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14421066 No.14421066[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

what do i read to destroy marxists, postmodernists, and liberals?

>> No.14421073
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Oh, conservatives and libertarians as well.
They're a bunch of pansies.

>> No.14421079

20th century marxists

>> No.14421090

reevaluate your life and find something productive to do

>> No.14421092

Nothing. Marxists and Postmodernists were right about everything.

>> No.14421093

Meme word created by capitalist technophiles

>> No.14421102
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I guarantee you this one will trigger the libshits like nothing else.

>> No.14421114

Read Marxist theory to destroy postmodernists and liberals

>> No.14421127

>Postmodernist and liberals?
Read marx
You can't. Everything after him is either marxist or too brainlet to understand him.

>> No.14421134

>marxists, postmodernists
probably need to actually read Marx if you're conflating these two things

>> No.14421139
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Access to the button and key-codes.
Which frighteningly enough is exactly the kind of thing they want.

>> No.14421141
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I've heard marx hated blackies and mexicoons too.
Is that true?
I'm clearly not conflating them if there is a comma in between them

>> No.14421160 [DELETED] 
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>> No.14421177

Back to /leftypol/ (or wherever, doesn’t really matter), tranny

>> No.14421183

If you have to "destroy" them you already lost by entering their frame.

>> No.14421194

then how about: find something else to do besides arguing on the internet

>> No.14421195

I don't think he would hate on nigs, since race theory is unscientific and very far away from class analysis. But I don't know for sure, maybe back when it wasn't refuted it could have had an influence. In any case it would be irrelevant since it holds no place in his main works.
But he would definitely hate on idpol and snowflakes, both left and right.

>> No.14421202
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>since race theory is unscientific

>> No.14421206

You hate the world too, don’t you?
You are one of them. Go meet your maker.

>> No.14421207


>> No.14421210


>> No.14421211

I argue on the internet to strengthen my views and not be caught in an echo chamber.

My end game is to radicalize incel zoomers and use them as my personal army.

>> No.14421215


>> No.14421232

it is anime fuckhead. read something other than your dumb mangos for once in your life

>> No.14421253

>unironic lysenkoism

>> No.14421255
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This an anime website.
I don't watch animoo or read mangos but it's part of the culture of the website.

>> No.14421278
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You should start to doubt when its only common conclusion is that its okay to hate niggers. Everything outside of that is either contradictory or a cause for infighting.

Meanwhile the best way to keep people in their countries ( and outside yours) is marxism-leninism.

>> No.14421288

Ho-hum. Another shitpost.

>> No.14421293 [DELETED] 


>> No.14421308


Butterfly, how important is this site to you?

>> No.14421315
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pic related will call down the deadites upon your enemies

>> No.14421320
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The conclusion isn't to hate niggers dumbass. Everyone who accepts "scientific racism" also accepts that chinks and kikes score higher than them when it comes to IQ tests.
Both commies and fascists abhorred IQ tests. The latter thought they were "Jewish" and Hitler specifically hated them because Prussian kids would consistently score lower.

Why do you think two sub groups of humans, geographically isolated from eachother for hundreds of thousands of years would evolve differently in many ways but still have the exact same intellectual capacity? Absolute horseshit.

Who sees a group of people that aren't intelligent and think "Oh i hate them and they should be exterminated!!!"
Literally only meme nazis, and they themselves should be exterminated.

I'd also like to address this point:
>durrrr iq isn't useful for determining intelligence
Yes you're right it's useful and accurate for determining retardation. Which half of sub-saharan africa is, and black americans score one standard deviation below the average.

>> No.14421359 [DELETED] 

Wew lad

>> No.14421366
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>> No.14421389

Never read guenon or the traditionalists but I'm intrigued. Does he discuss marxism?

>> No.14421940 [DELETED] 


>> No.14421977

>what do i read to destroy marxists
Schumpter. Even as a desciple of Marx his work tore up most of what Marx wrote.

>> No.14422102

All at once? Hoppe, I guess, as long as you don't mind him being kind of crazy

>> No.14422778 [DELETED] 


>> No.14422793


You read Marx and Derrida and you BTFO them yourself.

If you can BTFO the giants themselves how will the pseuds that know only a smidge of their theory be able to stand against you?

>> No.14422825
File: 75 KB, 625x612, A0995FD9-1EFE-46AB-8882-876F65780DFA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>race theory is unscientific
Nationalism and favouring one’s own ethnic group is supported by kin altruism, an extremely fundamental behaviour to life. More supremacist types of racism can be given some basis in evolutionary (micro as well as macro before autistic guenonfags start pissing themselves from sheer retardation) biology.

>> No.14422830


>Implying postmodernism didn't grow out of Marxism

Marxism : the value we ascribe to different kinds of labor should be equal (also we should stiff/kill those at the top, because lol, jealousy desu)
Postmodernism(in literature i.e. Roland Barthes) : the true value of a work is subjective, all interpretation of said work are equal so the value is indeterminable (this automatically stiffs those at the top because, lol now your masterpiece is equal to my incoherent gibberish because reasons)

Yep, completely different ideas, not related at all.

Yep, totally different.

>> No.14422853

how do you make the leap from a descriptive statement to a prescriptive one? just because it exists (allegedly), doesn't qualify it to become ought to be reinforced.

>> No.14422865

You can't destroy those who are right.

>> No.14422877

Yes I can

>> No.14422879

Liberals? Puh-lease

>> No.14422884
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I feel like Spartacus.

>> No.14422888

Exactly, and this is why the left is winning. Rightism requires ignorance of what they react against, to actively discourage exploration of alternative ideas. The left thrives on it.

>> No.14422894

It’s a board for books. Not singular books of religion.

>> No.14422907

>yeah bro, class analysis is totally scientific, also if you disagree with it's axioms you're just brainwashed by burgoise 'science'.

>> No.14423199


>> No.14423210



>> No.14423212

Do you have any alternative lens to analyze historical progress through?