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File: 76 KB, 1278x720, MV5BZjIzZTQ4MGUtYzU0MC00ZDRhLWJkYzItODJmMDRlZThlYTA0XkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMDY3OTcyOQ@@._V1_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14444686 No.14444686[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Books to be as smart as he is?

He keeps btfoing everyone on the right

>> No.14444713

Contra is on the right

>> No.14444714

Which he are you referring to?

>> No.14444724

Stop posting this tranny

>> No.14444727

Severe mental illness, and not only does no one help this poor man they enable him. Imagine if the response to psychosis was to indulge the sufferers delusions.

>> No.14444733

Sick dude you owned that tranny haha epic based

>> No.14444746

Contrapoints did a philosophy degree and I think was teaching and in the process of doing a PhD when she transitioned, dropped out, and became a YouTube thot.

>> No.14444762

Transgenderism isn't mental illness. Sorry but science doesn't care about your feelings

>> No.14444774

>I'm not mentally ill and I will chop my dick off to prove it
>implying science supports this
No it doesn't. Go dilate.

>> No.14444777


>> No.14444789

Cope. You are on the wrong side of history

>> No.14444793

am i supposed to believe that the thing on the right is a woman?

>> No.14444797


You'd think the one person they wouldn't want to resemble is Buffalo Bill.

>> No.14444811

>gets btfo by Alt Hype twice

>> No.14444815



>> No.14444819

I take psychoactive doses of benadryl for fun. Wittness me and tell me I'm beautiful.

>> No.14444824

Ok Satan

>> No.14444828

Honestly, I think in 100 years people will look back on transgenders and sex "reassignment" the same way we look back at trepanning from the middle ages:
>"Holy shit those people were so stupid lol"

>> No.14444832

Is there a new video or where is this from?

>> No.14444849

>lmao you don't believe in lobotomy you don't beleive in science stop being lobophobic and let us lobotimize your kids NOW

>> No.14445020

> This person has a severe mental illness
> ???
> This person is not smart

The unspoken minor premise is that mental illness precludes intelligence. A lot of geniuses had mental illnesses.

>> No.14445025


>> No.14445027


>> No.14445053
File: 74 KB, 615x1093, NINTCHDBPICT000550382197.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If trannies aren't mentally I'll why do they keep killing themselves?

>> No.14445060

It's insane how many of the smartest computer scientists are trans.

>> No.14445062

trannies don't kill themselves because they're insane, they kill themselves because they are completely sane and that's the natural reaction to being a tranny
it's the ones that linger on that are delusional crazies

>> No.14445075

>why do they keep killing themselves?
Because people (Like you) harass them, turns out people are social beings and social beings don't do well with being pushed to the edges of society.

>> No.14445084

Sargon BTFO'd Contra here

>> No.14445094

Trannies have never been more accepted or encouraged than in the current year and yet they are still killing themselves. At what point do you just accept that maybe feeding into a delusional mental illness may not be healthy in the long term?

>> No.14445135
File: 790 KB, 663x711, Screen_Shot_2016-06-14_at_4.41.42_PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you are so fragile that people making fun of you on the internet drives you to suicide maybe you should stop taking estrogen and start taking prozac.

>> No.14445141

I can't see the whole plate...

>> No.14445153

Are we talking about social "sciences"?

>> No.14445155

I wouldn't be so sure. Circumcision is still widespread and vehemently defended on here.

>> No.14445156

didn't we all agree that the completely rational mind should kill itself? this means transgenders are the most enlightened of all people

>> No.14445162


>> No.14445169

social alienation

>> No.14445181

This thread sucks. We're taking over, comrades. This is now an accelerationist general.

>> No.14445182

People don't want to hang out with some dude who chopped his penis off. Who would have guessed?

>> No.14445274

think of why that is though
the gender binary is essential to everyone's identity that most people can't psychologically tolerate the existence of trannies in their space
that raises a lot of suspicion in my mind as to why is this thing given so much power, and how much of it is legitimate
you realize what a control device it is, and how it is used to manipulate you into acting "masculine" and buy manly products to look as male as you can in hopes to attain this arbitrary standard in hopes that someone will finally have sex with you as well as how our social structure will punish you severely, often with violence, if you challenge it with your appearance or even words

>> No.14445317

close the thread, this is how fast I accelerated it

>> No.14445318

It crazy what lengths people will go to receive attention like trannies do. Imagine having to restructure your sense of self so much that you come to the conclusion that pretending to be a woman will fix it.

>> No.14445333
File: 433 KB, 1446x2048, 1577555573378.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Who's this guy?

Literally the first thing I thought when I saw the pic. Then I realized it was another contrapoints thread.

I have nothing against contra. Contra seems saner than most trannies. But it's just really unfortunate for this person that a convincing transition is impossible. Hopefully one day the science will catch up, or we'll get sick ass Altered Carbon tech or something, but until then, trannies are absolutely fucked. All that pressure and desire to be something you can never be.

>> No.14445343

just post your boipussy you fucking sissy, stop talking about "society" and shit, you're just a cock crazed mind broken sissy hypno'd fetishist, simple as'. Because you cannot cope with the pathetic roots of your condition you then have to latch onto tranny philosophy, which makes good points, but ultimately should be irrelevant, since all cooperation is based on predictability and stability and thus all large societies require myths, standards, codes of conduct, etc! Who cares though? You're just a sissy, victim to the large psy-op curses and memetics currently in operation. Is all, is all.

>> No.14445369

Could you keep this crap on /lgbt/?

>> No.14445370

I'm just a regular incel but if you can't cope with the idea of a person being able to empathize with someone who isn't themselves then keep throwing out your buzzwords like the temper tantrumming underaged reactionary that your are

>> No.14445394

i can empathize just fine but let's stop pretending this spike in trannies is anything but paraphilic