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/lit/ - Literature

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14424967 No.14424967[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>> No.14424977
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>> No.14424989

yeah. Odin ate semen.

There you go

>> No.14425026
File: 1.51 MB, 680x405, 130742903277.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He unironically said books are for degenerates and weaklings. Real thinkers memorize everything.

>> No.14425178

well by the looks of /lit/... he seems spot on on this one

>> No.14425201

He purity spirals pretty autistically and very rarely gives sources for any of his claims because he thinks all legitimate research is controlled by the Jews. He has fun and interesting theories about religion I suppose, but theres no reason to consider them credible.
He's only really correct in his primitivism. I wonder is he's read Uncle Ted.

>> No.14425207

I mean to some degree he's correct, those from oral traditions often have much better memory because they couldn't offload anything to written word. It's worse now, as we offload even more of our memory and other functions to our phones.
That being said writing is really useful and important.

>> No.14425209

Malevolent Hebraic fantasies.

>> No.14425232

The Chad Oral Tradition vs The Virgin Printing Press

>> No.14425380

He lets his actions do the talking for him

How many Christian churches have you burned? None? I thought so.

>> No.14425591

he's a snow nigger living off welfare living in the wood and breeding with a woman that has aspergers (he considers aspergers to be "european spiritualism" or someshit)
he is a joke

>> No.14425674

It's a shame he stopped making music

>> No.14425681

what's up with the cheap synth sounds?

>> No.14425683

he's releasing a new album

>> No.14425690

cheap equipment

>> No.14425691

sounds horrible

>> No.14425694

Does he claim disability through his wife?

>> No.14425704

That's a lie. He earns royalties from his records and sales of his tabletop RPG

>> No.14425713

Perhaps your ears are what is horrible?

>> No.14425720

yeah, he claims to take advantage of the system by getting money for his wife's high functioning autism and all the kids he has.
He's very manipulative like you'd expect and in spite of whatever they tell you he runs a borderlne cult . Very dogmatic, to the point where criticism is unacceptable, they pat themselves on the back and dismiss everything that is outside of his own cyrcle.

>> No.14425731
File: 49 KB, 749x852, 1562797900999.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello Varg, trolling /lit/ again?

>> No.14425750

Plato agreed

>> No.14425757

Nah, this is just anti-Varg lies. He still makes money off his music and his books/games are selling quite well. He's probably makes good money.

>> No.14425758
File: 68 KB, 923x713, apu dolls juden nazis jq lol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If your eyes are not blue, green or grey you are of the untermenschen. Hazel eyes he probably regards as halfbreed.

>> No.14425767

doesn't matter, he can make use of his surroundings, you amount to nothing

>> No.14425771







>> No.14425781

Socrates you mong.

>> No.14425797

Did you Socrates tell you that?

>> No.14425798

They are grey. I don't need to be a troglodyte to disagree with him or condemn his actions.

>> No.14425848

no u

still sounds horrible

>> No.14425923

not to me, it has a unique aesthetic. that it feels primordial but made with cheap electric sounds is what makes it stand out

>> No.14426281

hmm let me look up where plato says that in the dialogues that he wrote

>> No.14426868

>implying anyone plays his piece of shit game
>implying he makes enough money from black metal to sustain several kids
black metal is an underground genre that doesn't generate enough money for you to make a living off it
he is living off welfare in a foreign country, ironic, because he criticizes shitskins that do the same
a subhuman retard that wasted 20 years of his life by stabbing some 5'2'' manlet (WOW SO TOUGH)
embarassing that this is /pol/'s idol

>> No.14427038

lol does he use 4chan?

>> No.14427051

He has posted on /lit/ occasionally, and probably trolls /pol/.

>> No.14427061

>He has posted on /lit/ occasionally,


>> No.14427066

Refute what? If you like his lifestyle, more power to you. He doesn't seem to be in anyone's way, for there to be incentive to fight him.

He's still a piece of shit for all the stuff he did at young age.

>> No.14427072
File: 592 KB, 1371x1986, 1553889274571.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He's still a piece of shit for all the stuff he did at young age.
That's unironically the best Varg

>> No.14427088

Yeh, you can't just combine all the mythologies and say that's your religion

>> No.14427093

He's a neoplatonist which means he will never understand how magnets work

>> No.14427115
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Idk but he outed himself as a notorious Russophile

>> No.14427120
File: 155 KB, 500x420, ebony nibba.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He's a neoplatonist which means he will never understand how magnets work

>> No.14427128

Nope. He thinks Platonism was a kind of proto-Monotheism, did a video on that.

>> No.14427161

In fairness, his music is probably some of the most accessible black metal there is. All of the second-wave stuff is hardly underground at this point.

>> No.14427286
File: 282 KB, 250x250, 1570384654457.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so many lies in one post

>> No.14427393

Varg has more integrity than Survive the Jive (STJ). STJ's father is a Zionist Christian living in Israel as some anons previously leaked, and STJ has privately bullied a certain ethnic group who's currently on bad terms with Israel. Varg, however, has more respect for this ethnic group, even though he believes they were mongrelized to some degree. Regardless, he has made a point never to bully and harass them the way STJ did to me. I can disagree with Varg without hating him. However, I hate STJ and hope he genuinely dies in a gruesome car accident.

>> No.14427430

>certain ethnic group
Which group?

>> No.14427448


>> No.14427450

Reminder that scientists literally believe in infinity, because they think the universe is not subject to anything but itself, which means they believe on some layer of reality, their wives are being fucked by thousands, millions, trillions, an infinite amount of other men, all at the same time, forever. Who are the cucks now?

>> No.14427462

No, Varg is the beginning and the end


>> No.14427471

lol seethe harder.

>> No.14428604

None. He obviously lurks /pol/ or stormfromt though

>> No.14429418
File: 62 KB, 660x405, Bhagavan Vedavyasa Ganesha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You try memorizing everything in this kali yuga!

>> No.14429485

What’s idi te na hoi suka?

>> No.14429702
File: 108 KB, 409x409, 1577508209179.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the wagies are getting ragie when they're working overtime
the customers make you angry but you have to seem just fine
just look at the cage around you
right here on the warehouse floor
such horrible things surround you
long hours but you're still poor

stuck in your cage, stuck in your cage
boss needs a yacht when weather gets hot
so he cuts your wage
up in the store you work all day
out in the sun you slave away
work 80 hours
no time for showers
stuck in your cage

>> No.14429714
File: 33 KB, 501x333, Black_4e4baf_2956389.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does he make money form Burzum shirts? Millions of hipsters bought these.

>> No.14430072

for me, it's the reckoning of man. I had to stop listening to burzum to work out cause eventually I would just stop and stare out to the hills.

>> No.14430109

Can you be specific? Which ethnic group is that? Arabs? How did he bully them, and how did he bully you in particular? Genuinely curious, please elaborate if you can

>> No.14430119
File: 33 KB, 460x720, varg matches.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yup. Part of the reason why Autistic people are nature's noblemen born to lord over neurotypical peasants.

Even Varg acknowledges the superiority of Homo Solitus.

>> No.14430340

New wave vibe. Varg should start post punk band if he doesn't like metal anymore