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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 413 KB, 822x468, ewaf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14439414 No.14439414[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Does reading increase or decrease your chances of finding a gf? My resolution for 2020 is to be more sociable and get a girlfriend. I want to change some of my habits as a result and I want to know what would be best.

>> No.14439431

anon i'm going to give you the most important advice you'll ever get about romance

finding the right gf for you (i'm assuming you want someone to marry one day, because that's the only moral goal) depends upon you looking in the right location for her
also being not a total sperg
just work on bettering yourself as a person (becoming fit and friendlier) and then see if you can meet someone with similar interests
don't use dating apps or tinder
meet her somewhere else
that's the best way

>> No.14439438

what's with all the tripfaggots lately

>> No.14439461

Most of my interests are solitary (gardening, reading, religious practice), but I appreciate the advice

>> No.14439464

>Does reading increase or decrease your chances of finding a gf?
It has absolutely zero impact. There are people who read more than you do who have girlfriends, and there are people who read less (or not at all) who don't.

>> No.14439481

just don't be a faggot manchild
its very hard for me and I can't change it even though I really really really want a gf

>> No.14439482


>> No.14439484

Just because people who read have girlfriends doesn't mean it doesn't make an impact anon. There are people who play WoW that have girlfriends but it certainly could make an impact. I am not trying to equate the two or imply that you are incorrect, but just since people do x and have a girlfriend, it doesn't mean there is no impact.

>> No.14439493

meeting a girl at church is a very good way to find a wife
it's easier to have conversations with people (also i'm a girl so i like the attention)

>> No.14439525

Since reading is a time-consuming, solitary activity, it mostly decreases your chances. It might increase it within a small demographic of arthoes and grad students, but the overall effect is negative.
If your primary goal is finding a gf then working out and socializing are much more conducive.

Also tripfags should know that they are not at all welcome here. If you want attention, then kindly please fuck off to instagram or reddit.

>> No.14439536

>How did you and she meet?

Stop it with the self-improvement doucheshit. See an escort or therapist

>> No.14439559


>> No.14439566

follow my instagram then anon

>> No.14439580 [DELETED] 
File: 56 KB, 615x410, 9446DA1C-528E-4109-B5D4-672013C4402A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Basically this. Although I’ll add that while it’s not typically a good idea to find a gf on dating apps, not all girls there are whores. some are just plain shy. And if you do find a whore gf that’ll eat your soul you’ll know what to look out for next time.

I will give you a rec though— Sexus by Henry Miller and stop thinking so hard.

>> No.14439589

i am shy so here's my advice on how to find shy girls:
idk lol go to a library or a cafe
that's where i spend like 85% of my free time

>> No.14439593

don't talk in libraries

>> No.14439599
File: 56 KB, 615x410, AF08458E-3576-4ADF-B68C-81DC0F02795E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Basically this.

Although I’ll add that while it’s not typically a good idea to find a gf on dating apps, not all girls there are whores. some are just plain shy. And if you do find a whore gf that’ll eat your soul you’ll know what to look out for next time.

I will give you a rec though— read Sexus by Henry Miller and stop thinking so hard.

>> No.14439609

the library at my university has a separate two floors for being quiet

>> No.14439619

>gardening, reading, religious practice
Talk to girls at gardening shops/bookshops/churches?

>> No.14439622

because of """people""" like you

>> No.14439631

we reddit now

>> No.14439643

Is there any way we could take action? Why are the mods so indifferent about this?

>> No.14439694

you can't do anything; zoomers arent going anywhere

>> No.14439720

You are right. The problem is that I am a uni student and so I go off campus for Church. I am not really part of the community nor do I have time to get to know people (someone drives me there). Maybe I am just making excuses though, I'm not sure.

>> No.14439724

well i don't talk when i study on my own
heheh yeah
you should find a group on campus and root yourself into that community anon!

>> No.14439739

You are making excuses. If you want to be a part of the community find a way. If you can’t think of a single way to change your life then why even bother with books? You’re probably missing the point of everything you read. If you do have an idea, even a vague one, apply yourself and fucking do it.

>> No.14439743

The group on campus is very small and I don't fit in with anyone there well. I guess I sound like I am making excuses now. Oh well.

>> No.14439748

idk anon i'm just trying to help you
people who are serious about religion are less likely to be whores anyways

>> No.14439751

You don't interact with people much, do you?

>> No.14439757

Good ol’ /lit/ thread.

>> No.14439763

You are right anon. I unironically am very weak and lack volition. I don't know what to say. 4chan has warped me.

>> No.14439772

Grad students don't date.

>> No.14439777

grad students are (hopefully) looking to get married or are married at that point in their life

>> No.14439786

>the debate of King Milinda in the bio

>> No.14439785


>> No.14439793
File: 13 KB, 255x255, 1575145709395.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>marrying your first gf

>> No.14439797

thanks anon!
>not dating to marry
you fucking degenerate. you're what's wrong with this world

>> No.14439805

>views libraries as places for conversation
>calls others degenerate

>> No.14439808

Anon to get better at socializing you have to socialize.

>> No.14439815

You chopped your dick off yet or what

>> No.14439820

I socialize a lot anon! I have friends but I am the goofy type that doesn't lend itself to attracting people romantically.

>> No.14439821

Grad students don't have time to get married. What a laugh.

>> No.14439822

it's a large library anon there are parts where you can talk and there are parts where you can't
also i try to not curse that much but it's a bad habit
anyways, you should date to marry ideally
monogamy is the most stable form of relationship, and the fewer sexual partners each person has before marriage the more likely it is that that marriage will succeed

>> No.14439828
File: 105 KB, 750x803, 1572925984002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>marrying a woman whose fugg count is almost certainly in double figures

>> No.14439832

>living the way the statistics told you to

>> No.14439833

Tranny nobody talks to strangers in the library

>> No.14439838

Nobody talks to strangers anywhere.

>> No.14439841

Mine is too, so whatever.

>> No.14439846

They do when they are five sheets to the wind and can't hear what the other person is saying on account of the thumping bass

>> No.14439856

who the fuck are you

>> No.14439859

it's not
i like having this sort of relationship and feel fulfilled and content this way

>> No.14439863

Fair. Drunk people do tend to breach this social contract. Of course, the other person would need to be similarly intoxicated to reciprocate. Often, the drunk person just yammers while the other looks uncomfortable. Despite what people think, bars are terrible places to meet people. The public sphere in general is.

>> No.14439868

It's not what you dumb ESL troon?

>> No.14439872

What do you recommend then faggot?

>> No.14439879

my bf and i both have only slept with very few people
also stop calling me a troon
and ESL
i grew up speaking english ):<

>> No.14439880

>living life the way a tripfag on /lit/ likes to live his and subsequently tells you to

>> No.14439885

If you don't meet someone in school, at work, or adjacent to work, then your only options are wishes and hope.

>> No.14439890

anon i'm a girl
don't men want the opinions of women if they want to date women?

>> No.14439895

Alrighty then.
Limiting myself to the question in the OP, I'd guess reading it's either neutral or a bit negative, depending on how much you read and what you do with it. Mainly cuz it's a solitary activity which doesn't really lend itself to socializing in a way that other activities aren't, like say watching popular series.
That's my experience, but really it does depend on what you read, how much, and context. To give you an example, I read quite a bit of evopsych and media ecosystem stuff, but in a STEM context I don't really get much of a chance to express this. However, it lets me ask some questions that people like and I just listen for a while, and it's actually rather fun.
Can't speak much about romanticism myself as I basically stumbled into a relationship (I'm rather goofy too), so I'd just say the basic thing about getting yourself out there and stuff.

>> No.14439899

g uy
i n
r eal
l ife

sorry zoomer

>> No.14439900

U look liel egg

>> No.14439901

>also stop calling me a troon
Your hairline says different tranny
>and ESL
Stop typing like an underage sperg then.

>> No.14439904
File: 1.18 MB, 2160x3834, aaaaaa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's proof i'm a girl

>> No.14439906

what does this post even mean
listen pls don't make fun of my appearance my hairline is a little high but idk why that is according to some other people on the internet i may have FAS and maybe that has something to do withit or maybe my genes are just verkackt in some way

>> No.14439907

This is a trap, in more ways than one

>> No.14439909

also what are the other ways that you mean?

>> No.14439912


>> No.14439914

Google egg is picture you

>> No.14439918

Tfw the only thing stopping me from chasing girls is that I'm a chubby fuck
Tfw too unmotivated to lose weight

You thin fellas are real lucky

>> No.14439920
File: 49 KB, 1280x720, dat man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what does this mean though

>> No.14439923

>You thin fellas are real lucky
It’s not luck, buddy.

>> No.14439929

you just have an unusually shaped head (a bit larger than average on the top, macrocephaly if you will)

>> No.14439930

>posting social media
>posting selfie
Either you're someone with a vendetta or you're genuinely retarded.

>> No.14439931
File: 182 KB, 567x770, 20191229_212118.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tranny on a train?

>> No.14439932

Heh, I used to be like you. Now I'm thin but guess what changed? Nothing.

>> No.14439934

No shit

>> No.14439936
File: 5 KB, 201x250, eggman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He meant this I assume

>> No.14439947

I was legit obese when I got my gf (she's cute and nice, just shy and anxious as you might expect)
But yeah slim down and do your thing, optimally

>> No.14439951

again, i may have fas or something
post for a friend
probably the latter

>> No.14439954

You know egg from rooster, big cock chicken. Smooth and soft. I orgasm okay? Thank you byebye!

>> No.14439958

Can you retards stop giving attention to the tripfag? We don't need a second butterfly.

>> No.14439959

ok bye bye mr. schizo

>> No.14439963

lol yes it is I'm in my mid-20s and eat like a pig but I'm skinny with low bf % despite barely working out. I know fatties who eat less than me. I'll probably turn into a fatass in my 30s but oh well

>> No.14439966


>> No.14439971

Just meet girls online, honestly, even normies do it now.

>> No.14439973

You're already starting to put on weight, you just don't know it. In a year or so you'll start to feel it

>> No.14439977

I'm 6'0 151

>> No.14439979

Impossible if they don't swipe right on you

>> No.14439981


>> No.14439983

>lol yes it is
No it isn’t you dumb fuck. Read the end of your post. Also being thin isn’t shit without a decent shape.

You’re probably skinny fat too.

>> No.14439984

Anymore information about yourself don't give a fuck about?

>> No.14439993

No, you dumb bitch, it's not FAS. One of the symptoms of FAS is mental retardation... Wait, nevermind.

>> No.14439994

I tried that shit and got rejected by around 60 girls before I found it too depressing. I only managed to talk with 3 of them, and they just ghosted me after a few messages. I wasn't being a sperg or anything. I had decent photos, filled out the bio, etc. Not trying that shit again. All I did was look like a clown.

>> No.14439999

>decent photos
>look[ed] like a clown

>> No.14440005

i'm pretty smart but sometimes just am a little clumsy and have a bit of brain fog

>> No.14440007

I have a 6.5" penis

>skinny fat
I am not. The only exercise I get is my construction job. Re-read my post, monkey.

>> No.14440013

What dating websites do you guys use? Asking for a friend.

>> No.14440016

>construction job
Now we have literal plebians on board. Thank god!

>> No.14440019

you shouldn't talk to them on the app. Just invite them somewhere imediately.

>> No.14440025

>doesn't capitalize God
enjoy the eternal fire

>> No.14440046

>wishes others pain
Thank you. We will enjoy it together.

>> No.14440047

>pretty smart
>doxxing yourself on 4chan

try again

>> No.14440061

i didn't doxx myself

>> No.14440063

>i'm pretty smart
you post animeshit on fucking instagram, i can assure you that you are not even close to anything resembling intellect

>> No.14440067


>> No.14440078

Stop being a creepy stalker. That girl is way too hot to post on 4chan, nobody believes it's you.

>> No.14440079

dude, just ask for forgiveness on the last second lmao.

>> No.14440086

stop watching anime and wash your hair.

>> No.14440119

It definitely posts here

>> No.14440126


>> No.14440134

it's me, thanks for calling me hot though
i don't watch anime much though

>> No.14440155

>i don't watch anime much though
this implies you watch it at least some of the time.

>> No.14440158

you got dubs so i guess i gotta now

>> No.14440162

based. now post your pussy.

>> No.14440165

stop trying and wishing you had a girlfriend and you will get one. women cling to men who are comfortable being alone

>> No.14440170


>> No.14440173

my body belongs to my boyfriend! you can't see it!

>> No.14440180

your boyfriend can't even afford a ring. post pussy and I will give you $40,000.

>> No.14440195

anon that's not how love works! i would stay by my boyfriend even if we were in the shtetl and poor i would still never do such things

>> No.14440204

Can you retards stop it already?

>> No.14440206

>don't try
>stay in my room and read
>magically get a girlfriend
Great advice

>> No.14440209

you wouldn't take $40,000 to help yourself and your boyfriend out of living in a "shtetl" (lol) and poverty? obviously you do not love him very much. post pussy.

>> No.14440228

If she loved her boyfriend, she would be spending time with him right now instead of seeking attention on a Russian literature forum. Her boyfriend is a cuck.

>> No.14440231

obviously you don't understand my financial situation & my religious beliefs
no is your answer

>> No.14440236

i'm on the phone with him right now but i'm visiting my family for the holidays ):

>> No.14440241

tell him i'm smelling his gf's feet right now. sucking her toes and there's nothing he can do about it.

>> No.14440251


>> No.14440254

t. unemployed art major

>> No.14440256

ew, a foot fetishist

>> No.14440274

footfags are braindead, i am simply doing it out of spite to your boyfriend because he is clearly such a cuck that he would let another man suck his gfs toes.

>> No.14440281

my bf isn't a cuck you loser i'm just visiting family for the holidays

>> No.14440292

You made him a cuck due to your actions. Look at what you've done. You don't even show any remorse nor deny it. Disgusting.

>> No.14440300

ok, schizo

>> No.14440326

I thought this would happen to me, but then I found drugs.

>> No.14440343

>tankie tranny claiming to have principles

>> No.14440366

>anon not understanding girl he e-stalked

>> No.14440394

>Does reading increase or decrease your chances of finding a gf?

if you get real into spergy analytical philosophy and disappear yourself into a rabbit hole of abstraction no that will not help.

if you read surface level tolkein sanderson king etc. fantasy fiction it may actually help as a way of superficially connecting with someone over their interests but not because it will improve you.

reading can be a tool for self refelction and self development. if you pursue subjects which are of interest to you you will expand your knowledge of self and your ability to act in accordance to your values/desires and this may be a path to making yourself a better man and a more desirable mate

reading as a binary Yes will not help you.

>> No.14440410

you are cute, i will pleasure you for free if you are in western USA/Canada

>> No.14440415

this big foreheaded cunt the new buttercunt? we just got rid of this other tranny. go fucking pretend-read your books @ the library hoping some eboy approaches u ffs

>> No.14440426

What happened to buttercunt?

>> No.14440430

lost her trip

>> No.14440450

The world's smartest man was a construction worker you dumb cunt

>> No.14440736


>> No.14440793
File: 567 KB, 1280x875, EM1G3n-WwAAAbch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

girls get attracted to the fact im well read but because I look good.
If you are already attractive, reading will be a good add up, but otherwise it wont make no difference, you need to pass the starting point.

Although having a book related interest will get you somewhere, like Saramago's "historia do cerco de Lisboa" where the protagonist finds a gf because of his work as a book revisor.

>> No.14440794

Also hardly e-stalking if you literally put your goblin faced views for all the board to see.

>> No.14440803

Please be my girlfriend

>> No.14440807

I unironically prefer the dyke at this point

>> No.14440816

You niggers must be joking.

>> No.14440876

Yes and no

Reading will make you more interesting as a person and you will have more ideas and more things to talk about which is really cool.

Probably won't help as much if you are trying to get with girls that don't like thinking, but it's still a small improvement and you should find girls that are similiarly minded to you because thats where the most significant difference will be.

No because this post looks like some form of procrastination ie. I'm gonna only pursue girls after reading heaps, which will ultimately make you more nervous, desperate and needy once you stop dedicating all your time to reading and start talking to chicks.

>> No.14440896

i have a boyfriend but thank you anon

>> No.14440903

Could you give me advice on getting a gf? There's this girl I like and want to ask out but I don't know how to do it, should I ask if she has a boyfriend first? And what should I ask her to do?

>> No.14440920

It's a literal discord tranny anon, it cannot help you

>> No.14441024
File: 169 KB, 867x432, UK Interracial 7%.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Hunt

Between the winding spiral of time I waited for her message, but none came. “Damn it” I though, I had let my prey escape me once again. No doubt she sensed weakness in my previous approach and moved on to better pastures. I promised myself I would not dely and pounce upon the next lady who was entrapped by my presence. The first signs you can tell are a smile that is natural, a shy disposition, a willinglyness to look your way, to shyly look away at the last second, to allow to be approached, to speak and hold her attention. Then you may indulge her, become fascinated in her hobbies, her life what she likes and where she goes, make her laugh, gently tease her but always in a good light. If she opens up to you about a lover, she is giving you chance to replace him. Bring up children, how much you want them, especially with her, get close to her and judge her body language. Some women will let you know they are in heat by directly pointing their body at you with their legs open, this is a clear message that they wish to be with you, do not ignore it. Initiate body contact on the first contact, make her laugh, joke with her while increasing body contact, give her a massage, say good things about her hair, her clothes, those things which she can change, make the conversation more lude, touch her, kiss her, now she is yours. Grab her breasts and lightly fondle them. Roam her body and get to know every curve and shape, trace the alphabet on her tongue and whisper perverted thoughts into her ear. Let her know that you are her master now, youll get her nipple clamps, and tattoo your name onto her pelvis, your completely dominate her, she belongs to you now. Trace your fingers around her privates, tease her, constantly, her inner thigh, her hands, her inner torso but don’t tickle, a single finger along her inner thigh and around her vulva, constant teasing, all the while switching between kissing gentle and strong, to whispering dark thoughts into her ear.

Hope this helps you anon

>> No.14441025

well first you should befriend her so you know her personal life (whether or not she has a bf or not) & work on improving yourself (dress better & work out)
then ask her out for coffee on the first date, dinner on the second
take it from there

>> No.14441064

I am friends with her, although not close/personal friends, but I don't want to get friendzoned. How would I even become friends with someone in the first place? I had friends when I was younger and have a couple now, but I still don't really know how it works.
How do I dress better? Generally I just wear chinos with a white tee and a jacket, sometimes I throw on a button up/flannel. And like I said, should I just ask if she has a boyfriend first so, if she says no, she knows my intentions when asking her out to eat? Or is that too forward?

>> No.14441073

Reading increases. 4 Chan decreases. Social media is a necessary evil. Tinder increases

>> No.14441077

>I don't fit in with anyone there well
Just be yourself and be the best at it that you can be. Make them feel like misfits for performing so weakly.

>> No.14441079

Either you're a tranny or that Instagram account isn't yours, now which is it?

>> No.14441086

idk just go to /fa/
generally jeans and sweaters are pretty good
it may be good to ask her if she has a bf, but it's always good to get closer to her anyways
even if she does have a bf, you can get a new friend for free basically :3

>> No.14441095

>it's always good to get closer to her anyways
how do you get close to someone

>> No.14441118

I woman will decide if your marriage material the moment she looks at you.
Also Learn small talk, hobbies, doing tomorrow or this month, current projects etc.

>> No.14441126

>asking some fake "woman" on 4chan how to talk to girls
you should just save yourself the trouble and neck yourself desu you'll get nowhere like this

>> No.14441153

eh, I don't totally agree with that. If anything I believe women are less worried about looks than men, I've seen 10/10 chicks with guys who were 5'4 or 5/10's, and didn't have too much money. I've also had chicks who seemed pretty interested in me at first but then went away after awhile, and chicks who weren't that into me then started to like me more after awhile.
Yea I know. Generally I'm a pretty normal person, it's just that my autism holds me back from a lot of important things.

>> No.14441455

>a tripfag
>telling someone to neck himself
>a fucking tripfag
What has happened to my board, lord

>> No.14441468

Isn’t that the fake butterfly?

>> No.14441470

Aren't you a fake woman?

>> No.14441477

all butterflies should die, real or fake. And so should you.
Post a timestamp btw, if you are who you say you are.

>> No.14441509

Thank God I stumbled upon this thread. Mentally retarded attention seeking tranny, and also a tripfag! Another one to be filtered.
Also, you niggers shouldn't have replied to him.
Also, you'll never be a real woman, faggot.

>> No.14441513

It’s 3 am can’t I just do something else or do it tomorrow

>> No.14441526

You're not a woman you saucer handed freak

>> No.14441530

Anon seriously why would I be bothered by what you say
You’re a loser on an anonymous image board who doesn’t mean anything to me personally
You’re just screaming words into the void

>> No.14441541

Because deep down you know I'm right.

>> No.14441543

Deep down you know I’m living in your head rent free without even doing anything
You sorts are more obsessed with me than any orbiter could ever be, you’re schizos who scream at me just to try and prod an insecurity you can’t even reach

>> No.14441575

I'll forget your existence by tomorrow morning. You may forget mine but you'll never forget every single glance and sneer from your family, colleagues and total strangers on the street that confirm to you what you know what you really are. A sad little boy desperately trying to be what he isn't, trying to fill that hole with a performance that you can never ever pull off. That itch you're feeling ain't ever going to be scratched dude.

Go on, type more from the "ur just a h8r" deflection handbook but you'll never escape the truth, besides topping yourself which is ultimately the end that's coming for you. Given how weak you've demonstrated yourself to be from a cursory glance at your posts here and on Instagram then it's probably for the best.

>> No.14441582

>implying such things happen
Alright anon it was fun seeing if I could encourage your tranny obsessed schizophrenia, but it’s time to snooze

>> No.14441591

Sure troon, sure ;)

>> No.14441595

Anon, you may be right, but you sound like an 19th century byronic aristocrat challenging the tranny to a duel

>> No.14441608

>that hairline
>that beak
yikes lad

>> No.14441610

I just post my things and try to be friendly and nice
Anon: this is the perfect time to unleash all my pent up emotions upon a random person online in a way that makes me look like an objective schizo

>> No.14441618

Go to bed you hideous freak.

>> No.14441619

Anon my hairline is perfectly fine
My nose is big but that’s average for my phenotype

>> No.14441624

I don’t have time for another schizo time to snooze for real

>> No.14441626

What hormones are you taking to produce this level of cope?

>> No.14441633

Your neediness is nauseating, far more than even your degeneracy

>> No.14441651


>> No.14441673


Leave her alone. And leave my name out of it, you coward.

>> No.14441711
File: 2.86 MB, 1920x1080, sam hyde.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why are you all so fucking dumb? every time a woman appears on 4chan, the thread gets totally derailed and focused on her. not that this was a good thread to begin with.

>> No.14441715

do you really know whether she's a tranny or not?

>> No.14441735
File: 293 KB, 970x546, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This girl is my crush. She's the /lit/ waifu, introverted, shy, studious, kind, quiet.

>> No.14441758

it's really fucking sad how people in our community call any woman they see on here a tranny. when you ask them why they make such posts, they say they want to rid the world of tranny scum, but the idea of constantly accusing people as some term only normalises the usage of the term, and therefore its presense in our community. the unmodern world sustained itself tranny free by not acknowledging degeneracy, not by shaming people for it. the counter culture movement came from the shaming of unconventional people by the 20th century modernists. it is foolish to do such things, doing so won't stop anything but only make tranny's more welcomed in other communities like /r9k/. though at the breif moment, it might seem they are gone from this community, but they will seep in, and in a few years, they are normalized into our culture, our language, it changes our fundamental values, by inserting the word tranny into everyday life, you have made being a tranny something possible.

>> No.14442092

Look at the Instagram page it posted retard

>> No.14442102

>And leave my name out of it, you coward.
Get a grip imposter

>> No.14442167

>a woman

>> No.14442377


would pump and dump

>> No.14442433
File: 145 KB, 1080x1080, 1575914488956.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


How do I get Norf gf?

>> No.14442479

Degenerate tranny-lovers get the rope first.

>> No.14442484

>it's easier to have conversations with people (also i'm a girl so i like the attention)
reading about greek mythology it's easy to laugh at their misogyny but encountering vermin like you i really do understand why so much hate and precaution was placed with the coming of pandora

>> No.14442489

>a small demographic of arthoes and grad students

>> No.14442494

Pandora wasn't a tranny

>> No.14442497


>> No.14442508

I will kill you with one hand, while I buttrape you to exert my masculine dominance over you

>> No.14442517

>able to overpower anyone
It is to laugh. Call out to me rasped pleas for mercy when you're hanging from a lampost

>> No.14442564

The strongest men on earth, spiritually and intellectually, exist only to penetrate those that appear and behave feminine, male or female. We make no distinctiom. I bet that even the mention of my rugged cock had your warm and moist fleshy butthole retroactively gaping out of simultaneous arousal and instinctual fear of damage.

>> No.14442574

Jesus Christ you sound like a bitch

>> No.14442629

>this shit again
Just admit you're a faggot and be done with it gayboy.

>> No.14442659
File: 91 KB, 452x640, mishima-speech.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Orientation doesn't exist. There's only people that fuck and people that get fucked.

>> No.14442666

Cope of the highest order.

>> No.14442972

Shut up

>> No.14442980

Why is that anon?

>> No.14443014

No it's high spiritual homosex.

>> No.14443016

A faggot by any other name...

>> No.14443024

Don't be angry he's spiritually dabbing his dick into your feminine anus.

>> No.14443025


>> No.14443027

Why would I be angry about something that could never happen?

>> No.14443031

Are you sure because you're acting like he's just bottomed out?

>> No.14443048

You'll have to translate your polari gayisms for me, I don't speak battyboy.

>> No.14443050

It's his ex.

>> No.14443055

Poet and a scholar and also one who fucks.

>> No.14443058

What makes you say that? He clearly goes on 4chan from a look at his Instagram

>> No.14443063


>> No.14443071

Go on then

>> No.14443075

I've seen this before, it is not novel behaviour by a longshot.

>> No.14443077

If youre reading for vapid nonsense like getting a gf than unironically stop reading.

>> No.14443083

You do feminine well enough the rest can be learned.

>> No.14443088

Pretty weak stuff anon. Are you sure you don't take it up the wrong'un yourself, you seem to know a lot about it.

>> No.14443092


>> No.14443095

Not nearly feminine enough. Alas I am relegated to a top.

>> No.14443102

Dunno, the tranny has been posting for a bit now and seems very similar to his Instagram persona. The posting of the Instagram account and selfie without timestamp was curious

>> No.14443107

There was one on /fit/ that did something very similar a few years ago, turned out all the pics were of his ex gf. I think they posted altogether for a year or two.