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14436530 No.14436530 [Reply] [Original]

I read this and I still want to kill myself. JBP is a fraud.

>> No.14436601


>> No.14436611

I would rather literally kill myself than had to read this crap

>> No.14437190

No thanks, I don't want to become a good brainwashed goyim.

>> No.14437210


>He'd rather be dead than alter his brain chemistry

Personality change isn't always bad. Apparently you don't seem to be so fond of your personality yourself. So what do you have to lose?

>> No.14437571


You'd rather be dead, than take a pill to be happier?


>> No.14437969
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Thats a bloody problem you got there.
But thats what communism do to you man. Soljenitskin was hungry and wanted to kill himself for some food in soviets but that would be against the point wouldnt it?
You need to start eating breakfast. Do your chores. Because thats what will get your life in order.
You need to stop jerking off to porn as well. Do lobsters jerk off to porn? No! Lobsters are very similar to humans you know. They fucking flirt. Their males just flex on the females. If they fail they just fuck off like the beta cuck they are.
Now imagine doing all of these in a communist regime? Ofc you bloody cant. Venezuela did communism in 70's now they dont have money lol.

>> No.14437987

I just found it pretty lackluster. His self-help takes are really pretty standard and not that interesting. I do find some of his perspectives/ideas on religion interesting, and when he starts to touch on Jung is good, but I'm always feeling let down in terms of substance to that content, certainly in the book.

>> No.14438001

I want to be a lobster, guess I'll clean your room.

>> No.14438008

Kinda of agree. A lot of what he's doing recently is the motivational stuff, which I agree with and it can be interesting when he gets into the logical axioms of why he believes what he does, but it ultimately just returns again and again to the same points.
Maps of Meaning is more about the psycho-religious angle, right?

>> No.14438022
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>> No.14438148

clean ur penis bucko

>> No.14438176

>tfw on risperidone
So I either live as a schizophrenic or cut 20 years off my life. Great.

>> No.14438185

goyim is plural retard

>> No.14438203

I didn't find it motivational at all. Motivation =/= rewiring yourself to be responsible, and plenty of his rules are rooted in really simple actions.

Developing an organized routine, practicing grounded self-care (like exercise) and developing conscious habits like attempting to be more honest are really old, valid, and useful ways to combat depression and your own suffering.

>> No.14438668
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>> No.14438675

stop being an atheist desu

>> No.14438697
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what do you expect
for all his talk JBP still wants to kill himself

>> No.14439084

>won't listen to medicine
>won't listen to a self help author who says we should only eat red meat
You're halfway right at least

>> No.14439103

>Maps of Meaning
There's some really cool stuff there, like how personal growth resembles the alchemical process of changing an unbearable present tense into an ideal future. But there's plenty of "socialists just hate rich people" interspersed. If you want "truth," remember no author can escape their personality.

>> No.14439128

I can almost guarantee that the people who shit on JPB haven't read any of his books or listened to any of his lectures.

>> No.14439157

>shit on
No one shits on anything; the only shit is your mind. Wipe it, and you will stop seeing it everywhere.

>> No.14439178

>JBP is a fraud.
This has been the general consensus since the book came out.

>> No.14439179
File: 252 KB, 800x599, bro thats kinda cringe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Science™ has all the answers! You must believe in Science™ or be destroyed.

>> No.14439217

Why do you post cringe? Retard. He never has said people should only eat meat, he just states that the diet he follows helped him tremendously with his autoimmune disorders and mental illness. Don't post shit you don't know anything about, faggot.

>> No.14439254

Quite the opposite. I've read 12 rules. I found it to be drivel. It's nothing but things I had learned as a child growing up, with silly lobster innuendo added.
The truly dismal part is that there are people out there whose upbringing has been so neglected that they think 12 rules is a revelation and that JBP is some sort of fucking wizard or something and they wind up slobbering all over themselves trying to worship him.

>> No.14439263
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>> No.14439374

>he never says, he just states
Got it

>> No.14439503

Learn to reading comprehension, third world maggot. He doesn't tell people to follow suit, he just says that his diet helped him.

>> No.14440092

Boy you're not very intuitive huh

>> No.14441051
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>i love that peter jordan fella! finally had sex at 15!

>> No.14441099
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>> No.14441113

take the philosophy pill, psychology cannot give meaning unless you wwant to lobotomize yourself.

>> No.14441134

Which one are you? I just saw the thread with at least fifty others. Also there's no psychology in either of JBP's books

>> No.14441158


Lmao this, they might have seen a clip or 2

12 rules is supposed to be accessible. It's literally called '12 rules for life' did you expect it to be some complicated masterpiece?
It's good because a goddamn 12 year old could read it and apply it the next day.
Watch Maps of Meaning episode 10. If you have the integrity to listen you'll be amazed.

>> No.14441162

>There's no psychology in either of JBP's books
You literally haven't read them then.

>> No.14441257

I think most of the criticism in this thread is coming from people who only read the first 20 pages.

>> No.14441439


>> No.14441481

read maps of meaning then

>> No.14441506

MoM is free, you have literally no reason to not read it. Except that you wouldn't be able to shitpost in good conscience.

>> No.14441517

Of course I did, I just know the difference between psychology and assumption

>> No.14441520

Wash your penis

>> No.14441529

By his own advice, I should obstinately refuse peer pressure from literal no-names on the internet and go see what my family of origin says
They, too, recognize him as a shitty writer

>> No.14441631

JP is so inoffensive. If you have any strong opinions about the man you’re a huge pleb. It’s that simple. Are you a discord tranny commie who loathes him for seemingly no reason other than he wants to help young men? Pleb. Are you a kekistani darkweb faggot who loves him and thinks he’s the second coming of Christ because he gave you some basic advice which you were unfairly deprived of in your life? Pleb. Do you agree with me? Patrician. It’s that simple. That man never even crosses my thoughts but for when he’s posted here.

>> No.14441650
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Anon >>14437210 and >>14438022 it's right.

I was on SSRIs for two years. They fucked my brain so bad. I can barely had a good erection even with hot women.

>> No.14441751

anyone who goes with f is mentally ill
B, A, H and E are the good ones I want to have wholesome cuddling with

>> No.14441768

>just go back ignorance
that's not how it works. tolstoy already figured it out, even though two of his solutions are basically the same thing. what he calls weakness is Dostoevsky's existentialism. now in actuality this is the hardest path, easily exhibited in Petersons suffering itself. the way is not backwards to make believe, but one of reason and logic. this is certain, and you have no choice but to live it.


>> No.14441865


>> No.14441993


>> No.14442020

t. faggot
Give me K with the body of F or B