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14421951 No.14421951[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Literature about opposing sides meeting in the middle?

>> No.14421959
File: 463 KB, 1574x2048, countercultural.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chapo Tranny's Guide to Revolution

>> No.14421967


>> No.14421968

But aren't they communists!? How can they make money!? OMG

>> No.14421978

>have to use capitalism to make money

>> No.14422004

crowd funding is socialism retard

>> No.14422009

>commie is poor
>commie is rich

>> No.14422012

>people privately spending their own money to support their interests is socialism

>> No.14422040

does anyone have the original? This is fanart of the "jaded 30 year olds who got used by the porn industry vs the innocent 20 years old who won't let themselves get used by the porn industry"

>> No.14422047

pornographers need to be killed

>> No.14422059
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>> No.14422062

kill your mother then

>> No.14422068

>crowdfunding is socialism
Imagine unironically believing this

>> No.14422078


>> No.14422079

baka left cant meme frankly desu senpai

>> No.14422118

>actual thought is too nuanced for my amerimut brain to consume

>> No.14422127

>trying to cram nuance into a meme
That's what books are for.

>> No.14422134

>woman breaking up with guy who is just using her
this has literaly never happened once in the entirety of human history, but yeah, so profound and nuanced!

>> No.14422137

>the stockmarket is socialism

Socialist retardation has finally come full circle

>> No.14422146


>> No.14422153

No its just gay ass moralizing

>> No.14422185

>one sentence
What board am I even on?

>> No.14422208 [DELETED] 

>he didn’t actually love me
>he just told me he loved me and then I left him on read
>and then I started talking to other guys, dated a few
>I hate incels

>> No.14422210

you're on /lit/ you fucking tard. just look at the url or the top of the page before opening your stupid fucking retard mouth. fuck. how could someone be this dumb?

>> No.14422213

>implying the trad meme isn't gay ass moralizing

>> No.14422225 [DELETED] 

It’s opposite of “gay ass”

>> No.14422247

what's the best way to find out if a girl is virgin or not without simply being creepy and asking her?

>> No.14422249

>success is bad

>> No.14422252

Virgin women dont exist anymore

>> No.14422255

Why was this deleted?

>> No.14422256

If they're attractive to you and of legal age then there is only a 0.001% chance of them being a virgin

>> No.14422262

That's not a leftist meme. It is saying that the trad girl broke off a romantic relationship because her boyfriend was in love with an idealized concept she played the role of for him rather than in love with her as a person. The trad and non-trad girls could just as soon be switched, with the trad girl asking the non-trad girl why she broke up with her boyfriend and the non-trad girl replying that he was in love with the idea of her being sexualized and transgressive rather than her as a person. The meme is actually about struggling to find love in a world in which so many people are obsessed only with the transient material and don't care about the eternal immaterial.

>> No.14422263
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Three Faces of Fascism by Ernst Nolte

>> No.14422266

What about virgin men?

>> No.14422273
File: 1.24 MB, 3024x4032, 1577193880412.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

those are plentiful and probably always have been 80/20 and all that

>> No.14422281

This is a tranny

>> No.14422282

Effectively virgins in most cases

>> No.14422284

Being a teen and dating other teens. Barring that, dating quiet, dorky girls with religious backgrounds. If you are over college age, then you will more or less be unable to find a virgin you could have a healthy and loving relationship with because they will all be too young for you. Even if you were able to land a virgin girl, however, you would just be the guy taking her virginity and become the thing you currently resent. You should love your girlfriend wholeheartedly and truly if you want to start a family with her, not obsess over her material body.

>> No.14422286
File: 359 KB, 750x748, 1577296387110.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its a self proscribed femboy
now this is a tranny

>> No.14422294

reminder that masturbation removes virginity.

>> No.14422295

Now there are some words I could steal from you and write an incoherent thesis around.

>> No.14422322
File: 252 KB, 426x426, 1570708892047.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i was planning on killing myself before i hit 30 anyway

>> No.14422338

silly kitty you can't live that long anyway

>> No.14422347

Both assertions are right.

>> No.14422394
File: 165 KB, 900x563, Perfect-Man-and-Perfect-Woman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every man is in love with the ideal woman, it is a woman's job to try to live up to that ideal, and a man's job to push her towards it.
Every woman is in love the the ideal man, it is a man's job to try to live up to that ideal, and a woman's job to push him towards it.

Gender roles are a necessity in any lasting relationship, husband and wife, mother and father, son and daughter; these are roles we all must play.

>> No.14422406


>> No.14422413

pretty sure contrapoints is also raking in at least 1M/year.

>> No.14422414
File: 48 KB, 476x510, 6200F810-A229-4513-AE2C-D18E132E6693.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Every man is in love with the ideal woman, it is a woman's job to try to live up to that ideal, and a man's job to push her towards it.
>Every woman is in love the the ideal man, it is a man's job to try to live up to that ideal, and a woman's job to push him towards it.

>> No.14422417

Perfection is not some nebulous concept of a tradwife or a transgressive goth gf, though. It is the example of Maria, who loved her child, her husband, and her God truly and wholeheartedly.

>> No.14422426

the Holy Family demonstrates that marriage is only for raising children, not for sex, or even romance.

>> No.14422431


>> No.14422432

that dude looks like he could be a chad, just needs a makeover

>> No.14422441

It is an ideal, it is the high we strive for because we know, from where we stand, it will always remain above us. But ideals are not meant to limit us from enjoying our life, only to steer us toward love

>> No.14422444

By Maria's example, we see that marriage and family life are about love and producing children. Proper sex is not a means of achieving fleeting pleasure, but a means of producing healthy babies and strengthening the holy romantic bond between two people.

>> No.14422454

are you spanish or something

>> No.14422483


>> No.14422484

celibacy is the highest ideal, romantic love is entirely a meme and probably an illusion.>>14422444
>and strengthening the holy romantic bond between two people.
bullshit, its just for making babies.

>> No.14422490

Yeah, if he took off that trilby and shaved he'd look like a chad

>> No.14422491

autism desu senpai, fucking autism

>> No.14422492

Most of the world calls her some variant of Maria or Maryam. English is unique in calling her Mary, derived from her French name Marie.

>> No.14422567
File: 295 KB, 530x352, 0F4D90FF-146F-4AEF-98A0-2C816A4D19F8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First, celibacy means abstaining from marriage
God is absolute love and absolute love is love in breakable and forever. Having sex with someone you love and plan on being with forever is the blessed life. Sex is a prayer. I wholeheartedly believe that sex is meant for communion with God, and transcendence is really about two becoming One, literally

>> No.14422572

he'd have to get rid of those autism glasses and grow out his hair, too.

>> No.14422579


>> No.14422581

sex doesn't even exist in heaven, nor does marriage, its literally just for breeding, bro.

>> No.14422589

plus you're not with the person forever, you're only with them on earth until one of you dies, so romantic love isn't unbreakable.

>> No.14422601

>Leftist meme
>Wall of text

Why do they always do this? It just guarantees normies won't spread your "meme" because normies don't read.

How is a wall of whiny text going to compete with videos of cats and niggers licking ice cream and putting it back?

>> No.14422611

You belong to nature, and like nature, you belong to sin you will die, forever. Whereas lovers belong to Spirit, and heaven is a place on Earth.
t. Hegel

>> No.14422620

bro, you just posted heresy...

>> No.14422626

You don’t need to meme people into being on the left because it’s already in their own interest. It’s the right wing that is constantly fearmongering to keep boomers and racist hicks voting for Israel.

>> No.14422629

Agree on the hair, but the glasses are fine
He'd look even better without them, but his looks are good enough that he doesn't have to remove them

>> No.14422634

sex is about dominance, assertion and relief.

>> No.14422635
File: 12 KB, 412x295, 1559712379935.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Chapo Trap House fans are obsessed with the tradwife Wojak

There's some kind of lesson here but I can't quite figure out what.

>> No.14422636

Some leftist ideology is fine. Socialism is unironically based when combined with nationalism. It's opening the borders to let in massive hordes of subhumans who break it. You can't mass import people who consume more than they produce and then somehow get a net economic gain.

>> No.14422646

>Socialism is unironically based when combined with nationalism

>> No.14422650

I agree, sex is about the dominance, assertion and relief of love. When it’s not, its less than nothing.

>> No.14422651

>muh immigration :(
Case in point you are the victim of a Koch brothers psyop

>> No.14422654

tradwife wojak is a personification of setting a standard for women which 99% of them can't live up to. in the mind of a soicuck it's too bold and borderline audacious to demand stuff from women because remember, she doesn't owe you anything, incel!

>> No.14422663
File: 39 KB, 768x768, 74270531_155963085794188_7531353276705406976_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes,clearly a koch brothers psyop

>> No.14422668

How did those antifa losers beat the Nazis so badly that Spencer is terrified of leaving his house

>> No.14422673

I'm normally 199 IQ, but really high now. Barely could follow up what this "meme" was about.
I think it's not leftists being totally pathetic at making memes, it's just that leftist "memes" are so againts Gods and nature, that it's impossible to short and straight to the point.

>> No.14422675

that spencer donkey punch is really the only claim to fame you clowns have.

>> No.14422695

When was the last Nazi rally in the us? 2017?

>> No.14422703
File: 36 KB, 464x286, 1524829795337.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You don’t need to meme people into being on the left because it’s already in their own interest

>> No.14422714
File: 71 KB, 1080x1080, 1_asoM1pRAVSVAVamnWrQpcQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what's the best way to find out if a girl is virgin or not without simply being creepy and asking her?
Be Muslim.

>> No.14422738

I imagine that the doxxing is more effective than the coubterprotest.

>> No.14422758

You pretend I can't just look outside and see all the homeless beaners and beaner criminals and beaners filling up the welfare offices. Koch's are also big supporters of open borders because they want cheaper labor. They explicitly want them to depress wages domestically.

We are not all equal, tabula rasa is Lysenkoist nonsense.

>> No.14422787

>it's just that leftist "memes" are so againts Gods and nature, that it's impossible to short and straight to the point.
this is exactly it. they worship the prince of lies and thus everything they believe and value is a lie. so in order to propagate their beliefs, they need to lie to you. the truth merely is. it does not need an elaborate scaffold of sophistry to make itself look good.

>> No.14422798

its not even that, its that trump killed our energy by being a cuck faggot who didn't get a goddamn thing done. we lost our leader. any right-wing group needs a leader to be effective

>> No.14422822

trad yuri makes my cock hard

>> No.14422843

Trump got plenty done.
He gave Israel billions of dollars
He gave Israel the Golan Heights
He gave Israel preferential treatment in the F35 program
He moved the embassy to Israel
Haha MIGA!

>> No.14422891

The left (liberals and progressives with the occasional “””socialist”””) can’t meme because their transgressive potential has been mostly removed by their hegemonic control of culture (commie autists can seethe about this, i’m not talking about you).Leftist memes have been relegated to nothing but restatements of liberal platitudes that you learn in American public school and on late night TV. Right-wing memes are more successful because they seek to “reveal” rather than “tell” the truth, and this orientation towards truth better suits the meme medium

>> No.14422922
File: 140 KB, 602x550, ED0FBE75-C3F6-4025-A165-CEE474D8DFAF.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Right-wing memes are more successful because they seek to “reveal” rather than “tell” the truth

>> No.14422969

>Even if you were able to land a virgin girl, however, you would just be the guy taking her virginity and become the thing you currently resent.

Not if I do it as a part of our wedding ceremony.

>> No.14422985

>as a part of our wedding ceremony.
dude! you don't do that during the ceremony!

>> No.14422994

paganism is left-wing

>> No.14422997

? I thought they were funnier because they dont try as hard and there isnt some lesson or moral being pushed on you. The absurdity of a cartoon frog smoking a fat stogie and saying fuck niggers is simple but just wraps up nicely. Leftoid absurd memes are all over the place

>> No.14423005


>> No.14423050

there are two types of right wing meme. 1. the kind that are just funny. 2. the kind that are to mess with liberals.
there is only one kind of liberal meme and they revolve around trying to "debunk" the right wing. they cannot come up with original material, it always has to be against some other thing . and they call us the reactionaries.

>> No.14423086

Liberal memes are literally "everything the average person thinks".

>> No.14423105

This is proof of my claim. This meme isn’t telling you what is right it’s just associating Christianity with some things that some people might find undesirable. Obviously right memes push you towards a certain interpretation of truth, they just do it in a teasing as opposed to preaching way

>> No.14423111

This is all unironically true.

>> No.14423144

paganism transcends politics.

>> No.14423198

>having such a shallow experience
The material world is one of separation and the spiritual one of union. You are with that person forever as you are with everyone forever as all is one, sex enables us to experience this union in the material plane though there are better methods.

>> No.14423230

Modern day leftism is only in the interests of the middle classes since they are typically very disconnected from the poor and want to flood the market with low skilled immigrants.

>also Israel bad meme
When are you going to realise that both sides are awful and Palestine will never accept peace.

>> No.14423241

Right wing memes are definitely moralizing and propagandistic but they don’t appear as such because the cultural right is basically non-existant. The right doesn’t need walls of text to get a message across when the message can be extrapolated from a word like nigger or faggot alone. This allows for more concise memes

>> No.14423249

>though there are better methods.
please list them

>> No.14423253

Communism is incapable with reality so anything you do irl is hypocritical

>> No.14423255

>Eastern Europeans suddenly all keen on letting in millions of Russians because they are Christian

>> No.14423324

Meditation is best but it can also be experienced through things like yoga, pray, dancing, charity work (self-less actions). The key is to do them consciousnessly whilst letting the self dissolve (these sound contradictory and that's because they are, you are unionising the opposing sides (yin/yang)). This is also how one should approach sex.

>> No.14423361
File: 111 KB, 736x1110, 1519506492651.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Meditation is best but it can also be experienced through things like yoga, pray, dancing, charity work (self-less actions).
So no DMT/psilocybin/xtc/lsd with a qt female girl who you only feel nonsexual romantic attraction for while you both hold each other and instead steaming clothes with welfare recipients in charity shops?

>> No.14423392

Aristotle's metaphysics, unironically

>> No.14423406

They are methods but drug induced experiences are always fleeting which is why many people continue to push the envelope to grasp at the experience.

>> No.14423433
File: 23 KB, 366x220, 76BDBB8F-CEBD-4567-A140-391BCAB8D37D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The hot and passionate FUCKING that takes place between a man and woman who love and adore each other is the the ultimate experience toward the absolute. When sex becomes another chapter in your biology book, another simulated character in your shadow play in your lonely cave, then it becomes just one among many “methods”.
Sex is not a method, it’s a portal by which you me and everyone you know came into existence. It’s everything. Men and women think about sex constantly because they hunger to return to the Lord, to become one in body and soul,