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/lit/ - Literature

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14424691 No.14424691 [Reply] [Original]

Why is this the case? Is it because a large amount of classical literature was created by catholics, or is there some other reason?

>> No.14424699

this board is overwhelmingly RETARDED (except for me)

>> No.14424710

It's pure contrarianism. If society at large were overwhelmingly Catholic, these people would be hardcore atheists.

>> No.14424717

It's just you.

>> No.14424721

brainlets on 4channel are clinging to the identity because they think it will fill in the hole where their sense of self should be.

>> No.14424730

I honestly think the vast majority are larping atheists.

>> No.14424732

Most "catholics" on here are just larpers. There has been a huge "conversion" rate after all that MAGA an /pol/ "return to good traditions" bullshit. I don't doubt there are some dudes on here who genuinely are looking for some deeper meaning in life and doing so through religious texts (a good example, though disregarded on here is PewDiePie), but must of them just like to shit on LGBT and immigrants after a good fap session to torture furry porn.

>> No.14424759

/lit/ has been a Catholic board for years. Or, at least, we're either Catholic or we're hardcore atheists in the Nietzschan tradition. There's not really a middle ground.

>> No.14424765


These are all basically correct (the intrinsic contrarianism in 4chan's userbase), but perhaps general 4chan board culture is turning a corner over the past several months (not sure yet). I go a step further: there has never been any such thing as a sincere Christian who browses 4chan. I hear weak arguments against this, and I bat them away.

>> No.14424769

>there has never been any such thing as a sincere Christian who browses 4chan

Newfag. /lit/ has always been very Catholic, do you not remember christfag?

>> No.14424772
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>there has never been any such thing as a sincere Christian who browses 4chan.

Why does this have to be true? In fact, in this particular case, if there were to be a great saint in this age, what better place would there be for him to browse than 4chan? Do you expect any great saints to come from Reddit? Do you expect the modern Saint Dominic or Saint Ignatius to come from Facebook or 9gag?

And don't say the modern great saint wouldn't be online. Everyone's online now.

>> No.14424774

Daily reminder that the same schizo NEET who is behind Guenon spamming is also behind the recent Catholicism spamming. It's the same exact tactic every time: loaded troll questions.

>> No.14424777


Every single one is pretending, even if they think they aren't. I reiterate: there has never been any such thing as a sincere Christian who browses 4chan. Not ever, not once. The "no true Scotsman" holds good, actually, in this case.

t. been here since early 2004

>> No.14424778

my dream /lit/ is either Swedenborg or Mahayana catches on, or both.
Catholicism is supremely boring not to mention played out at this point.

>> No.14424780
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>/lit/ has always been very Catholic

>> No.14424782

>recent Catholicism spamming

Do you seriously not know that there were Catholic generals seven years ago? 4chan seems to pass on history in the oral tradition since the threads are not saved. There are a few oldfags left, but the newfags like you who make up your own ideas of how 4chan used to be raises an interesting point on the passage of history from one generation to the next. You believe it was one way, and you have no proof and yet you are still certain you are correct. You are morphing the past to suit your agenda of CHRISTIAN BAD

>> No.14424784

Define sincere Catholic.

>> No.14424789

>played out

That's what they've been saying for 2000 years.

>> No.14424800

and yet it still manages to find base with third-wordlers who know no better and have no clue as to the basic doctrine of their very own religion. It's boring in theory, contradictory and gaudy in practice, and all the Catholics I know personally either just go to church because that's what they do or have complaints with church doctrine but are ignorant to alternatives.
In the end it goes down to personal opinion and if people are happy that's great for them, but I do not find anything about it interesting.

>> No.14424810

No. Nobody on here is unironically religious. They just LARP as being religious because they saw some stupid memes on this website about how totally aesthetic christianity is and they decided to do memes in real life like the autists they are.

>> No.14424814


>> No.14424827


I got trips and you're pretending I said "Catholic" when I said "Christian", fuck off. good evening. People who use this website are not Christian, by default.

>> No.14424896

pretty much this

>> No.14425116

this but with myers briggs t b h

>> No.14425118

There was a poll a month or two ago and a full third of the board is some type of Christian and about a third of that is Catholic. It seems more to you because of confirmation bias. People make Catholic posts because people like you make posts like these. Peace be with you :)

>> No.14425202

Because ev*Ngelicals are going to hell with their j*Wish masters

>> No.14425276

I can't tell if this is prophetic or heretical

>> No.14425292

>its one person. I KNOW IT. It is also the same person behind horse head man. I connected the dots! I did it! He has schizophrenia!
Take a look in the mirror, projecting paranoid schizo.

>> No.14425339

>I go a step further: there has never been any such thing as a sincere Christian who browses 4chan.
Hi moot. Or friend of moot. Must be nice being able to monitor the demographics or 4chan. Must be real nice.

>> No.14425430

No, you’re just some of the loudest people here.

>> No.14425514

I go to confession and mass frequently, I pray the rosary every day. I hide every thread in the catalogue that has a lewd pic, don’t fap, and don’t watch any porn. I refused to go my sister’s wedding because it was a non-Catholic ceremony. Normies make fun of me for believing in God and the afterlife. I think I am sincere, and I bet the other Christians on this board are too- but you might know better than I do. Can you explain why you know more about ourselves than we do?

>> No.14425549

Anglos don’t read. The board is full of South Americans and Southern Europeans.

>> No.14425569

this is correct

>> No.14425570

Culturally Catholic, but they never attend church, don't own a Bible, or even understand the basic doctrines. About as watered down as modern day socialists who have never read Marx.

>> No.14425603

Most non-retards here are just more anti-protestant than pro-catholic. Expect more anti-Catholics as more libtard marxists come back. Anti-christians that aren't gaytheists aren't as militant because Christianity is a dead religion.

>> No.14425609

This an arrianist board boy

>> No.14425622

The only correct post in this thread.

>> No.14425633

This, but don't be fooled. That anon is also retarded. It takes very low iq to see this place and not turn away immediately.

>> No.14425637

Because 2016.

>> No.14425655

>/lit/ has always been very Catholic
>board ___ has always been ____
Whenever someone says that its false. I don't know why, but that's the first choice of defense employed by any group of posters in chans.

>> No.14425664

You do none of that. You're defending a rigid way of life you'd like to live but don't.

/lit/ is a Latinx board.

>> No.14425667

I remember there always being christfag generals, the gaytheist christoid shitflinging wasnt nearly as prominent though

>> No.14425724
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>> No.14425793

Orthodox is the true faith

>> No.14425839

This is the only place I can actually find any hint of intellectual discussion on Catholicism. Especially in the United States, there is such a dismissal of not only the intellectual but the spiritual as well.
Everywhere else it's
>Muh patreon
>muh prophecies
>muh third secret of Fatima
>muh Trad
>jesus is muh best friend
It's tiring.
Then to top to it all off, I go to mass every week, surrounded by old hippies, and have to listen to their stupid protestant commie folk songs in a pathetic looking church that more closely resembles a Baptist church than a Catholic one.
This shithole is all I've got.

>> No.14425890

Except I don’t live a a rigid way of life. Catholicism gives me peace, not rigidity. There are many young adult Christians all over the West. You should trust people when they claim to believe something.

>> No.14425900

>stupid protestant commie folk songs

Lol. My confessor once complained to me in private about the music. I was shocked that he said so, because he leads the service. But I secretly agree that the music is kinda silly and innapropriate.

>> No.14425901

there are like a billion catholics m8 theyre not exactly rare. The idea that nobody raised Catholic who still believes in God ever came to this website is ridiculous

>> No.14425903

>not remembering Christposting from years ago, way before 2016

>> No.14425967 [DELETED] 

What’s so hard to believe about someone praying the rosary? It’s easy, and only takes 25 minutes. Sometimes I take a break from work to go off somehwere private to pray it. It’s a great way to separate myself from the wagecuck existence. And since you can’t pray while in a state of mortal sin, it keeps me from discontinuing visits to confession. All of /lit/ should adopt this devotion.

>> No.14425974
File: 73 KB, 600x900, 2210E4A1-4558-47DC-B137-608CCE59D590.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What’s so hard to believe about someone praying the rosary? It’s easy, and only takes 25 minutes. Sometimes I take a break from work to go off somehwere private to pray it. It’s a great way to separate myself from the wagecuck existence. And since you can’t pray while in a state of mortal sin, it keeps me from discontinuing visits to confession. All of /lit/ should adopt this devotion.

>> No.14425979


No, it isn't. Not one person who uses this website actually believes in god. Remember where you are. Get real.

>> No.14425991

I get the impression that the board is overwhelming Christian, but any catholics here are definitely a minority.
This is because it is retarded to not believe in God, but it is also retarded to believe in the Church.

>> No.14426002

I browsed this site before I converted and I haven’t been able to leave even though it causes me to stumble occasionally.
You make a prescient point about aesthetics, but I don’t think there is anything wrong with that. God is beauty, after all. My own conversion started on a vacation to England when I went to St. Paul’s and was overwhelmed by the beauty of the Church. Then I went to a vespers in Cambridge and the chanting made me sob like a pussy. Still took two years to convert though.

>> No.14426004

hate it or love it, catholicism has a strong pedagogy...it's natural to find catholics on a board intended to discuss literature and philosophy

it's sort of like saying "gee, is it just me or is the western canon overwhelmingly catholic?"

>> No.14426009

I don't see why not, it's boards, if you don't venture into the fucked up parts 4chan is fine.

>> No.14426016

I'm pretty sure you can still pray if you're in a state of mortal sin.

>> No.14426034

A well read man (especially with the classics) will naturally turn Catholic

>> No.14426212

Pretty much this, unless you want to get into "Catholic twitter" (which is genuinely some of the worst shit on the internet) there's disappointingly little religious discussion that's not either feelgood self-help stuff or sede wheatfield types.
Not that 90% of discussion here doesn't suck but I've had more good conversations here than anywhere else, if only by the sheer volume of posts coming and going.
Remember to go to Mass on Jan 1st, if you've moused over this you can't claim ignorance :^)

>> No.14426220

Am I the only one who goes counterclockwise on a rosary?
I've just realized all the online guides seem to go the other way

>> No.14426236

ITT: some Christian beat me in an online argument so I mentally cope by pretending they are secretly atheist like me

>> No.14426260

Because they're looking for an explanation of the world around them that would get rid of the feeling of discomfort arising from lack of understanding, but a lot of them doesn't want to put serious effort into actually studying the world, so they cling to the most viable "easy option".
That catholicism happens to be the go-to would take a more involved explanation, but what is obvious is that the go-to option is determined in opposition to what to our "rebels" appeals as the mainstream at any given time, so it definitely changes cyclically to some extent.

>> No.14426265

A combination of edgy contrarians and larping. Or mental illness.

I find the aesthetics, the literature, and the ritual appealing, but the actual belief system seems strange, contradictory, and nonsensical.

>> No.14426266

why it is that catholicism*

>> No.14426273

Catholics are just crypto-Jews in denial. Same for protestants. This is less true for Orthodox though.

>> No.14426282


>> No.14426331

You have to presuppose SOMETHING to understand the world, though.

>> No.14426351

Actually 100% true. Whites are a minority here. The board is latinx.

>> No.14426369

1. Not a convert.
2. Not an anglo.

>> No.14426376

Thanks for the remind, anon!

>> No.14426384
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/lit/ has always been a Melville board...

>> No.14426388

Years ago we used to regularly have bible and Catholic generals where we would actually discuss scripture and dogma, but mods starting banning them.

This board has gotten ridiculously stupid. I used to write essays worth of exegeses just to post here because there were some honest people were willing and able to talk about what I'm saying. There was a better class of critic, but now it's not even worth trying. About a year ago I made a bible q&a thread and ended up closing it in disgust.

>> No.14426396

Election of Francis is the best thing to happen to online Catholicism in ages since it led to all the alt right mutts to start LARPing as Orthodox instead.

>> No.14426403

If someone wanted an easy option why wouldn't they go for OSAS based Steven Anderson garbage?
Anyone looking into different churches would see that the Catholic journey isn't supposed to be easy or fun.
Unless you're saying the "right" thing is to skim through a bunch of incomprehensible esoterica and create your own gnostic mishmash like people on here love to do.

>> No.14426408

I do

>> No.14426414

Not an Anglo, but why are there so many posters here obsessed with "Anglos" since it's a English-speaking board? Is it Quebecois posters or something?

>> No.14426433

nice try

>> No.14426456

/lit/ has more Roman Catholics
/his/ has more classical Reformed Christians
I imagine quite a few of the Catholics are larping however and the amount of sincere Catholics probably matches the amount of big R Reformed Christians.

>> No.14426468

Do you think 4chan is some ultimately immoral place or something? There are career criminals who believe in God, you sound extremely sheltered

>> No.14426471

It's obviously butthurt. If they genuinely just looked down on Anglos they wouldn't be consciously choosing to post on an English website

>> No.14426477

>there has never been any such thing as a sincere Christian who browses 4chan. I hear weak arguments against this, and I bat them
Nice assumption and overgeneralization

>> No.14426503

if all the british irish australians canadians south africans and americans disappeared from this site literally no one would miss them dude

>> No.14426516

If this were true then some Euro or whoever would have created the alternative 4chan where you would all be congregating. But it's not true, and nobody cares about your websites.

>> No.14426535

Because its not "Euros" complaining, it's Quebecois. Everyone else just complains about Amerifats.

>> No.14426546

What would be the point? We'd still communicate in English since it's the only language we all know, and it's not like we'd be able to stop you """people""" from shitting up the place.

>> No.14426556

OK, faggot

>> No.14426569

I think it all began with /lit/ becoming more and more philosophical. The Catholic religion is the one that appears the most in every Western Philosophy canon. Which is no wonder, since other religions like Islam or Orthodox Christianity were pretty unknown to most Europeans until a couple decades ago. Protestantism is important in society, but it has influenced less philosophical thought. Also, it not being so organized and dogmatic isn't an advantage in this case.

>Catholicism is big on Western history, so it's big on Western literature and philosophy
Kinda what OP says.

>> No.14426573

Ok, daddy Putin-desu!!

>> No.14426628

>Orthodox Christianity were pretty unknown to most Europeans until a couple decades ago
this is why no one likes anglos

>> No.14427130

I am not catholic.
I just hate calvinists

>> No.14427144

What church is that? It's super pretty.

>> No.14427198

Orthodox are just crypto-Jews in denial. Same for protestants. This is not at all true for Catholics though.

>> No.14427221

You can whichever way. The beads are only there to help you keep track of the prayers and decades.

>> No.14427319

Yeah, I was surprised by how many nohomo moments were when reading Moby Dick

>> No.14427481

>they never attend church
You don't mean church if you're talking about Catholics.
/lit/ was more Catholic. Catholics have a fetish for reading and native languages, so long as it doesn't involve the Bible.

>> No.14427540

/lit/ is definitely not an atheist board

>> No.14427589

>but a lot of them doesn't want to put serious effort into actually studying the world
if you study the world enough, will it make you sad or happy?

>> No.14427613

>Every single one is pretending, even if they think they aren't
It's much easier to imagine fake atheists than fake christians.

>> No.14427620

>Catholics are cautious of reading God's word so as to not misinterpret and be lead astray
How is this a bad thing?

>> No.14427655

I am a genuine Catholic I guess. I go to mass about once a month. Pray almost daily. I was born into it.

I would say that Catholics are often quite reflective and often search for answers to the "big questions" in life, hence, they're attracted to literature.

Aside from that, yes, I guess there are degrees of irony, trolling and contrarianism on here. Plus a lot of "lost" / inquisitive young men who are looking for answers

>> No.14427664
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Catholicism is the Truth. Nobody refuted Aquinas.
>inb4 Kant did
Nope, he refuted St Anselm of Canterbury
>b-but that only proves God, not Christianity!

>> No.14427818
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>once a month

>> No.14427831

I think everyone agrees that it sucks. It's just been going in for so long that nobody feels comfortable questioning it, at least in public.

>> No.14427838


>> No.14427859
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Let's also not forget that it's not just philosophy, it's actual literature that lives in the shadow of the Church. So many of the greatest works of Western literature are overtly Catholic in their worldview; many more are directly reacting to, or rebelling against, the Church and what it teaches.

Think of the Divine Comedy, or the Song of Roland, or Brideshead Revisited, or The Power And The Glory. All are overtly Catholic works. And think of authors whose experiences with Catholicism permanently influenced them. Joyce wouldn't be Joyce without Catholicism. Neither would Tolkien.

>> No.14427887

>How is this a bad thing?
I wouldn't be one to judge if it were.

>> No.14428081

You're in near-constant mortal sin if you're not going weekly. I don't say this to shit on you but to encourage you to go regularly- skipping mass without a valid reason separates you from God.

>> No.14428090

/lit/ has a large contingency of reactionary hipsters that are desperate for a personal aesthetic, yeah

>> No.14428127

Most people are atheist/agnostics with liberal views on everything who like to smoke drugs and surf reddit.

What could be more contrarian than being a Catholic who reads all the time and looks at 4chan.

>> No.14428218

>Most people are atheist/agnostics with liberal views on everything who like to smoke drugs and surf reddit.
You can do these things and still be Catholic. You can join fucking ISIS or go full Alistair Crowley and you'll still be considered Catholic and have your family call a priest to your deathbed. The contrarians are unlikely to go the whole hog and convert, but the retention rate from first sacraments onwards is nearly 100% so that boosts the numbers overall more than memes will.

>> No.14428680

Based Sacraments. Still all should pray 20 mins a day and go to frequent confession though.

>> No.14429082

seconding >>14426016
You can pray in a state of mortal sin. It makes you less likely to relapse

>> No.14429122
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Yeah. But what would compel us to seek penance if we felt (mistakenly) that prayer still benefits us while in a state if mortal sin? Ask your confessor if thus is ok. I am pretty sure it’s not.
But all of /lit/ NEEDS a prayer life. Prayer can make Christianity your mental home, and it increases your zeal almost effortlessly. It’s not hard.

>> No.14429124

Would you have I could use? i am interested...
I am joining the faith and would like some easy reading to start. Any good books on theology?
Particularly some new to and wants to get feet wet as they say?

t. anon in RCIA... and MIGHT...MIGHT, become a Benedictine monk

>> No.14429129

I am new to this board, and I will say, I wish 4chan had a religion board

>> No.14429138

See >>14426009. It's a Reddit mentality to think that all of 4chan is bad.
/lit/ is fairly tame, /g/ shares a substantial intersection with Hacker News users, and
/fit/ is geared toward self-improvement.

>> No.14429145

This is a retarded thing to say, just because something is contrarian doesn't mean it isnt meant earnestly.

>> No.14429151

It does benefit us in a mortal sin. It prevents us from banging our heads gain and despair.

t. been in that situation

I have been doing acts of perfect contrition when I stumble. I stumble a lot, sadly, But I don't want to sin. I love god with my everything. I hate that I sin. I hate that I offend God. I wish to do His will.

>> No.14429223

If everyone is retarded, no one is.

>> No.14429412

I have great respect for Catholics who know their catechism. I despise the ones who don’t.

>> No.14429419

Doublechin did, RIP in peace.

>> No.14429429

>seven years ago

>> No.14430059
File: 1.06 MB, 1200x627, Pass it along if you are a saved Christian.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you know for sure that you are going to Heaven if you were to die today anon?


>> No.14430291

I have more respect for Catholics who pray the Rosary every day, as Our Lady of Fatima requested.

>> No.14430305

> There has been a huge "conversion" rate after all that MAGA an /pol/ "return to good traditions" bullshit
Most of /pol/ hates Catholicism though since it's filled with degenerate neopagans and Protestants.

>> No.14430335
File: 26 KB, 678x380, cardinalsarah_2018_vatican-678x380.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/pol/ hates Catholicism because Protestantism can be turned into nationalism and ethno-nationalism but Catholicism can't. It's easy to make state churches and ethnic churches with Protestantism, and to declare a Christianity only for this race or that. But the Catholic Church is universal. All Catholics on the face of the Earth are united around the Pope, united in their allegiance to Rome. And, conversely, IF you are sworn to loyalty to Rome and the Pope, you CAN be Catholic, regardless of where you come from or what you look like. So you get great Catholics like Cardinal Sarah or Cardinal Ranjith or Cardinal Zen, great princes of the Church from the far corners of the Earth who are nonetheless incredible servants of God.

THAT'S why /pol/ dislikes Catholicism, because it doesn't play well with ethno-nationalism by its very nature.

>> No.14430647

Tbf we hate Prots too. They were good in 1700s for a bit

>> No.14430937

/pol/ likes Catholicism.

>> No.14431462

there was a guy on here who had been a practicing monk

>> No.14431509

Why would a catholic willingly expose himself to the abundant gore, suggestive pictures, porn spam, resentful/hateful rants of teenagers, etc? You're all coping atheists.

>> No.14431709

Only the Fuentes types

>> No.14431908

>the fucked up parts [of] 4chan
what on earth are you on about?

>> No.14431924

You make ill informed choices

>> No.14431939

haven't even joined yet thinking on being a monk? Get real and stop overestimating yourself.

>> No.14431941


>> No.14432041

not an anglo.

t. >>14426569

How was orthodox Christinanity present 20 years ago in most European, specially Western Europe?

>> No.14432430

catholics are like women, they cant not mention it

>> No.14432599
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>> No.14432707

Harry Potter and Stephen King are good.

>> No.14432711

/b/ and /pol/ mainly mate, but I remember when /b/ was constantly getting hit with cheese pizza floods, so I mean even that shit hole is improved

>> No.14432715

Look at that happy pupper.

>> No.14432718

Nah HN and /g/ don't really intersect, most people on HN are employed

>> No.14432723

I do all this plus I donate to tithe.

>> No.14432731

based phoneposter

>> No.14433032

I know, I found them by mistake and /christian/ really helped me. There are really any good places to discuss religion

>> No.14433055

I don't know... I REALLY wish to serve God, more deeply. The materialism of the world just...abhors me, for lack of a better word. I just want to love God. Forever.

>> No.14433131

People are desperate for meaningful symbols, something that doesn't either fall back into fluid/amorphous experience or crumble into meaningless words and gestures. One of these "stable" (smaller infinities) meanings is Catholicism.

>> No.14433155

>1. Not a convert.
Converts are more dedicated than those who were simply born in to Catholicism. They have to willingly go through a year-long process to convert. Not sure I see your point.

>> No.14433199

this except it's me who is not retarded

>> No.14433233

Agree. In my experience, I am the only one I know other than a few others who take the faith seriously. i try to pray all 15 mysteries daily. I fast from meat on Fridays. I wish to be holy. i wish to love God. I wish to be His son. He has been SO GOOD to me and I... HATED Him despite it

>> No.14433243

>i try to pray all 15 mysteries daily. I fast from meat on Fridays.
This is paganism.

>> No.14433298

What Church are you from?

The rosary is a tool for praying

Fasting shows God we are taking our faith seriously and not taking it for granted

>> No.14433307

I’m Christian not catholic so I don’t care about your pagan takes.

>> No.14433353

By clicking on the tab that says ‘hide post/thread’. And looking at gore isn’t sinful.

>> No.14433365

I've been working through this chart on and off. It's actually pretty decent.

>> No.14433417

I asked you what your church is. Are you... Protestant....

>> No.14433422


>> No.14433433 [DELETED] 


>> No.14433633

It's not only /pol/ that dislikes popids. Your cult can't even hold Italy or Spain as popid, lol.

>> No.14433700

i find it incredibly difficult to pray the rosary. i honeslty gave up it was so hard

>> No.14433708

Christian. Protestant is not a church.

>> No.14433718

you're so unique and special

>> No.14433782
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Don’t give up! Keep practicing until you get it down pat. It could take a week or month of practice, but then once you remember how; you’ll be able to do it any time. You could do it anywhere with your fingers instead of beads if you wanted to. Your faith and interior life will benefit and grow exponentially. You can become a true Christian at heart. Get prayer cards to study. Write the prayers down to aid memorization. The benefits will stay with you for years and years until your last hour.

>> No.14433796

That’s because ONLY JESUS CHRIST can intercede for us, not a pagan fertility goddess.

>> No.14433797
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ngl, I seriously considered becoming catholic at one point. my interest in the faith was driven partly by right-wing twitter-induced psychosis/tradlarping, but also by existential fear and a desire to get in touch with some sort of family/ethnic "tradition."

I wouldn't say there are no sincere believers among the 2018-19 crop of young converts, but the vast majority will not be attending latin mass come 2030.

>> No.14433823
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The Virgin Mary is the Mother of God, ‘Pagan Fertility Goddesses’, aka demons from hell, all hate and fear her.

>> No.14433832

>I just want an authoritarian Daddy's cock to suck.

You can satisfy this fetish in the bedroom without needing to push your sexuality on everyone else.

>> No.14433834
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Everybody please pray a rosary for the conversion of /lit/.

>> No.14433837

Agree. The Mental gymnastics >>14433708
is showing is surprising

>> No.14433844

because it is the only High Church

most aesthetic, mystically, and intellectually rich

>> No.14433849

no, lol

>> No.14433850

You should stop praying to them then, for Mary’s sake.

>> No.14433856

ok incel

>> No.14433875


90% of my boomer-led catholic community growing up is now lapsed. most of the other 10% is full autistic. converts are way better. i lapsed and came back

>> No.14433877
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>> No.14433886
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Jesus releases us from slaves to Satan by being offered as a sacrifice at the crucifixion. He gives us eternal life through his body and blood. But we can’t be united to his body and blood while in a state of mortal sin. We need intercession from the ones already in heaven; the saints, the angels and the Virgin Queen. Your understanding of basic Christian doctrine is extremely warped, I learned all this is sunday school when I was a kid. What Church did you go to?

>> No.14433897

For Mary’s sake? Mary should be concerned for *my* sake. We are the ones who need help.

>> No.14433900

Not my story, really. I am attracted to Catholicism because it is the Church of Christ

>> No.14433901
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t. Demon from hell that hates Mary.

>> No.14433910
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you reply to the wrong comment? not sure where you're getting this one from lmao

>> No.14433912

Friend, you should just convert. The line between sincere belief and LARPing is much more vague, and much less important, than anyone would like to believe. Fear of the larp stems from the uniquely modern conception of the self as a ghost who chooses. But, you are so much more than just a ghost that chooses between different types of Mountain Dew and different identities. Catholicism frees you from this debased view of yourself. Fear of the larp is just updated Liberal concern with hypocrisy.

Catholicism is beautiful because it is true. It is beautiful when it comes from boomer guitar hippies, and confused young men online because it is always the line of flight towards God

>> No.14433994

Just because it's the best of the traditional religions doesn't mean you have to surrender your life to God. It's not worth feeling good if you can't be the master of your own domain.

>> No.14434003
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t. Satan

>> No.14434062

This. Only by fully uniting ourselves to Christ will we be free of the snares and wickedness of the Devil

>> No.14434068

you can be the master of your domain for as long as you live. even if you are vlad putin that territory is nothing. you'll lose it all. your kids will hopefully outlive you but will be in a totally different world. must praise the one who rules over and created everything and guided everything in history.

>> No.14434095

I learned from actual scripture

>> No.14434100

great take right here

>> No.14434109

In America, white Catholics are usually associated with the upper-middle class. There are just a lot of higher class users on this board. Also I believe any honest reading of philosopher and literature will lead you to Catholicism or Orthodoxy at least.

>> No.14434153

Do you find it acceptable to be second to a master in your life? You will always answer to Him and everything you believe will have to be approved by Him. I'm talking about our existence here and now, not an afterlife that we have no way of knowing anything about, if it even exists in the first place. Nor is it about our progeny in the distant future, whose lives will depend on what we do now as humans first and foremost, theories on the invisible forces guiding us second. No, just you as a person and your quality of life and your decision to follow God as a means of making your life easier at the cost of your independence. This is how I see it based on personal experience with extremist religious groups and dating a Christian convert. I do believe in things outside of the material world btw.

>> No.14434165

>We need intercession from the ones already in heaven; the saints, the angels and the Virgin Queen
>For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus
Why do cucklicks HATE this verse so much?

>> No.14434171

>We need intercession from the ones already in heaven; the saints, the angels and the Virgin Queen
>For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus
Why do cucklicks HATE this verse so much? Is it because it explicitly outlines that there is only ONE GOD or because there is only ONE MEDIATOR?

>> No.14434202


We know, but that does not exclude lesser mediators

>> No.14434313

This is the stuff that drove from Protestantism. Twisting of scripture. Pitiful

>> No.14434339

Most /lit/ users can't believe that other people actually live in accordance with their beliefs (i.e. pray the rosary, go to daily mass, don't masturbate, etc.) or even have beliefs in the first place. Either Jesus is the Son of God or he isn't, and from what I've read/experienced I believe he is. I used to passively hold this in my heart, telling myself "yeah, I would die for this," then one day I realized if I would die for it, I should probably live for it too. I'm probably gonna become a Carmelite after I graduate. I encourage anyone struggling with intellectually affirming their faith to read Orthodoxy by Chesterton. God bless you all.

>> No.14434429

>Either Jesus is the Son of God or he isn't, and from what I've read/experienced I believe he is
What was that?

>> No.14434461
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>>For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus
>Why do cucklicks HATE this verse so much? Is it because it explicitly outlines that there is only ONE GOD or because there is only ONE MEDIATOR?
pic related is the end result of that kind of thinking

>> No.14434489

What are you confused about?

>> No.14434554
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>> No.14434637

The most prominent Christian Poster on lit converted to islam

>> No.14434644


>> No.14434665

>Christian Poster
a.k.a Protestant

>> No.14434667


>> No.14434707

Every sincere Christian is a sinner and knows it. There are many sincere Christians who are guilty of far worse things than browsing an anime forum where people call each other fags and discuss hobbies with other people who call each other fags.

>> No.14434715


>> No.14434730

nothing inherently sinful about browsing 4chan, especially if you are posting about Christ

>> No.14434732

I would go so far as to say there has only ever been one sincere Christian, and the rest of us have been trying to play catch-up ever since

>> No.14434748
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>> No.14434760

>catholicism is an easy option
lol what

>> No.14434781

It happened over discord, if you are part of any of the lit groups there you will be able to ask/talk to him yourself about it. Its also why all the Orthodoxy and Seraphim Rose threads stopped so abruptly.

>> No.14434798

Is he the one behind the Guenon spam?

>> No.14434801

No, he is a very firm and no pun intended orthodox Sunni Muslim.

>> No.14435158

The board is Catholic because all the Orthodox went over to /his/ when it was created. Protestants tend to be less literary and also stick to /pol/.

>> No.14435295

Unironically this.

>> No.14435305 [DELETED] 

There's plenty of prots on /his/ though, I'd even wager that there's more prots there than Orthodox; they (prots) flood every Christian thread there and even ones that have nothing to do with them but watch them come and proselytize their vanilla, white cornbread, American-McChristianity and every one before Martin Luther was wrong.

>> No.14435345

There was definitely an emergence of pervasive Catholicposting circa 2016, when we claimed our board from the atheists. That was when /lit/ officially became a Catholic board. Deus vult!

>> No.14435417

you guys notice that orthodox posts have drastically decreased lately?

>> No.14435442

It was my story. I decided to not undergo the catechism because I had no faith in the Catholic Church as an institution. Been wandering ever since, since it seems that every Abrahamic religion has pedophilic elements to it, and anything else is just too alien for me.

>> No.14435586

>/lit/ is fairly tame
lmao try talking about nonwhite/women/jewish authors, see how tame things get

>> No.14435618

are you implying that niggers are wild beasts who need to be tamed by the civilized white man? if so, thats pretty fucking racist bro.

>> No.14435630

Most Protestants are on /his/ but they are mostly Reformed.

>> No.14436005

ok but how do you (honestly) refute this? http://www.peterkreeft.com/topics-more/resurrection-evidence.htm

>> No.14436407

you sir, are a bigger meme than Aquinas himself

>> No.14437152

But Pedophilia is not that common in Catholicism. It is blown WAY out of proportion by the Media. it is the Church set up by Christ

>> No.14437201

um anon the catholic church has been completely cucked and pozzed after Vatican II we dont even have the original mass anymore. oldschool catholics would get a heart attack to see what has happened to the church, communion by hand in itself is heretic.

>> No.14437209

why is your new pope basically a Prog faggot, how did that happen?

>> No.14437231

if you really wanna know check out vaticancatholic.com
pro tip: its not pretty, jerusalem has fallen, the catholic church has become the whore of babylon, an anti-church which is run by lucifer himself. bishop fulton sheen predicted this would happen back in the 1940s

>> No.14437254


>> No.14437268

isn't benedict xvi still technically the real pope?

>> No.14437269

The Church has seen FAR worse. It has had Mercenaries storm it. Besides if it has fallen, then Jesus had lied when He said the forces of Hell will not prevail against it. The darkest hour is just before the dawn.

>> No.14437293

Catholicism can be empirically shown to be the one true church.

>> No.14437302

There is a comeback in parts of the world as people are being GALVANIZED and are joining the TRUE faith. There is a resurgence in Traditional faith in many parts of south America as people are joining sspx, and other Traditional masses. Because they are FIGHTING for the Church, not giving up on it

>> No.14437318

>The Church has seen FAR worse
has it really though?
with the pope himself committing heresies? with Vatican II abolishing the traditional mass, something that was consistent for thousands of years? with the church approving of gay marriages? with the pachamama idols worshipped in the vatican (again supported by the pope?
i dare you to check out the materials on vaticancatholic.com and not agree with this guy that we are living in biblical endtimes.
> the forces of Hell will not prevail against it.
it is still alive in the hearts and minds of catholics who still follow the church fathers. can you say that about the pope and a large part of the catholic church?

>> No.14437339

SSPX are also heretics

>> No.14437364

>Has it really though

Yes. Yes it has

Approving of Gay marriage

Some Bishops, who will be judged by God as he sees fit

I did check it. Not much to go on, to be honest.

>> No.14437376

where is the true Church of Christ...now?

Who is the head of the reformation?

>> No.14437385
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They realize science can't answer enough spiritual/mystical questions and proceed to find a religion with a lot of theory/philosophy/logic behind it.

Some would argue this is cope, some would argue this is based.

>> No.14437419

Who is the one leading the resistance?

>> No.14437426


>> No.14437465

checked and absdolutely based
im doing the rosary every day, trying to work my way up to all 15 mysteries daily.

>> No.14437478
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God speed, anon. Christ is King!