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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 1.01 MB, 1440x1406, 1564875237819.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14444909 No.14444909 [Reply] [Original]

Is there a book that has pic related story progression in a realistic kind of way?

>> No.14444954

How do you mean realistic?

>> No.14444957

you just KNOW she's taking black dick on the side

>> No.14445024

That's lunarbabboon. Catana seems healthily obsessed.

>> No.14445073
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>> No.14445163
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Yeah, and I think that's a recent one. The guy is just weird af, clearly doesn't understand how real human beings work and continuously tries to justify all these seriously unhealthy parts of his relationship.

Look up "lunarbabboon condom", and note how few comments were saying this was incredibly wrong around 2015. So many freaks.

>> No.14445186

I’m not sure if such a story is compelling honestly. What would the plot even be? “Happy couple remains happy. The end.”
Before you say:
>hurr durr plot dont matter
As OP wants it, it explicitly does. I just doubt such a fictional narrative exists, that’s any good anyways.

>> No.14445200

God forbid someone actually has a sense of humor amirite?

>> No.14445210

Remove panels 5 and 6, and replace panel 4 with years later. Ta da.

There is no joke in any of those, just someone thinking that poking holes in condoms is normal and not psycho.

>> No.14445211

Weird ass comic strip nigga detected

>> No.14445227

>obsessed with black men's penises
you must be american

>> No.14445231

It's a satire on what society finds acceptable and unacceptable, with a hint of self deprecation.

>> No.14445240

Keep explaining.

>> No.14445250


>> No.14445254

This is disturbing.

>> No.14445271
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reading his comics is like gazing inot the abyss where a soiboi's soul is supposed to be.

>> No.14445280

Mom looks like she's gazing into that abyss

>> No.14445289

That’s ones actually kinda funny.
But yes I see your point.

>> No.14445298
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>> No.14445300

This is fucking pathetic

>> No.14445324

Beyond pathetic, this man has no conception of fatherhood

>> No.14445332

Does anyone have a picture of this guy's wife?

>> No.14445335

In most of these he ages his children by about 5 years, >>14445271 was written before his son was a toddler iirc.

>> No.14445354

i'm beginning to think that raising children should primarily be the job of the state (assuming you have righteous men operating it) and the church. because only a normie would have children, and a normie is incapable of properly teaching a child how to be an adult because they are not adults themselves. biological parents are really only there to make sure the children don't starve to death.

>> No.14445357

this, I want to see this faggot's family IRL

>> No.14445384

haha are you a communist kike or a spartan LARPer?

>> No.14445391
File: 855 KB, 700x699, 6a00d8341c5f3053ef01b8d1d42886970c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine getting skullmogged by a literal infant

>> No.14445478

>raising children should primarily be the job of the state
that's the point of all this sעסboy crap

>> No.14445500

Imagine being married and still using condoms.

>> No.14445515

Thank god for your fathers, anons. You could have been birthed by this human melt.

>> No.14445532
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700000 kids pass through the US foster system every year. Boys should get a mandated vasectomy in their teens and the only way to have it reversed is to show life success and overall competence.

>> No.14445573

>reversing a vasectomy
I don't know how to tell you this anon...

>> No.14445586

The reversibility of a vasectomy is overstated in today's discourse.

>> No.14445631
File: 20 KB, 128x117, 1574484921958.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hmmmm I didn't know this. I would say you make several """donations""" before the operation then. But keeping that many samples could be problematic. But I would argue it's more cost effective then having the state be responsible for so many kids.

>> No.14445634

Am I the only one reading these comics and thinking fascism is coming soon? People's souls are literally CALLING for it

>> No.14445648

>I would say you make several """donations""" before the operation then.
Also not 100% and very expensive.

>> No.14445713

Was that actually made by him?

>> No.14445725

Yes, it's on his actual website that is owned and controlled by him. I think he's tried to hide the condom one, but that too is a legit one of his.

>> No.14445735

Why hide that and not the random person one?

>> No.14445741

Well shit. Maybe the move then is to incentivize people without kids. After the age of 21 you get some sort of incentive to remain childless. I guess it would have to be compelling enough to keep breeders from popping out kids though. Maybe people with kids have to pay an added tax?

>> No.14445745

Nvm found it

>> No.14445765

Imagine hating yourself that much fir sux years

>> No.14445777

How else would you prevent pregnancy?

>> No.14445812

This is funny you lame-o

>> No.14445813

Pills, snips, implants, many ways

>> No.14445815

Depo shot
The pill
Stop fucking like most married people because everyone is overweight and gross.

>> No.14445830
File: 163 KB, 500x830, Comicmommy133.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's really no point trying to understand some people, guy is like a psychopath or something and trying to get people to like him by actual virtue signalling.

He's the kind of guy that is easily disappointed even by his kids and will throw a shit fit about it when the time comes.

>> No.14445835

Really isn't, seek help.

>> No.14445930

can i get one fucking day of you shitheads not posting anything relationship/women related so i can avoid wanting to kms, just pick some author or a book you read and make a fucking thread about it.

>> No.14445951
File: 68 KB, 450x452, 1554541627869.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

women are evil and you should be happy to have none in your life

>> No.14445961

it says nothing about if he lived a happy life

>> No.14445982


this is sad

>> No.14445983

The only way he could have been happier is if he'd met a woman to truly appreciate the gift of not having to deal with one ever again

>> No.14445987

he did it says it right there

>> No.14446005

It must have been pretty gay at least

>> No.14446020

>psychopathic soibois like this get to have a wife and kids but i'm doomed to die alone
fuck this gay earth.

>> No.14446049


pulling out and cumming on the tits

>> No.14446092

sounds like some gay shit

>> No.14446630

"get to?"

Is someone stopping you?

>> No.14446734

Always cringe when some serious faggot has to take hating a retard too far and find moral fault in everything they do

>> No.14447374

The baby is called "Moishe"...

Who could possibly have guessed this was a Jewish creation?

>> No.14447426

>note how few comments were saying this was incredibly wrong around 2015. So many freaks.
Are you sure you're on the right website?

>> No.14447452

Do you genuinely want to be the bitchboy of some ugly, insufferable harpy who can't even put out, anon? Someone who will surely cheat on you? No matter how little dignity you may have left, it's worth more than the humiliation of being treated like a bitch despite being the man of the house.

>> No.14447505


>> No.14447525

/co/ has threads about this guy now and then and even those onions sucking fucks can't tolerate this faggot

>> No.14447547

That söymouth, holyshit.

>> No.14447591
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i just want to be loved by and care for a pure woman
Is that too much to ask for?

>> No.14447642

Unforunately, yes.

>> No.14447648

How much you wanna bet that the kids are not his kids?

>> No.14447683


>> No.14447700
File: 75 KB, 440x660, 1566597282127.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sees OP
>"oh wow, this is an interesting idea for a thread, I'm curious what recommendations people are giving"
>thread is people arguing over off-topic garbage

>> No.14447704

You know how many dicks she's probably had in her mouth?

>> No.14447732

She probably has but that's not my point

>> No.14447748

I can only recommend Anna Karenina

>> No.14447750

Women who overcompensate by cuteness always do so because they're ashamed of their whorish past. I bet she must've taken dozens of cocks each in every single one of her orifices.

>> No.14447916

What if some girls are just naturally cutsie
It's not that absurd bro
If I was a girl I know I'd be.

>> No.14447999

Why would you incentivize white people to be childless? They're the only people who are going to listen, you're just speeding up the niggerfication of the world faggot.

>> No.14448005

>the pill
have a fun time when the girls pee all of their excess xenoestrogen into the water and it gets into your endocrine system because you didn't buy a $20,000 reverse osmosis filter.

>> No.14448014

Women don't feel love, the sooner you accept this the happier your life will be

>> No.14448072

I really used to wonder shortly after Trump was elected, now I doubt it. Even if he wins again, nobody will ever do anything but bitch and moan. Any social decay is happening so slowly that most people don't even care. The "big stuff" like pedophilia normalization is going way slower than any tinfoiler would have you believe.

>> No.14448258
File: 1.03 MB, 1920x1080, where do you think we are.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Expecting on topic posts

>> No.14448288

1. This is actually pretty funny but
2. Imagine having to fuck your own wife with a condom

>> No.14448300

>can't get it up for a woman he calls mommy

>> No.14448309

Every fucking time

>> No.14448349

The pill fucks up women's hormones, much better to just use a condom or have a dozen children

>> No.14448376


>> No.14448380

Why do people need contraception? Is it a lack of self-control?

>> No.14448381

This or anal.

>> No.14448475

based and wisdompilled

>> No.14448477

>The pill fucks up women's hormones
Care to elaborate?

>> No.14448511

That's a generalization. Many women have no problems at all. Others report loss of sex drive or changes in mood. Side effects can be as vague and hard to identify as hormonal changes themselves.

>> No.14448518

American spotted

>> No.14448650

Pulling out and cunning on their belly.

>> No.14448671


>> No.14448982

this isn't fucking reddit.

>> No.14448988

>use a condom
>or have a dozen children
those are two wildly different things lol

>> No.14448995

The thing is he has one child according to his website (I assume it's the daughter) so I don't know if he's Jewish, but she certainly seems to be.

>> No.14449347

cope mutt

>> No.14449359

bet he was gay lmao

>> No.14449437

Is this your first day here?

>> No.14449460

What do you mean? He never saw a woman

Of course he lived a happy life

>> No.14449601

jesus fucking christ this cant be real

>> No.14449636

people used to think this was babyproof in the 60'
collab with kodyboy555 when ?
>kodyboy is actually the kid in this comic

>> No.14449741

>There are people who accept to live like this in this world.
Self-love restored

>> No.14449771
File: 108 KB, 615x636, kekekek.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have been married for 24 years, my wife and I are still very affectionate.

>> No.14449812

Yeah, I know some swingers who had a baby, their kid became off as a petty thief and vandal... Later he turned into a 35 year old who dropped out of art college because it was too stressful. He is addicted to the SSRIs his psychiatrist prescribed for him as a teen. He now works at a 7-11 although his dad still has to send him extra money so he can pay basic expenses like rent. He usually lasts only six months to a year at any job he gets before getting fired for not showing up or just fucking off at work.
Great lifestyle for raising kids LMAO.

>> No.14449839

So THIS is Jewish family life!

>> No.14449996

Any theories about your success?

>> No.14450040

>in a realistic kind of way?
yes, this is the price you pay for modernity

>> No.14450089

Well, instead of taking drugs I faced my discomforts. Got bullied for a while in H.S., then took martial arts and beat up a bully or two. That took care of that. Worked as a roadie for rock bands, then started my own small venue production biz. Made a lot of mistakes, but kept at it. Eventually sold my business and moved from the expensive city to a more affordable, bucolic area. Bought a house outright, which is much cheaper than renting. Am now basically retired.
Do not know if that is success, but it has kept me busy.

>> No.14450120

Family Happiness by Tolstoy

>> No.14450131

Oh, my marriage!
One thing I notice, when we are faced with a problem we pull together and face it together. I have seen other couples faced with problems immediately turn on each other with anger, blaming each other.

>> No.14450157

>110 Replies
I think I get the why so many people say /lit/ is not a literature board

>> No.14450158

I met someone who seems like a younger version of yourself about a month ago and he was alright, had his head on straight. Well done anon anyway and thanks for the answer.

The person I most fell in love with in my life was abusive and we fairly quickly had dead bedroom shit and no affection. It's one of those things that can knock someone's confidence and question how you view the world, so it's nice to see something that I can understand as the good life and get some confirmation from someone else that I'm not alienated from the world.

>> No.14450207

True Love stories generally need some dark or tragic twist to them otherwise they come off as cheesy. Imagine if Romeo and Juliette had a good ending, it would just feel lame and it would cheapen their love to something mundane

>> No.14450211

>Imagine if Romeo and Juliette had a good ending
Dickens did it.

>> No.14450237

A lot of it is my attitude, I think. I have been in bad relationships, too, and climbing out of one can be hellish. I just try to learn from what I did before and apply it to the present. My life is not perfect by any means, I have many problems and do not always do as well as I would like in addressing them. But I realised early on that much more is under our control than we think, but not as much as some people will tell you.
To keep it /lit/ I will recommend a book...
The Wisdom of Insecurity by Alan Watts.

>> No.14450293

Nice thanks anon! Happy New Year!

>> No.14450744
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>imagine being married

>> No.14450759

pulling out and getting trips like you anon

>> No.14450779
File: 11 KB, 480x360, 1559935707375.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

me too anon

>> No.14450784

Unironically based

>> No.14450807

What the pill does is make the woman's body to think it is already pregnant, and this is done fucking with their hormones.

>> No.14450816

>seeking purity in people on Earth and not in God
That's your mistake. You seem to confuse ideal and temporal. Then you realise people aren't ideal, because they aren't, and you start hating people. That's literally the first thing Church teaches you: all people are sinners, every single one.

>> No.14450850

If you haven't found your future spouse by the age of 20 at the absolute latest, you are in for a tough ride. The guys from my Church that have the happiest marriages all met their wives in their late teens. It is much better to get someone you know who will provide stability and virtue for your children than looking for some perfect dream girl that likely will never appear. Any woman or man that has been through the loop of western "dating" is merely conditioning him or herself to a future failed marriage.

>> No.14450878

This dude's life is almost invariably a living hell, though.

>> No.14450958

It's going to be bullshit like https://www.reddit.com/r/relationships/comments/3xe0ma/my29f_husband33m_is_an_overgrown_child_and_i/?sort=top or worse

I don't agree with many of the comments/replies (fuck reddit), just to illustrate that these kind of weird manchildren exist.

>> No.14451044

>Is that too much to ask for
Yes, women aren't and have never been ''pure'', stop chasing fantasies.

>> No.14451336

Some, indeed many are...just none that you will ever meet.

>> No.14451346

Not at all. You just need to find a traditional woman. There are plenty, just not online or at bars.

>> No.14451376
File: 31 KB, 445x291, Pyle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Incel phantasy...
Enjoy your hand this New Year!

>> No.14451397

>There are plenty
lol no there isn't. and even the few trad-"ish" girls i've seen have been well-off and sheltered and would never be with a guy who doesn't make 6 figures or is at least a chad. if you're just an average guy you will never get a trad girl.

>> No.14451476
File: 244 KB, 468x302, koiro.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, but you are looking for a needle in a haystack. If you seek human companionship, find a woman you can trust and can tolerate, anything positive beyond is just a plus. marriages traditionally weren't about love. What most people are looking for is a fantasy.

>> No.14452239

why is this the only shit people recommend

>> No.14452255

I laughed hard when I read this. Not because it has any truth to it, but because of how sad your existence must be.

>> No.14452280

this is a recent phenomenon.

>> No.14452284

Ha. Ha. Ha.

>> No.14452287

not kidding. people used to talk a lot more about books here

>> No.14452290

uhh no thanks. my parents married young and they hate each other due to nagging, cheating, and family drama

>> No.14452307

Nowhere did I say that it is going to be that way for every single family idiot

>> No.14452312

show me your statistic

>> No.14452315

>implying books are literature

>> No.14452316

slowly read what you wrote

>> No.14452329


>> No.14452331

>The Wisdom of Insecurity by Alan Watts
Please, don't recommend self-help books written by alcoholics, thank you.

>> No.14453464

14 words anon

>> No.14453525

49 letters

>> No.14453596

This guy is pussywhipped to the max. I'd rather be alone than deal with anything resembling this selfeffacing selflessness.

>> No.14453605

actually flamboyant, virtue signaling, selflessness.Gos that must be hell. Now i know why Henry Rollins pumps and dumps and will never settle down. These men think they're cool for being so weak

>> No.14453843
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He is castrated beyond repair.

>> No.14454756

What's the condom one?

>> No.14454759

Nevermind, it was posted in the thread.

>> No.14454791
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>> No.14454804

yeah I'm thinking he's based