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File: 219 KB, 1200x1200, herman-melville-9405239-1-402.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14439009 No.14439009 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Post your favorite author, others will try to rip them to shreds with the most valid criticism they can

>> No.14439017

melville was a major homo

>> No.14439024

He had several children and an enduring relationship with his wife

>> No.14439042

He also only wrote one short story and one book that are great.

If we’re talking about his bio, dude lost all his dollarydoos after knowing what to do to get the ever illusive bag.

>> No.14439043

He made me love literature and now I'm a massive fag who doesn't go outside. 0/10

>> No.14439050

this is an awful idea and a symptom of someone with a mind unfit for the contemplation required for poetic thought

>> No.14439058
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>> No.14439097

I'll do my own
Elliot Perlman
>Jewish & Australian
>Street Sweeper is 60% preaching
>Seven Types of Ambiguity has too much shop talk about gambling and stocks

Dude writes depressing, ephemeral shit like a madman tho. I still need to read Maybe the Horse Will Talk. Street Sweeper just wasn't very good.

Three Dollars is amazing tho. Such flowing style and aesthetic.

>> No.14439105
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Why'd ye spill yer beans

>> No.14439108
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William James. Not my favorite storyteller but I resonate with him (ideologically but also and more importantly temperamentally) more than any other major thinker I'm aware of.

>> No.14439163

>ripping Melville to shread
I shall do no such thing you sick anon

>> No.14439165
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Give me your best shot.

>> No.14439329
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He's underrated beyond Moby Dick, but even then his quality is inconsistent. This is coming from someone who likes Pierre (his most controversial work).

He was unironically a fanfic writer. Going so far as to write about winning the girl he was madly in love with, but with whom he never spoke. I'd argue he only got away with The Divine Comedy because there was nothing else like it when it was written. He'd come off as cringy of he was writing today.

Him trying to maintain good relations with the Medicis whilst exalting Cesare Borgia made his philosophy come off as inconsistent. He's simultaneously a liberal and an authoritarian, and that kind of duality ultimately inspired the cutthroat and hypocritical nature of modern neoliberalism. It's so easy to roll your eyes at politicians, business people and lawyers who consider Machiavelli an idol.

>> No.14439355

>Him trying to maintain good relations with the Medicis whilst exalting Cesare Borgia made his philosophy come off as inconsistent.
Can you elaborate on this?

>> No.14439368

stop shilling this film

>> No.14439379 [DELETED] 

Chekhov always has just one plot

>somebody wants something and they can't get it - THE END.

>> No.14439390

The Borgias and Medicis were enemies at the time Machiavelli was alive. Machiavelli was a former advisor to Cesare Borgia, in fact many believe that Cesare was Machiavelli's ideal image of what a "Prince" should be. Eventually, Machiavelli found himself in exile and it's theorised that he wrote The Prince in an attempt to prove to the Medicis that he was fit to be employed by them. You can really get that feeling when you read The Prince with how paradoxical some of his beliefs are.

>> No.14439392

Dante, more than any author I know, could not seperate himself from his work. Unlike users of roman clefts, who hid the reality of their characters away with exaggerations and name changes, Dante presents everything with no shroud: Virgil is just Virgil, Dante is just Dante, and his oneitis is just his oneitis. This corrupts his work for me, makes them come across as a vain and childish affair where dante can live out his fantasies of meeting his oh so beloved Virgil and triumph over his enemies who burn in hell.

>> No.14439394

>Him trying to maintain good relations with the Medicis whilst exalting Cesare Borgia made his philosophy come off as inconsistent. He's simultaneously a liberal and an authoritarian
>man who is the literal namesake of the phrase "machiavellian" and wrote a book on political duplicity for fun and profit is himself machiavellian and duplicitous
you realize that this only makes him seem more genuine and authentic, right?

>> No.14439402

>You can really get that feeling when you read The Prince with how paradoxical some of his beliefs are.
Not really, they all made sense to me. Do you have an example in mind perhaps?

>> No.14439420

The 19th century equivalent of an Insta-backpacker lolling about in the indolence of the South Pacific.

grudgebearing simp


>> No.14439430
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>> No.14439436
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I dare you fags

>> No.14439440
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>> No.14439474

Moralising and self-indulgent stories filled with obnoxious, unlikable characters

>> No.14439495
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he's literally irrefutable, whether or not that is a good or bad thing is up to you

>> No.14439509

Didn't even exist lol

>> No.14439526
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I'm sure you guys will think of something

>> No.14439531

His prose is not exactly the best.

>> No.14439541

The most stillted dialogue I've ever seen. It's like reading plato but even more unnatural

>> No.14439555

my choice is unironic, but it's also going to be really easy to refute:
Mark Z Danielewski
if I wanted to read fanfic, I'd at least read good fanfic, like Puella Magi Ad Astra or Saving Connor. if you're going to read trash, read the highest quality trash you can find, not a self-insert "Mary Sue explores hell and purgatory and finally gets to live in heaven with waifu" slog

>> No.14440040

I'm homosex for Melville. I can't stop masturbating to his prose every night. It makes me feel good.

>> No.14440183

Melville is beyond criticism

>> No.14440226
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Hard mode : His sexual orientation doesn't count.

>> No.14440230

Yes it does

>> No.14440234
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I'd also like to nominate this gentleman here.

>> No.14440743
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>> No.14441094

>shit prose
>name a book that doesn't include an allusion to Christ
>protip: you can't

>> No.14441136

yo why the fuck this nigga wearin airpods lmao

>> No.14441305

The point of his philosophy is that you don’t act in the same idealized way you believe. I don’t see how him acting two faced goes against what he wrote at all.

>> No.14441563

I love Ernst Jünger and Storm of Steel but he's a bad fiction writer.

>> No.14441636

imagine writing about the eternal metaphysical afterlife of all humanity by whining about some irrelevant political shit which is now forgotten and meaningless
he would have been a better knight than a poet

>> No.14441933

Two retards

>> No.14442075

His praise of anything anglo as superior to anything spanish derives from the petty saltiness lnherent in all latinamericans toward Spain for having dominated their countries and rid them of their original language

>> No.14442079

Boring, unrealistic, too sentimental, too repetitive, way too inconsistant

>> No.14442091

>t. bitter spanitard

>> No.14442146

Steril and pretentious prose. Feels like he is ashamed of emotions, so he has to hide them behind walls of words and pseudo-ironical sentences that will make him sound smarter. Alienated from literature because he favors monotonical philosophical discussions that are ultimately meaningless for his reader over story-telling. A product of the bourgeoisie and he is proud to be a part of it.

>> No.14442203

Wrote to fill deadlines and elongated his stiff dialogue so the books reach a larger length. And it shows.

>> No.14442381

intellectual coward; didn't have enough skill or bravery to write a great cohesive work of art on his areas of interest, so he wrote short stories about other people writing about those ideas

>> No.14442640

His books are literally all the same and are all far too long. If he could've just combined them all into one short novel then I would like him.

>> No.14443279
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I’d like to see you try

>> No.14443288

>The Divine Comedy because there was nothing else like it when it was written.
actually it was copied from the vision of adamnan

>> No.14443320

His Russian books are paltry and boring, he really hit his stride when he started writing in English.
He's one of my faves too

>> No.14443544

I've never actually read any of his Russian works though i've read all the English books and he's one of my favorites ever.

>> No.14444196

conceited flaneur

too cowardly to write a novel

trivial and/or fake

Boring and sentimental

Overreliance on irony, a typical homosexual affectation

Never got out from under the shadow of his first work. Also, the quietism of his later work was completely contingent on his personal history.

Had to switch to English after failing as a Russian writer.


>> No.14444205


>> No.14444925

Have you read On The Marble Cliffs?

Ficciones, El Aleph, El libro de arena and that is it. The other stuff I read from him are shit (but I accept suggestion because I couldn't read everything).

>> No.14444933
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You can't ruin her

>> No.14444964
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I’ve not read enough of the work of a single author to have a favorite per say, so it’s judging by the author I’ve read the most of and have enjoyed reading all of their works that I’ve read, I guess Murakami it is.

I already anticipate the critiques that will be lobbed, but screw it.

>> No.14445721

>haha I'm gay and write magical realism XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

>> No.14446359

>alpha females
>beta protagonist (sometimes with no personality)
>references to western culture
>random people appearing and telling their stories that are more interesting that the main plot
>amazing and comfy descriptions
>shit ending

>> No.14446371

Great ideas, awful prose.

>> No.14446573

New Yorker style writing.

>> No.14446840
File: 8 KB, 220x292, 220px-Henrik_Ibsen_by_Gustav_Borgen_NFB-19775.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Interested to see what you think

>> No.14447056

Unless you're already drunk on the Kool-Aid, you'll find his ridiculous bias towards the wife in A Doll's House hilarious.

"The Swedish playwright August Strindberg criticised the play in his volume of essays and short stories Getting Married (1884).[42] Strindberg questioned Nora's walking out and leaving her children behind with a man that she herself disapproved of so much that she would not remain with him. Strindberg also considers that Nora's involvement with an illegal financial fraud that involved Nora forging a signature, all done behind her husband's back, and then Nora's lying to her husband regarding Krogstad's blackmail, are serious crimes that should raise questions at the end of the play, when Nora is moralistically judging her husband. And Strindberg points out that Nora's complaint that she and Torvald "have never exchanged one serious word about serious things," is contradicted by the discussions that occur in act one and two."

>> No.14447169

>contradicted by act one and two
worst possible take
>Nora is a criminal and hard to sympathize with
this, however, is correct

>> No.14447194
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>> No.14447202


>> No.14447606


>> No.14447620

>still flawless

>> No.14447651

He is really weird looking, also prose isn't consistently good enough to warrant 1500+ page novels

>> No.14447668
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>> No.14447756


>> No.14447990

She was a woman

>> No.14448008

Reeks of s o y

>> No.14448035

His novels only really needed to be short stories.

>> No.14448054
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>> No.14448060
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>> No.14448085

Overrated Gaddis imitator.

>> No.14448308

Salman Rushdie or Mario Vargas Llosa

>> No.14448359

>Mario Vargas Llosa
Just Googled him and he managed to attract women like nearly everyone else in the world. WHY AM I THE ONLY PERSON WHO'S UNSUCCESSFUL WITH WOMEN?????? WHYYYYYYYYYYHHHH???????? I WANT A WOMAAAAN AAAAAAAAAAAARRRGGGHHH

>> No.14448370
File: 110 KB, 622x933, 53820CD0-8F4B-40FB-A3BE-6E3DE83CD3DE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He does a perfect job at the intellectual level his books are aimed for.

>> No.14448386

He wrote pedo stuff into It, writes FUCK LE DRUMPF tweets and got filtered by Kubrick's adaptation of The Shining

>> No.14448446

>calling it s o y instead of just letting the filter do its thing as intended
pretty onions if you ask me

>> No.14448470

>His bullies are always psychopaths
>parents are always lazy or abusive drunkards
>Took a long time to finish The Dark Tower which ended pretty awfully
>Abusive boyfriend/husband

>> No.14448754
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Aldous Huxley

>> No.14448799

That's the fucking gayest thing I've ever heard

>> No.14448901


>> No.14448911
File: 337 KB, 1103x1600, Julio-Cortazar-1980.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

paulo coelho

jk thats paulo coelho xd

>> No.14448913

I like Murakami as much as anyone but his flaws are all fairly obvious and discussed to death on here. I'm sure even he would admit that a good half of his novels are lazily drummed up purely for a paycheck

>> No.14448917

not paulo*

>> No.14449326

His main course is he writes sentences too long for my comprehension abilities.

>> No.14449327
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>> No.14449331

His main flaw*

>> No.14449590

>tfw my fave author shows up and dont agree w any of the criticisms / or theyre irrelevant to me

>> No.14450364

>Salman Rushdie
Too bitter and he's a neocon.
>Mario Vargas Llosa
Cucked by Gabriel García Márquez.