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/lit/ - Literature

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14431147 No.14431147[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Leave this board immediately if you have not real ALL of the following:

HOMER: Iliad, Odyssey
AESCHYLUS: Agamemnon, Libation Bearers, Eumenides, Prometheus Bound
SOPHOCLES: Oedipus Rex, Oedipus at Colonus, Antigone, Philoctetes, Ajax
THUCYDIDES: Peloponnesian War
EURIPIDES: Hippolytus, Bacchae
HERODOTUS: Histories
PLATO (SOCRATES): Meno, Gorgias, Republic, Apology, Crito, Phaedo, Symposium, Parmenides, Theaetetus, Sophist, Timaeus, Phaedrus
ARISTOTLE: Poetics, Physics, Metaphysics, Nicomachean Ethics, On Generation and Corruption, Politics, Parts of Animals, Generation of Animals
EUCLID: Elements
LUCRETIUS: On the Nature of Things
PLUTARCH: Lycurgus, Solon
NICOMACHUS: Arithmetic
LAVOISIER: Elements of Chemistry
HARVEY: Motion of the Heart and Blood
THE BIBLE: New Testament only
ARISTOTLE: De Anima, On Interpretation, Prior Analytics, Categories
VIRGIL: Aeneid
PLUTARCH: “Caesar,” “Cato the Younger,” “Antony,” “Brutus”
EPICTETUS: Discourses, Manual
PTOLEMY: Almagest
PLOTINUS: The Enneads
AUGUSTINE: Confessions
MAIMONIDES: Guide for the Perplexed
ST. ANSELM: Proslogium
AQUINAS: Summa Theologica
DANTE: Divine Comedy
CHAUCER: Canterbury Tales
MACHIAVELLI: The Prince, Discourses
KEPLER: Epitome IV
RABELAIS: Gargantua and Pantagruel
PALESTRINA: Missa Papae Marcelli
VIETE: Introduction to the Analytical Art
BACON: Novum Organum
DESCARTES: Geometry, Discourse on Method
PASCAL: Generation of Conic Sections
GALILEO: Two New Sciences
HOBBES: Leviathan
DESCARTES: Meditations, Rules for the Direction of the Mind
MILTON: Paradise Lost
PASCAL: Pensees
HUYGENS: Treatise on Light, On the Movement of Bodies by Impact
ELIOT: Middlemarch
SPINOZA: Theological-Political Treatise
LOCKE: Complete Works
RACINE: Phaedre
NEWTON: Principia Mathematica
KEPLER: Epitome IV
LEIBNIZ: Monadology, Discourse on Metaphysics, Essay On Dynamics, Philosophical Essays, Principles of Nature and Grace
HUME: Complete Works
ROUSSEAU: Complete Works
MOLIERE: Le Misanthrope
ADAM SMITH: Wealth of Nations
KANT: Complete Works
JANE AUSTEN: Pride and Prejudice
DEDEKIND: Essay on the Theory of Numbers
Articles of Confederation, Declaration of Independence, Constitution of the United States of America
WORDSWORTH: The Two Part Prelude of 1799
GOETHE: Complete works
DARWIN: Origin of Species
HEGEL: Phenomenology of Mind, “Logic” (from the Encyclopedia)
LOBACHEVSKY: Theory of Parallels
TOCQUEVILLE: Democracy in America
LINCOLN: Selected Speeches
KIERKEGAARD: Philosophical Fragments, Fear and Trembling
WAGNER: Tristan and Isolde
MARX: Complete Works
MELVILLE: Benito Cereno
NIETZSCHE: Beyond Good and Evil
FREUD: Introductory Lectures on Psychoanalysis
HEIDEGGER: Basic Writings
EINSTEIN: Selected papers
FLAUBERT: Un Coeur Simple
Poems by: Yeats, T.S. Eliot, Wallace Stevens, Valery, Rimbaud

>> No.14431192

alright see you later virgins

>> No.14431228

Get out.

>> No.14431253

That’s like 99.99999999% of this board including me L M A O cya fag. Stay on this dog shit liberal cuckholded psued board

>> No.14431278

no mention of the greatest Greek text of all: Hesiod - Works and Days. pleb detected.

>> No.14431294

>faggot Greeks
Okay I'm leaving

>> No.14431417

Don't tell me what to do.

>> No.14431581

>if you have not real ALL of the following

>> No.14431649
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Literally more books than I have read in my entire life.

>No Xenophon in the list

He actually thinks he smart.

>> No.14431684

poor bird :(

>> No.14431687

>no Donne
>no Pope
>no Shakespeare
>no Byron
>no Shelley
>no Blake
>no Joyce

>> No.14431730 [DELETED] 
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Which of these books are you planning to read in the 2020s? Why?

>> No.14431803

All shit

>> No.14431847

Explain why shakespeare is shit

>> No.14431852

>explain why gay stories written in a gay language is shit

>> No.14431897

But you have multiple author's who wrote in english on that list

>> No.14431940

They're not writing gay stories

>> No.14431943

Bro you put melville and multon on that list

>> No.14431946

ITT: OP just read how to read a book

>> No.14431989

what is the best ancient roman/greek reflection or fiction on the practice of governance/statecraft

have all the time in the world so more than one is fine

>> No.14431993

its just annoying as fuck to read

>> No.14432026

Leave this board immediately if you don't want to be around jaded misanthropes with no love for literature and only a desire to be contrarian.

>> No.14432035

>AUGUSTINE: Confessions
>MAIMONIDES: Guide for the Perplexed
that's a real pseud's jump

>> No.14432146

this is /lit/s equivalent of some on /tv/ saying get out if you haven't seen
>Pulp fiction
>Star wars
>Oceans 11
>Star trek
>Office space
>The good the bad and the ugly
>Texas chainsaw massacre
>nightmare on elm street
>the godfather
>India jones
>Top gun
>Saving privat ryan
>no country for old men

This is a board about literature and that being literature of any variety, people like you often make fun of reddit for only valuing super mainstream and popular products of a specific subject just becuase they're popular, and yet you act the same "OHH YOUR NOT AN ACTUAL READER IF YOU DONT LIKE THIS"
Literally get of this board you stupid faggot and dont come back. Ill read what I want.

>> No.14432152

The Republic you dumb pleb

>> No.14432163

Bro you put chaucer and hegel on that list

>> No.14432168

>THE BIBLE: New Testament only
beyond based

>> No.14432172

I don't even know how to read.

>> No.14432173


>> No.14432278

obviously but what else

>> No.14432280


>> No.14432325

rim me

>> No.14432334

I only read Atlas Shrugged and imagine all the characters as trannies and cat girls.

>> No.14432423

That's all

>> No.14432485

Most of the movies you listed have absolutely no artistic value. To even compare them to rich philosophic, politic, economic and scientific works; or pieces that have completely shaped western -and, thus, universal- thought... What could even be said about this?

>> No.14432506

No movie has any significant artist value

>> No.14432516

lol wrong

>> No.14432574

I'm not talking about the value these books hold, which I can agree they do hold value but the fact that you hold them such a status to say that if you haven't read them that you cant talk about books or don't belong on a literature board is similar to how some film cunt saying that if you haven't viewed the "classics" of pop culture that you have no say in the discussion of film.

>> No.14432597

>if you haven't read them that you cant talk about books or don't belong on a literature board
This is correct

>> No.14432602
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>Oh you just got into literature and you haven't read this massive list of books? Fuck you and leave, never come back faggot.

And you wonder why literature is dying, you force out the newcomers. Kill yourself faggot, newbies welcome

>> No.14432604
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>No Epicurus or Stirner
That's a yikes from me, bro

>> No.14432614

>literature is dying because of 4chan posts

>> No.14432617

>literature is dying,
It's not dying newfag
Lucretius > Epicurus
Nietzche > Stirner

>> No.14432625

yep, it's already dead

>> No.14432640

these lists have the opposite effect of what you're saying, some teenager sees something like that and takes it as a challenge to read all that stuff to become part of some imagined exclusive group. The fact that it's framed as being difficult and unusual is essential to the appeal

>> No.14432641

You do know that there are more books than the ones listed, like those aren't the only books ever written. You do know this Right?
Also do you know that there are different genres right?
Like do you choose to be this close minded or are you actually this ignorant?

>> No.14432652

This is peak pseud, OP.

>> No.14432681

>close minded
>prefers literature "genres"
You read all the classics then you read whatever faggy "genres" you fancy which is probably 50 shades of grey cause only a YA reader could be so stupid to write the comment you posted

>> No.14432750

Imagine seeing someone mention "literature genres" and immediately think of porn books wtf?

>> No.14432760

>reading translations

>> No.14432769
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>> No.14432796

Who said they should be translations?