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14441338 No.14441338 [Reply] [Original]

>society has TV dinners and Netflix now so it’s much better than it used to be hahah eat bugs

Where do faggots like this get off on insisting we the problems of the modern era being mitigated with bread and circus is demonstrable proof that today’s society becomes better everyday?

>> No.14441344


>> No.14441363

I love how they're giving it away in fucking Baghdad. God has truly made us all mad. Also fuck Pinker and fuck his colleagues for eating pedophile food and drink and taking pedophile money to build their super helpful climate simulations.

>> No.14441375

Found this at a used book store. Heard his name being memed so I wanted to see what the fuss was about. First page I flipped too was filled with a Louis ck quote. Everything else was written like the author assumed the reader was mentally retarded. Closed the book and put it back on the shelf backwards

>> No.14441828

I haven't read Pinker, but there are other authors who try to paint a more positive view of our progress and future using factual data. Of course incels are going to incel because they only think through their dick and want everyone to feel as hopeless as they are.

worthless review aimed for people who already made their mind

>> No.14441830
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>> No.14441835

i gotta say, i'm liking the eat bugs meme

>> No.14441844

Prove that the problems of the modern era are worse or equal to before

>> No.14441855

The bug eating meme is cringe. Bugs are an unnecessary middleman as the NWO could already put you on a strict diet of soi if they wanted to. Bugs are better than soi and I would unironically eat bugs. I already eat ants when they get in my food. I don't know how you people are so squeamish about bugs, you people are not better than basedboys.

>> No.14441887

How do ants get in your food, just stop beeing a disgusting slob.

>> No.14441903

>Blacked hosting wedding receptions
What the fuck is this? Source?

>> No.14441999

how's it feel having a belief system outdated 2 centuries ago?

>> No.14442051

i asked /tv/ and some autist knew exactly the episode of blacked this was referencing >>126718097

>> No.14442058

Oops, I mean >>>/tv/126718097

>> No.14442063

My friend in school was from southern Mexico. He would bring a bag full of spiced grasshoppers every day. It's pretty fucking good imo just get over how it looks

>> No.14442078

Convincing argument

>> No.14442087
File: 165 KB, 1200x800, Screenshot_2015-07-27_15. [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What? Bugs is based

>> No.14442096
File: 246 KB, 1210x951, 1576726696831.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this one gets me everg tiem

>> No.14442117

this kind of autism frightens me a lot sometimes

>> No.14442458

pinker looks like a dude that would be named pinker

bet he got bullied in school

>> No.14442475

What the fuck is wrong with Jews? Seriously?

>> No.14442478

imagine being this apollonian

>> No.14442525

This Jew, like the rest of the liberal apologists, should be backed up against a streetlamp, and undergo so baseball bat themed dental reorganization before he is hanged.

The constant repetition of LOOK HOW GOOD EVERYTHING IS LOOK HOW GOOD EVERYTHING IS when suicide rates are on the rise is the most anti-rational behavior imaginable.

Human beings who have endured plagues and wars are literally killing themselves to escape the soulless hellscape that these Fukayama fellating KIKES have created for us.

But of course an effeminate cocksucking Jew like Pinker would see nothing wrong with this. Never in my life have I ever seen a man who I was more certain A: Has never done an actual day of work in his life, B: Almost certainly is a pedophile, and C: Finds the idea of masculinity incomprehensible.

Pinker is absolutely what the pathetic and weak, cultureless degenerate state of shit-souled man will resemble in this new century if his ideas are not crushed under our feet and liberalism is not destroyed utterly and without mercy. It would be better to live under Stalinist Communism than the hell that these people have in store for us.

>> No.14442559

What can we do about it?

>> No.14442579

it's a fake tweet you retard

>> No.14442590

OK pol

>> No.14442619

Is he, dare I say, /our/ neo-liberal pseud?

>> No.14442636
File: 132 KB, 1280x720, pinker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Already refuted: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PyZ_KMs79HU

>> No.14442649

You have to go back.

>> No.14442665



I have read the book and the review is valid. The book is incredibly shallow and tries to blow naive readers away by erudition. It parades a host of enlightenment philosophers and how they blew away "counter" enlightenment figures and other strawmen. Meanwhile he never shows that these thinkers support modern progressiveness, which he holds responsible for all the wonders of modernism. He also fucks around with statistics and false anecdotes, not including overdoses in suicides (happiness chapter) and trying to claim peasants never ate fresh fruits (chapter on nutrition). I find the overdose apologism damning, because it is an unique characteristic of modernity. It shows the author is dishonest and arguing in bad faith, on top of him pretentiously straw-manning histories greatest as an appeal to authority.

Distrust anybody who recommends this book to you.

>> No.14442676

you have to grow a brain

>> No.14442683



>> No.14442737

jesus christ, the coomer meme is real

>> No.14442767

First result on google you morins

>> No.14442781

You have to go back.

>> No.14442798

You have to come up with an argument.

>> No.14442874

That doesn't answer the question.

Until they can sort their own problems out, Jews as a whole just keep quiet about our culture and society.

>> No.14442889

They should be delicious but they too easily incorporate toxins and heavy metals and are far below the quality of what is possible. If you keep your food ecology pure, why wouldn't you eat grasshoppers from the same pastures as your cows and goats and chickens? Unfortunately, few places are kept in such a pristine condition you would eat even the bugs. And of course the elites can't stand the idea of overnourished peasants so they gotta push leaded grasshoppers full speed.

>> No.14442896

truly the end times

>> No.14442915

The end of something, Anon. God bless you and your family.

>> No.14443053

You have to go back.

>> No.14443212

there are black people in my walmart, we are truly living in the kally yuga

>> No.14443220

It's okay the ice cream has been re-secured.

>> No.14443238
File: 10 KB, 220x160, 1577603334101.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please don't fall for Pinker's BS — all of his books are unlindy and they are all BS.
>Distrust anybody who recommends this book to you.
That's a bit unfair; they could just be extremely naive.

>> No.14443260

ey carrots.. easy on the bugs

>> No.14443269

yours too

>> No.14444296

feels positive I guess. I won't be around to see if things went right or wrong, but at least I didn't spend my life crying about it.