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/lit/ - Literature

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14428898 No.14428898 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /lit/ i was wondering if anybody could point me to any good books on national socialism/nationalism/race realism/ fascism

>> No.14428953

No, I cannot point you to any good books on this topic.

>> No.14428957

I'm not aware of any

>> No.14428984

Read David Irving's Hitler books

>> No.14428993

A Single Communal Faith?

Hitler's Green Party: Walther Darre

The Conservative Revolution in Germany

These articles

>> No.14429116

Aristotle Politics
Aquinas' commentary on Aristotle's Politics
Hegel's Elements of the Philosophy of Right
Mussolini's Doctrine of fascism
Hitler's Mein Kampf
Feder's books on nazi economics

And about race I'd say Gobineau's essay, but the modern research is fascinating and has deepened the understanding we have of all that (but doesn't replace a good philosophical base). Taylor, Rushton, Murray, Lynn, Wade, Cochran, Johnson, Garrett Jones, Rindermann, Dutton.

>> No.14429354

Hitler wasn't a race realist. He was a race fantabulist.

>> No.14429366
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Kevin MacDonald is a key writer Both Understanding Jewish Influence and The Culture of Critique are important books.
The Israel Lobby is boomer friendly and easy to find.
Race in the Third Reich by Christopher Hutton, is long and technical book but worth the read.
Jewish Supremacism by David Duke is a great read,
March of the Titans by Arthur Kept is a book on rhetoric and how to argue with liberals.
Gold in the Furnance by Savitri Devi is a emotionally pulling book on the hardships after the war in Germany and the emotional pull to Hitler by the people.
The Specious Origins of Liberalism by Anthony Ludovici is a great book for Aristocrats and republicans against the masses.
The Giant with Clay Feet by Jurgen Graf is a well documented essay on the problems with the holocaust story.
Against the Masses by Joseph V Femia is another book on anti-democratic though since the French Revolution.
The Bad War by M.S. King is a great book on the Jewish control of European wars since 1800s, very easy to read for normies

Those are just the good books Ive read that I recommend.

>> No.14429390

National socialism denies the uniqueness of the individual for the shallow and arbitrary abstraction of the "nation". The people who are taken in by it only do so out of weakness; out of the fear of being themselves, which means out of a self-hatred, which means out of ressentiment against the higher men and supermen.

>> No.14429394

whoa he used a semicolon and everything, careful fellas his theory is legit

>> No.14429402
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The individual only exists in contrast to his peers, without his peers he is noone and nothing. Humans do not exist in a vacuum but are defined by their group culture, kin, family, institutions, communities and state, only among these things may he stand out

>> No.14429523

This criticism of NS is only legitimate when it comes from Aristocratists. The fact is that most people that say this are liberals who have faith in humanity against nation and humanity is, compared to nation, at least doubly abstracted from "higher men and supermen".

As far as I know Nietzsche and Evola were the only ones that were consistent in this regard. Everything else is liberal squeamishness about the violent potential of national states hiding behind concern for the cultivation of higher men that they would in every other instance repudiate and try to keep down. Completely dishonest argument imo

>> No.14429529
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Make sure you use a bill for a bookmark so Jews will notice it.

>> No.14429551

Used it incorrectly.

>> No.14429663

>Humans do not exist in a vacuum but are defined by their group culture
humans create these things to express themselves. They define the "group culture", at least if they are healthy. Most national socialists, like you, for example, are not healthy, in fact extremely sick, and are completely defined by group "culture", the "community", "institutions", etc.

>> No.14429676

>This criticism of NS is only legitimate when it comes from Aristocratists.
Evola (I presume), Nietzsche, and I with them, are proponents of radical Aristocratism. That disgusting humanity abstraction you were talking about is a hilarious illusion, for "mankind doesn't even exist" (Nietzsche)

>> No.14429680

>posting Lynn/Vanhanen's stats.
They didn't even bother going to most of the countries to administer the tests. They relied on nebulous shit like correlating IQ with GDP and other crap. Only retards post IQ maps without giving the actual pubmed articles, so people can look at the areas they were taken and how sample bias and other statistical issues were avoided.

>> No.14429788
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I like how your arguement relies on a strawman of me rather than the argument

>> No.14429798
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Stop derailing this thread with your poor arguments relying on the other being wrong and you being right. How about you read some of the books I offered.

>> No.14430466


>> No.14430597

Fascism is godless and degenerate.

>> No.14430729

Cute retreat

>> No.14430746
File: 553 KB, 1147x621, codreanu3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw finally learned enough romanian to slowly read codreanu's For My Legionaries

"Țărănimea din instinct se opunea acestui val distrugător, dar complect dezorganizată, nu prezenta o posibilitate serioasă de rezistență. Muncitorimea însă aluneca vertiginos spre comunism, întreținută sistematic în cultul acestor idei, de presa jidănească, și în general de toată jidănimea orașelor. Fiecare jidan, comerciant, intelectual sau bancher-capitalist, în raza sa de acțiune, era un agent al acestor idei revoluționare anti-românești."
>The peasantry, instinctively opposed to this destructive wave [of Bolshevik revolution], but completely disorganized, could not put up a serious resistance. The working class slid headlong toward communism, kept systematically within the cult of these ideas by the the Jewish press, and in general by all the Jews of the cities. Every Jew, merchant, intellectual, or banker-capitalist, in his sphere of action, was an agent of these ideas anti-Romanian revolutionary ideas.


>> No.14430811

Book burning is suppresses human nature. Bool burning is fear that runs on populism which is also a characteristic of Communism

>> No.14431153

>a manlet jew telling white people they are special

Seriously, how did Hitler get away with ti for so long

>> No.14431167

i'm black

>> No.14431172

Then your opinion doesn’t count Nigger

>> No.14431212
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If you had to have an African American ethnostate, where would you put it?

Would you want a big section of the USA cordoned off as a state within a state? Or would you want to try another Liberia?

>> No.14431241
File: 56 KB, 373x599, Victim - Breker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

-On The Inequality of Human Races (1853)
-The Moral and Intellectual Diversity of Races

-On the Origin of species (1859)
-The Variation of Animals and Plants under Domestication (1862)
-The Descent of Man, and Selection in Relation to Sex (1871)
-The Expression of the Emotions in Man and Animals (1872)
-The Autobiography of Charles Darwin (1887)
-On Natural Selection (1896)

-My Life - Volume 1 (1870)
-My Life - Volume 2 (1870)
-Religion and Art (1880)
-"What Boots This Knowledge?" (1880)
-Know thyself (1881)
-Introduction to a work of Count Gobineau's (1881)
-On Hero-dom and Christendom (1881)

-Race Or Mongrel (1908)
-The End of Darwinism (1911)

-The Passing of the Great Race (1916)

-The Wagnerian Drama (1892)
-The Foundations of the Nineteenth Century Volume 1 (1899)
-The Foundations of the Nineteenth Century Volume 2 (1899)
-Aryan World-view (1905)
-The Ravings of a Renegade (1915)
-The Political Ideal (1915)

-Racial Science of the German People (1922)
-The Racial Elements of European History (1927)
-The Religious Attitudes of the Indo-Europeans (1967)

-Die nordische Seele. Artung. Prägung. Ausdruck (1923)
-Rasse und Seele. Eine Einführung in die Gegenwart (1926)
-Fremde Schönheit. Eine Betrachtung seelischer Stilgesetze (1928)
-Als Beduine unter Beduine (1931)
-Die nordische Seele (1932)
-Rassenseelenforschung im täglichen Leben (1934)
-Vorschule der Rassenkunde auf der Grundlage praktischer Menschenbeobachtung (1934) [in collaboration with Arthur Hoffmann]
-Rasse und Charakter, Erster Teil : Das lebendige Antlitz (1936)
-Rasse und Seele. Eine Einführung in den Sinn der leiblichen Gestalt (1937)
-Rasse ist Gestalt (1937)
-Semiten der Wüste unter sich. Miterlebnisse eines Rassenforschers (1937)
-Rassenseele und Einzelmensch (1938)
-Die nordische Seele. Eine Einführung in die Rassenseelenkunde (1940)
-König und Kerl (1948)
-Thuruja (1950)
-Verhüllte Häupter (1955)
-Die Wüste frei machen (1956)
-Die Seele des Andern. Wege zum Verstehen im Abend- und Morgenland (1958)
-Flucht in die Wüste (1960-63)
-Die Weltstunde des Islams (1963)

-The Decline of the West (1918)
-Man and Technics (1931)
-The Hour of Decision (1933)

And maybe get a good book on the history of the subject.

>> No.14431242

/lit/ should unironiically ban nazis. You can have every other board, i don’t give a fuck. bit why do these brainlets have to shit this one up

>> No.14431247

go back to your safe space faggot

>> No.14431250

so /mlp/ faggotry is ok because ''go back to your safe space''?

>> No.14431393

Imperium by Francis Parker Yockey

>> No.14431438
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Both of you faggots are wrong and both of you misunderstand the idea of Mitsein, and the inherited Geschick of this.

The number of a population is not an abstract significance, it relates most directly to the individual and his own understanding of himself. It would be reductive to only see this in some linear sense of a reducing or improving value. This happens in only so far as the individual allows it to within a Volk. The difference between that mass and our own current late stage capitalist system is that we do not have a Volk, it is egoism. And so modern man mistakes his own dread that he feels for this system, for another and blames that. Or let me rephrase it, we have a Volk, but of egoism. Self destroying. And so it is no longer "self to other(self)" but "self to mass". In the prior he may be mutually joined(creating and in under Volk) but in the latter he is not and can never be.

There is no reason why a positive/negative value change should occur to the individual to himself just by a collective size, rather than simply an aesthetic change, for any reason other than a very particular case, or a state of egoism. Because as I said, it then becomes a problem of "self to mass", though this is still really the problem of a simpler man or one still simple in education. While in a Geschick, which necessitates as previously mentioned a directed Volk, one is fighting for "a" good. And this does not mean there is no alternative or that the only alternative is egoism, as there is also the conservative. To have this controlled fate does not necessitate the dissipation of stately effect of the general individual as within Fascism. If so conservatism would be the contradiction of that. Though a democracy can only work under a homogeneous society to direct its destiny. Both states direct their Volk. For one, the action is implicit of principle, and the other, principle is implicit in action. Both have their own forms of good and evil.

The state of egoists has a destiny, true, but it is like an implicit one, unconscious and left to itself, to degrade and crumble. While that of ours, what we hope towards anyway, wrangles with fate. Democratic or Authoritarian.

>> No.14431461


>> No.14431483


>> No.14431498

Another thing would be to mention that both Fascism and Democracy can fall under egoism, just as I said both can direct their Volk. As we learnt from Plato and Aristotle.

>> No.14431503
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check em

>> No.14431507
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>> No.14431523
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>race realism

>> No.14431526

As an historian, I realize how arbitrary, fantastic and inconclusive are theories of race.

>> No.14431535

Based. Fascism and evolutionary materialism are ultimately plebeian ideologies like Marxism.

>> No.14431660
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>/mlp/ faggotry is ok because ''go back to your safe space'
False equivalence. This is a literature and philosophy board, thus you should be able to discuss either liberal, conservative, socialist, communist, anarchist, traditionalist, fascist, or any kind of ideology related literature and philosophy.
What the other anon meant is that /lit/ (and all of 4chan in that regard), ain't supposed to be a hive mind were we all share the same opinion, despite of what faggots like you try to do on every thread they don't like.

Engage in discussion to defend your position, if you are not interested in doing that, just ignore it and move on. That's the whole point. If you don't like it, fuck off back to a safe space.

>> No.14431675

Yeah, can I get a large flat white to go?

>> No.14432094

>This is a literature and philosophy board
This is a literature board.

>> No.14432148

>nazi's are the brainlets

>> No.14433874


>> No.14434144

>opinions dont count
if your ideas are strong they should be able to withstand logic from other ppl. suppressing the voices of people is a sign of weakness and fragility within their theories--a common motif of nazis and commies

>> No.14434835

There are none

>> No.14434922

>As a historian
Please learn about DNA and pick up Descent of Man while youre at it.

>> No.14434952

>race realism
I hope you're asian otherwise you're in for a disappointment if you look at the US stats.

>> No.14435212

Every arguement against race realism is litterally
>"HAHA didnt you check X, Y, Z, source, if you really believe in RR than its BAD FOR YOU"

As if RRs are not just honest philosophers who accept that reality is not kind, even to themselves.

While Progressives HAVE to believe that all people are A BLANK SLATE otherwise they cant blame others for the failure of the genetically inferior. And all problems can be solved by stealing