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/lit/ - Literature

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14426176 No.14426176 [Reply] [Original]

Well, can you?

Also, comment on AOC's literary taste.

>> No.14426197

Vaguely leftist liberalism

>> No.14426207

>When a sizeable chunk of potential followers abandon you for omitting Harry Potter from a favourite books list

>> No.14426208

Big standard leftist with some higher brow books she probably hasn't read

>> No.14426235

Why do you doubt it? Politicians can and probably do read more than the average joe. Im sure even Trump has read a few classics even though he appears as an anti-intellectual.

>> No.14426239

>a barista with rich parents has read the Bhagavad Gita

>> No.14426246

Jesus did she really list infinite jest

>> No.14426253
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evidently she actually read it, multiple times if this is her apartment and not a photo studio

>> No.14426269

>politicians read more
Source? And pls no self reported lists like OPs pic?

>> No.14426272

is she actually intelligent at all or was she just elected by brown people for being brown and goodlooking?

>> No.14426274

>with some higher brow books
Where lel ?

>> No.14426275

Who else will? Other people have work and family to take care of, who has tome to read foreign religous philosophy of all things. Rich kids with free time and personal pretensions (i.e. political aspirations).

>> No.14426276
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>"is the electorate stupid and swayed by race hustlers?"
555 come on now anon

>> No.14426286

More likely her neckbeard bf’s. He looks quite jested.

>> No.14426292

Are any politicians regardless of race intelligent or are they just elected by appealing to the voter base by some peripheral means?

>> No.14426294

>she probably hasn't read

and you think that only because memes from /pol/ convinced you she is stupid.

>> No.14426297

I'm hardly an antiracist but I've met intelligent mestizo women before so I'm not going to just assume she's dumb. Politicians are usually smarter than people give them credit for.

>> No.14426339

Any idiot can read a book. And what a person reads will not make them more intelligent. Books are stories and information, nothing more. What a person takes away from the books shows how intelligent they are. I have a buddy that has read thousands of books in his life. His head is full of information and ideas, but I have never seen evidence that he does any actual thinking, analysis or connecting. Judge a tree by its fruit, not by the fertilizer used.

>> No.14426340

Well, doing her the service of looking at her actual career record instead of why others say of her shows she’s actually a completely mindless ditz. So the second one

>> No.14426370

Just wanted to say this is an interesting and relevant thread that is pertinent to literature (the reading material of our societal betters should be understood) and it is a damn shame janitors will delete this thread just because it vaguely touches on a discussion of politics and women.
Shame on the foot soldiers of imperialistic ignorance

>> No.14426395

intelligence does not equal moral. AOC is decently intelligent, but her moral blindness makes her stupid. if that makes sense to you.

>> No.14426407

>why don't you like this children's fantasy book!

>> No.14426413


>> No.14426437

nice strawman. that's not at all what i meant. read a fucking book someday. i recommend sowell's books on constrained vs unconstrained visions.

>> No.14426445
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>> No.14426450

She probably browses /lit/

>> No.14426452

what a pretenious cunt.
that book shop too

>> No.14426475

Wow you're retarded

>> No.14426527

Just commenting on the ones I'm familiar with:
I have no personal interest, but The Letter from Birmingham Jail is practically the manifesto of modern activism, so it's to be expected.
Insufferable. Everything despicable about contemporary art in one garish package.
>Bhagavad Gita
It's a classic, but I'm unsure of what she's taken from it.
There goes any hope of meaningful leftist policy being implemented while she's popular
I like some of his essays, but I can't stomach Infinite Jest. He was someone who mistook his occasional cleverness for real genius.

Overall it's exactly what you'd expect, with the exception of DFW, from an educated woman of her age. Nothing special.

>> No.14426550

Clucketty clicks AOC's kitten heels
Leashed to her desk, some kinda feels

>> No.14426570


Kek, no.

>> No.14426584

Her election was caused by the demographic decline of the USA.

>> No.14426590

Go back to lolcow and leave us alone

>> No.14426603

>Infinite Jest
Postmodernism is destroying the world, and I say this sincerely. Good art influences our life and our politics in positive ways. The postmodernists are low quality which in turn makes our life and politics low quality. The postmodernists never appreciated good art, and postmodernism is making its consumers stupid.

>> No.14426623

>t. DFW

>> No.14426640

If I were actually DFW I would kill myself

>> No.14426663

He killed himself ironically, to sell more books. You just font get it.

>> No.14426666


>> No.14426670

I wish I "got" that enigmatic genius who wrote shitty books and never read any literature that was older than 100 years.

>> No.14426678

Replacing whites with blacks and browns is a decline.

>> No.14426682

Needs more classics.

>> No.14426686

Trump can't read.

>> No.14426702

>someone makes a thread
>in bursts the Nazi

Every time on 4chan. Was it always this bad?

>> No.14426704

It's the staff and their buddy lists

>> No.14426707

Stop entering Twitter screenshot threads and stop bumping these threads and you will see less of them. Anyway, I'm only bumping this one today because I want to talk shit about postmodernism and DFW.

>> No.14426742

>a bunch 20th century "classics" of bugfic and economics plus requisite ethnic religious text

this says more about her followers than her given it's just political theatre as usual but

>having to toss out an art hoe taste signal for twitter points

oh no no no no no no ahahahaha

>> No.14426794
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Seeing her convinced me that she's stupid. /pol/ only convinced me to laugh rather than cry.

>> No.14426809
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>infinite jest and DFW
He didn’t like postmodernism, he expressed surprise that people found IJ so funny, a lot of the content of the book that people think is ironic is actually sincere

>> No.14426815


go back to red.dit you homo

>> No.14426841

>Piketty's Capital
It's ridiculous how the clueless conservative retards like to paint her and people like her as Marxists when they push such blatantly anti-Marxist authors and works on every occasion.

>> No.14426847

>Also, comment on AOC's literary taste.

It's not insultingly bad

>> No.14427160

Sure but is any of it surprising or interesting?

>> No.14427266
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>> No.14427326

not that anon but it's FAR worse than Senator Ben Sasse's bookshelf

he's actually intelligent and a philosopher. AOC is literally a sophist who gets elected by scaring poor people.

>> No.14427719

But I thought women didn't like DFW anymore. I'm so confused.

>> No.14427755

Don't the Hindus have pretty problematic ideas that appealed to some pretty problematic white dudes c. 1930

>> No.14427779

Glad you approve of some of her list guy. >unsure what she’s taken from it
You are all weird as fuck

>> No.14427796


>> No.14427808

I don’t understand why it’s assumed that she doesn’t understand what she reads? No one else sees how masturbatory it is to approve of a book but not of who reads it?

>> No.14427809

>reading sowell
unironically read hitler instead you retard mongrel

>> No.14427828


>> No.14427835

Most modern readers have insufficient understandings of the books they read. You need to lurk /lit/(or your place of origin, /r/books) more if you haven't noticed this yet.

>> No.14427846

Ah but you’ve got it all figured out anon
>book good
>brown woman bad
>she must not get it

>> No.14427894

That list is pure constituent pandering. The list literally screams "Why yes, I too have taken an Intro to American Lit class, yas queen slay, vote for me and I'll delete your student loans!"

>> No.14427900
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>> No.14427901

Even DFW argued that women couldn't understand his work. There's absolutely no evidence that supports the idea that women are capable of understanding serious literature. The fact that not a single female has ever written anything of value suggests that their understanding of literature is extremely primitive.

The OP could have at least posted Ilhan Omar. At least she isn't completely braindead.

>> No.14427910

> cope

With what? The Democrats have basically handed the next election to Trump and are setup for more record losses.

>> No.14427918

Bait have sex

>> No.14427922

R-right guys?

>> No.14427945

Trump is guenonfag

>> No.14427958

Yes, it was always this bad. Hey, bud, how about you and I go back to the other site we frequent? Leave these losers behind.

>> No.14427966

In all of American history, an incumbent President has never lost when the head to head matchup polls have been this close at this point in the primary. All of the top Democrat hopefuls should be crushing him in head to head matchup polls but they aren't and in some cases they're even losing. Once Democrats actually pick a candidate the attack ads will start rolling and it will be an electoral college blowout just like it was with Hillary.

It's even worse since the DNC is going to force Biden and there will be ads on TV 24/7 of him inappropriately touching children.

>> No.14427980
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>> No.14427981

Nice strawman bro. It's clear you're either one of the people with insufficient reading comprehensions, or you're so desperate for social interaction that you're willing to pretend to be retarded.

>> No.14427995

Where’s the strawman? Do you use that every time you disagree with someone

>> No.14427998
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>> No.14428006

I want to suck on her fat retarded tits

>> No.14428011

interesTED implied he wouldn't trust anyone who didn't have Harry Potter in their favourite book list and I just made the hyperbolic sensationalist greentext to exaggerate and add humor to their implications.

>> No.14428012

Which American President has been re-elected after an impeachment? Trumps a special case in many ways.

>> No.14428017

I mean look at the other people in congress

>> No.14428019

Out of the one that wasn't in their second term already?

>> No.14428020

true, the brazilifcation is inevitable now

>> No.14428027

I wonder how Brazil feels about being the stem for a noun referring to your country falling apart

>> No.14428031

You mean to say it will have no effect at all? I’m just saying he’s got different shit going on than the incumbents you’re talking about.

>> No.14428033


>> No.14428036

sure but none of that matters now. Unless there's a massive shift in demographics 10 years ago then the fate is already sealed. Whites will become a minority around 2040 at the latest and the country will become indistinguishable from brazil

>> No.14428038
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>> No.14428039

if he's replying to you itll be Ad Homo Man

>> No.14428040

feels like home

>> No.14428042

every president is a special case in many ways. The impeachment was over something clearly bogus and partisan, and I doubt it will score any political points. When you have a congressman literally swap from democrat to republican and numerous votes against impeachment from dems you know it's a thin case

>> No.14428045
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>probably hasn't read
Projection based on your own reading habits. Not everyone just pretends to read like /lit/

>> No.14428049

I don’t think it’s as clearly bogus as you say, but certain news outlets are doing a good job of making it seem that way. His actions, if they are true, are egregiously bad

>> No.14428059

Obviously nothing will come of the impeachment and absolutely all polling indicates that the impeachment shenanigans are actually hurting Democrat candidates. Even Nancy Pelosi seems to realize this.

One nice thing about the impeachment is that Trump has been able to get a bunch of bills through with absolutely no media coverage. Since there was no media coverage, even Democrats voted for a nice extension to the Patriot Act and funding for more border cages.

>> No.14428061

that's a hard negative. His actions, if they're true, are only negative depending on his intent. I have absolutely no problem with a president routing out real corruption in foreign countries. It depends on whether he wanted it purely for political purposes, or to route out corruption. We'll never know his intent it's all moot.

>> No.14428069

Sometimes I’m almost convinced by someone on here that impeachment was for nothing, but then I remember where I am. I do wonder how it will turn out, but I don’t believe you’re giving me an accurate representation of things at all

>> No.14428076

>approve his supreme court appointments
>approve his 750 billion dollar military budget which includes a brand new military branch
>approve his border wall plan

>Meanwhile in the Rep house and the mainstream liberal media: "Muh drumpf!!! muh "hitler!!" muh "racism!!!!!"

Democrats are a bunch of hypocrites and conscious frauds.

>> No.14428080

Something that was particularly damning in my opinion was sondland’s (I think) perspective that the president only desired an announcement of an investigation from Zelensky. If anything shows that this was all for political optics, it’s that bit

>> No.14428089

>When you think they're joking but half of your followers leave you for not including Harry Potter

>> No.14428096

I'm not familiar with that but who knows if what Sondlad said was true. I read the transcript with Zelensky and it seemed perfectly fine, and it sounded like he wanted an investigation into Burisma, with good cause. It seems entirely possible (likely in my opinion) that there's some kind of corruption with Burisma and Trump getting dirt that's real corruption is fair game. If it was just peepee tapes or something I would agree with you

>> No.14428109

The Bhagavad Gita and all worldly scripture for that matter are intrinsically anti-progress. For centuries, leftists had projected their politics on scripture, particularly the Bible, and have come up with some of the most bizarre interpretations with absurd far-reaching justifications of a mental gymnast, like natural rights, Liberalism, egalitarianism, and social justice, which makes me skeptical of any take away she got from reading the Gita.

>> No.14428115

Unfortunately the testimonies (under oath) are all we have. The fact witnesses that republicans were screeching about ignored their subpoenas under orders from trump. Anyways, the transcript was just a summary from the White House. Why trust that more than testimony?

>> No.14428122

They go to Oxford

>> No.14428126

Who is a genius to you?

>> No.14428128

Its kind of obvious you only gets your news from /pol/

>> No.14428132

>egalitarianism is nowhere to be found in holy scriptures
One of the worst takes I’ve seen on this site

>> No.14428134

>Im sure even Trump has read a few classics

>Look, having nuclear—my uncle was a great professor and scientist and engineer, Dr. John Trump at MIT; good genes, very good genes, OK, very smart, the Wharton School of Finance, very good, very smart—you know, if you’re a conservative Republican, if I were a liberal, if, like, OK, if I ran as a liberal Democrat, they would say I'm one of the smartest people anywhere in the world—it’s true!—but when you're a conservative Republican they try—oh, do they do a number—that’s why I always start off: Went to Wharton, was a good student, went there, went there, did this, built a fortune—you know I have to give my like credentials all the time, because we’re a little disadvantaged—but you look at the nuclear deal, the thing that really bothers me—it would have been so easy, and it’s not as important as these lives are (nuclear is powerful; my uncle explained that to me many, many years ago, the power and that was 35 years ago; he would explain the power of what's going to happen and he was right—who would have thought?), but when you look at what's going on with the four prisoners—now it used to be three, now it’s four—but when it was three and even now, I would have said it's all in the messenger; fellas, and it is fellas because, you know, they don't, they haven’t figured that the women are smarter right now than the men, so, you know, it’s gonna take them about another 150 years—but the Persians are great negotiators, the Iranians are great negotiators, so, and they, they just killed, they just killed us.

-Traitor Trump, useful idiot

>> No.14428138

If /pol/ ever pointed out things like that, they would be right.

>> No.14428142

Trump broke the law in a couple of innocuous ways but it makes absolutely no difference because they need a super majority in the Republican controlled senate to actually remove him from office. So far they don't have a single Republican vote and Republicans en masse are saying that they will quickly dismiss it when it's brought to the senate. Pelosi isn't bringing it to the senate for now because she's know that this is what will happen. It's just another massive waste of time and resources.

>> No.14428149

All of Sondland's hearing was based on presumptions though, there was no quote where Trump claimed he didn't really want just optics

>> No.14428157

he didn't really break the law. No one claims any law was broken, just that he "abused his powers", which is an entirely nebulous term

>> No.14428168

I don’t really see checking a lawbreaking President as a waste of time. Don’t you think it’s a little bleak that you see where the law was broken but would rather sweep it under the rug than hold anyone accountable? It’s not like McConnell will let the senate vote on anything anyways. If republicans won’t vote to convict, it should at least be on the record

>> No.14428174

If only the fact witnesses hadn’t been ordered to ignore their subpoenas. Who would you like to hear from? Chances are the democrats want their testimony too, but the White House won’t allow it

>> No.14428182

It’s kind of funny. Trump broke the law a lot more by obstructing the investigation than by doing what he is actually being investigated for.

>> No.14428192

Just because you shitpost instead of reading, doesn't mean this politician hasn't read these books.

>> No.14428207

Since the alternative is currently warmongering neoliberal scumbags I'm fine with giving Trump a pass on these little transgressions.

>> No.14428214

Name me one pre-modern era scriptural text that says men are equal to women.

>> No.14428219

yes that's what they said about the Mueller investigation too. It's tiresome. You can't obstruct something if there's no crime. Not going along with their sham investigation isn't a crime and everyone knows it

>> No.14428222
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Bhagavad Gita


On the other hand, Infinite Jest is just a absolutely meme tier.

>> No.14428237

> And Adam said, This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh: she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man.
Genesis 2:23

>> No.14428240

>you can’t obstruct something if there is no crime
I see why it’s frustrating, but you will never find a lawyer that agrees with this

>> No.14428251
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The Bible says that a wife must submit to her husband, and that he is to rule over her.

>> No.14428252

Where is the justification for egalitarianism?

>> No.14428257

I feel like most of my discussions about this topic basically end up at this point, where the trump supporter says they just don’t care about the corruption. I don’t know what to say. You should ask more from the president

>> No.14428258


Regular schmoes like us might get destroyed by it but people who actually matter will never get taken down by something like that. And nor should they. Us peasants have to follow with bootlicking policies because otherwise things would get disorderly and they know that

>> No.14428261

You specifically reduced it to man and woman, which is annoying because we know of the many examples of jesus helping the poor. But that verse says to me that men and women were created from each other and are equal in gods eye. I’m not religious though

>> No.14428265

The “all powerful people are corrupt and that’s fine” thing really bothers me. They should at least have the decency to not get caught

>> No.14428270

Yeah it does say stuff like that, which is why no intelligent person looks to the Bible to inform the way a modern society should work. But when humans were created, according to the Bible, they were equal in standing. It got fucked when we started trying to form communities

>> No.14428276

All the verse says is Eve's flesh and bones came from Adam. How you can reason political equality out of that is plainly bizarre as I said above.

>> No.14428289

As far as literary figures are concerned:

>> No.14428290

>bone of my bones
>flesh of my flesh
>we’re the same
This is literature. We’re on a literature board. Use your reading comprehension

>> No.14428296

I'm not a Trump supporter. Other than immigration, I'm way to the left of anyone in either the Republican or Democrat party. For the most part, Democrats are just as corrupt, and Trump hasn't done anything even remotely close to as bad as what Obama and Hillary did in Libya, Syria and Iraq.

Most of the things Democrats are currently screeching about has also been going on for decades (including when their beloved Obama was in office).

>> No.14428304

I'm far right but would be willing to go quite left if it meant entirely ending immigration

>> No.14428309

>reads infinite jest
>Whoa! She's actually smart?!

>> No.14428310

If they were really that corrupt, they at least hid it well. The people know the details of trumps corruption now; the facade is up. Where do we go from here? It seems like you just want to ignore it?

>> No.14428324

You are the one who needs reading comprehension. X from my X does not mean they are the same, but that X came from X. Hell, the verse even states Adam called Eve woman because she CAME OUT of man, retard.

>> No.14428327

I wonder how an anti-immigration pro-union type would play with voters.

>> No.14428337

>reading everything 100% literally
Ok man

>> No.14428346

You know she is retarded don’t you?

>> No.14428364
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>Was it always this bad
Literally yes

>> No.14428379

Why would I want to give power to people that are just as corrupt but better at hiding it? Not only that but they're also violent warmongers that have proven it at every opportunity. Ask the people currently being sold into slavery in Syria and Libya how they feel about Obama/Biden/Hillary.

I don't care about enforcing the law just for the sake of it and in terms of the impeachment Trump hasn't done anything to warrant this level of scrutiny. They're trying to catch him on some irrelevant technicality and failing and wasting tens of millions of tax payer dollars in the process. I also didn't care that Bill Clinton lied under oath and thought that "impeachment process" was a huge waste of time and resources too.

>> No.14428403

It's not my fault you picked a verse that's pretty straightforward, not like I expected much from an atheist anyway.

>> No.14428454

I hate you butterfly

>> No.14428468
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>tfw no Bhagavad Gita gf

>> No.14428470

They didn’t hide it that well. The media just does anything they possibly can to cover for Democrats. God look at Solyandro. Or that fact that Big Chief Obango got caught sending tractor trailers full of military grade weapons to the cartels in Mexico. But yeah Trump paid off a whore I know

>> No.14428497

Back then it was just ironic anti-politically correct stuff.

>> No.14428503

The Bible says go back to your containment board

>> No.14428535

based poster right here

>> No.14428536


Back when I had great matted dreads and wore a hare krsna shirt, I spent a little time in the psych ward after too much acid. There was this young Indian girl resident (or whatever you call psych interns) who sat with me and instead of interviewing me sat with her clipboard and chewed the end of her pencil as we sat staring at each other like Krishna and Radha. The memory of her in her black heels makes me cum buckets. I wish I hadnt been such a cuck incel and made a move, but I didn't want to get either one of us in trouble.

>> No.14428549

All these books are literally stuff a woke hispanic liberal would read.

>> No.14428574

What, he wrote a review of dost

>> No.14428585

How the fuck do you think politics work?

>> No.14428612

How is helping the poor egalitarian?

>> No.14428622

I studied a bit in hong kong and there was an indian woman in one of my lecture classes. She would walk by me to go to the bathroom sometimes, and the pungent smell of her sweat was the most intoxicating aphrodisiac I have ever known. I would get instantly a very large 'impulse' along with a biological urge to procreate. I wish I had talked to her, but there is no use trying to change the past.

>> No.14428623

Emily Dickinson, Flannery OConner and Saint Theresa. Granted they acted just like Men but still I would put there work on a level of any Man.

>> No.14428642

Dude that is the exact kind of cunt who hangs out the hare krishna meet ups

>> No.14428643

Giving them equal opportunities

>> No.14428669

seethe harder

>> No.14428676

there is no way Trump reads. you absolute moron.

>> No.14428690


I'm going to buy new shirt. I'll get a new mala too. I have trouble cutting out the meats alcohol drugs and tobacco though ugh well maybe some dank Indian puss will change my mind.

>> No.14428718

Oh I thought you meant there's be Indian chicks at hare Krishna meetups. I only went to one and there were no chicks. I did see an Indian Loli though but her mom had dibs. It was pretty lame. Though I never actually hooked up for kirtan but I feel like I'm sort of barking up the wrong tree, looking for Indian sex at iskcon.

>> No.14428759

She's probably intelligent, but I think her politics are bad. I don't see how socialist policy can possibly work with open borders and a rich demographic who is particularly talented at both not paying taxes and exploiting tax code to their benefit. Seems like it's going to result in the working class paying for everyone's education and healthcare. Which I suppose you could argue all economic value is derived from the labor of the working class and justify it that way, but it just feels weird to me, I dunno, just one pseud's opinion

>> No.14428764

I had an Indian female friend who I was sort of drinking buddies with when we were underage. We were physics class partners and she also would wear heels in high school. We were even soccer buddies in middle school. We would go swimming at the local cliff jumping spot with her boyfriend who was years older than us(in prison now for murder). I have actually spent multiple nights with her in her bed at college, but I was always conflicted as to whether or not I was attracted to her sexually. I was young even to this day I don't know why I didn't make a move. I guess I didn't want her to go away, and I figured trying to initiate sex might end in failure and I'd lose her. Jokes on me we stopped being friends after I didn't make a move. Fuckin incel lyfe m8

>> No.14428914

He was actually railing against hyperirony before it was cool, but I agree with you Infinite Jest reads more like post modernism than a criticism of it.

>> No.14428937

I am become roastie, destroyer of chuds.

>> No.14428988

what are you on about. pol loves her.

>> No.14429031

>and goodlooking
well, anon, there's one thing I can assure you of, and it's that this wasn't the reason.

>> No.14429039

>i agree with buttertranny about something
how disgusting.

>> No.14429045

Bhagavad Gita is the only one I've read but it's a good mythological work. It has pro-war themes that I am not sure AOC would appreciate.

>> No.14429068

What if my husband is stupider than me?

>> No.14429168

impossible, women are naturally inferior to men

>> No.14429224
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>Shame on the foot soldiers of imperialistic ignorance

>> No.14429255

>Trump hasn't done anything even remotely close to as bad as what Obama and Hillary did in Libya, Syria and Iraq.

>> No.14429263

This is wrong though. She won because she challenged a rightwing Democrat the district was getting fed up with. She ran on economic hardship issues as an out “socialist”

>> No.14429275

There is literally nothing wrong with being Jewish. A lot of Bolsheviks were just refugees from Poland

>> No.14429294
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>> No.14429338

what did you read of Infinite Jest that gave you the impression that it will have or has had these effects? and to those effects, could it not be that people misunderstand the book? it seems like the new sincerity is a monsterous misunderstanding of DFW, but it'd be interesting to hear otherwise

>> No.14429345

Where would they find election money? That's the sort of platform that gets your entire party defunded.

>> No.14429348

I used to be pretty sure the George Soros stuff was a meme, now I don't think it is.

>> No.14429725

>pro-war themes
That's pretty superficial reading of the Bhagavad Gita if that's your primary take away.

>> No.14429782

tfw no super woke gf who will get all flustered when you voice an incorrect opinion

>> No.14431155

do americlaps really?

>> No.14431243


>> No.14431565

What he's saying isn't wrong though. Guy has run multiple corporations and had multiple tv shows, and the media tries to treat him like he's a literal special ed student. Meanwhile they're literally grabbing whores off the street to be journalists and television producers so that they can keep controlling the narrative that gets pushed out on mass media.

>> No.14431610
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My brother tried to get me to read bargavad gita and 100 years of solitude. I didn't read the former because I thought it was a religious book on buddhism or something, and I didnt read the latter because after starting it I didn't like its sexual content.