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14432067 No.14432067[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

i used to think that i despised "leftwingers" for their politics.
but it's moreso their individual attributes.

it's exactly how nietzsche describes slave morality in that these people build a morality based around everything they are not and do not have.
they despise strength, self-sufficiency, competition, and family.

when someone holds these things in high regard, i enjoy their company, no matter what politics they hold. there is nothing inherently "right wing" about it.
I mean the whole wing shit is a sham anyway, but you guys know what i mean.

>> No.14432086

>he doesn’t know that neoliberal capitalist concessions are part of the historical process

>> No.14432093

>this is on topic because I mentioned an author in passing

>> No.14432102
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report my thread, delete it, and ban me. nigger.

>> No.14432135

The only thing Uncle Ted did wrong was stop sending bombs to people. Fuck his brother and his whore wife too.

>> No.14432151
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if ted was so smart
how did he get caught by his brother, who reported him literally because he recognized the writing style

how do you fuck that up

>> No.14432179
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Don't you ever compare Ted with that psud you litlle faggot

>> No.14432184

the quote is calling out peterson you fucking retard
do you have reading comprehension

>> No.14432185

>taking the word of a literal murder

>> No.14432188

I don't read, who the hell you think I am

>> No.14432192

Shows he's not a pseud desu.

>> No.14432207
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Add hominid

>> No.14432211
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i'm more inclined to believe people who practice what they preach.

>> No.14432214
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Ok nazi

>> No.14432219
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Anyone with a brain knows that any movement begins with inspiration in young men. That begins with physical strength, looksmaxxing, and other various ~artistic~ measures which are imitable by the common man. You look at modern politicians and, on all sides, you find old crippled uncharismatic losers who couldn’t inspire anyone to do anything. You see political apathy because of this. Dudes like Ted K, while not physically strong or attractive, lived with such conviction that he still managed to inspire select groups. I imagine people voted for Trump for similar reasons, if you can stretch you imagination that far. Sadly you find no one is actually ever inspired to do anything but post online, and the fee autistic enough to actually make a life-change from those that manage to strike their hearts end up like pic related. And I don’t even really care because nothing that matters ever actually happens anymore, but I marvel at the spectacle of a 6’3 Aryan bodybuilder inspiring the nation’s youth to be strong and attractive again (not advocating for positive eugenics). Anyway, I’m off to stay up for 4 days straight, micro-dose LSD, and watch The Baader Meinhof Complex. Wednesday I will bring a box out to my city’s square and start giving a speech about militant reforestation of North America. Something inspirational might happen, look for me on the news!

im high

>> No.14432230

what are I implying? since peterson most certainly has came to prominence because of independent thought

>> No.14432233
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yes, exactly.
you guys are not the people you idolize.

ms. pavlichnko would shoot faggots and trannies if her country ordered her.

>> No.14432257

Almost every single person alive today is a fucking loser and I could pick them up above my head and throw them 10 feet or more.

>> No.14432260
File: 469 KB, 1020x557, Screen-Shot-2017-09-18-at-11.24.56-AM-1020x557.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Calls the left weak
>Has a hissy fit when a bunch of antifa girls beat the shit out of them or throw a milkshake at them
>would get beaten harder than police in the Stonewall riots

>> No.14432262
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you need spirit and passion more than anything.
you hear it in the way people speak.
i've never heard an american politican from any group/movement have any conviction or spirit since rockwell.

say what you want about him, disagree with him, but he fucking believed in his ideals, and he went to the grave with them.

>> No.14432269

you dont expect your family to sell you down the river like that. even the most withdrawn souls need some social interaction, and if you're going to write convincing non-fiction you need to bounce your ideas off of someone.

>> No.14432272
File: 1.31 MB, 480x270, racewar.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

at least post the webm

>> No.14432274

Because Ted wanted to eat his cake and have it too but his brother is a nigger

>> No.14432277

if my brother were a terrorist mass murderer i would report him to the fbi

>> No.14432282

The USSR consciously legalised homosexuality in 1924 and 1926. It was consciously against imperialism.

I'm not a stalinist.

You're deluding yourself if you think Pavlichnko would put up with the sexism you expect American women to face

LGBT rights, minority rights were won by rioting and fighting back against the oppressive system.

>> No.14432285

Here’s hoping your brother inherited all the honor and integrity that you are lacking

>> No.14432286

good luck desu!

>> No.14432291

hilarious, post another one! or can you even find another one?

yeah i probably would too

>> No.14432299

Keep /pol/ shit in /pol/. This post has NOTHING to do with literature.

>> No.14432303
File: 2.94 MB, 1280x720, polcuck tries to meme in real life.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14432309

nothing weak about getting your ass kicked.
i'm saying that those who consider themselves to be "leftists" generally value weak things.
my god, reddit has arrived and i see it in the spacing.
soviet women had it worse off than american women.
not only did they have to bare the burden of raising children but they also had to work factory jobs.

your trotskyite paradise collapsed under it's own weight and required a strong man (stalin) to rebuild your garbage system.
>Pavlichnko would put up with the sexism
she would laugh at you

>LGBT rights, minority rights were won by rioting and fighting back against the oppressive system.
none of you guys are doing jack shit. granted the side i back isn't either. however LGBT rights aren't something you would shoot people over.

>> No.14432321

where are they now

>> No.14432343

1. America parasitically benefits off the labour of the 3rd world. The USSR was a smaller self-sustaining and egaliterian economy. Soviet women may have been materially poorer but legally richer than american ones. Now, compare to womens rights in the various places around the world that produced the labour that america leeches from, and you'll see.

2. Ok 15 year old nazi Im sure you know your soviet history

3. I just told you, LGBT rights, women rights and other forms of social justice were won by fighting.

>> No.14432374

First off microdosing is pussy shit. 300-400 ug and double your redose until it stops working. More importantly you could easily go out and start illegally planting trees, doing prescribed burns, and spreading seeds. You should go look for comrades, posting cringe at the city square is less than worthless. Just go to protests to find them, just watch out for glowies and ffs do not talk like you post(like disenfranchised Nazi incel) Most importantly actually learn ecology. I'm so sick of illiterate online environmentalists treating ecology like it's a vacuous political movement, that's where ecofash cringelords come from, it's like the only thing you people typically know about your home is some vague understanding that it's falling apart.

>> No.14432402
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>America parasitically benefits off the labour of the 3rd world
>The USSR was a smaller self-sustaining and egaliterian economy.
>Invade Poland
>Invade Finland
>Invade Afghanistan
>Control half of europe
>Soviet women may have been materially poorer but legally richer than american ones
No, lmao. The quality of life in the United States was far above anywhere in the eastern block.
Second, they had to work a lot more. At home, at the factory, and at the field.
>Ok 15 year old
not a nazi
>soviet history
yes, i know where my own family comes from.
>I just told you, LGBT rights
no one shoots other people over their fetishes
>women rights
what more rights do you want
>and other forms of social justice
the word social justice has really been tainted
>First off microdosing is pussy shit. 300-400 ug and double your redose until it stops working.
imagine being a drug gatekeeper.

>> No.14432413

I'm not even being a gatekeeper, they said they wanted to stay up for 4 days, microdosing is mostly placebo and will not keep you awake.

>> No.14432424

nearly whole post was a joke friend. the only serious bit is that people should work on their appearances more. if that makes you think i am a nazi then dude i just dont know what to say to you. give 20 push ups a try? i dont think i write like a disenfranchised nazi, you must be projecting!

>> No.14432431

herodosing doesn't increase the length of the trip. just makes it more intense.

>> No.14432445

>they despise strength, self-sufficiency, competition, and family.
>there is nothing inherently "right wing" about this set of traditional and conservative values
get fucked loser

>> No.14432453

god shut the fuck up тpяпкa ты бeзтыжaя, aмepикa бoгaтa из зa экcплoитaтций тpyдa, нo этo бoгaтcтвa нe дocтyпнo иннocтpaным экcпaтaм кaк ты, ты для них тaкoй жe нигep, и ты c твoe ceмьoй бyдeтe paбoтaть нa WASP-нaчaльникa дo 70и, a oн бyдeт cидeть нa бeлoкypoй жoпe и бoгaтeть иззa вac.

>> No.14432454

OP here, what are you trying to say?

>> No.14432463

why do people project like this? because a handful of bigmouths online represent the ideals of the entire country? no bro get off twitter and go talk to real people OP. literally no one in real life holds these views outside of Brooklyn NY.

>> No.14432475

I never thought you were a Nazi(I also accidentally left that name on from when I rolled in a nazi thread earlier) or serious and ignored the "serious" portion of your post entirely. I reply to text, intentions do not matter here, so I precede as if you unironically mean the things you say, and you do write like the typical politically engaged 4chaner which is a disenfranchised Nazi incel

>> No.14432481


>> No.14432491

>so I precede

>> No.14432494
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>> No.14432500

da Ivan, name the wasp but not the...

>> No.14432502

explain how exactly i write like a nazi I would genuinely like to, ye know, not come off like that, even if i didnt think i was

>> No.14432512

in what way do "liberals", broadly defined, despise "strength"? by ensuring that people with disabilities have equal access to public buildings and that physically weaker individuals still have the right to a hot meal and shelter? In what way is "self-sufficiency" despised? by calling out the capital-owning loafers who leech off the hard work of those in their employ? any of these values can be ascribed to "liberal" values as much as they can to conservatives; but juxtaposing "strength", "family", "competition", etc. together, you let us know you only mean strength in the sense that no accommodations are made for people who don't have food or are disabled, you only mean competition in the ruthless sense of depriving another of their liberties, and you only mean self-sufficiency in the sense of being lucky enough to get a job that makes ends meet.

>> No.14432513

eastern block, not russia. i don't speak your language (but of course my parents had to in school, definitely not because ussr wasn't imperialist no sir)
the period in american history where the country was wealthiest was when least of it's workforce were off shored to third world shitholes

you are deluding yourself if you think ussr "wasn't imperialist"
pure hypocrisy.
you invade afghanistan to bring freedom, like the americans do? lmao.

>literally no one in real life holds these views outside of Brooklyn NY.
i literally live there, lmao you trying to dox me bro?

>> No.14432514

>they despise strength
Apart from ploretariat self rule

Apart from being for sensible economic planning that meets human needs and doesnt rely on global outsourcing

Apart from being against a system rigged from the start

>and family.
Apart from fighting for maternal and paternal leave, material and social support for families, automation to liberate people from work so they can spend more time with their kids and loved ones

>> No.14432520

>trying to dox me

>he doesnt know im God

>> No.14432523

this thread is bait

>> No.14432526

You can make fun of me all you want but at least I learned how to spell 'proceed' in the process.
I'm just joking around, I was simply telling you to avoid 4chan talking points if you are looking for some buddies to blockade a logging road with.

>> No.14432538

which points were 4chan, i am actually here today for the first time in like 6 months because ive been deployed

>> No.14432544

Jews exploit the contradictions in a wasp capitalist system to survive. They're no more at fault than middle class wasps who are themselves playing the game to stay afloat.
I told you I wasnt a stalinist (and everything since by extension)

Afghan intervention was messy but the attempts in the 20s at spreading the revolution to imperialist lackeys in eastern europe was based, and not imperialism because it wanted to liberate their working class and give them self rule.

America started off exploiting the black and native work force with slavery, then immigrant workers, then outsourcing. It was never a self sufficient economy but always relied on expansionism and leeching off someone else.

>> No.14432558

not him but you do realize that the united states will become an empire spanning from the arctic circle to the tip of south america in the next 100 years right

>> No.14432559

how is TK in any way relevant to the arguing of politicizied, brainwashed anglos?

Leftists are weak and domesticated. Right wingers are dumb, and domesticated. You're politicized? I don't wanna hear about it.

>> No.14432575

Imagine the road trips from tip to tip holy fuck that would be fun

>> No.14432581

Oh sorry, I can't find any. Like I said I only seriously responded to the joke portions of your post and just got vague impressions for the rest. You actually seem 100 percent OK to me. Also I didn't even catch the 'im high' portion of your post, if I did I would have made an effort not to misrepresent you. sorry for bullying you, xoxo I love you.

>> No.14432591

watch the movie 180 degrees south. its quite comfy
you have been out debated by me, an individual with a measured IQ of 91 (ninety one)

>> No.14432606

this post is assuming i am a conservative. i am aware of the exploitations of corporate america and yada yada yada. they should be hung no doubt about it.
yes "leftists" consistently seek to undermine the family unit.
your example with the wheelchair is just some feel good crap. you know that is clearly something i don't champion against but you're making it look like i am.
>look guys, he doesn't think people in wheelchairs should get into buildings
why don't you ask what i'm actually against?

it's why i said "leftists"
i know you're not a stalinst, they're the only communists i somewhat respect.
>Afghan intervention was messy but
but nothing. no one invades other countries to "liberate" other people. it's the same bread and circus shit americans talk about spreading democracy or whatever the fuck.
you know what's not being anti-imperialist? leaving your fucking borders the way they are and letting countries dealing with their own bullshit their own way.
>America started off exploiting the black
as farming tools. big fucking mistake and america would have been better off without a single negro in it.
no, they were just genocided.
>then immigrant workers
they were exploited the same as any low class person was
is bad

any country that exists has at one point "exploited" another entity. the only way for a state to exist is by force.

>> No.14432626

lmao it happens all the time. I actually have a Mensa qualifying IQ, at least I did when I was a child. Yesterday I was changing an oil filter and got BTFO by a very stupid alcoholic with a traumatic brain injury because I didn't think to remember leftie-loosey. I have severe ADHD and am withdrawing from amphetamines. This is why i don't respect IQ scores at all, everyone is retarded most of the time.

>> No.14432628


>> No.14432630

do u play old school rune scape

>> No.14432639

Word. I only listen to unliteral murderers

>> No.14432659

The answer is multifactorial.
First, "neoliberal capitalism" or hyperefficient markets d/t the internet or whatever you want to call it has gotten really good at co-opting threats to its existence. It's a highly durable system because of this feature. An alternate ideology or strong critique of the status quo comes along, except to follow its prescriptions would mean sacrifice. True believers are ready to sacrifice but your average person for whom this ideology or criticism sounds/feels good doesn't want to, they choose an easy way to express it. They wear the che guevera t-shirt on campus, they dogpile "racists" on twitter, they state their pronouns, they post hateful shit on /pol/, they repost a bunch of high-res pictures of european countryside with a superimposed iron sun or rune, they get their dopamines, they move on. EZ pleasure wins the day because the market supplies it at much cheaper rates.
All this, concurrent with purposeful corruptions of radical and critical movements by the CIA. Book groups get infiltrated and reported on, forums are all honeypots, they're good at what they do. When the KGB finally collapsed people would go in and get their files and find out that Mr. Ilvanovich from next door, their good friend of 30 years, had reported on them several hundreds of times. In fact he was employed to monitor you and some of your other neighbors. Some people found out their wives or husbands had been placed by the organization to report on them. If you think that's not possible in the US then you are fucking dumb.
People naturally disdain violence and for good reason, anybody who calls for it on here or elsewhere is posing, and it actually takes a competent, reasonable, intelligent, charasmatic person to spread a radical or truly critical position without using violence or the status quo. Plus a bunch of similarly competent leader types to fall in line. You need Jesus and his discples to create institutions as stable and hegemonic as the catholic church, you can't have a mohammad out there eheading fuckers because that just creates a whole bunch of little shitstorm power eddies that eventually fizzle out. You know how often a Jesus type comes around? I think it's been like two thousand years since the last one.

>> No.14432664

>you guys keep painting us with broad strokes without actually interrogating our ideology!
>these people build a morality based around everything they are not and do not have. they despise strength, self-sufficiency, competition, and family.


>> No.14432666

No I only play Toontown rewritten

>> No.14432675

>it's why i said "leftists"

Democrats and liberals aren't leftists because they still support capitalist exploitation, just a polite version

>i know you're not a stalinst, they're the only communists i somewhat respect.
>>Afghan intervention was messy but
>but nothing. no one invades other countries to "liberate" other people. it's the same bread and circus shit americans talk about spreading democracy or whatever the fuck.

I told you I dont support everything past stalin, by extension the afghan invasion. because of him, the revolution degraded into a typically capitalist nation that relies on expansionism.

>you know what's not being anti-imperialist? leaving your fucking borders the way they are and letting countries dealing with their own bullshit their own way.

The economy is global and transcends borders. Thats why a revolution needs to be global. The soviet revolution came too early and didnt spark the wildfire it should have.

>as farming tools. big fucking mistake and america would have been better off without a single negro in it.
Blacks have always worked longer, harder and for less pay in America, both in plantations and factories. They are the underclass that middle class america lives off.

>no, they were just genocided.
Initially, enslaved.

>>then immigrant workers
>they were exploited the same as any low class person was

Yes, showing that america only had a 'good quality of life' if you were lucky to be born into the WASP core that leeched off the labour of the underclass. What I wrote to you in Russian is that expats like you will never be part of the core, you'll work your whole life as middle class napkins for some WASP shareholder to live off on.

>any country that exists has at one point "exploited" another entity. the only way for a state to exist is by force.

Holy shit, its almost like capital and state are intertwined and the revolution should smash both

>> No.14432680

>you guys keep painting us with broad strokes without actually interrogating our ideology!
what is my ideology?

>> No.14432683

what is mine?

>> No.14432691

kringe thread im closing it

>> No.14432692

>u can't have a mohammad out there eheading fuckers because that just creates a whole bunch of little shitstorm power eddies that eventually fizzle out.

Yet it's Islam that's buttfucking Christianity out of Europe as we speak, not the other way around.

If things don't change, Europe in 2100 will be poop-coloured and ruled by sharia law.

>> No.14432709

That's a bullshit narrative, you know it. Nice reddit spacing btw.

>> No.14432716

That's... an uncomfortably accurate description of university intellectuals and the "social justice" movement.

>> No.14432722

because theyre the good guys playing from behind

>> No.14432728

Some European countries might be Muslim, France seems a distinct possibility, but not the entire continent.

>> No.14432729

>Democrats and liberals aren't leftists because they still support capitalist exploitation, just a polite version
i don't support capitalist exploitation. am i a leftist then?
>I told you I dont support everything past stalin
i know and you sit here trying to justify it.
>The economy is global and transcends borders. Thats why a revolution needs to be global.
why don't you want to leave people alone?
>Blacks have always worked longer, harder and for less pay in America, both in plantations and factories.
[citation needed]
>Initially, enslaved.
yeah, didn't work out. genocided.
>if you were lucky to be born into the WASP core that leeched off the labour of the underclass
except the "nazis" wanted to keep the nation WASP. and then you complain about exploitation. the very first naturalization act of the united states limited citizenship to WASPS
>Holy shit, its almost like capital and state are intertwined and the revolution should smash both
no, if someone doesnt want to live under your communist world republic
you are going to have to force them to.
did i say i know?
did i say i was speaking for all "leftists"

>> No.14432730

> weak things

Please explain further what you mean. Do you think to be manly one should value big cars guns and being a douchebag?
I think the only thing that comes off strong to me is if someone doesn´t give a fuck what anyone thinks of him or his values. Just my opinion whats a strong thing I should value?

>> No.14432749

>bro when you think about it, the social justice movement and university professors like... just hate strength and competition. totally fucked.

do you consider this to be a new or innovative line of criticism dude. you can find this shit in the youtube comments section of a Ted talk

>> No.14432755

>why is the modern "leftwing" so weak
yeah you did

>> No.14432756

Look at this seething faggot lmao

>> No.14432759

Because it's kind of obvious

>> No.14432775

A rightie doesn't value strength so much as the trappings of strength. They like guns but are fuds about any guns or weapons which have the appearance of "weapons of war," which are the exact things one would need to hold power. They bill Jihadis as these scary other monsters, even though Jihadis are, despite their general retardation, hard men living off rice and beans fighting one of the most powerful armies in the world like characters from some bullshit action movie. They bootlick cops who exist to keep them from having to protect themselves. They grow beards to hide weak jawlines. Etc. Almost all their "strength valuing" is just subconscious acknowledgement of their own impotence.

>> No.14432785

Ah, I see, you're only intellectually equipped to handle obscure and nonsensical lines of criticism. I apologize if my comment was threatening.

>> No.14432789

bit of a strawman. i agree about the weapons thing though, I have no idea why people think the government should be able to have weapons that the people don't. Just strikes me as complete faggotry

>> No.14432792

A list of supporting examples to illustrate a point isn't a strawman lmao

>> No.14432814

It's a strawman if the examples don't typify the demographic you're talking about. A lot of the guys you're talking about want no restrictions on guns, they dislike Jihadis rather than fearing them, the beard thing is blatantly associated with lefties so idk why you brought that up, and they trust cops far less than the left, that's one of the main reasons they want their guns.

Like what you're saying applies to some of them sure, but it's not really an accurate description of their main characteristics.

>> No.14432817

most are champions of gun control, they believe the state should provide more welfare to those who do not work. they believe corporations (yes i don't like them either) are involved in some conspiracy to pay women and minorities less and that cops are too trigger happy when it comes to minorities and that there is no justification for their actions and no blame in the part of their victims
they think "masculinity" is toxic but of course, we'd have to discuss what masculinity really is because i myself think the concept of it has been perverted.
>I mean the whole wing shit is a sham anyway, but you guys know what i mean.
poor reading comprehension
>when someone holds these things in high regard, i enjoy their company, no matter what politics they hold. there is nothing inherently "right wing" about it.
i'm not a rightwinger, anyway. but of course we'd have to define what that even is.
i still never stated what any of my beliefs are.

>> No.14432832

>I attached wing to the word which means I have plausible deniability when someone calls me out for obviously generalizing

>> No.14432845

please for the love of god just state your fucking beliefs so you can stop pretending to be put upon

>> No.14432847

>thread telling people who haven't read <list of books> gets deleted but this stays up

>> No.14432867

i specifically call out a certain demographic among the "left wing" which is why i called it "left wing"
and i stated, previously that the "left-right-wing" rhetoric is bullshit and i also stated that i agreed with people despite our political views.
what you're arguing with me is not my politics, but what you are arguing with me is what i view to be "strength" and why i think it is positive.

i could be a titoist, a fascist, or an anarchist. you wouldn't be of the wiser.

>LGBT shit is stupid
>Mixed economy is good. But it can change depending on the needs in a particular. No economic system will stand the test of time.
>State is evil but should it exist serve the middle class and do in it's power to lift the people to a good standard of living
>Ethnic cohesion makes a country stronger.

>> No.14432897

God damn you're exhausting to argue with. Probably not 15, but 14.

Capitalism is global, it doesn't 'leave people alone', hence why a revolution should be global.

Nazis are the lapdogs of capitalists who uphold bullshit arbitrary divisions of the working class into borders, races, ranks of purity, etc.

But whatever, the whole thread from the get-go was you begging the question.

Being comfortable with who you are in spite of an aggressive conformist culture is strength, and thats why LGBT people, minorities, and being their ally is so charming and popular, meanwhile empathy-deprived conservatives are always autistic incels.

>> No.14432900

>State is evil but should it exist serve the middle class
not an anachist
>Mixed economy is good
not a titoist
>Ethnic cohesion makes a country stronger
what was the third one again

>> No.14432951

>nazis are the lapdogs of capitalists
Then why do capitalists react with such violence towards any hint of nazism

also you cannot seriously pretend being a faggot is revolutionary anymore, attending pride parades is conformist not protesting them

>> No.14432971

>God damn you're exhausting to argue with
because you're an intellectual light weight
>Capitalism is global, it doesn't 'leave people alone', hence why a revolution should be global.
define capitalism. free enterprise is not the same thing as capitalism.
>Nazis are the lapdogs of capitalists
neo nazis or the nsdap?
if we're talking about the nsdap, you're completely wrong.
the nsdap is like a unwanted third child. capitalists crying that it's socialist and socialists crying it's capitalist.
>arbitrary divisions of the working class
what does the zimbabwean middle class have in common with the american middle class?
how is it arbitrary?
>ranks of purity
i dont know what that is
>Being comfortable with who you are in spite of an aggressive conformist culture is strength, and thats why LGBT people, minorities, and being their ally
you are pandered to by corporate america and our very own government
>implying titoist yugsolavia wasn't mixed economy
>Ethnic cohesion makes a country stronger
>what was the third one again
not what fascism is

>> No.14433001

>>>14432897 (You)
>>nazis are the lapdogs of capitalists
>Then why do capitalists react with such violence towards any hint of nazism
Because corporations had to concede in small doses to the pressure that the people have put on them, eg ISP/youtube/facebook being threatened with legal action if they keep letting nazis mobilise and encouraging mass shootings

No, you just exhaust your opponents because you need everything explained to you

>> No.14433008

What is this force that can tell corporations what to do, I thought they were all powerful

>> No.14433034

>define capitalism. free enterprise is not the same thing as capitalism.
Lol why do right wingers always come back to the same cringe one liners every time?

>> No.14433037
File: 62 KB, 652x767, 1576021163122.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Because corporations had to concede in small doses to the pressure that the people have put on them
you are not addressing the fact that your group is pandered to by every single existing megacorp today. and not to "nazis"
in fact you didn't address anything i said, maybe you could fuckin destroy me. what does it matter. this is simply a difference in philosophy.

>> No.14433049

it's literally not the same thing.
when marx refers to capitalists, he is referring to a specific kind of people. factory owners, business tycoons, not people selling their fucking potatos.

>> No.14433051

>your group is pandered to by every single existing megacorp today. and not to "nazis"
you literally shared a picture describing Coca Cola enabling fascist death squads to murder people why are you still insinuating the left is the beneficiary of corporate action

>> No.14433057

The same force that makes corps concede to strikes and unions; the force of organised people.

>> No.14433073

When Marx refers to capitalists he means those that extract surplus labour value through the ownership of the means of production. Free enterprise is oxymoronic because the state is required to enforce private industry agreements.

>> No.14433076

I don't really buy it, when people try to organize under some fascist cause the corporations and government shut them down

>> No.14433083

>the state is required to enforce private industry agreements.
No it isn't

>> No.14433097

>enabling fascist death squads
what makes them fascist?
this is why no one takes you seriously. you're calling them fascist for no other fucking reason other than the fact that you think it's evil.

my picture shows no one with power actually gives jack shit about LGBT faggots such as yourself.
the government just sees you as votes
and corporations just see you as more mindless consumers

the only people that are against your perversions are blue collar americans. that's it.

>When Marx refers to capitalists he means those that extract surplus labour value through the ownership of the means of production.
> Free enterprise is oxymoronic because the state is required to enforce private industry agreements.
the last thing corporations want is more state intervention.

>> No.14433098

They shut them down because the people demand them to be shut down, not because they're an existential threat to corps or the state.

>> No.14433114

>the people demand
How exactly does this function? A group of protesters? A vote? Why do the corporations even care about some people demanding stuff? I don't see any grassroots organization of this progressive stuff, it all comes from the universities

>> No.14433132

>>the people demand
>How exactly does this function? A group of protesters? A vote? Why do the corporations even care about some people demanding stuff? I don't see any grassroots organization of this progressive stuff, it all comes from the universities

Everything you said. Protesters, activists, direct action grassroots (ie antifa) and the state, which isnt fully democratic bc its still capitalist but is still able to defend the rights of the people to some extent, for example by enforcing labour rights, data protection laws, going after tax evading corps and corps funding or utilising fascists.

>> No.14433145

How is private property law enforced without a state? How is it legislated?

>> No.14433146

Why does the state do any of this if it's capitalist? Why doesn't it just Tiananmen square them

>> No.14433158

>Protesters, activists, direct action grassroots
almost all people who do this today are paid to do so.
people are living paycheck to fucking paycheck, are you telling me they can afford to go out and protest on a weekday no less?

>How is private property law enforced without a state?
>property law
>enforce with state
you enforce it with your own arms dammit.

>> No.14433163

How is the modern left wing weak compared to the right? The right
>submits unquestionably to their emperor president who actively does nothing to benefit most of them and cries when anyone questions him
>submits unquestionably to a capitalist economy that intentionally makes them dispensible, weak and in debt and cries when anyone questions it
>submits unquestionably to an paradoxical god and cries when anyone questions it
At least liberals call people out on their shit instead of eating the shit and crying that others aren't enjoying it as much as them

>> No.14433164

Also the gay marriage thign for example was passed against the vote of the people, so their opinions don't seem to actually matter

>> No.14433174

>you enforce it with your own arms dammit.
Why then be in any industry rather than arms manufacturing then?

>> No.14433179

This is literally brainlet tier reasoning, that leftists venerate this bitch as a hero is telling of the intellectual condition on the left as a whole

>> No.14433186

The twist is that it’s exactly what Nazis said about Jews

>> No.14433188

>Why does the state do any of this if it's capitalist? Why doesn't it just Tiananmen square them
Because the west has managed to achieve some level of internal democracy
>almost all people who do this today are paid to do so.
>people are living paycheck to fucking paycheck, are you telling me they can afford to go out and protest on a weekday no less?

You haven't met direct action groups then. Its true that middle class people are more likely to be able to afford to go them, just like white people are less likely to be brutalised by the police for them. But marginalised groups find ways to take part in resistance regardless together with their allies.

>> No.14433197

Nazism is a choice, being a Jew isn't.

>> No.14433208

>oh you happen to have more than 500$ dollars on your savings account? Sorry but you chose that fate yourself, you're going to gulag kiddo

>> No.14433216
File: 573 KB, 1325x1500, lutysemiauto01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why then be in any industry rather than arms manufacturing then?
why be in any industry at all?
where do these groups procure funding?

>> No.14433230

Obviously, George Soros, brainlet.

But for real, in the UK, the conservative party is funded by 1/3 of the country's billionaires, the labour party is funded by none, and relies mostly on small people's donations. There is the difference for you, faggot.

>> No.14433245

>off topic /pol/shit
>retarded take
>posts anime
checks out

>> No.14433266

i apologize, wasn't talkin' bout the UK. i'm an american.
i don't like any of our political parties. at all.
europe doesn't have the bipartisan shit we do.
stop being an ableist and complaining about anime on an anime image board
leftoids love anime, rightoids love anime. all autistic people do.

>> No.14433276

Well America has a long history of labour strikes, unions, protests, riots and agitations and they were all done by people with no money fighting against the force of capital.

>> No.14433282

funny thing about our past labor parties was that they were pretty racist

>> No.14433395

Ted should've killed his brother

>> No.14433404

>Adam Smith inconsistency thread deleted
>reeee leftys suck :( thread stays up

>> No.14433413
File: 32 KB, 361x426, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I resent the implication; I happen to think this thread is off topic shit just like you.

>> No.14433432

you can't delete the truth

>> No.14433437

>32 posters
>132 replies
how many people use /lit/
like 1000? if that?

>> No.14433452

I don't think they despise family strength and self-sufficiency, it's that we see that they are myths.

I mean you want to see people building a morality around what they are not? Look at suburban conservatives making memes with muscular president trump

>> No.14433463

>strength is a myth

>> No.14433482

consider that some of the most powerful people in the world are Jeff Bezos and Zuckerberg (who every time someone tries to talk to him is literally in tears).

Or that the president of the first world power is someone who can't get over the fact that a journalist said he got tiny hands.

You quickly realize that strength as an individual trait is largely a farce, and that power is sustained through impersonal institutions and networks.

>> No.14433494

in nowhere did op stae strength as in the physical and the physical only

>> No.14433508

Neither did I. Being obsessed with silly things like your hands size is silly. So is tearing up and stuttering when you are being interrogated by congress.

Bezos may be an exceptions, but he is more an intelligent dedicated paper-pusher than a leader. And certainly he is not self-sufficient, he climbed up the ladder of corporate investment, and started a business with his parent's money taking advantage of tax structures across the country.

>> No.14433519

>gay takes
>reddit spacing
you have to go back

>> No.14433527


>> No.14433575

>more threads deleted
>this one still up

>> No.14433622

It’s not that the left wing is weak, it’s that the weak are left wing

>> No.14433636

Quoting Uncle Ted will make any pathetic leftist seethe. They’re so predictable. Their behavior is programmed. Ted knee about NPCs decades ago

>> No.14433698

>+100 replies
>not a single faggot has chastized Ted for being shitty discount-Heidegger

Stay pleb.

>> No.14433707

t. Seething oversocialized fag with an inferiority complex

>> No.14433819

>You're deluding yourself if you think Pavlichnko would put up with the sexism you expect American women to face
omg are you real

>> No.14433848

Not an argument, die

>> No.14433872

Being okay with being a wagecuck to your boss is the most embarrassing thing. How can you call yourself strong when you have to rent yourself to your boss to live while he gets rich off of you?

>> No.14433956


>> No.14434088

That's not entirely true, it's not going to lengthen the half life but the higher concentrations means that the JNDs for the beginning and end of the trip respectively happen earlier and later, also the stronger exposure to psychedelic stimuli means the after glow and habituated perceptual changes last longer. Anyways the reason I said to take more is that microdosing isn't likely going to keep you up, I've even met people who have sleept on actual hero doses, 300-400 ugs is a heavy common dose imo

>> No.14434105

rightwingers eternally btfo
