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14436286 No.14436286[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How do we meme René Guénon into becoming taught at universities across the West?

>> No.14436293

Literally impossible. Universities are far too left leaning and orthodox.

>> No.14436294

Why would you want to? Don't tell me you fell for the Guenon meme.

>> No.14436305

Read my book on mass social engineering 'How Guènon Has Won : A Study on the Conversion of a Community and the Dominion of the Reign'

>> No.14436320
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You would need to subvert the Humanities and disguise him as a (National) Bolshevik, along with Julius Evola and Alexandr Dugin.

The trick is to disguise Esoteric/Occultist Nazbol ideoloy as regular Marxist/Bolshevism. It shouldnt be too hard since lefty degenerates have already appropriated the Occultist Aesthetic, we would just need to redpill them on esoteric traditionalism by disguising it as progressivism.
A good example of doing this would be to argue that the modern feminist movement is the most degrading thing for women, and the best way for women to live is to embrace their traditional divine femininity in their naturally ordained Gender roles, instead of removing Gender roles and encouraging sluttiness etc. as this actually destroys femininity.

It shouldnt be too hard to get an Arts degree and becoming a professor in the Philosophy/Political department. then you could incorporate Guenon, Dugin and Evola into your own courses. I have actually considered doing this myself, at the moment im studying STEM but ive recently had a huge interest in Esoteric Philosophy and Politics

>> No.14436332

Force the Islamic takeover I guess, but that would be terrible as pisslam is an extremely aesthetically unappealing religion. Why would you want to meme guenon anyway? He was retarded, he wasn’t even really a philosopher or metaphysician just a pretentious mystic with some good criticisms of modernity

>> No.14436335

>Asked in a 1991 interview why his books had not received more atten-
tion in university circles, Schuon quickly cut to the chase with a reply that was at once abrupt and revealing: “The reason is that I am not a relativist. Today all the scholars are relativists, and I am an absolutist. I believe in Truth, and the official scholars do not believe in Truth.”

>> No.14436347

Formatting is messed.

>> No.14436370

academics fell head over heels for decaf Guenonianism in the form of eliade though

>> No.14436567

by infiltrating academia

>> No.14436631

They already teach Guénon in some western universities in classes on the history of western esotericism.

>> No.14436679
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>pisslam is an extremely aesthetically unappealing religion
You have poor taste.

>> No.14436711

I took a class with Guenon as a core text two years ago. This trend is sadly behind

>> No.14436760
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You cannot "meme" anything into becoming part of the Western Canon. The Western Canon is the reflection of the material forces that control our society. If the establishment (that is the bourgeois capitalists) decide that Guenon is useful for their reactionary propaganda purposes, then he might even make it into school reading lists.

>> No.14437084

This is because absolutism is severely outdated (you can trace traditionalism directly back to Giambattista Vico). We will never understand world history if we begin with the erroneous idea that all cultures traditions are at root the same.

>> No.14437157

>if we begin with the erroneous idea that all cultures traditions are at root the same.
confirmed for never having read Guenon, or for having read but deliberately strawmanning him

>> No.14437172


>Study divinity/philosophy/history
>Get PHD
>Become professor
>Add to curriculum and shill him as much as you can

I mean if we all try surely some must succeed?

>> No.14437225

First read Guénon because you missed the part where he is explicit about proselytism being counter-traditional, he is also explicit about organizations being useless, that nothing can come of a bottom-up structuring, basically the only way we westerners envision institutions and organizatoins to be built is wrong, misguided and counter-traditional. The only thing that can happen is an awakening among the (true) western intellectual elite, and these people will study the principles on their own, the rest will fall into place.

>> No.14437252

Please don’t. Academia is the place of mediocre people. I don’t want these people getting their hands on guenon it would be a sad end

>> No.14437266

this fuck em