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14424557 No.14424557 [Reply] [Original]

what the fuck am i reading? what do i need to do in order to make any part of this book make sense to me? do i need to take more drugs? do i need to take less drugs? do i need to treat it like some zen koan and meditate on each sentence it until it clicks? or do i just go with the flow and treat the prose like some kind of free association stream of conscious and not think too hard about what the actual words mean? is there a book for understanding this book? do you understand this book, or know someone who does? can someone who has been successful at reading this book explain how to extract meaning from it for the uninitiated?

>> No.14424560

Kant, Deleuze. So many things. Either way his philosophy is rather stupid.

>> No.14424665

>do i need to take more drugs? do i need to take less drugs? do i need to treat it like some zen koan and meditate on each sentence it until it clicks? or do i just go with the flow and treat the prose like some kind of free association stream of conscious and not think too hard about what the actual words mean?
You need to do all of these things but NOT in that order.

>> No.14424739

No, you need to do the opposite of these things all at once

>> No.14424754

so what's going on on the cover? any interpretations?

>> No.14425811

It's literally just a schizophrenic having a breakdown and whipping up a word salad that autists think is meaningful because he mentions philosophical stuff and cyberpunk.

>> No.14425850


>> No.14425858

>start at the very end of philosophy
>what the fuck i don't understand anything
don't worry, it's just gibberish, if you started reading this without any prior philosophical knowledge you might aswell consider it 'stupid' and move on to something a little more your age like... Hungergames!

>> No.14426290

have you tried meth?

>> No.14426302
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this but unironically

>> No.14426314


>> No.14426532

I actually wanna know what Meth is like.
From the party drug to the trailer park scum I really have no idea how to judge meth as someone who has never taken it or any similar drug.

>> No.14426541

it is a prison of pure ecstasy
it fucks up all your reward drives and makes you a schizo because nothing feels acceptable after you've had it

>> No.14426709

Anon in another thread hooked beginners up

Recommendations for beginners and people just learning about accelism:
>you're probably male (autogynephile)
>Surgery requires too much commitment and you're a coward?
>what is estrogen?
>ready to tackle the final boss?
>interact with the community!

>> No.14426881
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>> No.14426983

Read moldbug

>> No.14426998

The truth

>> No.14427006
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>> No.14427011

The name of the piece is "Disasters of War IV". I misread it as "Disasters of World War IV" and only just now realized it when I checked for this post.

>> No.14428210

i already have
i enjoyed it and found it basically effortless to read compared to this

>> No.14428259
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might try it when im really old and on the verge of death so i get one last supreme orgasm before succumbing to entropy

>> No.14428343

you just gotta slowly wade into it, like pynchon or deleuze or anything sorta difficult. the meaning will gradually take shape, like a rilke poem or something. also start with some of the later pieces.. more fun, less rigorously difficult.. and are constructed in a way less logicized and more intuitive.. mutant sentences that can bypass logic and reach down into the machinic unconscious, machines that can talk to other machines. and its supposed to be virulent.. these are parasitic ideas that seep in when your defenses are down. if none of this appeals to you, though, chuck it in the trash and move on. i don't care about philosophical rigor but on an aesthetic level i fucking love the guy: his ideas are beautifully true

>> No.14428350

also,i found the interviews with land on those podcasts Hermitix and Other Life to be helpful.. save yer attention for actually reading land and give those a passive listen