stirner in the Cambridge edition. Any reason you didn't also get the Cambridge editions for Kropotkin and Stirner?

>> No.14455096

Lady of the Lake by Sapkowski, it's so shit, but I just need to finish the series
the characters get dumber and dumber with each book, like holy shit geralt??

>> No.14455122

I'm finishing "Elective affinities" by Goethe, I wanted to end it by 2019 but I couldn't for like 35 pages. Pretty boring book, in fact in the mean time I've read like 4 books such as Madame Bovary, which I preferred vastly

>> No.14456362
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I want to live in that cover

>> No.14456365

No, this is patrick

>> No.14456622

Why do you need a ~200 page book to answer what property is? Is it really that complicated of a question?

>> No.14456632

Most fantasy is a waste of time, including Witcher. Make this your first foray into quitting things that aren't worth finishing.

>> No.14456711
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i don't believe in political philosophy

>> No.14456722

I should be starting Volume II of "In Search of Lost Time" tomorrow. I finished Volume I around 3 months ago and forgot most of the stuff other than major things (character names and bigger events). Am I going to be alright or do I have to reread some summary?

>> No.14456742

Mythology by Edith Hamilton. It's okay I guess. I've already read a different book of Greek myths but I figured reading them again under a different author will make them stick a little more.

>> No.14456749

you're good. maybe pick up a reader's guide (get it off libgen) like the one by patrick alexander to quickly review.

>> No.14456756

Thanks for the heads-up. What were your favorite parts in Volume I?

>> No.14456865


related to swann's insecurity a lot. like when he was trying to read through odette's envelope, i'd do that kind of stuff if i was a french aristocrat in the 19th century.

also just in general i believe in proust's overall theory of love (if i've perceived it correctly). the last sentence in swann in love ahaha it's perfect.

what did you like in vol i?

>> No.14456899

I think that his affair with Odette was drawn out a bit, although there were some amazing scenes. And that twist near the end when it turns out he married her even though the book makes it look like he got over her was amazing.
>what did you like in vol i?
My favorite scenes were those comfy ones in "Combray". I also loved the salon scenes.

>> No.14457282

It answers he question in the first paragraph: property is theft. Then it proceeds to argue why it is so for ~200 pages. Quite brilliant. Very French. Very now. Very chic.

>> No.14457349

Started the Hobbit last night, hope to be finished around 200 pages tonight. At 150 now so that's not much trouble. Then LOTR, Collected shorter fiction of Tolstoy, and perhaps after that I finally re-read Joseph and His Brothers. Feels like a solid start to the year.

>> No.14458007

Fantastic novella. Enjoy it, wish I could read it again for the first time

>> No.14458408
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I sat down with this today and read almost a third of it in one go. It really stirs whatever masculinity I have in me. Besides the Decameron, this is the only piece of Italian literature I've deeply enjoyed.

>> No.14458768

I'm not masculine. Will this unearth my masculinity?

>> No.14458790

finished the conquest of bread

>> No.14459329

not him but probably not it's not traditionally masculine imo

>> No.14459336

I’m still reading idiot
then demons then brothers k

>> No.14459377

Pic related, which I got for Christmas. I'm really liking Pynchon a lot, this being the first book of his I'm reading. I love his sense of humour and the tangential sort of way he writes, it all just agrees with me very much.

>> No.14459381
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I'm a moron and forgot the image.

>> No.14459479


>> No.14459484

No, not at all. You’re better off becoming a Petersonfag.

>> No.14459497

Independent People.

So far I have gleamed that the national character of the Icelandic people is that of coffee and sheep.

Pretty comfy.

>> No.14460113

Steppenwolf, pretty intresting so far.

>> No.14460637
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>> No.14461562

Finishing Ulysses

>> No.14461573


>> No.14461663

I am 20 and /lit/ taught me what to read: the post