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14431441 No.14431441 [Reply] [Original]

What do you think of the Star Wars Expanded Universe novels?

>> No.14431450

I think science fiction is for children

>> No.14431455
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Star Wars is space fantasy, not science fiction.

>> No.14431547


>> No.14431552

I think space fantasy is for children

>> No.14431559

disney should have burned them all instead of declaring them non canon

>> No.14431562 [DELETED] 

shut up kike

>> No.14431614

Better than the 6 movies and way, way better than anything produced by Jewisney.

>> No.14431639

Sorry, bud. Disney deleted it all. It is just misguided fan-fiction now.

>> No.14431874

brainlet alert I guess?

>> No.14432116
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>> No.14432145
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The Old Legends EU was Kino.

Current Disney EU is utter shit that only serves to promote the movies and cover up movie plot holes.

>> No.14432157

That one, and the Darth bane trilogy are very comfy reads.
They comprise a part of the star wars mythos which, unlikely virtually everything else, is not in any way made for children.
Although apart from Plagueis and the Bane trilogy, there's not much I'd recommend people read.

>> No.14432191

Traitor is also very good.

>> No.14432205

I gathered from Wikipedia that it's part of a large series, do I need to read the rest in order to read it or is it good on it's own?

>> No.14432341

Ranges from absolute schlock to surprisingly good. Overall it's pretty messy and inconsistent, kinda a given when you trust the license with a bunch of authors who all have different interpretations of the setting and levels of skill

>> No.14432458

KOTOR 2 is better than any of the movies.

>> No.14432477

I enjoyed Shadows of The Empire and the X-Wing series when I was younger.

>> No.14432517

I read only Darth Bane trilogy and Revan novel. The former was meh, had some cool moments, but nothing extraordinary. The latter was fucking horrible, and it ruined KotOR games forever. Karpyshyn is a faggot.
KotOR 2 is the best story star wars could ever get.

>> No.14432685

Great art is instinctively appealing to children, because they haven't yet lost their natural sense of wonderment, imagination, and belief in good and evil

>> No.14433090

KOTOR 2 is a good attempt subversion but ultimately SW is space fantasy with a lot of elements of classic adventure tales and hero arcs. Trying to deconstruct and twist the philosophy of SW is the same as trying to deconstruct something like Spider-man, yeah there are elements that are vulnerable to subversion but there's ultimately nothing to be gained. Plus it relies on both the creator and the audience to accept the presence of a depth that wasn't present to begin with.

>> No.14433293


most overrated piece of the EU by a mile

>> No.14433343


>> No.14433461

Literally only popular because (1) it's star wars and (2) it's a d20 rpg. It needed only to meet the bare minimum of quality to guarantee acclaim

>> No.14434166

Pic related is very overrated by edgy teens. Far from the worst of the EU books, but best are Stover's: >>14432116 and especially the ep 3 novelization are great.
>>14432157 Bane trilogy fell off a lot after the first book. He had his growth, then there's two more books about !evil hijinks!.
Read the episode 3 book by Matthew Stover if you want his writing style with less reading for context. It's not just good star wars, but great space opera.
X-wing series is pulpy, but very enjoyable.

>> No.14434169

>ep 3 novelization
Extremely based.

>> No.14434196

How is the thrawn trilogy?

>> No.14434491
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Interested in the grey jedis and the idea of balance instead that going to one side or the other. Any recs ?

>> No.14434505

KOTOR II, but you’ve probably already done that

>> No.14434734


I just finished this game. Could've done a lot more, but it was pretty good. Taron Malicos is badass.

Overall, the Sith ideology is so much better than the Jedi's. But we only really see that in the books (and in this Malicos scene).

>> No.14434756

I actually still admire the writing, even after reading the better part of the Western canon. It may just be because my expectations for vidya story content are lower.

>> No.14434904

KOTOR 2 is the best thing Star Wars ever did.

>> No.14434939

Then you love it I take it?

>> No.14435090
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I have not. I'm an ignorant in Star Wars, I don't remember how I got into it one year ago approximately and the idea of balance interested me for some reasons like things that were happening in my life at that time so if you or anyone that would like to give some recs to a begginer in SW who's interested in the idea of balance instead of going into some kind of " duality " feel free to do it, I'd be more than grateful

>> No.14435668

Some 90s-sci-fi weirdness (Luuke) but pretty good.
Balance ends up a weird concept in a lot of star wars works. Most of it definitely has the dark side as a corruption of the true force, aside from the very motivated reasoning of dark siders. Revenge of the Sith novel describes light vs dark nicely, but there aren't any examples of "gray jedi" as a compromise between dark and light side. (Aside from revan novel, but don't do that to yourself)

>> No.14435718
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To bad Jacen and Vergere were fucked up in Legacy of the Force series. They really wanted to bring back the Sith and their dumb view of the Force even when it made no sense and made Jacen the scapegoat.
Perfect example of why the EU was fundamentally flawed as different authors would often retcon previous arcs and characterization was very inconsistent.

>> No.14435725

>there's ultimately nothing to be gained.
Isn't a deeper, more interesting story and better understanding of the universe the thing to be gained?
>Plus it relies on both the creator and the audience to accept the presence of a depth that wasn't present to begin with
Anything that expands the universe, whether novels, comics, tv or games, does this though.

>> No.14435844 [DELETED] 


>> No.14435869

Why does /lit/ (or should I say /v/ crossboarders) suck Chris Avellone's cock dry?

>> No.14435870
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I'm currently trying to make my way on the old EU timeline from the start. Basically just the novels, comics and games. Finding a surprisingly low number of novels so far compared to the number of comics. I'm currently on pic related which is only the second novel despite being way down the timeline. That's to say, I can only answer your question based on the first book I read (Dawn of the Jedi - Into the Void) and some 60 to 70% of this, but I'd say they are not completely terrible. Can be enjoyable enough to at least justify the time I spend on it though I don't think I'd recommend it to anyone.

>> No.14435882

>Isn't a deeper, more interesting story and better understanding of the universe the thing to be gained?
Why do you /tg/ posters think anyone here cares for inane details such as worldbuilding and lore, especially for a series of hollywood movies where the characters and themes are clearly at the forefront rather than the Universe itself?
>Anything that expands the universe, whether novels, comics, tv or games, does this though.
That doesn't really refute anon's argument.

>> No.14436302
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Thanks for the info anon

>> No.14437416

The point is that the Star Wars universe was initially just a classic coming-of-age hero tale with simple themes of good v. evil and responsibility. The whole premise of the plucky good guys fighting space nazis is a pretty simple, almost childlike premise, and I don't mean that in a bad way. SW ks2 so iconic because of how it utilizes these concepts. KOTOR 2 attempts to subvert the themes of SW while still holding onto it's fundamental concepts and that only serves to hinder the themes it tries to bring to the table. It's really jarring for KOTOR 2 attempt the render morality as superficial concept while still having space nazis who suck people's souls out. It would have been done a much better job in a self-contained universe that isn't inhibited by the setting. Expanding the universe is really just fanservice and has no bearing on quality.

>> No.14437428

The writing is good for vidya, yeah, but like you said I think vidya as a whole is typically trash. I just have a problem with people hyping up KOTOR's writing when it's still ultimately just fan service.

>> No.14437433

*SW is so iconic

>> No.14437652

>Why do you /tg/ posters think anyone here cares for inane details such as worldbuilding and lore
If you have interesting characters and stories, do you have a problem with worldbuilding and expanding the lore?
>hollywood movies where the characters and themes are clearly at the forefront rather than the Universe itself.
Who cares what it originally was. The whole point is to create something more interesting than the movies while using the setting as a base. Why would anyone be against interesting stories just because it originally was a movie?

> It's really jarring for KOTOR 2 attempt the render morality as superficial concept while still having space nazis who suck people's souls out.
Kreia's philosphy is about overcoming slave/master morality which the Jedi/Sith embody respectively. However, you don't need to believe in Kreia's views.
>Expanding the universe is really just fanservice
Not sure why "fanservice" is bad in-itself.
>and has no bearing on quality
Of course you want quality in expanded universe content beyond just having more. That was one of the main problems with the EU was lack of quality control. On the other hand, it was George Lucas's hand off approach that gave us some of the best EU material.

>> No.14438587
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Revenge of the Sith (the novel) is great.

>> No.14438831

Was it any fun? Did it really have a metroidvaniaish world like I heard somewhere?

>> No.14440042
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>X-Wing series
Good stuff, right in the nostalgia.

>> No.14440116
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I don't care much what Disney says